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Along with the industrial development, adverse impacts on the natural environment become more serious, and ecosystem health and ecological security have also been deteriorated. The traditional environment management focused on the short-term and economic benefits. Such managing pattern is not accommodating to the new situation of increasingly global environment problems and large scale marine environment problems. This paper introduces the advance and definition of a new managing pattern—ecosystem management. Meanwhile, the connotation of ecosystem management was summarized as seven points: Sustainability; Human is an important aspect of ecosystem management; Cooperation is the foundation of ecosystem management; Maintain health and security of ecosystem; Ecological diversity protection characters ecosystem management; Maintain the integrity of ecosystem; Ecosystem management must be founded on scientific theories and precise information. Somebody said Ecosystem Management is “a new label of old ideas”. However, there is an essential difference between ecosystem management and traditional environmental management. In the last part of this paper, the differences of the approaches between ecosystem management and traditional environmental management are compared.  相似文献   

西昌市生态空间占用及其生态系统安全评估   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生态系统安全的概念应该与人类的可持续发展联系在一起,其安全的目标在于为人类的生存和发展提供持续和良好的生态服务功能,在这一意义上,生态安全就是生态系统的可持续性。生态系统安全是新兴的生态系统管理学概念,是新的环境管理和生态系统管理目标。利用生态占用分析方法,对西昌市整个生态系统的生态盈亏和生态系统安全进行评估,得出西昌市目前人均生态赤字0.6 hm2和生态安全受到挑战的结论。并进行了生态占用的敏感性分析:能源资源消耗降低10%,人均生态赤字降低5.32%;产量因子提高10%,人均生态赤字降低14.01%;能源消耗减低10%,同时产量因子提高10%,人均生态空间赤字减少降低19.33%。指出了能源循环利用、资源节约、技术革新和单位面积资源增值等为主要特征的生态产业发展对生态系统保育的意义和效应。  相似文献   

基于生态系统水平的洞庭湖生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以“生态系统服务”为生态风险评价终点,通过量化外界压力源与生态系统服务的“压力 响应”模式,建立基于生态系统水平的生态风险评价方法。该方法将生态系统整体作为分析对象,同时考虑了生态系统的各种组成要素及要素间的复杂关联作用。运用该方法评价了洞庭湖的生态风险,并对评价结果进行了分析。评价结果表明东洞庭湖的生态风险程度最高,西洞庭湖次之,南洞庭湖最低。造成洞庭湖生态风险的主要压力源为城市化、生活和气候变化;主要胁迫因子为有机污染物、营养物质和水流量变化。受影响较大的生态系统指标为生物多样性、河湖连通性和碳循环;营养循环价值、净化水质价值和生物多样性价值3项生态系统服务风险程度较高  相似文献   

洞庭湖湿地生态系统管理面临的威胁及应对策略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统管理可以实现自然资源的多目标管理。洞庭湖湿地生态系统优越,区域内社会经济发达,但面临保护与发展的双重压力。其中,开展洞庭湖区湿地生态系统管理面临众多威胁,包括自然灾害频发、资源利用不当、工农业污染突出、自然保护能力不足以及季节性缺水等新老问题交织在一起,共同导致了洞庭湖湿地生态系统功能降低,包括生物多样性降低、调蓄能力减弱、洪渍涝灾害加剧、地下水位升高、垸老田低等现象日益突出,而且这种人类不合理活动的后效放大驱动将长期存在,危及到了湖区水产养殖的自然增殖以及自然资源基础的安全性,成为湖区社会经济发展的严重制约因素。为此,建议在遵循生态系统方法的前提下,洞庭湖地区应该加强管理体制机制创新实践,加快湿地保护的立法与执法进程,通过编制洞庭湖区中长期发展总体规划,促进各种利益相关方参与和共管洞庭湖湿地退田还湖等生态恢复工程的巩固、湿地资源合理利用、湿地产业的开发以及湖区湿地生态与环境建设,最终实现湖区生态美好、民生改善的“人地和谐  相似文献   

Ecosystem approach, a new comprehensive approach to the conservation and management of natural resources, has received universal concern and approval in the world, and it requires the application of the eco-compensation mechanism. Some basic ideas for establishing the marine eco-compensation mechanism are: payers and payees can be identified through analyzing marine ecosystem service changes and impacts on the stakeholders; financial transfer payment and environmental taxes and fees can be used as the main channels for compensation; payment standard can be set up by following the principle of a compromise between calculated theoretic results and “price bargaining”. Focusing on the key human impact on marine ecosystem in Bohai Sea, some preliminary ides on eco-compensation application are given: reform the ongoing charge system of pollutant discharge and enhance its incentives to reduce land pollutants; implement eco-compensation for freshwater demand between Bohai Sea and the river basins for the purpose of increasing freshwater inflow; popularize and strengthen the existing eco-compensation on fishery resources management, and implement the charge system of eco-compensation on reclamation from the sea for land construction.  相似文献   

