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浅谈污水厂污泥堆肥化技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵鹏  吴星五 《四川环境》2005,24(3):41-43
堆肥化技术是使污水厂污泥达到稳定化和无害化的一种经济而有效的手段。目前常用的污泥堆肥化系统可以划分为:条垛系统,强制通风静态垛系统和发酵槽系统。为了加快微生物对污泥中有机物的降解转化,提高处理能力,可对以下因素进行控制:C/N比,含水率,空隙率,温度和通风。在判定污泥堆肥腐熟上,建议采用与氮有关的参数如氨氮、亚硝酸和硝酸盐氮等作为污泥堆肥一般性熟化判定指标。  相似文献   

通过在园林废弃物堆肥中添加不同比例污泥进行混合堆肥实验,研究堆肥过程中温度、pH值等指标变化情况,探究堆肥产物应用于绿化行业的可行性。研究发现:园林废弃物堆肥中添加一定量的污泥,能优化堆肥环境,堆肥效果较好;比例适宜的混合堆肥表现出升温速度、高温期时间、腐熟效率、安全性等方面具有一定优势;目前我国园林废弃物资源化比例较低,混合堆肥产物可作为土壤改良基质进行土地利用,实现资源化利用,促进园林绿化产业发展。  相似文献   

进行猪粪和奶牛粪自然高温堆肥发酵,分别在15、25、35、50 d取样,获得了不同腐熟程度堆肥产物,分别进行了小白菜和香瓜种子发芽与田间应用试验,以期获得不同腐熟堆肥在蔬菜上施用的农学效应,旨在从堆肥农田施用的农学效应角度,为制订堆肥腐熟度标准提供科学依据。结果表明:牛粪堆肥过程中的最高温度高于猪粪,且高温期也长于猪粪;两种处理在35d有机碳含量均显著降低,全氮含量为先降低后升高趋势;两种堆肥在35d后,均达到无害化标准。不同腐熟程度堆肥对小白菜株高和主根长及香瓜苗重和主根长均没有明显抑制作用,对小白菜和香瓜出苗率、根系活力及小白菜单株鲜重和生物产量影响较大,尤其是猪粪腐熟25d,奶牛粪腐熟15d的堆肥表现出显著抑制作用。将堆肥理化参数与小白菜、香瓜生长指标进行相关分析表明:pH值、全氮含量和C/N这3种指标均与小白菜和香瓜各项生物性状无显著相关性;有机碳和DOC与各项生物性状指标均表现出显著或极显著相关性;铵/硝与小白菜和香瓜的GI和根系活力均表现极显著或显著的相关性,其结果与现行的堆肥腐熟度指标并不一致。因此,在制订堆肥腐熟度标准时,应关注堆肥产物农田施用后不同作物所表现出的不同农学效应。  相似文献   

粪便高温堆肥及其施用效果研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文综述了国内外高温堆肥系统的堆肥条件、调控方法、堆肥腐熟度指标以及农田施用效果的研究进展。尽管畜禽粪便是有机肥料的主要来源,但是其携带的大量病原菌、寄生虫卵和有毒物质是影响畜禽粪便农田利用的主要原因。好氧堆肥的主要目的是杀灭粪便中携带的有害病菌和寄生虫卵,将原料中的高分子经过微生物分解为稳定的物质。如何选择堆肥腐熟度指标和利用这些指标是判定堆肥稳定与否的重要条件。最终达到合理施用有机肥、提高作物品质、改善土壤环境质量条件的目的。  相似文献   

文章分析了我国城市生活垃圾堆肥陷入滞销困境多年的原因,指出摆脱这一困境的技术途径是要大幅度提高堆肥品质。而要实现这一目标,首先必须引进先进的堆肥翻堆技术,缩短腐熟时间,提高腐熟度;其次是应用气流密度分选系统对粗堆肥进行精分选。  相似文献   

施用污泥堆肥对滩涂土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
污泥堆肥中富含有机质营养成分,可改良土壤,同时要防止重金属和病原菌等可能引起的污染。为评价污泥堆肥作为土壤改良基质的可能性,本试验系统进行了上海曲阳水质净化厂污泥堆肥/滩涂土混配土的理化性质分析。研究结果表明,污泥堆肥与滩涂土混配后,土壤pH、电导率、阳离子交换量等理化指标得到改善;营养得到补充,肥力提高明显;混配土中未见病原菌污染问题,污泥堆肥施加比例控制在30%(干重计)以内时,也不存在重金属污染风险,混配土可以满足农用要求。  相似文献   

通过对污泥堆肥发酵仓和目光温室的研究,提出目光温室型污泥堆肥发酵仓的设计原则和参数。为我国污泥堆肥产业的发展提供了一种适合国情的技术选择。  相似文献   

蚯蚓堆肥过程会对重金属迁移转化进行调整,从而改变重金属在污泥中的形态。对蚯蚓堆肥过程中污泥中重金属浓度、形态的变化趋势进行归纳,提出了蚯蚓堆肥过程中影响重金属行为的因子,对调理剂作用于蚯蚓堆肥污泥中重金属的效果进行了说明,同时,对蚯蚓堆肥后污泥的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

