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铜陵市铜尾矿土壤动物群落生态研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
对安徽省铜陵市铜尾矿地6种生境中土壤动物群落进行野外调查和室内分析,研究不同弃置堆放时间的铜尾矿地土壤的动物群落结构及其与尾矿基质理化性质、植被状况等生境条件之间的关系。结果表明,尾矿堆放时间、区位地貌和植被状况的不同,尾矿基质的理化性质发生变化,导致土壤动物的种类组成和数量分布具有明显差异。土壤动物在土体中的表聚性强,绝大部分集中分布于A层(0~5cm);土壤的物理性质越稳定,土壤动物越丰富;土壤肥力越高,土壤动物越丰富多样。即尾矿地土壤的生境条件越优越,土壤动物群落的物种丰富度越大,个体数量分布越多,群落多样性越高。这些研究结论为尾矿区的生态修复和可持续利用提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

滨海盐沼及其植物群落的分布与多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺强  安渊  崔保山 《生态环境》2010,19(3):657-664
滨海盐沼是广泛存在于世界中、高纬度地区的一种湿地生态系统,具有抵御风暴潮灾害、净化污染物和为珍稀濒危生物提供适宜生境等重要的生态和经济价值。滨海盐沼因随高程变化而急剧变化的环境梯度和植物带状分布现象而为生态学者阐释自然界物种的分布机制提供了理想系统。主要概述了滨海盐沼的定义、特点、类型、全球分布以及潮汐作用、土壤盐度等环境因子特征;阐述了不同尺度下滨海盐沼的植物群落分布和多样性特征。在滨海盐沼植物群落的分布特征上,重点阐述了中尺度下的植物带状分布,即植物群落往往在白海向陆渐高的不同高程梯度上表现出显著的分带分布,不同植物各自占据该梯度上的一定区域。通常认为,带状分布是植物竞争和物理性胁迫共同调控的结果,但其在不同地理区域的普适性仍存争议。滨海植物群落多样性往往较低,在中、小尺度上盐沼植物多样性受控于盐度、潮汐等物理性胁迫、植物间相互作用等因子的作用;在大尺度上盐沼植物多样性可能随纬度增大而增加。系统深入地认识滨海盐沼植物群落生态格局和过程,将为气候变化、生物入侵等人类影响下的滨海盐沼生态系统的管理和恢复提供有益经验。  相似文献   

生物人侵严重威胁着各国的生态环境,各国在生物入侵的预警、预防、预测方面给予了高度关注.文章引介了当前入侵预测中主要采用的3种方法(即统计方法、生理方法和分析方法),对入侵模拟时所需考虑的影响因素及模型的输入和输出变量进行了描述分析.以分析方法中的反应-扩散模型(简称R-D模型)为例探讨建模方法对生物入侵的预测,并基于一维反应-扩散模型的推导,阐述了R-D模型的模型特点及应用时的限制条件.R-D模型可将空间和种群过程融合进入侵速率的预测之中,且模型中连续参数的使用不受尺度限制,适用空间尺度较广.该模型以其简洁易表达的形式在生物入侵的研究中曾受到广泛应用,范围广至孢子、病毒,无脊椎农业害虫及麝鼠Ondatra zibethicus、水獭Enhydra lutris等脊椎生物.然而,随着入侵理论的不断完善,R-D模型在实际应用中的缺陷日益突出,它对空间现象模拟预测的无能为力、对生态过程相互作用模拟的失败,致使该模型应用受限、预测能力降低.月前,入侵预测倡导基于个体的空间模拟模型,并开始关注偶然发生却起着关键作用的长距离扩散的预测.从某种程度上来说这些模型比R-D模型更接近真实,但R-D模型有助于理解现有的入侵格局,对生态入侵研究提供最基本的估测,可以加深对入侵过程的理解.过去,R-D模型对入侵生态理论的发展做出过的重要贡献,今后该模型仍为我们初步预测生物入侵提供一个简单便捷的工具.  相似文献   

水源水生物预处理反应器微生物学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
处理微污染水源水的生物陶粒反应器中,细菌的数量分布具有一定的区域化特征,上层生物陶粒的细菌数量较中、下层生物陶粒的细菌数量分别高1~2个数量级。从生物陶粒反应器中分离出72株细菌,其中最多的是假单胞菌属,占44.6%,其次为克雷伯氏菌属细菌,占2l.6%。另外还分离到芽孢杆菌属、不动细菌属、黄单胞菌属和邻单胞菌金的细菌。除芽孢杆菌属外,其它各属细菌生反应器中的分布特征是上层多,下层少。  相似文献   

