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厂内运输是现代企业生产的重要环节。随着生产和科学技术的发展,厂内机动车辆运输对发展生产、保障生产任务的完成起着越来越重要的作用,加强企业厂内机动车辆的安全管理显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

为保障企业的安全生产和正常运行,必须以《特种设备安全监察条例》《厂内机动车辆监督检验规程》《厂内机动车辆安全检验技术要求》《工业企业厂内铁路、道路运输安全规程》《机动工业车辆安全规范》等为准则。加强对厂内机动车辆的安全管理。使用单位做好厂内机动车辆安全性能自检,是厂内机动车辆管理的关键。笔者认为对厂内机动车的安全管理应注重以下几个方面:[第一段]  相似文献   

近年来,厂内运输机动车辆增多,安全管理薄弱。为减少和避免厂内运输机动车辆造成的伤亡事故和经济损失,昆明市对厂内运输机动车辆加强安全管理,所采取的具体措施是: (1)厂内机动车辆必须有经市公安局备案、由市劳动人事局统一核发的号牌和行车执照。牌照不得挪用、涂改、伪造。 (2)厂内机动车辆的驾驶员必须通过市劳动人事局组织的培训,考试合格持证者,方准上岗。 (3)要求各单位建立、健全厂内机动  相似文献   

厂内机动车辆安全管理规定(劳动部1995年4月7日颁发)第一章总则第一条为加强企业内(以下简称厂内)机动车辆的安全管理,提高厂内机动车辆的安全技术状况,保障作业安全,根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》的有关规定,特制定本规定。第二条本规定所称厂内机动车辆,...  相似文献   

厂内机动车辆种类繁多,技术性能差异很大,驾驶员持证上岗者为数甚少,由内部机动车辆引发的事故屡见不鲜。因此,对厂内机动车辆安全管理的现状进行分析,采取有效的安全对策,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

厂内机动车辆类型的多样性、应用的广泛性、作用的巨大性以及结构和操作性能的复杂性,导致了厂内机动车辆事故的多发,造成人员伤亡和财产的损失。究其事故发生的直接原因,存在着人的不安全行为、车辆的不安全状态和作业环境的不安全因素三个方面的要素。为有效地控制和减少厂内机动车辆事故的发生,现就其直接原因进行剖析,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

黑龙江省森工总局成立厂内机动车辆安全技术检验站本刊讯根据黑龙江省劳动厅黑劳发[1996]124号《关于省森林工业总局成立黑龙江省森林工业总局厂内机动车辆安全技术检验站的批复》文件,省劳动厅同意并明确全省森工系统厂内机动车辆安全管理工作由森工总局自行承...  相似文献   

随着国家建设与工业生产迅速发展,各种类型厂(场)矿企业内(以下简称厂内)机动车辆日益增多,其应用范围也更加广泛,厂内机动车辆运输在现代生产过程中,已占据着越来越重要地位。厂内饥动车辆运输的迅速发展既提高了企业的劳动生产率,增加了企业的经济效益,同时也因厂内机动车辆管理工作的滞后导致了更多伤害事故的发生。因此,厂内机动车辆的安全与否已影响到企  相似文献   

厂内机动车辆作为我国机动车辆的一个重要组成部分,越来越受到重视,但厂内机动车辆操作人员的安全防护要求又与道路机动车辆、农机车辆的要求有较大区别。厂内机动车辆操作人员的安全保护装置可以最大限度地保护其操作人员的人身安全,发挥最佳的经济效益、安全效益。2007年5月21日22时25分,我市某建材企业一辆矿用洒水车,由于操作人员措施不当,整车从矿区作业专用通道越过阻挡土墙冲出,在与矿区平台边帮正面撞击后,坠落下15米高的悬崖,  相似文献   

