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地方社会的捕猎是对印度野生动物最普遍的威胁之一,可是,对地方捕猎的性质、内容及其对野生动物的影响等方面的认识仍然很少.我们调查了印度南部的两个保护区-Kudremukha和Nagaraholé,评估了地方捕猎对大型哺乳动物的影响.我们通过对退役的和在役的猎人进行的细致采访,来描述捕猎格局.我们对比了捕猎脆弱性不同的相邻样地内大型哺乳动物的丰富度,来评估捕猎对其的影响.在Kudremukha,至少有26种哺乳动物被猎杀,多数是用枪支,估计密度为每村每月216个猎人工作日.在Nagarah01é那些强制措施较差的重猎区,9种重点大型哺乳动物中有6种密度显著要低.我们的数据强调:在大面积的地方捕猎区内,保护主义者的行动对大型哺乳动物保护来说,是十分重要的.  相似文献   

<正>《科学》2019年4月12日莫桑比克内战导致戈龙戈萨国家公园内的食肉动物数量迅速减少,到目前为止,该地区豹子、野狗等食肉性捕食动物仍然近乎绝迹。森林中的羚羊放心大胆地啃食草木,遏制了当地植物资源的多样性。这一项研究描绘了生态系统中顶级食肉动物的丧失,对被捕食动物与植物种群产  相似文献   

通过对云南纳板河流域国家级自然保护区的野外调查,实地共发现13科18种国家重点保护野生植物,占我国国家重点保护野生植物总数的7.1%,其中东京桐(Deutzianthus tonkienensis)为保护区内首次发现的新记录种。查明了国家重点保护植物在区内的地理坐标、种群数量和分布特点,分析了其就地保护中存在的主要问题和威胁因素,并提出了具体的建议对策。  相似文献   

通过对云南纳板河流域国家级自然保护区的野外调查,实地共发现13科18种国家重点保护野生植物,占我国国家重点保护野生植物总数的7.1%,其中东京桐(Deutzianthus tonkienensis)为保护区内首次发现的新记录种。查明了国家重点保护植物在区内的地理坐标、种群数量和分布特点,分析了其就地保护中存在的主要问题和威胁因素,并提出了具体的建议对策。  相似文献   

低氧环境对大型底栖动物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年8月在调查中发现长江口以南浙江沿岸存在一个明显的低氧区,本文在此基础上对低氧区内外的大型底栖动物的群落结构、种类组成及生物多样性进行研究,并对低氧环境对其产生的影响进行了探讨,结果发现:低氧区内是底栖动物生物量和丰度的高值区;CLUSTER和MDS标序把底栖动物分为了两个生物群落组群,一个组群属于低氧环境下的组群,近一步用ANOSIM检验发现,这两个组群差异显著(R=0.347,P=0.75%);低氧区内的多样性指数(H′=1.71)小于低氧区外的相应值(H′=2.53)。说明了低氧环境已经对大型底栖动物的生物量、丰度、群落结构、生物多样性等方面产生了影响。  相似文献   

笔者自1988年与有关专家在昭通市大山包乡发现黑颈鹤越冬地以来,连续四个冬季与省内外有关专家及主管部门组织当地群众对滇东、滇东北地区越冬黑颈鹤的种群数量、分布作了比较全面的调查与统计。至今已在6个县21个乡发现了30多个黑颈鹤越冬分布点,黑颈鹤约有1700只以上。同时,对其越冬生态习性做了初步的观察与研究。现已建立了二个省级和一个县级黑颈鹤越冬栖息地保护区和一个保护点。对于该地区黑颈鹤越冬生态的研究目前仍在进行中。  相似文献   

黎宇宝 《环境》2014,(5):72-73
正滥吃野味不仅破坏当地生物多样性和生态平衡,而且这样贪图一时的口腹享乐还要承担极大的风险,威胁着自身健康。近日,一则"雷州10只老虎遭宰杀"的新闻引起了人们的广泛关注。据湛江市公安局官方微博消息称,3月14日晚,湛江市公安机关联合有关部门,在雷州破获一宗非法捕猎,宰杀珍贵、濒危野生动物案件,现场发现刚被宰杀的老虎一只,缴获虎制品、匕首及其它屠宰工具等  相似文献   

