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由于规划项目涉及面广、不确定性强、行业多样等特点,目前还没有针对规划环评的通用方法。虽然很多适用于建设项目环境影响评价的方法可以直接用于规划环评,但二者之间仍存在着很大的不同。结合规划项目的环境影响评价特点与评价要求,参考国内现有行业标准规范与新发布的大气评价导则技术要求,提出了规划项目大气环境影响评价的基本工作流程和4个工作要点,并通过具体案例应用,分别从基础资料收集与分析、环境影响预测方案制定、规划方案的比选及环境承载力的测算给出具体说明与实施方法。通过预测评价分析及方案比选,对规划选址、发展规模、规划布局、产业结构以及区域规划发展方式等进行综合分析,最终针对规划项目的污染控制及规划方案提出调整建议,为今后规划环境影响评价工作提供依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

针对规划环境影响评价所面临的关键问题之一,即规划布局的优化调整问题,以海南博鳌亚洲论坛特别规划区为研究对象,综合考虑该地区的功能定位及其生态环境特征,筛选出具有代表性的生态适宜性评价因子和生态敏感性评价因子,利用地理信息系统空间分析工具对该地区生态适宜性和敏感性进行评价。根据生态适宜性与敏感性评价结果,进行案例区主体功能区划分。在此基础上,通过比较主体功能区划与案例规划布局,从建设用地地块层面提出具体的规划布局优化调整建议。研究结果表明:规划的141个建设用地地块中,约四成位于禁止开发区和限制开发区,建议控制项目规模或者取消项目。通过基于主体功能区划的规划布局优化调整方法及其案例研究,从环境保护与生态建设角度指导该地区规划布局,同时也丰富和发展了规划环境影响评价技术方法。  相似文献   

土地利用规划环境影响评价是针对土地利用的宏观结构调整与布局对环境可能造成的影响作出的预测性评估。当前我国的土地利用规划环境影响评价工作刚刚起步,国内还没有形成公认的范例,旨在通过实例研究建立一个适用于土地利用规划环境影响评价的方法。选用综合指数和协调度指标相结合的方法对贵州省毕节地区的土地利用规划环境影响进行评价,并且系统地探讨了基于该方法的评价指标体系的建立。结果表明,毕节地区土地利用规划修编方案对生态、社会和经济环境的综合影响属中等水平协调,通过适当的环境影响减缓措施加以改善即可。  相似文献   

为了适应改革开放的需要,中央先后决定在沿海十四个开放城市选建十五个经济技术开发区。作为全国经济中心的上海,从1986年开始,先后建立了闵行、虹桥经济技术开发区(1986年8月)和漕河泾新兴技术开发区(1988年6月)。经过几年建设,外资外商纷至沓来,开发区建设已见端倪,在经济上取得较大进展的同时,也摸索出了一些高效管理的经验,这对于我国政府管理体制改革将大有裨益。但由于开发区建立时间较短,受传统体制的束缚较大,行政区划与行政管理体制尚不完善,在一定程度上阻碍着开发区的健康发展。本文试图在总结开发区管理经验的基础上,结合上海实际,对开发区行政区划与管理体制问题进行新的探索。  相似文献   

目前国内土地资源可持续利用的研究主要集中在城市和县域尺度,关于开发区这一特殊经济区域的相关研究还较少。开发区是我国当前经济的重要增长点,所具有的良好示范和带动作用可促进其腹地甚至其他地区的可持续发展,因此评价和监测开发区土地可持续发展的状态和程度具有重要意义。以芜湖经济技术开发区为例,从土地开发利用状况、社会影响和环境质量三方面构建了开发区土地可持续利用的综合评价指标体系,运用模糊数学的方法对芜湖经济技术开发区土地利用的可持续性进行了综合评价,评价结果为该区土地利用的可持续性对中度可持续的隶属度0.539最大,根据最大隶属度原则,该区土地利用的可持续性为中度可持续。  相似文献   

