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考虑到突发性水污染中有毒有机物的高频现率,选用苯酚为有毒有机物代表,通过模拟突发苯酚污染的情况,研究了臭氧-生物活性炭(O3-BAC)工艺对苯酚污染的应急处理效果,并且分析了工程中实际环境因素如空床接触时间(EBCT)、pH值对该应急能力的影响.研究表明,在突发性苯酚污染的应急处理中,0.6 mg/L的臭氧可将初始苯酚浓度5倍于达标浓度的进水处理至饮用水达标浓度,即低于0.002 mg/L,15.3 min的空床接触时间是判定其是否为该应急过程的关键因素的分界点,为了取得较好的应急效果,可适当提高进水pH值.  相似文献   

地下水中潜在危害有机物识别与筛选方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地下水中频繁检出的各类有机物,运用理论方法定量计算污染物对地下水的危害系数,对有机物的污染调查、地下水污染防治具有一定的指导意义。为研究有机物对地下水的危害性,汇总了535项有机物,目前这些指标在国内外水质标准中均没给出标准值。从有机物的自身属性入手,假定所有物质处于相同的外界环境中,经过包气带吸附、降解、挥发等作用,分析其进入地下水的难易程度。利用美国环保局的软件EPI Suit4.10,获取了指标的有机碳吸附系数(K_(oc))、半衰期(DT_(50))和亨利常数(K_H),并结合毒性参数基于健康的评价基准值,构建了污染物潜在危害参数体系。运用3种方法计算有机物的危害系数H、污染指数G和衰减系数K,对比3种计算结果,筛选出100项潜在危害有机物。分析表明,所筛选出的100项指标毒性较大、难挥发,并且有机物的K_(oc)对污染指数(G)和衰减系数(K)的贡献比DT_(50)、K_H更大。  相似文献   

选用模拟亲疏水性有机物及实际二级处理水中的亲疏水性有机物,分别进行了聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)超滤膜污染实验.并测定了不同污染物与膜及污染物间的作用力,分析亲/疏水性有机物对PVDF超滤膜的污染行为.结果表明,膜-污染物及污染物间相互作用力是控制膜污染行为的主导因素.亲水性有机物与PVDF超滤膜之间的相互亲和力较强,致使运行初期膜通量的大幅度下降,是PVDF膜的优势污染物.但是,针对实际污染物,运行后期,疏水性有机物之间较强的相互作用力使得其取代了亲水性有机物,成为膜的优势污染物.此外,模拟亲疏水性有机物的膜污染变化规律与实际亲疏水性有机物相似,表明使用模拟污染物可一定程度上预测实际废水中相应性能污染物的膜污染行为.  相似文献   

当前饮水中有机物污染问题已引起欧美各国的关注。 美国环保局(USEPA)为了解决供水中存在的三卤甲烷、四氯化碳等有机物污染问题,于1974—1975年进行了80个城市的  相似文献   

采用树脂分级将二沉池出水有机物(effluent organic matter, EfOM)根据官能团分类,采用红外光谱、荧光光谱、排阻色谱等多种表征方式对EfOM及其分级组成的化学组成进行分析。考察了EfOM及其分级组成的膜通量随时间的变化曲线,研究了二沉池出水主要的膜污染组分以及膜污染模型机理。结果表明,憎水性有机物组分(hydrophobic, HPO)主要为芳香烃类有机酸,胶体有机物组分(organic colloidal, OC)主要为蛋白质类有机物,过渡亲水性有机物组分(transphilic,TPI)主要是有机酸和多糖。膜污染严重程度依次为OCEfOMHPOTPI,在过滤初期,OC和EfOM中的大分子有机物会快速堵塞膜孔并引起膜通量的剧烈下降。另外,OC和TPI组分会与膜表面发生相互作用,导致不可逆膜污染偏高。对于实际水体EfOM及其各分级组分,滤饼层过滤是超滤后期主要膜污染机理,超滤实验初期的膜污染可能是多种膜污染机理共同作用的结果。研究识别了EfOM的主要污染成分和主要膜污染机理,为超滤工艺深度处理二沉池出水提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