昆虫组成及分布与环境密切相关,探究入侵植物群落中的昆虫丰富度及昆虫物种沿异质性环境梯度的分布规律,可为阐明入侵生态系统的物种共存机制和入侵植物防治提供依据。通过在中国南方5省(21°N—31°N)空心莲子草入侵的区域各设置25个水、陆样地,采用回归分析和典范对应分析(CCA)探讨了群落中昆虫丰富度及其分布与入侵植物群落特征(种群形态、α-物种多样性指数)和生境因子(经度、纬度、海拔、气温、降雨量、氨态氮和硝态氮)的关系。结果显示,(1)50个样地共记录昆虫25种,隶属于9目25科25属,鞘翅目和双翅目昆虫的物种丰富度较高,种群密度较大的昆虫依次为莲草直胸跳甲、东亚飞蝗和淡胸藜龟甲。(2)回归分析表明,水生昆虫丰富度随纬度、年均气温和海拔增加均呈明显的"先上升—后下降"单峰趋势;陆生昆虫丰富度随土壤硝态氮增加呈显著的线性上升趋势、随Pielou均匀度指数增加呈显著的线性下降趋势、随Patrick丰富度指数增加呈明显的"上升—下降—上升"波动趋势。(3)CCA表明,陆生昆虫分布的主导性环境因子为年均降雨量、经度和氨态氮,而水生昆虫分布的主导性环境因子为纬度和年均气温。(4)CCA排序图中,陆生样地的昆虫趋向分布于中等植物多样性水平区域,而水生样地的昆虫趋向分布于中等空心莲子草株高区域。该研究表明,异质性生境中空心莲子草入侵群落的昆虫分布及其驱动力存在明显差异,全球环境变化下应更加重视对该入侵生态系统的监测及生防昆虫资源筛选。  相似文献   

外来种豚草入侵的过程与机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物入侵是指生物由原生存地经自然的或人为的途径侵入到另一个新环境,对入侵地的生物多样性、农林牧渔业生产以及人类健康造成经济损失或生态灾难的过程.外来物种的入侵不仅会威胁到当地生物生存,还有可能导致海洋和淡水生态系统的退化.豚草(Ambrosia,artemisiifolia)原产美国西南部和墨西哥北部的索诺兰沙漠地区,是一种严重危害农业、生态和人体健康的外来恶性杂草,研究豚草的入侵过程及入侵机制有重要的意义.综述了国内外有关豚草入侵机制的研究进展,分析了豚草人侵阶段,定居阶段和稳定阶段的特点,并从豚草自身的强大的繁殖特性、种子的休眠特性、遗传性质、种子的传播特性、化感作用、竞争机制及入侵环境的可能性等方面综述分析成功定居在新环境中的豚草成为入侵种的机制,同时预测了豚草成功入侵可能还存在的其它机制,即豚草的适应性进化、协同入侵以及豚草的传粉特性.这几种机制的进一步的研究,将使我们能够洞悉豚草在新人侵地的生态环境下的扩散机制,预测其潜在的入侵区域,发现其适应过程中的薄弱环节,并在此基础上为进一步研究豚草的防治做准备.因此,认识豚草成功成为入侵种的原因对深入研究豚草入侵机制,对预测豚草入侵,采取适当的措施降低豚草物种所造成的危害具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

以外来疫病——油菜茎基溃疡病为例,提出一种未成功入侵外来生物导致的潜在损失评估方法,根据GARP生态位模型ArcGIS栅格数据图,通过掩膜工具Extract By Mask,提取出每个适生类型在中国各省份的分布面积。构建潜在损失估算模型,从潜在直接经济损失(农产品产值损失、农副食品加工业损失和防控费用)、潜在间接经济损失(油菜旅游产业)和潜在非经济损失(生态系统功能损失)3个方面构建外来入侵生物损失估算体系。研究发现油菜茎基溃疡病入侵的潜在损失总额高达96.05亿元,其中,潜在直接经济损失、潜在间接经济损失和潜在非经济损失分别占潜在损失总量的54.9%、36.0%和9.1%。动植物检疫在防范外来生物入侵中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