厂内机动车辆属于特种设备,国务院《特种设备安全监督条例》将厂内机动车辆纳入安全监察范围确立监察地位。国家质量监督检验检疫总局国质检锅[2002]16号《厂内机动车辆监督检验规程》附录3《厂内机动车辆监督检验内容要求与方法》对车辆动力系检验关键项的要求是:所检测的发动机应性能良好。运转平稳。没有异响,能正常起动、熄火。而要保证实现上述要求,则与发动机的燃料供给系的正常工作密切相关。否则,发动机不易启动,功率不足,气缸有敲击声,发动机怠速不稳,燃油耗增多,甚至会引起柴油机飞车。  相似文献   

Introduction: Connected automated vehicles (CAVs) technology has deeply integrated advanced technologies in various fields, providing an effective way to improve traffic safety. However, it would take time for vehicles on the road to vehicles from human-driven vehicles (HDVs) progress to CAVs. Moreover, the Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) vehicle would degrade into the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) vehicle due to communication failure. Method: First, the different car-following models are used to capture characteristics of different types of vehicles (e.g., HDVs, CACC, and ACC). Second, the stability of mixed traffic flow is analyzed under different penetration rates of CAVs. Then, multiple safety measures, such as standard deviation of vehicle speed (SD), time exposed rear-end crash risk (TER), time exposed time-to-collision (TET), and time-integrated time-to-collision (TIT) are used to evaluate the safety of mixed traffic flow on expressways. Finally, the sensitivity of traffic demand, the threshold of time-to-collision (TTC), and the parameters of car-following models are analyzed based on a numerical simulation. Results: The results show that the ACC vehicle has no significant impact on the SD of mixed traffic flows, but it leads to the deterioration of TET and TIT, making the reduction proportion of TER slower. When the penetration rate exceeds 50%, the increase of CACC vehicles reduces traffic safety risks significantly. Furthermore, the increase in traffic demand and car-following parameters worsens traffic safety on expressways. Conclusions: This paper suggests that the CACC vehicles degenerate into ACC vehicles due to communication failure, and the safety risk of mixed traffic flow increases significantly. Practical Applications: The application of CAVs can improve the stability and safety of traffic flow.  相似文献   

Introduction: Side impact crash injuries tend to be severe, mainly due to the effects of the mechanism of such crashes. This study addresses the relationship between side impact crash injury severities and side impact safety ratings of the passenger cars involved in such crashes. It is motivated by the lack of research on side impact safety ratings in relation to the real-world crash outcomes. Method: Analysis of Crashworthiness Data System’s (CDS) data show the head and thorax are the most common regions of impact of severe injuries, while the neck is the least. Irrespective of body regions, higher-rated vehicles were found to provide better occupant protection to both younger and older driver age groups. Assessment based on injury severity score (ISS) indicates that higher-rated vehicles have an overall lower average ISS compared to lower-rated vehicles. Results: Ultimately, this study shows that vehicles rated with National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) new criteria had lower average ISS compared to vehicles rated under the old criteria. The 2011 NHTSA side impact rating criteria being relatively new, it has very few crashes to draw meaningful statistically significant conclusions. However, this paper establishes the fact that vehicles with higher star ratings (under experimental conditions) indeed offer increased occupant protection in the field conditions. Practical applications: Previous studies have found that safety was given priority while buying new vehicles. However, people associated vehicle safety with technologies and specific safety features rather than the vehicle’s crash test results or ratings (Koppel, Charlton, Fildes, & Fitzharris, 2008). The results from this study provide a point of reference for safety advocates to educate the drivers about the importance of considering vehicle safety ratings during a vehicle purchase.  相似文献   



To examine parental decisions about vehicles driven by teenagers and parental knowledge of vehicle safety.


About 300 parents were interviewed during spring 2006 in Minnesota, North Carolina, and Rhode Island while teenagers took their first on-road driving tests.


