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基于层次分析法的城市环境绩效评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用压力-状态-响应(PSR)概念模型,初步建立了城市环境绩效评估指标体系,并结合层次分析法(AHP)对各个评价因子的权重进行了确定和判断。将上述理论应用于扬州市,以环境绩效指数(EPI)的大小来反映环境质量状况,对扬州市2006年到2009年环境质量进行了评价。  相似文献   

文章阐述了现有环境绩效计量模型的不足,分析统计了国内外有关环境绩效评价的研究成果及手册、指南和法规中高频指标,在此基础上结合环境指标和财务指标建立了资源企业环境绩效评价体系,运用层次分析法和模糊数学的方法对兰花科创进行实证研究,得出其综合评价结果为82.558分,应控制用水量和减少烟尘的排放。以期将企业为环境所作的贡献量化,促进可持续发展战略在企业的具体实践。  相似文献   

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires that an Environmental Impact Statement (FIS) be prepared whenever a federal action is considered that could result in a significant impact on the environment. Such actions include the issuance of construction or operating licenses for nuclear facilities and power plants, hydroelectric dams, or the diversion of water from rivers and lakes. An EIS is usually required if federal funds are involved. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Council for Environmental Quality have developed guidelines and regulations for the preparation of an EIS.An EIS is not a scientific report. It is a legal document whose primary function is its use by decision-making agencies in approving or not approving the proposed federal action. The EIS is also used to inform the public and other government agencies of the environmental impacts of the proposed facility. The NEPA process allows public input into the decision-making process. An EIS should be short and concise, analytical, conclusory, be written for a non-technical audience, discuss the pros and cons of the proposed facility, and examine the impacts of all alternatives to the proposed action. The EIS should identify all adverse environmental impacts that cannot be avoided. The conclusions reached in the EIS should be clearly stated and supported by discussions and data in the text and by references to show that the agency has made the necessary analyses.The paper discusses the purpose and contents of these documents and the environmental procedures used in the U.S.A., especially as they relate to nuclear power plants.  相似文献   

环境经济评价在规划环评中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境经济评价是联系环境系统和经济系统的桥梁,把环境经济评价应用于规划环评中,实现了对规划方案的环境影响的经济价值表征,为最终决策提供服务和支持,真正提高了环评对规划可行性的决策作用。本文结合环境经济评价的理论和实践特点,通过对中国规划环评区别于项目环评的特征的把握,从理论和实践角度阐述环境经济评价在规划环评中的具体应用,并提出应用过程中的几点关键问题。  相似文献   

Waternet (formerly Amsterdam Water Supply) has been seeking a sustainable scenario for producing drinking water and offering services that fulfill the requirements of clients and regulations, and, at the same time, maintains a sound environmental performance while keeping costs as low as possible. Presently, the company is in the process of evaluating alternatives for the treatment of water that cause the least financial and environmental impacts. The quantification of these impacts, for the current conditions, was carried out in earlier investigations. However, until now, the water quality aspect was not yet considered.In order to include this water quality aspect into the financial and environmental assessment, a quality function was constructed created by comparing water quality parameter values for a current and an alternative treatment process. Four qualifications were assigned to the sum of these scores: “Worse”, “Same”, “Better” and “Much better”. The qualifications allowed the comparison of the water quality and the financial and environmental impacts of the selected alternatives using a graphical representation of them.The method was applied focusing on the environmental and financial assessment of six alternative processes for the Loenderveen–Weesperkarspel treatment line, and including the quality aspect, as a third parameter for comparison.  相似文献   

开展规划环评是控制城市发展及工业发展进程中环境影响的一项重要手段,不仅对工业规划要进行环评,还要对综合性规划以及专项发展规划进行环评,从规划的大方向上来控制可能发生的环境风险,在源头预防环境污染和生态破坏。以《哈尔滨市综合交通发展规划环境影响报告书》为例,分析了交通规划实施所存在的环境影响、资源限制性因素,提出规划调整建议,为其他城市综合性交通规划环境评价应包含的内容等提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Environmental vulnerability analysis has been sparsely used in environmental performance evaluation (EPE) of technological innovations. The present paper proposes a methodological approach to carry out vulnerability analysis of watersheds and to integrate this analysis into methods of environmental performance evaluation of agro-industrial innovations. This approach is applied to the Ambitec-Life Cycle method, described in Part 1 (this issue) of this study. The case study of green coconut substrate compared to ripe coconut substrate, also described in Part 1 (this issue), is now presented considering the vulnerability analysis of the watersheds where the life cycle stages of these products occur. The integration of vulnerability analysis in Ambitec-Life Cycle contributes to a better understanding of the environmental aspects of agro-industrial technological innovations with potential to cause significant impacts in watersheds where these innovations are implemented.  相似文献   