从中国的发展实践来看,产业集聚在助力经济发展的同时,也会对生态环境产生不可预知的外部性。本文试图从理论和经验两个层面,就国家级经济技术开发区的产业集聚对污染和治理两个维度的影响进行系统考察。作为实现中国经济高质量发展的试验田,国家级经济技术开发区的设立实质就是产业在空间上的集聚。本文利用2003—2017年中国285个地级市的面板数据,将开发区设立视为一种准自然实验,采用倾向得分匹配双重差分模型(PSM-DID)考察国家级经济技术开发区产业集聚产生的环境效应是加剧了污染还是促进了治理。研究发现:总体上国家级经济技术开发区的设立有利于改善地区环境绩效,开发区产业集聚在初始所形成的污染集中排放加剧了环境污染,但后期所产生的技术溢出和示范效应则能有效提升环境治理水平。进一步对样本对象的空间、时间和资源禀赋的异质性考察表明,国家级开发区产业集聚对中西部地区环境绩效的提升要优于东部地区,尤其是环境治理水平方面;设立时间较晚的开发区对当地环境绩效的提升要显著优于早期设立的开发区;与非资源型城市相比,资源型城市的国家级开发区产业集聚能更有效降低排污规模,提升环境治理效率。并且上述结论在各种稳健性检验中仍然成立。开发区设立的产业集聚政策先天具有"自上而下"的导向性,根据实证结论,提出地方政府应基于自身条件,建设符合当地区位导向的开发区,结合地区经济发展阶段和主导产业,营造合乎地区自身禀赋基础的制度环境,分层次完善国家级经济开发区,加强产业集聚对环境治理的助推作用,从而实现产业发展与经济增长绿色联动。  相似文献   

城市新经济开发区大气环境容量计算及分配方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着改革开放步伐的加快,城市开发区也随之蓬勃发展起来。城市新经济开发区的大气环境容量计算及分配是开发区区域环境影响评价的一个重要内容。介绍了建立在网格基础之上的大气污染物总量控制方案的制定方法,引入了污染物扩散转移矩阵概念,并结合广州科学城大气环境总量控制规划,将该方法应用在城市开发区大气环境容量计算及管理中,最后本着公平分配的原则,注重经济效果和社会效率,达到环境保护的目标,提出了一种基于企业占地面积的容量分配方案。按照地块面积划分总量方法不但适应了开发区的动态的发展需要,而且将环境因素引入企业的决策过程。所介绍的方法将对新经济开发区大气环境容量计算及分配具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

江苏省级开发区土地开发效益评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地问题是当前我国开发区发展面临的重大挑战,在科学发展观指导下,国家从政策和管理层面对开发区提出提高土地集约利用水平的客观要求。江苏省是我国开发区较为发达的地区,开发区的发展对地区经济的发展起了重要推动作用,但也存在数量过多、土地利用集约度不高的问题。借鉴一些学者的相关研究,构建了一套开发区土地利用经济评价指标体系,采用系统协调度模型,对江苏省的省级开发区的土地开发效益进行评价,并就开发区效益评价结果进行了数学和空间分析说明。  相似文献   

环境承载力理论在区域规划环境影响评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境承载力分析是区域规划环境影响评价的评价方法之一。对环境承载力的合理分析,能够反映区域社会经济和资源环境的协调程度,准确地评估区域规划对环境造成的影响,使评价更具科学性。在环境承载力定义的基础上,通过建立一定的指标体系,结合发展变量与限制变量之间关系的描述,研究了区域环境承载力的利用强度,由此提出了一种更为直观的环境综合承载力量化方法——环境承载力综合指数。并将其应用到广州市南沙国际汽车城规划环境影响评价中,为该规划的进一步完善提出了合理的建议。该方法能够准确反映区域规划对环境的影响,为区域的协调发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