需氧量这一概念是1900年由斯必突(Spitta)倡导的,后来弗尔(Fair)等相继进行了大量研究提出以20℃的五日生化需氧量(BOD_5)作为有机物的综合污染指标。起初这项指标主要用于测定城市污水和河流(受污染的)的污染程度,40年代后在工业废水的水质分析中也逐渐得到了广泛应用。 随着工业(尤其是合成工业)的发展,某些工业废水中生物难降解物质(指有机物)的种类和含量不断增加,从而使废水的BOD_5测定值与COD测定值相比明显降低。在这种情况下,BOD_5是否依然可作为有机物的综合污染指标?很值得加以分析和探讨。  相似文献   

环境中全氟有机物的毒性、检测分析及降解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自全氟有机物广泛使用50多年以来,已经在世界范围内发现一定浓度的全氟有机物,各国研究人员针对该类物质特别是全氟辛酸(PFOA)、全氟辛烷基磺酸(PFOS)进行了一定的研究.介绍了该类物质的污染现状,阐述了全氟有机物的毒性、检测分析技术及降解技术,在此基础上提出了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

河南境内黄河流域集中式城市饮用水源水有机污染特性研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
摘要为探查和研究与公众生命健康关系密切的饮用水有机污染现状,采用GC/MS、HPLC、GC/ECD等多种分析技术,对河南省黄河流域部分饮用水水源地分平、丰、枯三期进行了有机物监测和研究。12个点位三期共检出599种有机物.根据毒性资料筛选出62种主要污染物。主要有毒化合物的浓度水平绝大多数远低于我国新颁布的“集中式生活饮用水地表水源地特定项目标准限值”.个别点位的极个别化合物如苯并(a)芘有超标现象.显示出明显的潜在危害作用。  相似文献   

联合国环境规划署所属潜在有毒化学品国际登记中心(IRPTC)根据苏联对环境中常见污染物的科学实验研究和流行病学调查的文献资料综述编写了有毒有害化学品丛书。译者译出后汇编分集,名为《环境中常见污染  相似文献   

1983—1990年,在松花江中游(哨口—松花江村)138公里江段中,进行七次五断面追踪水团采样,采用高分子微球GDX—502吸附富集,GC定性定量,GC/MS定性验证。依据有机物检出率、毒性持久性、有点源排放、分析方法适用等因素,筛选出65种主要有毒有机物。化合物总浓度逐年降低,石油烷烃、芳烃浓度增加;属致癌致变性化合物21种,EPA优测物21种,建议的优先控制黑名单20种;有点源排入的占90%以上,污染源来自吉化主要入江污水口;封冰期比其它水文期污染增强;该江段污染特征为氯代链烃、氯代苯类、硝基芳烃种类多、浓度高,应为重点控制对象。  相似文献   

Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) mimic passive diffusive transport of bioavailable hydrophobic organic compounds through biological membranes and their partitioning between lipids and environmental levels. Our study was developed on a surface water treatment plant based in Turin, Northern Italy. The investigated plant treats Po River surface water and it supplies about 20% of the drinking water required by Turin city (about one million inhabitants). Surface water (input) and drinking water (output) were monitored with SPMDs from October 2001 to January 2004, over a period of 30 days. The contaminant residues, monthly extracted from SPMDs by dialysis in organic solvent, were tested with the MicrotoxTM acute toxic test and with the Ames mutagenicity test. Same extracts were also analyzed with gaschromatography—mass spectrometry technique in order to characterise the organic pollutants sampled, especially Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Although the PAHs mean concentration is about one hundred times lower in the output samples, the mean toxic units are similar in drinking and surface water.

Our data indicate that the SPMD is a suitable tool to assess the possible toxicity in drinking water.  相似文献   

Members of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE) signed a legally binding protocol on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in February 1998 under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. A treaty that intends to control the production, import, export, disposal and use of toxic chemicals that persist for decades in the environment has been formally signed at a conference in May 2001 in Stockholm. The 2001 POP treaty, like the 1998 LRTAP POP protocol, contains a provision on adding further chemicals to the initial group of twelve or fifteen. The occurrence of a compound or a group of compounds in so called remote and pristine areas, e.g. in the Artic or in the Southern Hemisphere, proves its stability under the chemical and biological conditions of the environment. Compounds identified in this way, in samples taken primarily in very remote regions of the planet, are classified by their environmental fate and global distribution as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), regardless of any political assessments.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope

Estrogenic and non-estrogenic chemicals typically co-occur in the environment. Interference by non-estrogenic chemicals may confound the assessment of the actual estrogenic activity of complex environmental samples. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether, in which way and how seriously the estrogenic activity of single estrogens and the observed and predicted joint action of estrogenic mixtures is influenced by toxic masking and synergistic modulation caused by non-estrogenic chemical confounders.