用大型底栖动物再次对珠江广州河段污染的评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用1982年和1983年的资料,对用大型底栖动物作珠江广州河段污染评价及其建立的生物污染指数公式作进一步分析.用Morisita指数公式计算了三大类动物的分布,结果皆呈负二项分布.计算了各采样点底栖动物的Shannon-Weiver等六种多样性指数,未发现有明显的规律性.生物污染指数效果较好。两岸存在差异.  相似文献   

广西合浦海草床面临的威胁与保护对策   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
2003年7月对广西合浦海草床进行了现场调查,并对海草床周围利益相关者进行抽样问卷调查.结果表明当地社会经济发展和居民生活对海草所在的海域依赖程度比较高;合浦海草床目前所面临的威胁主要以人为破坏因素为主:挖沙虫、挖螺、耙螺,围网捕渔、电鱼虾,插桩养蚝,底拖网作业等;海草床退化的因果链分析结果表明,为增加经济收入是产生这些人为破坏因素的主要原因.最后综合分析了该区域海草保护与管理所面临的主要问题,并提出了相应的保护对策.  相似文献   

黑颈鹤在滇东北地区俗称高脚雁鹅,是中国特有的珍贵大型涉禽,属于国家一类保护动物,被《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公司》列入全球性急需拯救的鸟类。由于黑颈鹤是现今世界上15种鹤中发现最晚的一种,也是唯一的一种高原鹤,其生存均在交通不便,人迹罕到的高原地带,所以至今缺乏系统的研究报导,尤其是对其分布及数量更缺少统一的答案。1988年以来,我们对滇东北地区黑颈鹤越冬种群数量、分布结构,及某些生态习性做了调查、探讨、报告如下: 1 研究方法黑颈鹤活动范围比较大,对它的观察  相似文献   

古田山自然保护区黑麂资源分布与保护现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2003年3~12月,在古田山自然保护区对黑麂的分布、种群密度和保护现状进行了调查,结果发现,古田山黑麂主要栖息在海拔800~1000m的区域。同时根据样带法估计保护区内黑麂种群密度。结果表明,区内黑麂平均密度为3.30±0.45只/km2,单因素方差分析表明,核心区、缓冲区、实验区黑麂种群密度存在极显著差异(F2,37=19.31,P<0.01)。从整个保护区来看,不同季节黑麂种群密度变化不明显(F3,36=0.36,P>0.05)。食物空间分布的季节性变化可能是黑麂对海拔高度选择变化的重要原因,森林面积的丧失和偷猎是影响黑麂种群在该区稳定生存的主要因素。  相似文献   

扬州市河网大型底栖动物群落结构及其生境特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建适用于城市大型底栖动物的生境适宜性模型,探究大型底栖动物与生境因子间的响应关系,对城市河流生态系统恢复具有重要指示意义.本文以长江下游北岸扬州市城市河网为研究对象,基于丰水期(2018年8月)和枯水期(2019年1月)的大型底栖动物调查数据,利用典范对应分析与相关性分析筛选城市河网生态健康的关键生境因子,采用GAM模型拟合关键生境因子与大型底栖动物优势种的关系,构建城市大型底栖动物生境特征研究模型.结果表明,本次调查共获得大型底栖动物48个物种,隶属3门6纲13目20科40属,其中,水生昆虫为优势类群,霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)为研究区域优势种.影响优势种霍甫水丝蚓的主要生境因子为溶解氧(DO)、CODMn、NH3-N、电导率(Cond),当霍甫水丝蚓生境适宜度为1.0时,水体中NH3-N含量界限值为0.554 mg·L-1,CODMn界限值为2.23 mg·L-1,DO界限值为7.87 mg·L-1,Cond界限值为272.5 S·m-1.GAM模型能识别城市水环境关键问题,有效解释城市大型底栖动物与生境因子间的响应关系,可为城市河网水生态修复提供参考依据.  相似文献   