The measurement of environmental impact through composite indexes provides information about the effects of human activities on the ecosystem. Over recent years proposals regarding the environmental composite indexes (ECI) have emerged, suggesting that they can be used to help in decisions about public policies. Due the number of these indicators, issues arise about the asymmetry of information provided, although all ECI seek to measure ecosystem quality or damage. The present paper compares the Composite Index of Environmental Performance (CIEP) (García-Sánchez et al., 2015) and the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) (Hsu et al., 2014) in order to find convergent and divergent characteristics, studying methodological aspects and empirical evidence through statistical analysis, in order to favour the decision-making by stakeholders and to improve the existing ECI in order to determine adequately the environmental impact. The results show that the indexes were developed using different methods and variables, however, they share around 20% identical variables. Despite these differences, the rate of variation in ranking countries between the indexes is 21%, on average. The EPI policy category ‘water & sanitation (effects on humans)’ has two common variables and explains part of the CIEP performance. The effect dimension of the CIEP has one more identical variable and it reduces the individual variation between rank positions.  相似文献   

It is not known to what extent the outcome of studies assessing the environmental impacts of agricultural systems depends on the characteristics of the evaluation method used. The study reported here investigated five well-documented evaluation methods (DIALECTE, Ecological Footprint, Environmental Management for Agriculture, FarmSmart, Life Cycle Assessment) by applying them to a case study of three pig farm scenarios. These methods differ with respect to their global objective (evaluation of impact versus evaluation of adherence to good practice), the number and type of environmental issues they consider, the way they define the system to be analysed, the mode of expression of results (for the farm as a whole, per unit area or per unit product) and the type of indicators used (pressure, state or impact indicators). The pig farm scenarios compared were conventional good agricultural practice (GAP), a quality label scenario called red label (RL) and organic agriculture (OA). We used the methods to rank the three scenarios according to their environmental impacts. The relative ranking of the three scenarios varied considerably depending on characteristics of the evaluation method used and on the mode of expression of results. We recommend the use of evaluation methods that express results both per unit area and per unit product. Environmental evaluation methods should be used with great caution, users should carefully consider which method is most appropriate given their particular needs, taking into consideration the method's characteristics.  相似文献   

Environmental statisticians often experience the difficult task to provide clear results for environmental policy objectives on the basis of complex science, limited data, and many sources of uncertainty. This paper highlights the particularly challenging situation of environmental statistics in developing countries before focusing on the role of statisticians working at the nexus of environmental statistics and policy within the context of measuring environmental performance. Three issues create particular tension at the environmental science-policy junction: (1) the general complexity of environmental problems (including scientific uncertainty and insufficient data) and the often negative perceptions associated with their solution, (2) the comparatively recent introduction of quantitative methods and information to the environmental policy process and continued skepticism and ideologically motivated resistance to their routine integration, and (3) the language barriers between policymakers and statisticians as well as between statisticians and other scientists engaged in environmental research. Based on the case study of the 2006 Pilot Environmental Performance Index (EPI) developed by an interdisciplinary team at the universities Yale and Columbia the paper examines how the EPI tackles these tensions while aiming to be a fact-based, statistically sound policy tool that helps countries achieve environmental objectives by tracking progress, identifying environmental “best practices”, and providing strategic peer-group analyses. In conclusion, the paper suggests some remedies for the deficiencies in the co-operation between policymakers and environmental statisticians.  相似文献   

废弃餐饮油脂的资源化利用是关乎公众健康和环境保护的重要举措.目前我国废弃餐饮油脂炼制生物柴油的环境效益尚不明晰、国家政策模糊,相关产业发展滞缓.本研究以国内废弃餐饮油脂炼制生物柴油的典型企业为例,利用GaBi软件对废弃餐饮油脂的收集、预处理、酯化和运输等过程全生命周期阶段的资源环境影响进行系统核算,评估其环境效益,以期为国家生物柴油行业发展和相关政策制定提供科学依据.研究结果表明:①整个生命周期过程中,酯化阶段的环境影响最大,各指标占比为52.91%~96.05%,其环境影响主要是由燃煤、用电和甲醇消耗引起;②敏感性分析结果显示,燃煤、用电、甲醇消耗和收集距离的变化对整个生命周期环境影响结果有着较大影响;③废弃餐饮油脂炼制的生物柴油生命周期化石能源消耗16406 MJ·t~(-1)、温室气体排放815 kg CO_2 eq·t~(-1),与石化柴油相比,具有较好的节能和温室气体减排效益.  相似文献   