Materials and methods

The yeast estrogen screen (YES) was adapted so that toxicity and estrogenicity could be quantified simultaneously in one experimental run. Mercury, two organic solvents (dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and 2,4-dinitroaniline), a surfactant (LAS-12) and the antibiotic cycloheximide were selected as toxic but non-estrogenic test chemicals. The confounding impact of selected concentrations of these toxicants on the estrogenic activity of the hormone 17ß-estradiol was determined by co-incubation experiments. In a second step, the impact of toxic masking and synergistic modulation on the predictability of the joint action of 17ß-estradiol, estrone and estriol mixtures by concentration addition was analysed.


Each of the non-estrogenic chemicals reduced the apparent estrogenicity of both single estrogens and their mixtures if applied at high, toxic concentrations. Besides this common pattern, a highly substance- and concentration-dependent impact of the non-estrogenic toxicants was observable. The activity of 17ß-estradiol was still reduced in the presence of only low or non-toxic concentrations of 2,4-dinitroaniline and cycloheximide, which was not the case for mercury and DMSO. A clear synergistic modulation, i.e. an enhanced estrogenic activity, was induced by the presence of slightly toxic concentrations of LAS-12. The joint estrogenic activity of the mixture of estrogens was affected by toxic masking and synergistic modulation in direct proportion to the single estrogens, which allowed for an adequate adaptation of concentration addition and thus unaffected predictability of the joint estrogenicity in the presence of non-estrogenic confounders.


The modified YES proved to be a reliable system for the simultaneous quantification of yeast toxicity and estrogen receptor activation. Experimental results substantiate the available evidence for toxic masking as a relevant phenomenon in estrogenicity assessment of complex environmental samples. Synergistic modulation of estrogenic activity by non-estrogenic confounders might be of lower importance. The concept of concentration addition is discussed as a valuable tool for estrogenicity assessment of complex mixtures, with deviations of the measured joint estrogenicity from predictions indicating the need for refined analyses.


Two major challenges are to be considered simultaneously for a reliable analysis of the estrogenic activity of complex mixtures: the identification of known and suspected estrogenic compounds in the sample as well as the substance- and effect-level-dependent confounding impact of non-estrogenic toxicants.

Recommendations and perspectives

The application of screening assays such as the YES to complex mixtures should be accompanied by measures that safeguard against false negative results which may be caused by non-estrogenic but toxic confounders. Simultaneous assessments of estrogenicity and toxicity are generally advisable.  相似文献   


The release of toxic organic compounds into the environment in an event of oil spillage is a global menace due to the potential impacts on the ecosystem. Several approaches have been employed for oil spills clean-up, with adsorption technique proven to be more promising for the total reclamation of a polluted site. Of the several adsorbents so far reported, adsorbent-based porous materials have gained attention for the reduction/total removal of different compounds in environmental remediation applications. The superior potential of mesoporous materials based on metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) against conventional adsorbents is due to their intriguing and enhanced properties. Therefore, this review presents recent development in MOF composites; methods of preparation; and their practical applications towards remediating oil spill, organic pollutants, and toxic gases in different environmental media, as well as potential materials in the possible deployment in reclaiming the polluted Niger Delta due to unabated oil spillage and gas flaring.


Black carbon: the reverse of its dark side   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The emission of black carbon is known to cause major environmental problems. Black carbon particles contribute to global warming, carry carcinogenic compounds and cause serious health risks. Here, we show another side of the coin. We review evidence that black carbon may strongly reduce the risk posed by organic contaminants in sediments and soils. Extremely efficient sorption to black carbon pulls highly toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, polybrominated diphenylethers and pesticides into sediments and soils. This increased sorption is general, but strongest for planar (most toxic) compounds at environmentally relevant, low aqueous concentrations. Black carbon generally comprises about 9% of total organic carbon in aquatic sediments (median value of 300 sediments), and then may reduce uptake in organisms by up to two orders of magnitude. This implies that current environmental risk assessment systems for these contaminants may be unnecessarily safe.  相似文献   