Higher plants which can survive flooding have certain ecological and biochemical similarities with diving reptiles, birds, and mammals. The ecological similarities arise from the fact that these wet-land plants and diving animals are all terrestrial organisms which have re-entered the aquatic habitat as a retreat or ecological refuge free from interference by dry-land species. To survive in the wet-land or aquatic habitat species of terrestrial origin have to restrict their metabolic rate in the absence of oxygen and exploit a wide range of metabolic products to aid proton disposal and avoid the dangers of cell toxicity due to the accumulation of an excessive oxygen debt. In some plants metabolic adaptation to anoxia (low oxygen supply) resembles that found in animal parasites. It is a striking example of metabolic co-evolution that the retreat of so many terrestrial species of both plants and animals back to the low-oxygen habitat has been made possible by the exploitation of similar biochemical control mechanisms and pathways.  相似文献   

在对2014年8月辽东湾潮间带10个断面采集的生物样品进行鉴定分析的基础上,采用物种多样性指数、物种丰富度指数和物种均匀度指数分析该潮间带大型底栖动物的物种多样性,运用群落聚类、MDS排序和ABC曲线分析潮间带大型底栖动物群落的结构特点,并进一步分析阐述了大型底栖动物群落特征的分布原因。调查共发现大型底栖动物85种,其中软体动物门50种;节肢动物门20种;环节动物门8种;腔肠动物门2种;棘皮动物门1种;其他动物4种。平均栖息密度和平均生物量分别为321.07个/m2和62.47 g/m2。数据分析显示,辽东湾潮间带各断面大型底栖动物群落受到不同程度的干扰,其群落特征分布主要受底质、生境、季节和人为干扰等因素影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the relative effects of landscape scale management intensity, agroecosystem type, local management intensity and edges on diversity patterns of functional groups of plants, carabid beetles, spiders and grasshoppers. Nine landscapes were selected differing in percent intensively used agricultural area (IAA), each with a pair of organic and conventional winter wheat fields and a pair of organic and conventional mown meadows. Within fields, plants were surveyed in the edge and in the interior. Carabid beetles and spiders were captured by funnel traps, while grasshoppers were sweep-netted in the meadows. Diversity patterns of study organisms were affected both by local variables (local management, agroecosystem type and within-field position) and by landscape scale management intensity. Species richness of grasses, presumably because of sowing low-diversity mixtures, and hunting spiders decreased with percent cover of IAA. Meadows differed from wheat fields in that they had higher species richness of forbs and grasses, as well as higher densities of hunting spiders. In contrast, more carabid individuals, especially of non-carnivore species, were captured in wheat fields. In field edges with their reduced management intensity and increased immigration, species richness of plants, carabids and spiders was higher than in the interiors regardless of agroecosystem type and management. Organic management enhanced forb richness and cover in both agroecosystem types. Organic management also increased grass cover in wheat fields, but not in meadows, and promoted species richness of non-carnivore carabids and hunting spiders, but not grasshoppers. The results show that agri-environmental management needs to be targeted to the agroecosystem's field size, because higher edge area led to higher species richness. Organic management affected several functional groups positively (forbs, non-carnivore carabids, hunting spiders), while lower landscape scale management intensity only increased species richness of grasses and spiders. The great differences in responses of functional groups to local cereal and grassland as well as landscape management suggest implementing more scale and group specific targets for agri-environmental schemes to improve their efficiency.  相似文献   

以杉阔混交林和杉木人工纯林为研究对象,采用野外调查、取样和室内种子萌发法,研究土壤种子库的物种组成、密度、垂直分布特征及其与地上植被的关系.结果表明:混交林土壤种子库由24科30属的30种植物组成,纯林由20科24属的24种植物组成,种子密度分别为656.94±89.59粒/m2和486.11±77.66粒/m2,物种组成均以草本植物为主.两林分土壤种子库中的种子主要集中于0~2cm和2~5cm土层,占69.0%~75.2%.乔木种子主要分布于凋落物层中,灌木、草本和藤本植物的种子主要分布于0~2cm土壤层中.混交林和纯林土壤种子库与各自地上植被的相似性指数分别为0.40和0.33,整体相似程度较低.总体而言,杉木纯林和杉阔混交林林内种源充足,可满足林下植被更新的需求,混交林林下草本植被的更新潜力大于纯林.杉木种源不是其更新障碍的主要因素,林内较厚的凋落物以及林下较弱的光照可能是主要障碍因素,但尚需进一步研究.  相似文献   