长江源区生态功能区划与生态系统管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生态功能区划是近年来我国着力建设的一个新的关于资源与环境管理的框架。首先简要讨论了生态功能区划的性质,指出生态功能区划是基于生态系统的地理框架。与生态区比较,生态功能区强调人文活动对生态系统提供产品和服务能力的影响,并反映人类的价值判断。生态功能区划的最终目的是以生态系统的等级结构和尺度原则为基础,在不同尺度水平上实施“基于生态系统的管理”。以长江源区为例,进行了生态功能区划的实证分析。其基本认识是,按照生态系统的自然边界划分生态系统单元;进行生态系统描述和评价;在确定主导生态功能的基础上划分不同的生态功能区。最后讨论了按照生态系统原理对长江源生态功能分区进行管理和建设。  相似文献   


Contrast with artificial environment, the multi-level self-organizational system of nature has great gain. Sustainable material environment should respect nature: non-rubbish and super-cycle quality of natural ecosystem offers the material source of human development, fractal structure of nature offers new field of space and information source to this high-density and information-based society, dissipative structure of nature links the new system of energy with whole ecosystem organically, and life-chain regulation is the base of sustainable life environment. Nature guarantees the physical healthy environment by its all-dimension healthy factor, constructs the mental healthy environment by its quality of co-ordinate and chaos, so that guarantees the whole emergence of sustainable development on the ‘super-science’ level. In the view of sustainable development, construction, green economy and human health are basic fields. With the concept of ecosystem regulation, we can relate these fields organically and fulfill the task of human health, welfare and sustainable development. Ecosystem regulation is the base of sustainable development’s new paradigm.  相似文献   


The paper demonstrates why it is necessary to take the restoration of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new goal for integrated catchment management, in coastal area of the Tolo Harbour. The present goal of integrated catchment management (ICM) in the Tolo Harbour is to meet with Water Quality Objectives. The performance of an ICM plan, Tolo Harbour Action Plan (THAP), is evaluated by using marine coastal ecosystem health indicators including stress indicators and responses indicators. Since the implementation of THAP in 1988, some significant reduction in pollution loading has been observed—reduction of 83% of BOD load and 82% of TN between 1988 and 1999. There has been an improvement in the health state of Tolo Harbour marine coastal ecosystem as evidenced in the trends of the physical, chemical and biological indicators, although some reverse fluctuations in some periods exist. However, this can only be considered as the first sign of the ecosystem health restoration, since ecosystem health covers not only physical, chemical and biological aspects of an ecosystem, but also ecosystem-service-function aspect. It is recommended to take the restoration and protection of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new goal, instead of water quality objective management, for integrated catchment management in Tolo Harbour catchment. Steps to further improve the marine coastal ecosystem health of Tolo harbour are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

河流生态系统是地球上最为复杂的生态系统之一,它触及到自然环境所有部分,且几乎与各方面的人类活动均存在直接或间接的联系。河流生态学中最具活力的领域之一就是生态系统健康研究。鱼类是最早建立的生物完整性和健康评价的生物类群,一直以来被广为应用。在调查赣江流域17条一级支流和干流的不同江段的鱼类资源之后,首次通过鱼类完整性指数(F IBI)来评价赣江流域生态系统的健康状态。研究结果表明:赣江流域近70%调查样点鱼类群落完整性处于一般的状态,25%调查样点处于较好状态,5%调查样点则处于差的状态;赣江水系各河流的鱼类群落完整性均处于差-一般的水平。总之,流域支干流的水生态系统健康处于差-一般的状态。认为鱼类完整性受损与人工筑坝和蓄水等人类活动密不可分。建议开展系列补救措施,如增加鱼道或鱼梯等  相似文献   

南水北调工程及其生态安全:优先研究领域   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南水北调工程的实施将大幅度增加黄河上游径流量,并同时减少长江尤其是其上游及汉江下游的径流量,从而导致两条主要河流及其支流的水环境改变。中线工程从汉江上游丹江口水库调水,库区上游90 000余km2内的非点源污染和1 300万人口的生活污水处理设施的缺乏对水质将产生重大影响;调水引起水文节律的改变从而对东线沿途的湖泊生态系统产生重大影响;黄淮海平原受水区可利用水量的增加也可能导致该地区的盐渍化。介绍了南水北调工程并讨论了其必要性,提出了工程对生物迁移的影响、水环境及水生态安全、水资源保护的流域生态系统管理和西部退化生态系统的恢复和重建等优先研究领域,并提出结合“中国生态系统研究网络”、“生态环境国家野外科学观测研究站”的建设和长期监测来保障工程生态安全的策略。  相似文献   

