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赵波  陈道升  吴敏 《环境技术》2010,28(2):27-29,33
针对NEBS认证标准的要求,本文提出了一种符合该标准要求的高低温自动测试系统设计方案,该方案能有效改善测试点控温精度和温度波动度,减少人工干预,防止设备故障。  相似文献   

广东省揭阳市环境监测站在计量认证转版工作方面做了大量的准备工作,在质量体系建立、机构设置、设施与环境、信息资源支持等方面逐项落实,并结合工作实际,提出了在此项工作开展过程中,需要解决的几个问题。  相似文献   

中山市正在实施的未达标水体综合整治工程采用的EPCO模式是把工程的设计阶段、采购阶段、施工阶段和运营阶段整合起来由一个项目公司(总承包商)负责,建设单位负责工程的决策和投资。介绍了EPCO模式的运作程序、集成管理等特征,分析其在中山市未达标(黑臭)水体综合整治工程的应用过程,并总结其优势和局限性,作为类似水环境整治工程管理工作的参考。  相似文献   

机载设备振动条件确定方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以机载显控台上的显示器为例,结合GJB 150A和GJB 4239的指导,介绍了在设计阶段和生产阶段上分别通过配重和设备的振动试验测量设备安装位置的响应,分析数据并确定机载设备振动试验条件的方法。  相似文献   

浅议环境保护部门在推进ISO14000系列标准中的作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文论述了企业实施ISO14000环境管理体系认证在国际贸易中的重要性,指出了环保部门在推进企业实施ISO14000环境体系认证过程中的作用。  相似文献   

张蕊  汪凯蔚 《环境技术》2009,27(2):19-23
在电子设备的研制和设计阶段,热测试与分析是热设计中的重要环节。本文阐述了利用红外热像仪对电子设备关键部位进行热测试,检测电子设备内部温度分布情况,并与设计目标进行比较与纠正,从而达到热设计的最终目的。  相似文献   

生态旅游与可持续旅游环境认证研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
旅游认证与生态标识是热点话题,同时也是较新的话题。首先对世界范围内的生态旅游与可持续旅游环境认证体系的进展进行了分析,并介绍了当今世界范围内主要的生态旅游与可持续旅游环境认证体系;其次对生态旅游与可持续旅游环境认证体系普遍遵循的认证过程进行了分析,呼吁我国尽快出台相关法律、法规以构建一套适合我国国情的生态旅游与可持续旅游环境认证体系,并培育出具有国际知名度的旅游生态标识。  相似文献   

第一次全国污染源普查(总结发布阶段)工作会议2月19日在南京市召开,环境保护部副部长张力军指出,第一次全国污染源普查工作在组织协调、经费落实、质量核查等方面采取了有效措施,保证了普查准备阶段、全面普查阶段各项工作的顺利完成。其中,全国共有31个省、自治区、直辖市和新疆生产建设兵团,326个市(州、盟),2166个县(市、区、旗)成立了污染源普查领导小组,  相似文献   

突发性环境污染事故具有不确定性,因此要求应急监测准备工作常备不懈;应急监测准备和响应贯穿于事前、事发、事后几个阶段,包括日常准备、应急监测、结果发布、跟踪监测、经验总结等主要环节。  相似文献   

运用统计方法分析了我国西部地区企业ISO 14001认证进展缓慢的原因,主要是受地区经济发展水平的限制,同时也和管理观念、认证经验、审核机构、行业分布等因素有关。推进西部地区ISO 14001认证工作十分必要,应采取有针对性的措施,帮助西部企业建立认证环境管理体制,实现我国西部的经济和环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

概述S-mark认证中的EMC要求及相关标准。以电磁炉为例,对日本电安法和电波法对EMC测试要求重新梳理了章节的测试条款,对标准规定不够详细的地方提出了解读意见,以供实验室检测和厂家认证参考。  相似文献   

This study aims to characterize the different types of certification in the Brazilian citriculture as well as analyze the major changes in the market. The paper also has the objective to discuss how social and environmental factors influence the demand for food certifications and the sustainability and ethics aspects in the field. Therefore, a literature review on the subject was carried out as well as a qualitative research using interviews with certifiers, governmental institutions, farmers, cooperatives and producer associations. The certification is becoming mandatory for those working in foreign markets and for those working nationally; it can be a competitive differential. The organic certification in citriculture shows the highest number of growers. Companies with large areas of citrus and the orange juice processing industry are adhering to this certification in order to maintain themselves competitive in the market. There is an enormous potential of Brazilian citriculture certification, because the certified area is still less than 6 % of the total area. Certification reduces the asymmetry of information and consists of an important step towards sustainability although incapable of solely guaranteeing it.  相似文献   