During land transformation process in the human history,naturalized plants were introduced to several land use patterns by the different ways of plant itself .Including some naturalized plants that had been contribute to land restoration,many naturalized plants have been invaded to original habitat or landscape for native plants.Once the plants were colonized,they extend their area and population size.Urban developed areas often give an impotant role of source habitat for naturalized plants and expanding their popuation size.In recent,this tituation is appearing as one of environmental problems about the urban landscape management controlling the naturalized plants that invaded in the developed area and conserving the native vegetation.This paper is focusing on relationships between distribution of habitat of naturalized plants and landscape patch in urban area in Seoul.Gengdong-Gu ,one of the administrative areas in Seoul was selected for this study.We examined the recent land use change using LANDSAT TM data and spreading of the representative naturalized plants(Robinia pseudoacacia and Eupatorium rugosum)by Seoul Biotope Mapping Project and field survey in 1999.As a result,these two species were often occurred in the same habitat and distributed in forest edge disturbed by man.Their distribution patterns were related to landscape indices (patch size and shape)in the forest edge.  相似文献   

基于多源遥感数据及其产品,以2010年新疆地区鸟类与哺乳动物物种丰富度空间分布数据为基础,结合土地利用、植被、气候、地形等遥感数据产品,探讨了影响新疆地区鸟类和哺乳动物物种丰富度的各环境因子空间分布及其差异.通过随机森林算法对影响鸟类和哺乳动物种数的环境解释变量进行了重要性评估,同时采用探索性回归分析对物种丰富度与环境因子的关系进行建模,比较了鸟类和哺乳动物在草地、林地和耕地三种生境中的主要环境影响因子及其差异.结果显示:影响物种丰富度的环境因子中,植被生长状态与能量转换能力对鸟类丰富度十分重要,且草地的海拔高度重要性最高,为38.38%;耕地所处的气候类型对鸟类丰富度有明显影响,其中年均温重要性达到32.98%;哺乳动物的三种生境选择中气候和海拔条件十分重要,共占重要性的60%以上,最高达76.85%,在耕地中哺乳动物更看重气候而非植被生长情况;三种生境中鸟类和哺乳动物的最优模型及其影响因子均不同,耕地对于鸟类、林地对于哺乳动物的模型解释力最高,分别为69.9%和68.9%,随机森林和探索性回归分析均显示年均温、年降水量和海拔高度是哺乳动物丰富度差异的重要解释因子.  相似文献   

Bushmeat market data can be used to detect hunting sustainability by using proxies such as decline in sale volume and price increases over time. Here, we explore these proxies for the Malabo market in Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, the main bushmeat sale centre for the island. We gathered data during two sample phases (we call these ‘early’ and ‘later’) between March 1996 and October 1998, to test for evidence of faunal depletion during that period. Mammals (ungulates, rodents and primates) made up most of the bushmeat sold. Our analyses confirmed significant and sudden, rather than continuous, declines between phases, in total and individual animal group carcass volumes. Market species composition differed between phases; diversity indices and evenness increased in the later phase of the study. Price was related to species body mass and carcass condition (whether the carcass was smoked or fresh). Most species prices were higher in the later phase of the study. A total of 33 sites contributed bushmeat to the market, with over half of the recorded volume emerging from five sites in the south of the island. Bushmeat volume supplied from different regions of the island varied significantly between phases, and fewer sites contributed animals to the market during the later phase of the study. Proportionately more primates, ungulates but fewer rodents, appeared in the southern samples, compared with the northern. We suggest that in just over 2 years, hunting incursions, especially into the south of the island, may have resulted in drastic faunal losses. Subsequent data, collected by other authors, also indicate that the hunting spurt in the mid- and late-1990s may have irreversibly imperilled the island's mammalian fauna, since numbers of these animals entering the market have not increased since our study period. Although the Equato-Guinean authorities have recently initiated mechanisms to better protect the country's wildlife, through various legal and funding instruments, we suggest that these initiatives are likely to fail, if the social and environmental linkages are not fully understood to guide immediate restoration of such a unique African faunal assemblage.  相似文献   

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