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循环经济是以科学发展观为统领,以先进的科学技术为基础,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为特征的集约化、内涵式经济增长模式。为了促使我国走上循环经济发展之路,就必须建立循环经济科技支撑体系,即以政府为主导、企业为主体、社会化服务机构健全的循环经济科技创新体系和完善的循环经济科技政策体系、法律法规体系以及绿色文化与教育体系。  相似文献   

<正>中国有关部门不断完善政府采购相关政策,优先采购节能产品,使政府"绿色采购"成为发展循环经济的重要推动力量。中国的政府采购法明确规定,政府采购应当有助于实现国家的经济和社会发展政策目标,包括节约能源、保护环境等。为了发挥政府机构节能节水、保护环境的表率作用,促进循环经济发展和可持续发展,国务院有关部门先后印发了《节能产品政府采购实施意见》及节能产品政府采购清单,出台了《关于环境标志产品政府采购实施的意见》及"绿色采购清单"——环境标志产品政府采购清单。  相似文献   

姜山 《环境教育》2008,(9):68-70
发展循环经济一直受到党中央、国务院高度重视,2005年胡锦涛总书记指示要建立适合我国国情的循环经济法,同年国务院发布了《国务院关于加快发展循环经济的若干意见》。此后我国循环经济建设开始步入摸索、试点阶段,相关法律也被列入人大立法计划当中。时隔三年,循环经济在众地区工业园中得到快速发展,已积累了宝贵经验,取得了显著成效;《循环经济促进法》也通过人大审议,  相似文献   

国务院批复第一个区域循环经济规划2009年12月24日,国务院正式批复了《甘肃省循环经济总体规划》(以下简称《总体规划》)(国函〔2009〕150号,以下简称《批复》),这是我国第一个由国家批复的区域循环经济发展规划,实现了循环经济由理论到实践的重大突破。《批复》指出,甘肃省地处青藏高原、内蒙古高原、黄土高原交汇处,是我国重要的生态屏障和陆路交通枢纽,资源蕴藏丰富,战略地位重要,发展潜力巨大。要把《总体规划》实施作为应对国际金融危机,保持经济平稳较快发展的重要举措,着力推动经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整,着力提高经济增长质量和效益,实现甘肃省经济社会的全面协调可持续发展。《批复》强调,《总体规划》实施要高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,以转变经济发展方式为主线,以体制机制创新和科技进步为动力,按照“减量化、再利用、资源化”原则,积极培育循环经济产业链、骨干企业、示范园区和基地建设,加大循环经济支撑技术的研发推广力度,努力把甘肃省建成国家循环经济示范区。《批复》要求,甘肃省人民政府要切实加强对《总体规划》实施的组织领导,落实配套措施,积极探索发展循环...  相似文献   

国务院日前印发了《循环经济发展战略及近期行动计划》(以下简称《计划》),这是我国首部国家级循环经济发展战略及专项规划。《计划》以建设循环型社会为目的,提出了循环型生产方式广泛推行、绿色消费模式  相似文献   

路远 《环境教育》2007,(9):52-53
2003年年初,我国颁布实施的《政府采购法》明确提出政府采购要有利于环境保护,2006年为贯彻落实《国务院关于加快发展循环经济的若干意见》,积极推进环境友好型社会建设,发挥政府采购的环境保护政策功能,和《中华人  相似文献   

为促进循环经济形成较大规模,建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会,日前国家发展改革委、中国人民银行、银监会和证监会联合发布了《关于支持循环经济发展的投融资政策措施意见的通知》(以下简称通知)。  相似文献   

党中央、国务院高度重视社会信用体系建设。2014年,国务院印发了《关于促进市场公平竞争维护市场正常秩序的若干意见》《社会信用体系建设规划纲要》,提出要加强行业协会商会诚信自律建设,推进行业自律体系和社会信用体系建设。2014年,民政部等8部门印发了《关于推进行业协会商会诚信自律建设工作的意见》,支持行业协会商会参与行业信用建设,推动行业协会商会建立健全行业自律机制。为发挥各社会组织在推动社会信用体系建设中的作用,国家发展和改革委员会先后确定两批行业协会商会作为行业信用体系建设的试点单位。中国环境保护产业协会为首批试点单位之一。为落实试点工作,根据国家发展和改革委员会等10部门联合印发的《行业协会商会综合监管办法》(发改经体[2016]2657号)、2016年12月27日国家发改委连维良副主任在全国性行业协会商会综合监管暨信息共享工作会议上对行业协会商会信用体系建设提出的"两大任务、三项建设、五个要求",中国环境保护产业协会结合行业发展实际,起草了《中国环境保护产业协会诚信自律承诺书》,在环保产业行业内全面开展行业信用体系建设工作,推进行业健康发展。《中国环境保护产业协会诚信自律承诺书》现向社会公开,内容如下。  相似文献   

中国宜兴环保科技工业园于1992年11月经国务院批准设立,是我国唯一以发展环保产业为特色的国家高新技术产业开发区,为国家科技部和环境保护部“共同管理和支持”的单位,列入了《中国21世纪议程》优先发展项目,并被江苏省人民政府确定为发展循环经济的重要示范基地。  相似文献   

循环经济是当今世界经济发展的必然趋势,旅游业是发展循环经济的最佳载体。构建旅游循环经济体系、发展旅游循环经济是旅游业可持续发展的重要途径。旅游循环经济是整个循环经济系统的重要组成部分和驱动力,阐述了旅游业发展循环经济的必然性,试图构建旅游循环经济体系来阐述旅游循环经济的实现模式,提出了运行旅游循环经济体系的相关对策。  相似文献   