环境影响评价是我国环境管理体系的重要组成部分,是一种对规划和建设项目实施后可能造成的环境影响进行分析、预测和评估,提出预防或者减轻不良环境影响的对策和措施,进行跟踪监测的方法与制度。环境影响评价有了公众参与的内容,可以促使社会各方面人士关心环境问题,在环境评价工作中起到了弥补技术研究不足的重要作用,可使环评单位在环评中的预测和分析更加完善,提出的建议更趋合理。合理的环境影响评价公众参与工作中公众意见的统计分析方法是参与对象的代表性、调查统计方法的有效性、调查统计内容的科学性、统计时间的有效性等的全面综合的反应。  相似文献   

环境因素的识别与评价是环境管理体系建立和实施的关键,生产型企业在初始环境评审时可以工程分析为重点,结合对正常和异常情况的分析,对生产过程和各部门涉及的环境影响进行全面分析,从而确定环境因素。在评价重要环境因素时,可先根据企业对外环境排放的接口情况、环境影响情况,结合商业方面的考虑制定重要环境因素评价准则,再利用评价准则评价出重要环境因素。  相似文献   

从地球演化的观点,探讨了环境问题是地表环境进入人文时期发生的一种新行星现象,其形成过程归纳为源、流、场、效应的链式机制,考虑到对环境问题的防治,构成了源、流、场、效应和调控的链式关系,并结合中国的环境状况,讨论了我国近期环境科学发展的动向  相似文献   

The Expert Working Group on “Improving the Role of Government in the Promotion of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA)” was set up by the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (UN DSD) in cooperation with a number of government agencies and non-governmental experts to promote Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) through publications, pilot projects and by establishing an international forum for discussion on the role of governments in the promotion of EMA.EMA, Environmental management accounting represents a combined approach that provides for the transition of data from financial accounting, cost accounting and mass balances to increase material efficiency, reduce environmental impacts and risks and reduce costs of environmental protection. EMA is performed by private or public corporations, but not by nations and has a financial as well as a physical component.The core focus of environmental management accounting and of the EMA UN DSD methodology is assessment of total annual environmental expenditure on emission treatment, disposal, environmental protection and management. In addition, and that is new and challenging for most companies, the material purchase value of all non-product output and its production costs are added. This total sum often provides a frightening picture of total annual costs of inefficiency and gets companies to improve their information systems and material efficiency options, which is the goal in the light of cleaner production.The first book published by the Expert Working Group, Environmental Management Accounting—Procedures and Principles (Jasch, C., United Nations, New York, 2001), defines principles and procedures for EMA, with a focus on techniques for quantifying environmental expenditures or costs, as a basis for better controlling and benchmarking purposes. The methodology excludes costs external to the company (so-called externalities, e.g. environmental and social effects that occur to the general public), but focuses on comprehensive assessment of direct annual expenditure on emission treatment, environmental protection and management as well as wasted material and energy input (efficiency losses in production). Firstly, total annual expenditure is assessed, then improvement options, savings and investment projects as well as product prices can be (re-)calculated. The method is currently applied in several case studies. The following summary provides some of the core definitions and generic assessment tables.  相似文献   