Fewer than half of parents surveyed said teenagers would be the primary drivers of the chosen vehicles. Parents most often cited safety, existing family vehicle, and reliability when explaining the choices for their teenagers’ vehicles. About half of the vehicles intended for teenagers were small/mini/sports cars, pickups, or SUVs — vehicles considered less safe for teenagers than midsize/large cars or minivans. A large majority of vehicles were 2001 models or earlier. Vehicles purchased in anticipation of adding a new driver to the family were more likely to be the sizes/types considered less safe than vehicles already owned. Few parents insisted on side airbags or electronic stability control, despite strong evidence of their safety benefits. Even when asked to identify ideal vehicles for their teenagers to drive, about half of parents identified less safe vehicle sizes/types. Most parents knew that midsize/large vehicles are safer than small vehicles, and at least half of parents said SUVs and pickups are not safe for teenage drivers, citing instability.


The majority of parents understood some of the important criteria for choosing safe vehicles for their teenagers. However, parents actually selected many vehicles for teenagers that provide inferior crash protection.

Impact on industry

Vehicle safety varies substantially by vehicle size, type, and safety features. Many teenagers are driving inferior vehicles in terms of crashworthiness and crash avoidance.  相似文献   

汽车色彩设计对交通安全的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人的因素对道路交通安全的影响最大,色彩作用于人的生理与心理,能给人不同的心理感受.介绍了色彩的属性和几种常见颜色的色彩心理;根据色彩的生理心理特性,从车身和驾驶室配色等方面,采用安全心理学和色彩心理学以及定性分析的方法,分析了汽车色彩对交通安全和驾驶员反应的重要影响;最后提出了对汽车进行安全色彩设计的构想,并给出汽车安全色彩设计的原则、体系和步骤;对车身和驾驶室进行安全色彩设计,其中合理的色彩模拟系统的开发是关键.与其他有效的交通管理措施相结合,从而达到交通系统和谐的效果.  相似文献   

Objectives: In order to improve motorcycle safety, this article examines the correlation between crash avoidance maneuvers and injury severity sustained by motorcyclists, under multiple precrash conditions. Method: Ten-year crash data for single-vehicle motorcycle crashes from the General Estimates Systems (GES) were analyzed, using partial proportional odds models (i.e., generalized ordered logit models). Results: The modeling results show that “braking (no lock-up)” is associated with a higher probability of increased severity, whereas “braking (lock-up)” is associated with a higher probability of decreased severity, under all precrash conditions. “Steering” is associated with a higher probability of reduced injury severity when other vehicles are encroaching, whereas it is correlated with high injury severity under other conditions. “Braking and steering” is significantly associated with a higher probability of low severity under “animal encounter and object presence,” whereas it is surprisingly correlated with high injury severity when motorcycles are traveling off the edge of the road. The results also show that a large number of motorcyclists did not perform any crash avoidance maneuvers or conducted crash avoidance maneuvers that are significantly associated with high injury severity. Conclusions: In general, this study suggests that precrash maneuvers are an important factor associated with motorcyclists' injury severity. To improve motorcycle safety, training/educational programs should be considered to improve safety awareness and adjust driving habits of motorcyclists. Antilock brakes and such systems are also promising, because they could effectively prevent brake lock-up and assist motorcyclists in maneuvering during critical conditions. This study also provides valuable information for the design of motorcycle training curriculum.  相似文献   