Photodegradation of halobenzenes in water ice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Results from the photolysis of o, p-dichlorobenzene, bromobenzene, and p-dibromobenzene in water ice are reported. All phototransformations appeared to be based on dehalogenation, coupling, and rearrangement reactions in ice cavities. No photosolvolysis products, i.e. products from intermolecular reactions between organic and water molecules, were found. Many of the products were very toxic substances of a high environmental risk, such as PCBs. The results support our model, in which secondary, very toxic, pollutants can be formed in ice, snow, and atmospheric ice particles from primary pollutants through the action of solar irradiation. The photoproducts may be released to the environment by ice melting and evaporation.  相似文献   

固相微萃取技术在我国环境化学分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
固相微萃取技术 (SPME)是 2 0世纪 80年代末发展起来的一种崭新的技术 ,它集采样、萃取、浓缩、解析、进样为一体 ,在我国环境化学分析中 ,SPME和GC、GC/MS等仪器联用分析有机污染物已获得令人满意的结果。同时因其具有简便、快速、灵敏、准确、重现性好、成本低、不使用有机溶剂等优点 ,因而SPME技术将会得到十分广泛的应用  相似文献   

Iron-catalyzed oxidation of As(III) to As(V) can be highly effective for toxic arsenic removal via Fenton reaction and Fe(II) oxygenation. However, the contribution of ubiquitous organic ligands is poorly understood, despite its significant role in redox chemistry of arsenic in natural and engineered systems. In this work, selected naturally occurring organic ligands and synthetic ligands in co-oxidation of Fe(II) and As(III) were examined as a function of pH, Fe(II), H2O2, and radical scavengers (methanol and 2-propanol) concentration. As(III) was not measurably oxidised in the presence of excess ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (i.e. Fe(II):EDTA < 1:1), contrasting with the rapid oxidation of Fe(II) by O2 and H2O2 at neutral pH under the same conditions. However, partial oxidation of As(III) was observed at a 2:1 ratio of Fe(II):EDTA. Rapid Fe(II) oxidation in the presence of organic ligands did not necessarily result in the coupled As(III) oxidation. Organic ligands act as both iron speciation regulators and radicals scavengers. Further quenching experiments suggested both hydroxyl radicals and high-valent Fe species contributed to As(III) oxidation. The present findings are significant for the better understanding of aquatic redox chemistry of iron and arsenic in the environment and for optimization of iron-catalyzed arsenic remediation technology.  相似文献   

Reduction of Cr(VI) by malic acid in aqueous Fe-rich soil suspensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhong L  Yang J 《Chemosphere》2012,86(10):973-978
Detoxification of Cr(VI) through reduction by organic reductants has been regarded as an effective way for remediation of Cr(VI)-polluted soils. However, such remediation strategy would be limited in practical applications due to the low Cr(VI) reduction rate. In this study, the catalytic effect of two Fe-rich soils (Ultisol and Oxisol) on Cr(VI) reduction by malic acid was evaluated. As the results shown, the two soils could obviously accelerate the reduction of Cr(VI) by malic acid at low pH conditions, while such catalytic effect was gradually suppressed as the increase in pH. After reaction for 48 h at pH 3.2, Oxalic acid was found in the supernatant of Ultisol, suggesting the oxidization of hydroxyl in malic acid to carboxyl and breakage of the bond between C2 and C3. It was also found that the catalytic reactivity of Ultisol was more significant than that of Oxisol, which could be partly attributed to the fact that the amount of Fe(II) released from the reductive dissolution of Ultisol by malic acid was larger than that of Oxisol. With addition of Al(III), the catalytic effect from Ultisol was inhibited across the pH range examined. On the contrary, the presence of Cu(II) would increase the catalytic effect of Ultisol, which was more pronounced with the increase in pH. This study proposed a potential way for elimination of the environmental risks posed by the Cr(VI) contamination by use of the natural soil surfaces to catalyze Cr(VI) reduction by the organic reductant such as malic acid, a kind of organic reductant originating from soil organic decomposition process or plant excretion.  相似文献   

吹扫 -捕集法为 2 0世纪 70年代中期推出的痕量挥发性有机化合物的富集方法 ,它具有简便、灵敏度高、富集率高、快速、精密、准确、不使用有机溶剂等特点。 2 0多年以来 ,吹扫 -捕集器和GC、GC/MS等仪器联用测定环境中痕量挥发性有机污染物 ,已获得令人满意的结果 ,因而吹扫 -捕集法将在有机污染分析中得到日益广泛的应用  相似文献   

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