滨海湿地是缓解全球变暖的有效蓝色碳汇,互花米草Spartina alterniflora作为一种外来物种在中国沿海地区广泛分布,国内学者对其入侵下的滨海湿地土壤有机碳变化进行了众多研究。研究区主要集中在盐城自然保护区、长江口、杭州湾、闽江口湿地和漳江口红树林自然保护区等互花米草大面积分布区域,研究内容主要是比较其入侵前后地下一定深度土壤有机碳含量分布以及它们随入侵年限延长和不同季节的变化规律。文章通过相关数据与资料集成分析,阐述了互花米草入侵对湿地土壤有机碳的影响机制,比较中国互花米草湿地土壤有机碳时空变化特征,并分析其主要影响因素,如纬度、入侵前本底植物类型、入侵年限、水文状况、采样时间、采样深度以及土壤理化性质等。在此基础上,指出现有研究中存在的主要问题,并提出今后研究展望,如更加广泛地开展中国滨海地区互花米草湿地土壤碳汇效应的长期观测、使用高分辨遥感影像辨识植物类型和互花米草时空分布、综合考虑众多影响因素进行野外样点布设、统一湿地土壤采样方法和有机碳室内实验分析方法、重视与加强互花米草湿地碳封存和碳释放的比较研究等,以期对滨海湿地碳的增汇减排评估和合理调控提供重要依据,加深理解全球碳循环及全球变化。  相似文献   

物种多样性的空间分布格局一直是宏观生态学和生物地理学研究的热点问题之一。滇西北地区是我国生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,研究该地区的物种多样性分布格局及其与主要环境因子的相关性对生物多样性保护决策具有重要意义。以滇西北18个县域为基本研究单元,基于县域生物多样性本底调查数据,运用ArcGIS 10.1软件分析高等植物多样性分布格局;并结合地理因子(经度、纬度、海拔高差、平均海拔)和气候因子(年均温度、年均降水量),采用SPSS Statistics 22.0软件,运用单因素线性回归模型分析物种多样性与各因子之间的相关性。结果表明:(1)滇西北地区高等植物多样性从南到北总体上呈递增趋势;(2)纬度和海拔高差与物种多样性分布格局呈显著相关(P0.05);而经度、平均海拔、年均温度和年均降水量与物种多样性分布格局的相关性未达显著水平(P0.05)。因此,滇西北地区高等植物多样性分布格局可能主要与纬度和海拔高差这2个地理因子相关。  相似文献   

广东省外来物种入侵现状及其生态环境影响调查   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
广东省外来物种种类多数量大,截止到2000年主要外来入侵种的入侵总面积达108.12万hm^2,造成的直接经济损失高达20.71亿元。文章在大量调查的基础上,对广东省外来入侵种的种类、分布、入侵面积及其造成的生态环境影响进行了研究,分析了外来物种入侵规律,并提出外来种入侵的防治对策。  相似文献   

Abstract:  To explain current plant invasions, or predict future ones, more knowledge on which factors increase the probability of alien species becoming naturalized and subsequently invasive is needed. We created a database of the alien plants in seminatural habitats in Ireland that included data on taxonomy, invasive status, invasion history, distribution, and biological and ecological plant characteristics. We used information from this database to determine the importance of these factors in increasing the ability of species to become naturalized and invasive. More specifically, we used two multiple logistic regressions to identify factors that distinguish naturalized from casual alien plant species and invasive from noninvasive, naturalized alien species. Clonal growth, moisture-indicator value, nitrogen-indicator value, native range, and date of first record affected (in order of decreasing importance) the probability of naturalization. Factors that distinguished invasive from noninvasive species were ornamental introduction, hermaphrodite flowers, pollination mode, being invasive elsewhere, onset of flowering season, moisture-indicator value, native range, and date of first record. Incorporation of phylogenetic information had little influence on the results, suggesting that the capacity of alien species to naturalize and become invasive evolved largely independently in several phylogenetic lineages. Whereas some of the variables were important for both transitions, others were only important for naturalization or for invasion. This emphasizes the importance of studying different stages of the invasion process when looking for mechanisms of becoming a successful invasive plant, instead of simply comparing invasive with noninvasive alien species. Our results also suggest that a combination of species traits and other variables is likely to produce the most accurate prediction of invasions.  相似文献   

城市化影响下北京市外来入侵植物特征及其分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过文献资料分析和实地调查相结合的方法,对北京市外来入侵植物的种类、生活型、起源地、引入途径和分布等特征进行了分析,结果表明:该地区共有48种外来入侵植物,隶属39属19科,其中菊科、禾本科、苋科和大戟科植物为优势科,占到了所有入侵植物总数的60.4%.除火炬树外,其余47种植物均为草本植物,以起源于美洲的居多(70.8%),多为伴随种子苗木运输无意引进.入侵植物分布受城市化水平和人口密度影响显著,城市功能扩展区分布有最多的入侵植物,就入侵种分布密度而言,城市功能拓展区和城市核心区均明显高于近郊区和远郊区.目前北京入侵植物主要分布于农田、绿地、花圃等半人工生态系统,尚处于可控范围之内,但北京的自然地理条件及城市化进程使其仍存在较高的入侵风险,在将来的防治工作中应采取更加严格的检疫措施.  相似文献   