Introduction: The adaptive cruise control (ACC) and cooperative ACC (CACC) systems are critical parts of self-driving vehicles. The ACC vehicles detect front vehicle' information via vehicle-mounted sensors and make longitudinal reactions automatically, while CACC vehicles enhance the performance by vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) wireless communication. However, CACC vehicles may abruptly degrade to ACC mode in reality due to various reasons, including communication failures, driver manipulations, and cyber-attacks. The sudden degradation will definitely bring negative influences on safety. Method:This study quantitatively evaluated the longitudinal safety impacts of vehicles' degradation in a CACC fleet based on microscopic simulations. The realistic CACC and ACC models proposed by the California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH) were used for simulation experiments. The time integrated time-to-collision (TIT) was measured to quantify the collision risks. Extensive simulations were conducted via a fleet of 10 CACC vehicles and speed profiles of vehicles in different scenarios were compared. Key factors, including the leading vehicle's deceleration rate, the number of vehicles between degraded vehicles (NVDVs), threshold of TTC, and visibility were also examined via sensitivity analyses. Results and conclusions: Simulation results indicate that degradation has significant negative influences on longitudinal safety of degraded vehicles under the driving state of deceleration. Degradation at middle positions in a CACC fleet, such as fourth and fifth positions, is much safer than that at others. Moreover, nonadjacent degradation is much riskier than adjacent degradation at the front positions of a fleet. NVDVs can bring inverse impacts on safety with different degradation positions. Speed profiles imply that the hysteresis of degraded vehicles' speed control is the major reason for high collision risks. Practical applications: Appropriately, hierarchical countermeasures have the potential to reduce the longitudinal safety impacts of degradation. Findings of this study can contribute to determining the applicable length of CACC fleets.  相似文献   

为减少货车对行车安全的影响,在充分考虑货车行驶理论、交通环境和驾驶员特征的基础上,就载重货车交通对高速公路运营安全的影响进行研究。其结果表明,不同车型之间的运行速度差异、超载、驾驶员不良交通行为及纵向间距不足等是造成货车交通事故的主要原因。通过分析货车事故与交通状况的关系,从工程技术可行性等角度提出了货车专用道的设计方法,以有效执行客货分行,提高高速公路运营安全水平。  相似文献   

Introduction: As transportation network companies (TNC) are on the rise, assessing the safety of children traveling in these vehicles is imperative. For this reason, this study developed and adopted a scoring system to assess states’ safety standards for children traveling in TNC vehicles. Methods: The scoring was based on two parameters pertaining to child car seat laws for TNCs: clarity and stringency. For each parameter, three criteria that could impact child safety in TNC vehicles were formulated. If a state met a certain criterion it got 1 point and 0 otherwise. The authors gathered all the necessary information by reviewing state statutes in Nexus Uni, a legal research database. These reviews took place between December 2019 and October 2020, and this study evaluated state laws in effect on October 28, 2020. Results: During this assessment, the authors observed a lack of clarity in state child car seat laws, which could compromise safety of children traveling in TNC vehicles. For clarity of laws, Georgia and Indiana received the highest scores (3 out of 3 points), while 16 states scored only 1 point, which was the lowest score in this category. In terms of stringency of laws, Pennsylvania received the highest score (3 out of 3 points), while Indiana scored the least (0 points). Conclusions: Besides one state (Oregon), all other states defined TNCs in their state laws. All states except for Indiana and Washington required child car seats in TNC vehicles. The responsibility for child car seat use was clearly defined in 35 states. The fine for child car seat violation was $50 or more in 28 states. Practical Application: This study will help TNCs, policymakers, and stakeholders identify states that need to improve their standards for child safety in TNC vehicles, and comprehensively address the issue.  相似文献   

以道路车辆功能安全规范标准ISO 26262为准则,对汽车的车道偏离预警系统(LDWS)进行了概念设计。首先分析了ISO 26262功能安全规范概念阶段的活动内容,并在此基础上,完成车道偏离预警系统的项目定义、危险分析和评估,设计了功能安全概念的相关工作,确定了功能安全等级和安全目标。最后搭建了UML仿真模型对LDWS概念设计阶段进行仿真测试,测试结果表明此设计能够满足ISO 26262规范标准,实现了车道偏离预警系统的功能安全概念设计,对车道偏离预警系统的安全开发具有指导意义。  相似文献   

本文分析了与林区车辆行驶安全密切相关的运行条件及使用性能因素,并据此提出了确保林区行驶安全的一系列措施。  相似文献   

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