Experiments were performed in a 1.5 MW pilot-scale furnace to investigate the differences between air- and oxy-fired flame behavior from a pulverized coal oxy-research burner designed for flexible operating conditions. The flame behavior was characterized by recording video images of the flames and by measuring radiation intensity along the flame length. Various strategies relating air- and oxy-fired operation of the burner primary register were investigated where the oxy-fired burner primary mass, momentum and velocity were matched to the air-fired conditions. Matching either burner primary mass or momentum under oxy-fired conditions with air-fired conditions resulted in a flame stabilized within the quarl. Matching primary velocity with air-fired conditions resulted in a detached flame indicating a delay in flame ignition for the oxyfired conditions. A decrease in primary velocity of 13% was necessary in order to stabilize a flame within the quarl similar to the air-fired case. Additional experiments also showed a flame could be stabilized with no oxygen enrichment of the primary (~3 vol.%, dry O2 in the primary). Experiments where oxygen was injected at the burner face indicated injection at the boundary of the primary and secondary flow paths strongly attach a flame and injection at the coal rich primary flow path increased the radiative intensity of the flame.  相似文献   

Today, U.S. corporations are discovering the merit of combining the principles of total quality environmental management (TQEM) into their measurement and communications programs. This approach has been particularly productive in the permitting process that is necessary for starting, expanding, or sustaining plant operations—a procedure that can easily be thwarted in the absence of a prominent and aggressive communications component. The need to benchmark and measure such a communication program'S progress is critical both for internal management and for environmental regulators concerned that an applicant demonstrate a high degree of public involvement.  相似文献   

This article argues that much of the economic criticism of the Integrated Programme for Commodities has been based on outdated and simplistic models and that fears of ‘dirigisme’ and price raising derive from a misunderstanding of the fundamental focus of the IPC on price stabilization. Moreover, the proposed IPC would, it is argued, generate benefits significantly in exces of its costs, which themselves have often been exaggerated. The article concludes by arguing that compensatory finance should be viewed as complementary to, not competitive with, the IPC.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology is a new multidisciplinary field of study requiring that economic activity be integrated with, and have minimal impact on, surrounding natural systems. This systems-based approach is beginning to be implemented in private firms through the development of Design for Environment (DFE) methodologies and tools which support the integration of technological and environmental considerations in all economic activities. As part of this development process, a matrix system is proposed by the author by which the environmental and energy costs embedded in materials as used in generic applications may be identified, facilitating environmentally and economically efficient selection of materials. This Material Environmental Evaluation Matrix is supported by checklists which inform the evaluation process. A set of completed matrices for major materials in common applications forms the basis for an Environmentally Efficient Materials Database (EEMD). Once completed, the EEMD would inform consumers, product and process designers, business planners and managers, regulators and government purchasers, public interest groups, and others in their choice of optimal, environmentally and economically efficient, material options.  相似文献   

Benchmarking is a powerful management technique that can help improve an organization's environmental performance on a number of dimensions. Benchmarking is not a cookbook solution but a systematic process of searching for the organization that is the best at a given process (“best-in-class”) and continually adopting or adapting new processes to accelerate improvement. As a continual process including planning, analysis, integration, action, and maturity phases, benchmarking should be integrated into the planning stage of the management system. Once processes are strategically identified, they can be improved within the company's Total Quality Management program. Many benefits, such as teamwork and job satisfaction, accompany benchmarking, but the greatest companywide advantage is becoming more competitive. Finding a suitable partner is crucial to the success of the benchmarking process. This article shows the traditional one-on-one approach is the most effective because it saves time and money that allows organizations to learn from each other. In addition, examples of where benchmarking partners may be found, as well as several success indicators in the benchmarking process, are presented. Since the ultimate intent of benchmarking is positive change, the difference between reengineering and continuous performance improvement and the role benchmarking plays in each is also discussed.  相似文献   

在介绍美国农药环境风险评估的概念、分级、地下水农药监测情况及水资源的立法保护等基础上,重点阐述了美国环保署在农药登记管理过程中使用的2个地下水风险评估模型,即SCI-GROW和PRZM-GW模型。SCI-GROW是以好氧条件土壤半衰期和土壤有机碳分配系数为自变量的经验线性回归模型,而PRZM-GW则是描述农药在土壤中运动的一维、有限差分模型。本文通过对美国环保署这2个特点鲜明的模型的介绍,希望能为我国的农药地下水风险评估及模型的开发提供一个新视角。  相似文献   

Securing flows for environmental purposes from an already fully utilized river is an impossible task--unless users are either coerced into freeing up water, or offered incentives to do so. One sensible strategy for motivating users to liberate volumes is to offer them economic compensation. The right amount for that compensation then becomes a key environmental management issue. This paper analyses a proposal to restore and maintain ecosystems on a stretch of the Río Conchos in northern Mexico, downstream from a large irrigation district that consumes nearly all local flows. We present here estimates of environmental flow requirements for these ecosystems and compute compensation figures for irrigators. These figures are derived from crop-specific irrigation water productivities we statistically estimate from a large set of historical production and irrigation data obtained from the district. This work has general implications for river ecosystem management in water-stressed basins, particularly in terms of the design of fair and effective water sharing mechanisms.  相似文献   

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