The relationship between economy and environmental impacts has been an essential topic in the discussion on environmental problems for a long time. From the 1990s, this relationship has gained a position in environmental policy as well. De-coupling the use of natural resources from economic growth has been set as one of the policy goals in the sixth Environmental Action Programme by the European Commission. In the scientific discussion, the concept of environmental Kuznets curve deals closely with the de-coupling or de-linking phenomenon. Aggregated material flows, on the other hand, have often been considered as a macro-level proxy of environmental degradation. Different methods or approaches have been designed for “sustainability” or “carrying capacity” evaluation as well. The objective of this article is (i) to discuss the possibilities and limitations of using environmental and economic indicators in the sustainability analysis at the macro level, (ii) to present a theoretical framework for the linking analysis including a classification of the degrees of de-linking/re-linking environmental impacts from/to economic growth, and (iii) to give an empirical example by using indicators of direct material flows as a proxy of environmental degradation and by applying the framework into the European Union and its 15 member countries. The results show that the trend in the European Union is a weak de-linking of material flows from economic growth during the years 1980–2000. In other words, material intensity of the economy has generally decreased due to increased efficiency, but the absolute amount of material use has increased, although at a lower rate of increase than economic growth. On the other hand, there is a quite large variation between different EU member countries. However, absolute decrease in the use of materials cannot be found as a continuous trend between the years 1980 and 2000 in any of the studied EU member countries.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2005,13(13-14):1295-1300
Solar thermal systems feed on a “clean” energy source. However, a complete analysis of the environmental performance of solar thermal collectors should take into account not only their operation phase, but also their whole life cycle. This paper reports the results of a life cycle assessment of a solar thermal collector with integrated water storage. The study, carried out by means of SimaPro 5.0 software, aims at drawing a thorough environmental profile of the collector, highlighting the most relevant contributions to the total impacts, measured by means of a set of aggregate environmental indicators. In order to evaluate the possible improvements of the system configuration, several sensitivity analyses were performed, for different phases of its life cycle. Thanks to this optimization, the reduction of the impacts could be up to 40%. Environmental pay back times were calculated as well. Their values range from 5 to 19 months, remarkably lower than the expected lifespan of the systems (15–20 years).  相似文献   

In environmental systems analysis tools such as cost-benefit analysis (CBA), life-cycle assessment (LCA) and Environmental Management Systems (EMS), weighting is often used to aggregate results and compare different alternatives. There are several weighting sets available, but so far there is no set that consistently use monetary values based on actual or hypothetical market valuation of environmental degradation and depletion.In this paper, we develop a weighting set where the values are based on willingness-to-pay estimates for environmental quality, and market values for resource depletion. The weighting set is applied to three case studies and the outcome is compared with the outcomes from three other weighting sets, Ecotax02, Ecoindicator99 and EPS2000. We find that the different sets give different results in many cases. The reason for this is partly that they are based on different values and thus should give different results. However, the differences can also be explained by data gaps and different methodological choices. If weighting sets are used, it is also important to use several to reduce the risk of overlooking important impacts due to data gaps. It is also interesting to note that though Ecovalue08 and Ecotax02 give different absolute values, the results are very similar in relative terms. Thus the political and the individual willingness-to-pay estimates yield a similar ranking of the impacts.  相似文献   

环境风险评价是化工项目环境影响评价的重点工作之一,结合对亚磷酸生产过程中工艺过程及产污环节进行分析,了解原辅料及主副产品的理化特性,通过对工程潜在的环境风险环节进行识别和风险类型确定,从而科学准确地进行风险源项分析,确定事故发生的最大概率,进而完成事故状态下的后果影响分析,并根据事故产生的后果,提出防范和减缓事故发生后的风险,从组织措施、技术措施等诸多方面提出风险管理方案和应急防范预案,来保障事故一旦发生对环境的影响降低到最小程度。  相似文献   

Environmental indicators allow a firm to make measurements related to its environmental performance. In practical terms, they can be used to form a measuring, benchmarking and monitoring tool to track environmental performance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).Within an Environmental Management System (EMS), environmental indicators can be used to check if a firm has met the targets it is required to set for itself. It can also be used in firms that have not yet implemented an EMS. The use of an Environmental Indicators System (EIS) is thus recommended for SMEs, many of which do not have an EMS, in order to enhance their environmental performance. As noted in A Guide to Corporate Environmental Indicators published by the Federal Environment Ministry (Bonn) and the Federal Environmental Agency (Berlin), three categories of environmental indicators can be developed, depending on whether they describe: (1) a company's environmental impact (environmental performance); (2) the management's environmental activities; or (3) the external condition of the company's environment.The objective of this paper is to present how environmental indicators were established and implemented for Philippine SMEs and to show that the indicators significantly correlate with the environmental performance of the SMEs. In order to test this hypothesis, a survey-questionnaire was designed and administered among SMEs covering six industrial sectors in the Philippines. Based on the survey responses, a Gap analysis between the environmental performances of SMEs and state-of-the-art companies was performed. The Gap analysis showed that environmental indicators were indeed able to capture the features of actual environmental performance.Further, a structural equation model was proposed and validated. It yielded a significant linkage between the environmental indicators and environmental performance.  相似文献   

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