介绍了我国污泥堆肥(生物干化)项目臭气治理现状,指出除臭问题是制约污泥堆肥技术推广应用的关键。对比各种除臭技术,分析了污泥堆肥臭气成分和除臭机理,得出结论:化学生物组合除臭工艺与植物液除臭工艺相结合是适合污泥堆肥项目的选择。最后介绍了除臭系统设计选型的主要参数,指出在污泥处理工艺设计中考虑除臭系统可节省投资和运行成本。  相似文献   

唐山西郊污水处理厂污泥堆肥工程是中国第一座市政污泥堆肥工程,其与之后陆续建造的唐山西郊污水处理二厂污泥堆肥工程和唐山市城市污泥无害化处置工程,形成了目前我国唯一完全采用国产技术的污泥堆肥项目群,代表了各个时期我国的污泥堆肥发展水平,为行业纵向对比研究提供了范例。文章介绍了上述项目的背景、概况和技术特点,并对主要技术数据进行了对比分析;介绍了污泥有机肥农地实验应用情况及跟踪监测数据;指出该项目群对我国污泥堆肥事业的重要贡献。  相似文献   

Increasing amounts of animal and municipal wastes are being composted before land application to improve handling and spreading characteristics, and to reduce odor and disease incidence. Repeated applications of composted biosolids and manure to cropland may increase the risk for P enrichment of agricultural runoff. We conducted field research in 2003 and 2004 on a Fauquier silty clay loam (Ultic Hapludalfs) to compare the effects of annual (since 1999) applications of composted and uncomposted organic residuals on P runoff characteristics. Biosolids compost (BSC), poultry litter-yard waste compost (PLC), and uncomposted poultry litter (PL) were applied based on estimated plant-available N. A commercial fertilizer treatment (CF) and an unamended control treatment (CTL) were also included. Corn (Zea mays L.) and a cereal rye (Secale cereal L.) cover crop were planted each year. We applied simulated rainfall in fall 2004 and analyzed runoff for dissolved reactive P (DRP), total dissolved P (TDP), total P (TP), total organic C (TOC), and total suspended solids (TSS). End of season soil samples were analyzed for Mehlich-3 P (M3P), EPA 3050 P (3050P), water soluble P (WSP), degree of P saturation (DPS), soil C, and bulk density. Compost treatments significantly increased soil C, decreased bulk density, and increased M3P, 3050P, WSP, and DPS. The concentration of DRP, TDP, and TP in runoff was highest in compost treatments, but the mass of DRP and TDP was not different among treatments because infiltration was higher and runoff lower in compost-amended soil. Improved soil physical properties associated with poultry litter-yard waste compost application decreased loss of TP and TSS.  相似文献   

通风条件对城市污水厂污泥好氧堆肥过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选择堆肥熟料作为添加剂与城市污水厂污泥混合进行好氧堆肥。通过对温度、耗氧速率、有机物、含水率、pH值和氨氮等指标的分析,重点研究了不同通风条件对堆肥过程的影响。实验结果表明,污泥与熟料混合后,有机物含量较低,堆肥速率较快,对通风条件的改变比较敏感。当通风量低于0.025m3/(m3.min)时,堆肥前期系统供氧不足,堆肥速率较慢,耗时长,同时堆体内变为厌氧环境,pH值变低,臭气产生量高;当通风量高于0.05m3/(m3.min)以及采用变风量通风时,在保证供氧量充足的同时,具有较长的高温期,具有臭气产生量小、堆肥速率快的优点,但采用变风量通风更加节能。  相似文献   

Interaction of Cu with dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important physicochemical process affecting Cu mobility in soils. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of DOM from anaerobically digested dewatered sludge and sludge compost on the sorption of Cu on an acidic sandy loam and a calcareous clay loam. In the presence of DOM, Cu sorption capacity decreased markedly for both soils, especially for the calcareous soil. The Cu sorption isotherms could be well described by the Freundlich equation (r2 = 0.99), and the binding intensity parameter of soils in the presence of sludge DOM was lower than compost DOM. An increase in DOM concentration significantly reduced the sorption of Cu by both soils. Within the Cu and DOM concentration range studied, the decrease in Cu sorption caused by sludge DOM was consistently greater than that of compost DOM. This might be attributed to the greater amount of hydrophobic fraction of DOM in the compost. Moreover, the reduction of Cu sorption caused by DOM was more obvious in the soil with higher pH. In addition, the sorption of Cu increased with an increase in pH for both soils without the addition of DOM, while Cu sorption in the presence of DOM was unexpectedly decreased with an increase in pH at a pH >6.8. This implied that DOM produced by sludge or other C-enriched organic wastes heavily applied on calcareous soils might facilitate the leaching loss of Cu because of the formation of soluble DOM-metal complexes.  相似文献   

污泥土地利用中重金属铜污染地下水的潜在风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在通过土柱淋溶实验来研究堆肥污泥土地利用后重金属铜的溶出性,以及对地下水的影响。结果表明:与去离子水相比,模拟酸雨(pH=4.5)会使土壤中Cu的淋溶强度增加,并更能促使其向下迁移。经长期淋溶后发现,淋出液中铜的浓度呈现有起伏的递减趋势,最高峰浓度达到0.0702mg/L,远低于地下水Ⅲ类标准(1.0mg/L),污泥土地利用后Cu对地下水的污染风险较小。  相似文献   