The paper demonstrates why it is necessary to take the restoration of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new goal for integrated catchment management, in coastal area of the Tolo Harbour. The present goal of integrated catchment management (ICM) in the Tolo Harbour is to meet with Water Quality Objectives. The performance of an ICM plan, Tolo Harbour Action Plan (THAP), is evaluated by using marine coastal ecosystem health indicators including stress indicators and responses indicators. Since the implementation of THAP in 1988, some significant reduction in pollution loading has been observed - reduction of 83 % of BOD load and 82 % of TN between 1988 and 1999. There has been an improvement in the health state of Tolo Harbour marine coastal ecosystem as evidenced in the trends of the physical, chemical and biological indicators, although some reverse fluctuations in some periods exist. However, this can only be considered as the first sign of the ecosystem health restoration, since ecosystem health co  相似文献   

城市生态系统健康评价是城市可持续发展以及城市生态文明建设的需要。在当今各种"城市病"频发的背景下,研究城市生态系统健康水平,不仅有利于协调城市发展与城市生态系统健康之间的矛盾,而且对于指导城市建设规划编制,监控城市生态环境的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。鉴于此,论文在原有的城市生态系统健康评价指标的基础上,通过基于混合指标值的TODIM方法评价东营市2007—2013年间的城市生态系统健康状况,并分析活力、组成结构、恢复力、维持生态系统服务功能以及生态系统认知的构成指标对城市生态系统健康状况的影响。为了避免主观判断对城市生态系统健康评价的不确定性,文章采用兼顾客观信息和主观信息的组合权重赋权法确定各个指标的权重;根据东营市城市生态系统健康评价指标的特性和数据特点,建立了混合多属性决策TODIM方法的数学模型;采用扩展的TODIM方法对东营市城市生态系统健康状况进行评价,并分析了各个指标在城市生态发展过程中的作用。研究表明:(1)东营市的城市生态系统健康状况一直向好,由脆弱状态逐渐过渡到亚健康状态,但是生态状况仍然不容乐观,距离健康状态仍有较大的差距;(2)环保投入力度不足、污染物排放量增加、产业结构仍不完善、建成区人口密度过高等成为制约东营市城市生态系统健康发展的突出问题。文章提出了相应的对策建议,以促进城市生态系统的健康发展。  相似文献   

Acid sulfate soils have been described as the “nastiest soils on earth” because of their strong acidity, increased mobility of potentially toxic elements and limited bioavailability of nutrients. They only cover a small area of the world's total problem soils, but often have significant adverse effects on agriculture, aquaculture and the environment on a local scale. Their location often coincides with high population density areas along the coasts of many developing countries. As a result, their negative impacts on ecosystems can have serious implications to those least equipped for coping with the low crop yields and reduced water quality that can result from acid sulfate soil disturbance. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment called on by the United Nations in 2000 emphasised the importance of ecosystems for human health and well-being. These include the service they provide as sources of food and water, through the control of pollution and disease, as well as for the cultural services ecosystems provide. While the problems related to agriculture, aquaculture and the environment have been the focus of many acid sulfate soil management efforts, the connection to human health has largely been ignored. This paper presents the potential health issues of acid sulfate soils, in relation to the ecosystem services identified in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. It is recognised that significant implications on food security and livelihood can result, as well as on community cohesiveness and the spread of vector-borne disease. However, the connection between these outcomes and acid sulfate soils is often not obvious and it is therefore argued that the impact of such soils on human well-being needs to be recognised in order to raise awareness among the public and decision makers, to in turn facilitate proper management and avoid potential human ill-health.  相似文献   

河流生态系统管理研究——以香溪河为例   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
香溪河是三峡水库湖北库区最大的支流,其健康与否对三峡水库水质有直接影响,因此开展香溪河生态系统管理研究具有重要意义。然而,由于河流生态系统管理是一个新兴的研究领域,如何开展相关研究值得探讨。简要介绍了该领域的研究现状,并重点结合香溪河主要受水电站建设、流域土地不合理开发、工业污染等因素影响的事实,认为应该以保证水量、水质作为河流生态系统管理研究和各种管理措施的出发点,并以维持健康的水生态系统,保证河流各项服务功能的正常发挥为最终管理目标。以该思路为基础,就香溪河而言,可以着重从流域土地利用的生态学规划、香溪河水电站的生态学管理、香溪河流域水质污染源控制、香溪河生态系统健康和服务功能的监测及评价等四方面开展该河流的生态系统管理研究。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对生态系统服务的影响研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
土地利用/覆被变化是全球环境变化的重要组成部分和主要原因之一,不仅带来了地表结构的巨大变化,而且对生态系统服务也造成重要影响。土地利用变化和生态系统服务研究已成为国际上生态学和地理学等跨学科研究的热点之一。从土地利用变化和生态系统服务的概念及其影响因素分析入手,综述了土地利用面积变化、土地利用方式变化和土地利用空间格局变化等对生态系统服务的影响,归纳了土地利用变化对生态系统服务的影响研究的主要方法和模型,分析了相关研究的不足,并提出了加强生态系统服务动态评估方法和时空动态评估模型的研究、强化土地利用变化对生态系统服务影响的生态学机制研究和注重土地利用变化下生态系统服务评估结果的集成应用研究等建议,以期对我国的土地利用变化与生态系统服务评估研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