Some invasion biologists contend their science has reached a consensus on 4 facts: cost estimates of the effects of nonindigenous species provided in papers by Pimentel et al. are credible; invasive species generally, not just predators, pose significant extinction threats; characteristic biological differences distinguish novel from native species, ecosystems, communities, and processes; and ontological dualism, which distinguishes between natural and anthropogenic processes and influences, plays a useful role in biological inquiry. I contend there is no convincing empirical evidence for any of these propositions. Leading invasion biologists cite their agreement about these propositions as evidence for them and impugn the motives of critics who believe consensus should be based on evidence not the other way around.  相似文献   

The spread of invasive species is a major ecological and economic problem. Dynamic spread modelling is a potentially valuable tool to assist regional and central government authorities to monitor and control invasive species. To date a lack of suitable data has meant that most broad scale dispersal models have not been validated with independent datasets, and so their predictive ability and reliability has remained unscrutinised. A dynamic, stochastic dispersal model of the widely invasive plant Buddleja davidii was calibrated on European spread data and then used to project the temporal progression of B. davidii's distribution in New Zealand, starting from several different historical distributions. To assess the model's performance, we constructed an occupancy map based on the average number of simulation realisations that have a population present. The application of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves to occupancy maps is introduced, but with specificity substituted by the proportion of available area used in a realisation. A derivative measure, the partial area under these curves when assessed through time (pAUC), is introduced and used to assess overall performance of the spread model. The model was able to attain a high level of model sensitivity, encompassing all of the known locations within the occupancy envelope. However, attempting to simulate the spread of this invasive species beyond a decade had very low model specificity. This is due to several factors, including the exponential process of spread (the further a population spreads the more sites exist from which it can spread stochastically), and the Markovian chain property of the stochastic system whereby differences between realisations compound through time. These features are seen in many reports of spread models, without being explicitly acknowledged. Our measure of pAUC through time allows a model's temporal performance and its specificity to be simultaneously assessed. While the rapid deterioration in model performance limits the utility of this type of modelling for forecasting long-term broad-scale strategic management of biological invasions, it does not necessarily limit its attractiveness for informing smaller scale and shorter term invasion management activities such as surveillance, containment and local eradication.  相似文献   

Globalization of trade and travel has facilitated the spread of non-native species across the earth. A proportion of these species become established and cause serious environmental, economic, and human health impacts. These species are referred to as invasive, and are now recognized as one of the major drivers of biodiversity change across the globe. As a long-time centre for trade, Europe has seen the introduction and subsequent establishment of at least several thousand non-native species. These range in taxonomy from viruses and bacteria to fungi, plants, and animals. Although invasive species cause major negative impacts across all regions of Europe, they also offer scientists the opportunity to develop and test theory about how species enter and leave communities, how non-native and native species interact with each other, and how different types of species affect ecosystem functions. For these reasons, there has been recent growth in the field of invasion biology as scientists work to understand the process of invasion, the changes that invasive species cause to their recipient ecosystems, and the ways that the problems of invasive species can be reduced. This review covers the process and drivers of species invasions in Europe, the socio-economic factors that make some regions particularly strongly invaded, and the ecological factors that make some species particularly invasive. We describe the impacts of invasive species in Europe, the difficulties involved in reducing these impacts, and explain the policy options currently being considered. We outline the reasons that invasive species create unique policy challenges, and suggest some rules of thumb for designing and implementing management programs. If new management programs are not enacted in Europe, it is inevitable that more invasive species will arrive, and that the total economic, environmental, and human health impacts from these species will continue to grow.  相似文献   

Invasive species are one of the fastest growing conservation problems. These species homogenize the world's flora and fauna, threaten rare and endemic species, and impose large economic costs. Here, we examine the distribution of 834 of the more than 1000 exotic plant taxa that have become established in California, USA. Total species richness increases with net primary productivity; however, the exotic flora is richest in low-lying coastal sites that harbor large numbers of imperiled species, while native diversity is highest in areas with high mean elevation. Weedy and invasive exotics are more tightly linked to the distribution of imperiled species than the overall pool of exotic species. Structural equation modeling suggests that while human activities, such as urbanization and agriculture, facilitate the initial invasion by exotic plants, exotics spread ahead of the front of human development into areas with high numbers of threatened native plants. The range sizes of exotic taxa are an order of magnitude smaller than for comparable native taxa. The current small range size of exotic species implies that California has a significant "invasion debt" that will be paid as exotic plants expand their range and spread throughout the state.  相似文献   