The reestablishment of autochthonous plant species is an essential strategy for recovering degraded areas under semiarid conditions. A field experiment was carried out to assess the short-term effect of two reafforestation methods involving mycorrhizal inoculation and compost addition on soil quality parameters and Rhamnus lycioides seedling growth. The nutrient content (NPK) and enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, urease, protease-BAA, acid phosphatase and beta-glucosidase) increased and bulk density decreased in the rhizosphere soil with the organic amendment. Biomass C of rhizosphere soil increased by at least 240% with respect to the control soil after mycorrhizal inoculation and the combination of compost addition + mycorrhizal inoculation. Both mycorrhizal inoculation and composted organic residue addition increased R. lycioides seedling growth in the same proportion. In the short term, we conclude that the application of both reafforestation methods not only enhances the establishment of R. lycioides seedlings, but also improves soil quality.  相似文献   

Treatment and reuse of sewage sludge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sewage sludge was treated using composting, fixed-bed and stirred anaerobic digesters. The treatment performance in terms of the physico chemical parameters, bacterial indicators and pathogenic forms were assessed. In addition, the biogas production rate was recorded in the case of anaerobic digesters. Composting of the sewage sludge increased its total solids from 39 to 93% after 6 weeks, while the reduction in organic matter was 40% and the total nitrogen and phosphorus contents increased by 22 and 30%, respectively. Complete removal of salmonellae and faecal coliforms occurred, so that the composted sludge could be used as a soil conditioner and fertilizer. The results of the anaerobic treatment indicated that an organic load of 4.8kg COD m–3 per day achieved the best operating conditions for either the stirred or fixed-bed digester. The mean percentage removals of COD, BOD, faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci and the biogas production rate for the stirred digester were 53, 53, 24 and 29% and 259 L kg–1 COD per day, respectively. The corresponding mean percentage removals and production rate for the experiments with a fixed-bed digester were 61, 62, 33 and 35% and 328 L kg–1 COD per day, respectively. Improvements in the BOD and faecal coliform reductions and the gas production rate of 17, 38 and 21%, respectively, were achieved due to the presence of media (Berl saddles) in the fixed-bed digester. The microbial content of the anaerobically treated sludge is too high to be used as a fertilizer, while that of the composted sludge is low enough for such use.  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum (PG), a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry, reduces N losses when added to composting livestock manure, but its impact on greenhouse gas emissions is unclear. The objective of this research was to assess the effects of PG addition on greenhouse gas emissions during cattle feedlot manure composting. Sand was used as a filler material for comparison. The seven treatments were PG10, PG20, PG30, S10, S20, and S30, representing the rate of PG or sand addition at 10, 20, or 30% of manure dry weight and a check treatment (no PG or sand) with three replications. The manure treatments were composted in open windrows and turned five times during a 134-d period. Addition of PG significantly increased electrical conductivity (EC) and decreased pH in the final compost. Total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), and mineral nitrogen contents in the final composted product were not affected by the addition of PG or sand. From 40 to 54% of initial TC was lost during composting, mostly as CO(2), with CH(4) accounting for <14%. The addition of PG significantly reduced CH(4) emissions, which decreased exponentially with the compost total sulfur (TS) content. The emission of N(2)O accounted for <0.2% of initial TN in the manure, increasing as compost pH decreased from alkaline to near neutral. Based on the total greenhouse gas budget, PG addition reduced greenhouse gas emissions (CO(2)-C equivalent) during composting of livestock manure by at least 58%, primarily due to reduced CH(4) emission.  相似文献   

Environmental impacts of composting poultry litter with chemical amendments at the field scale have not been well quantified. The objectives of this study were to measure (i) P runoff and (ii) forage yield and N uptake from small plots fertilized with composted and fresh poultry litter. Two composting studies, aerated using mechanical turning, were conducted in consecutive years. Composted litter was collected at the completion of each study for use in runoff studies. Treatments in runoff studies included an unfertilized control, fresh (uncomposted) poultry litter, and litter composted with no amendment, H3PO4, alum, or a microbial mixture. An additional treatment, litter composted with alum plus the microbial mixture, was evaluated during the first year. Fertilizer treatments were applied at rates equivalent to 8.96 Mg ha(-1) and rainfall simulators were used to produce a 5 cm h(-1) storm event. Composted poultry litter, regardless of treatment, had higher total P concentrations than fresh poultry litter. Composting poultry litter resulted in reductions of N/P ratios by as much as 51%. Soluble reactive P concentrations were lowest in alum-treated compost, which reduced soluble P concentrations in runoff water by as much as 84%. Forage yields and N uptake were greatest from plots fertilized with fresh poultry litter. Composting poultry litter without the addition of C sources can increase P concentrations in the end product and surface runoff. This study also indicated that increased rates of composted poultry litter would be required to meet equivalent N rates supplied by fresh poultry litter.  相似文献   

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