大都市区是经济社会发展水平较高的区域,也是人口最为密集的区域,随着人口规模急剧增加,资源消耗、环境容量占用、污染排放均呈现出上升的态势,同时也引致交通拥挤、空间局促、公共服务供给不均等一系列社会问题,也成为制约大都市区经济社会可持续发展的主要因素。为此,许多国家和地区实施人口总量控制和区域调控政策,目的在于协调人口布局与资源环境和经济发展间的关系。在借鉴地理学传统分区方法基础上,综合考虑自然生态、资源环境、经济社会发展等方面要素,从人居环境的约束性和适宜性两方面出发,构建人口空间布局适宜性分区评价的指标体系,探讨了单元划分、指标赋值和综合评价等方法,并采用修正矩阵向量模型计算各评价单元人口布局适宜性指数,在此基础上应用同比例关联法构建了人口总量指标空间配置优化模型。最后,以无锡市区为例对分区方法和空间配置优化模型进行检验,结果表明老城区人口密度过高,环境容量趋于饱和,需要疏解人口;外围的新城和开发区所在区域,人口密度较低,人口布局适宜性也较好,是未来人口集聚的重点区域;望虞河、直湖港沿线等生态敏感区、机场周边等地区不适合大规模人口布局,需要控制甚至迁出区内人口。在此基础上提出无锡市区人口空间布局优化方案,以期为制定差别化的人口引导政策提供科学依据  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION According to the Environmental Protection Law of P.R. China, and the Environmental Protection Management Method on Construction Projects the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (HJ/T 2.1~2. 3-93) have defined how environmental impact assessment should be carried out for construction projects, in terms of the general principle, methodology, contents and requirements. Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment on the Atmosphe…  相似文献   

Air quality is managed in Great Britain via an effects-based, risk management process designed to provide a dynamic solution to public health issues associated with elevated concentrations of seven specified air pollutants. This paper is concerned with an examination and evaluation of the process of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) in Great Britain from the late 1980s to date as a risk management process. The statutory basis of LAQM process is provided by the Environment Act 1995. The Act provides a framework in which national and local actions are required to identify and remediate areas of poor air quality. Within this framework, the implementation of the process at national and local levels is considered, leading to an identification and assessment of risks in the formulation and implementation of air quality management policy and practice. Local Authorities began the process of Review and Assessment in 1999 and the first round of the process concluded in 2001. Following this, some 129 Local Authorities declared one or more Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs). The Review and Assessment elements of the framework were subjected to an evaluation in 2001 and the essential elements of it were confirmed as fit for purpose. The evaluation led to a confirmation of the process of LAQM but also a simplification based on the experience of Round 1. Now, a two step process is required comprising of an Updating and Screening Assessment and, where a risk of exceeding an Air Quality Objective (AQO) is identified, a Detailed Assessment follows. The Government has identified a time scale for Review and Assessment through to 2010 and also introduced the requirement of a regular Progress Report in order that a Local Authority is able to address routine matters of air quality management. The risks inherent in epidemiological or scientific uncertainty are factored into the LAQM process at an early stage of the process and, by identifying the risks and subjecting them to regular review, the process provides a 'level playing field' across spatial and temporal scales. Whilst the process of LAQM described in this paper has been developed for Great Britain, the generic elements of the process are applicable to other countries challenged by air pollution problems which require both national and local action to resolve them.  相似文献   

The current increase in the number of development projects in Malawi is leading to loss of natural resources and the general degradation of the environment. Both the Malawi Environmental Management Act of 1996 and the Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of 1997, prescribe a list of infrastructural projects that must undergo environmental impact assessment (EIA) before their implementation. This study identifies the key limitations of EIA application to infrastructural projects in Malawi. A desktop study used to gather information in this study involved a review of several documents such as EIA reports, policies and laws, books, journals and internet articles. Primary data was obtained from policymakers, contractors, EIA practitioners and the general public using both structured and unstructured interviews, as well as through questionnaires. Focus group discussions and direct observations were employed wherever necessary in the study. Major limitations to successful EIA in infrastructural projects in Malawi include: (1) limited experience and practice of EIA practitioners; (2) cost of EIA process; (3) limited links between EIA and urban planning procedures; (4) lack of political will; (5) project delays; (6) lack of effective monitoring and auditing, (7) lack of data, especially those to be used in predictive models. This violates the principles of sustainability science and the international best practices for EIA that were developed by the International Association for Impact Assessment. It is recommended that active environmental management should actively involve the interests of all stakeholders, and that follow up of predicted environmental impacts resulting from any project should entail monitoring, auditing and reporting.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a useful and effective instrument for sustainable development. Most countries require instruction projects to carry out EIA. EIA of our country began at the end of the 1970s; Chinais one of the earliest countries that carried out Project EIA. Through the fulfillment of more than 20 years, this system has been improved gradually and is playing a significant role in facilitating the enterprise reasonable layout and optimal addres…  相似文献   