长江中下游浅水湖泊群具有十分重要的生态服务功能。然而,该湖群正面临江湖阻隔和富营养化等严重威胁。近年来,湖泊生态环境的保护和修复越来越受到重视,但治理效果不甚明显。其根本原因是:对由流域诸多胁迫导致的湖泊问题缺乏系统全面的认识,导致头痛医头、脚痛医脚。为此,本文提出应对长江湖群实施环境-水文-生态-经济协同管理战略,即在湖泊及其流域实施环境工程以控制入湖污染,实施生态水文工程以恢复自然水文体制,实施生态修复工程以增强生物自净能力,制定水环境经济制度以建立湖泊保护修复的激励和约束机制,构建生态健康评价体系以实施适应性管理,前提是责任主体明确。  相似文献   

This article reviews critical linkages between land-use transition and human health in the Himalayan region by applying ecosystem approaches to human health (or EcoHealth). Land-use transition in the Himalayan and similar regions includes sedentarization, agricultural intensification, habitat modification, migration, change of livelihoods and lifestyles, biodiversity loss, and increasing flash floods. These transitions, which can have impacts on human health, are driven by state policies, a market economy, and climate change. Human health is dependent on access to ecosystem services for food, nutrition, medicine, fiber and shelter, fresh water, and clear air. Ecosystem management has been a key means of controlling disease vectors and creating suitable habitats for human well-being. The paper identifies the web of environmental factors that influence human health. Institutional and policy issues for land-use and health transitions are also discussed.  相似文献   

对我国生态系统服务研究局限性的思考及建议   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
自1997年生态系统服务的概念引入我国以来,我国学术界关于生态系统服务的研究呈现指数水平上升,但是研究的内容局限于不同区域和不同类型生态系统服务的价值化评估。评估结果的科学性和现实有效性受到质疑。本文结合我国目前的实际需求,我国生态系统服务研究的误区以及对千年生态系统评估(MA)研究成果的思考,认为目前和日后生态系统服务研究可以加强如下几个方面的研究:一是生态系统服务对人类福祉贡献的研究;二是生态系统服务功能退化现状的研究:三是生态系统服务退化原因和对策的研究。以丰富爱国生态系统服务研究的内窑。并为生态系统服务价值评估研究提供基础和补充。  相似文献   

生态系统评价对于生态系统的可持续经营以及社会可持续发展具有重要意义。本文简要介绍了在生态区域评价的发展过程中具有重要意义的一系列事件,阐述了生态系统评价在北美和全球的发展过程、生态系统评价的有关概念、内容及其对于生态系统可持续经营的重要意义,同时还介绍了我国参与新千年生态系统评估的一些行动,并对中国的生态系统评价提出看法。  相似文献   

上海市滩涂湿地生态系统健康评价及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海沿江沿海地区是我国重要的滩涂湿地分布区,其滩涂湿地生态系统健康对上海乃至长三角地区的生态安全具有重要意义。基于“压力-状态-响应(PSR)”模型,构建了上海市滩涂湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系,采用熵权综合评价法对研究区域生态系统健康状况进行评价,并设定了相应的健康评价分级标准。结果表明:杭州湾北沿边滩、南汇边滩、浦东边滩、宝山边滩、长兴岛周缘边滩、横沙岛周缘边滩、崇明南滩、崇明北滩均处于亚健康状态;崇明西滩处于较健康状态;而崇明东滩和九段沙湿地处于健康状态。过度围垦、环境污染、互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel)〖JP2〗入侵等胁迫因子是上海市滩涂湿地面临的主要压力。在多重胁迫因子作用下,近30 a〖JP〗来上海滩涂湿地面积锐减,生态系统结构改变,生态功能退化。应重点控制滩涂开发强度,减少污染物排放,并加强对上海市滩涂湿地尤其是大陆边滩的保护,以维护湿地生态系统健康,保障区域生态安全  相似文献   

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