随着空调的发展,开关电源、可控硅及相关非线性器件的大量应用,一方面提高了人们对电能的利用效率;另一方面,非线性的电能转换又在电网中引入了大量谐波电流。作为对电网质量的控制及维护人体健康,我国相继出版了两个标准:GB17625.1《电磁兼容限值低压电气及电子设备发出的谐波电流限值(设备每相输入电流≤16A)》及GB17625.2《电磁兼容限值对额定电流不大于16A的设备在低压供电系统中产生的电压波动和闪烁的限值》(此两标准分别等同于IEC61000-3-2和IEC61000-3-3)。从标准号看,均为强制性标准,特别是在我国开展的强制性产品认证中,有相当一部分电气和电子产品需要进行谐波电流的发射测试,所以值得各相关企业特别注意。本文主要分析了其危害性、起因、对策。  相似文献   

环境监测质量管理是环境监测实验室的重要工作之一,是保证环境监测数据“准确性、精密性、代表性、完整性、可比性”的重要手段。在总结环境监测实验室(二级站)环境监测质量管理实践经验的基础上,针对管理过程中存在的领导重视程度不够、体系文件宣贯不到位、技术人员上岗证考核不系统、现场采样和样品管理质控有缺陷等方面问题,提出了强化制度落实、加强技术培训、试行全过程质控等对策建议。  相似文献   

文章通过对国内外含油污泥处理技术的研究,结合某单位开发的一套含油污泥处理撬装设备在一个月的现场试验过程中产生的问题进行分析,探讨含油污泥处理设备制作过程中应注意的问题,并相应提出建议。  相似文献   

During the last decade, forest certification has gained momentum as a market-based conservation strategy in tropical forest countries. Certification has been promoted to enhance forest management in countries where governance capacities are insufficient to adequately manage natural resources and enforce pertinent regulations, given that certification relies largely on non-governmental organisations and private businesses. However, at present there are few tropical countries with large areas of certified forests. In this study, we conducted semi-structured stakeholder interviews in Ecuador and Bolivia to identify key framework conditions that influence the costs and benefits for companies to switch from conventional to certified forestry operations. Bolivia has a much greater relative area under certified forest management than Ecuador and also significantly more certified producers. The difference in the success of certification between both countries is particularly notable because Bolivia is a poorer country with more widespread corruption, and is landlocked with less access to export routes. Despite these factors, several characteristics of the Bolivian forest industry contribute to lower additional costs of certified forest management compared to Ecuador. Bolivia has stronger government enforcement of forestry regulations a fact that increases the cost of illegal logging, management units are larger, and vertical integration in the process chain from timber extraction to markets is higher. Moreover, forestry laws in Bolivia are highly compatible with certification requirements, and the government provides significant tax benefits to certified producers. Results from this study suggest that certification can be successful in countries where governments have limited governance capacity. However, the economic incentives for certification do not only arise from favourable market conditions. Certification is likely to be more successful where governments enforce forestry laws, provide financial incentives for certified forestry, and provide land tenure security, and where large-scale and vertically integrated forestry operations are commercially feasible. For this reason, at present, there are few developing countries where forest certification is likely to achieve widespread success.  相似文献   

史荣 《环境技术》2009,27(6):33-35
本文主要针对信号线路交换网络设计中的失效问题展开讨论,对输出信号在传输网络中失效性进行了评估,根据失效评估在设备可靠性设计方面做了相应的考虑。  相似文献   

空气自动监测网运行率和准确率统计自动化实现的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
山东省在城市空气质量自动监测网络的监控管理中,设计了反映子站运行管理的量化指标和计算程序,用软件统计系统自动计算仪器设备的运行率和数据的准确率,实现了全省监测数据的统一确认,使质量保证的监管措施得以自动化实现。详细介绍了该任务的自动化实现方式。  相似文献   

Forest certification--an instrument to promote sustainable forest management?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Forest certification was introduced in the early 1990s to address concerns of deforestation and forest degradation and to promote the maintenance of biological diversity, especially in the tropics. Initially pushed by environmental groups, it quickly evolved as a potential instrument to promote sustainable forest management (SFM). To date about 124 million ha or 3.2% of the world's forests have been certified by the different certification schemes created over the last decade.Forest certification shares the aim of promoting SFM with another tool, namely criteria and indicators (C&I) for SFM. C&I sets are mainly developed for the national level to describe and monitor status and trends in forests and forest management. They also provide an essential reference basis for forest certification standards, which set performance targets to be applied on a defined area. Progress in developing these two different tools has been significant.After 10 years of implementation, it is evident that the original intention to save tropical biodiversity through certification has largely failed to date. Most of certified areas are in the temperate and boreal zone, with Europe as the most important region. Only around ten per cent is located in tropical countries.The standards used for issuing certificates upon compliance are diverse, both between certification schemes and within one and the same scheme when applied in different regions. However, they are at least equal to legal requirements and often include elements that set actually higher standards.While the quality of actual audits of the standards is of varying quality, there are indications that independent audits are an incentive for improving forest management. As a voluntary market-based tool, forest certification is depending on the ability to cover the costs incurred and thus on often-elusive green consumer sentiment.Regardless of many difficulties, forest certification has been very successful in raising awareness and disseminating knowledge on a holistic SFM concept, embracing economic, environmental and social issues, worldwide. It also provides a tool for a range of other applications than assessment of sustainability, such as e.g. verifying carbon sinks.  相似文献   

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