环境影响评价需要新的突破   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国环境影响评价已取得巨大成绩,在项目建设、区域发展中起着重要的作用,成为环境保护的重要保证手段。但中国环境影响评价依然存在十分突出的问题,还不能充分发挥其应有的功能。为此,环境影响评价应坚持正确的价值观,要打破环评单位隶属于项目建设单位的主从关系,环境单位要有独立行使调整、考察、分析、评价和下环评结论的权利;环境影响评价的时间要适时、充分,杜绝项目先上马后补环评,或项目要上马临时补环评的做法;战略环评应在宏观发展战略发挥更大的作用,成为国家宏观调控的有力工具之一;要构建环评的公共服务信息平台,反对信息部门垄断和数据虚假;环评方法贵在创新、重在实用,要积极应用新方法、新技术,反对数学方法与模型的滥用。  相似文献   


Strategic Environmental Assessment is a frontier subject in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment. In the past two decades, especially in recent years, much more importance has been attached to Strategic Environmental Assessment. The Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the P.R. China which was promulgated provides a great opportunity for the development of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment and brings great challenges for the development of traditional Project Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning Environmental Impact Assessment at the same time. In order to promote the implementation of “The EIA Law”, the inherent limitations of Project Environmental Impact Assessment must be identified sufficiently and the theory research and practice of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment should be strengthened as well. Measures should be taken currently to enforce the operation system. The authors wish to offer a few references to the progress and implementation of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment in China.  相似文献   

生态系统评价对于生态系统的可持续经营以及社会可持续发展具有重要意义。本文简要介绍了在生态区域评价的发展过程中具有重要意义的一系列事件,阐述了生态系统评价在北美和全球的发展过程、生态系统评价的有关概念、内容及其对于生态系统可持续经营的重要意义,同时还介绍了我国参与新千年生态系统评估的一些行动,并对中国的生态系统评价提出看法。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been growing concerns about environmental issues related to urbanization in China. The intense natural resources utilization and increasing population has brought great pressure, especially in coastal areas, consequently affecting the sustainable development of coastal cities. In 2002, Environmental Impact Assessment Act (EIA Act) was enacted in China. Environmental impact assessment targeted at planning, one level of strategic environmental assessment (SEA), thus became a legislative requirement. This paper considers SEA to be one of the important approaches not only to control coastal pollution, but also to conserve coastal ecosystems and finally to achieve sustainable development during urbanization, thus it will be a set an example for other areas of China. The experience of SEA in Xiamen, a coastal city in southeast China, illustrates the potentials of SEA. This paper first briefly introduces the concept and potentials of SEA, then compares two SEA cases and a project EIA case in Xiamen, and finally identifies the key characteristics of SEA.  相似文献   

三峡库区生活垃圾的重金属污染程度评价   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
长期以来,我国的城市生活垃圾处理与处置主要以填埋为主,且大部分为简易填埋或堆放,形成众多的垃圾堆放场。它们不仅影响周围的生态环境,而且威胁到居民的身体健康,特别是不少堆存的生活垃圾受到重金属元素不同程度的污染,任意放置可能会产生严重的后果,所以评价生活垃圾的重金属元素污染程度有助于垃圾堆放场的环境影响评价以及污染防治措施的提出。以三峡库区为例,通过测定三峡库区各个区县主要垃圾堆放场堆存生活垃圾的重金属元素含量, 包括砷、铅、铬、镉和汞,采用单因子评价和综合评价法确定三峡库区堆存生活垃圾的重金属污染程度,为库区的环境保护提供决策支持。  相似文献   

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