Abstract: Crayfishes are both a highly imperiled invertebrate group as well as one that has produced many invasive species, which have negatively affected freshwater ecosystems throughout the world. We performed a trait analysis for 77 crayfishes from the southeastern United States in an attempt to understand which biological and ecological traits make these species prone to imperilment or invasion, and to predict which species may face extinction or become invasive in the future. We evaluated biological and ecological traits with principal coordinate analysis and classification trees. Invasive and imperiled crayfishes occupied different positions in multivariate trait space, although crayfishes invasive at different scales (extraregional vs. extralimital) were also distinct. Extraregional crayfishes (large, high fecundity, habitat generalists) were most distinct from imperiled crayfishes (small, low fecundity, habitat specialists), thus supporting the “two sides of the same coin” hypothesis. Correct classification rates for assignment of crayfishes as invasive or imperiled were high (70–80%), even when excluding the highly predictive but potentially confounding trait of range size (75–90%). We identified a number of species that, although not currently listed as imperiled or found outside their native range, possess many of the life‐history and ecological traits characteristic of currently invasive or imperiled taxa. Such species exhibit a high latent risk of extinction or invasion and consequently should be the focus of proactive conservation or management strategies. Our results illustrate the utility of trait‐based approaches for taxonomic groups such as invertebrates, for which detailed species‐specific data are rare and conservation resources are chronically limited.  相似文献   

Five Potential Consequences of Climate Change for Invasive Species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract:  Scientific and societal unknowns make it difficult to predict how global environmental changes such as climate change and biological invasions will affect ecological systems. In the long term, these changes may have interacting effects and compound the uncertainty associated with each individual driver. Nonetheless, invasive species are likely to respond in ways that should be qualitatively predictable, and some of these responses will be distinct from those of native counterparts. We used the stages of invasion known as the "invasion pathway" to identify 5 nonexclusive consequences of climate change for invasive species: (1) altered transport and introduction mechanisms, (2) establishment of new invasive species, (3) altered impact of existing invasive species, (4) altered distribution of existing invasive species, and (5) altered effectiveness of control strategies. We then used these consequences to identify testable hypotheses about the responses of invasive species to climate change and provide suggestions for invasive-species management plans. The 5 consequences also emphasize the need for enhanced environmental monitoring and expanded coordination among entities involved in invasive-species management.  相似文献   

Abstract: The agricultural development of southern Australia over the past 200 years has resulted in extensively fragmented systems, often with only small, isolated remnants of native vegetation remaining. Grazing by sheep and cattle has affected both the remaining fragments and the surrounding matrix, and non-native plant and animal species have had dramatic effects on the native biota. Invasive plant species have the potential to significantly alter ecosystem composition and functioning, and invasive animals, particularly rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculatus ), foxes (    Vulpes vulpes ) and cats (    Felis catus ) effectively alter habitat and drive native fauna to local extinction. These different influences often interact. For instance, smaller fragments are often more prone to plant invasion and are more likely to have been grazed in the past. Invasion of plant species is often linked with livestock grazing or rabbit invasion, and other higher-order interactions are also apparent. Classical fragmentation studies that concentrate on parameters such as habitat area and isolation but ignore changes in habitat condition brought about by livestock and invasive species are unlikely to yield meaningful results. Similarly, management of fragmented ecosystems must account for not only the spatial characteristics of the remaining habitat but also the importance of other influences, particularly those that impinge on fragments from the surrounding matrix.  相似文献   

Network theory is commonly used to reveal social interactions and the organisation of interconnected nodes—but has not yet been applied to animal invasions. Non-native species invasions are now considered one of the foremost threats to natural ecosystems and biodiversity. This is the first attempt to assess social network properties within a freshwater fish assemblage invaded by a non-native fish species. We show that invasive sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus is socially more strongly interconnected with native species than the native species with each other. The social networks also reveal characteristics of a ‘small world’ such as low clustering coefficients C and short path lengths L. The findings may indicate potential traits of successful invaders and the implication for the spread of pathogens between individuals within a group of animals that contain a non-native invasive species. The success of establishment and subsequent invasion may be highlighted not only by the capacity of the new species to adapt to the new environment, but also in its capacity to penetrate the social circle of the native community.  相似文献   

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