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为研究安全培训中事故案例展示方式和发展阶段对认知的影响,以皮电和眼动追踪生理测量指标反映内在认知,设计双因素重复测量方差试验进行研究。针对事故原因设计调查问卷以反映培训效果。试验选择70位学生分成两组作为被试,统计分析皮电和眼动追踪4个生理指标的差异性和调查问卷数据。结果表明:视频相对于文字,情境诱发性更好;被试对事故前兆线索的关注度、警觉性更好;事前和事后阶段杂乱眼动行为偏少。对不同危险线索的注视时间显著不同反映出被试先验知识影响对事故前兆的感知,而此过程在文字下表现不明显。此外,平均注视时间反映视频下全程认知难度高于文字;无论哪种方式危险呈现时均以专注的注视行为为主;对事后原因分析关注度均不高,这与调查问卷对比分析结果一致。因此,事故案例培训过程可优先以视频动态方式展示,但培训教师需明确事故关键线索,特别强调事故原因以提高培训效果。  相似文献   

事故调查是一项综合性很强的工作,涉及政治、经济、法律、社会科学、工程学、心理学等领域,集知识、经验、技能干一体。调查人员是否熟悉安全生产管理的所有工作和法规,通晓事故调查相关法规中的所有调查取证程序,是否具有逻辑分析能力、生产实践经验、个人与社会心理学知识,以及较强的交流和沟通能力,决定着调查工作的最终结果。  相似文献   

孙燕清 《劳动保护》2022,(12):48-50
工业生产过程中的危险性与系统的脆弱性,形成了发生事故的可能性。为预防事故的发生,现代安全管理对策中提出了3E原则,即工程技术(Engineering)、教育(Education)和强制(Enforcement)。其中,教育(Education)是指通过教育培训使从业人员提高安全意识,掌握安全知识与技能。  相似文献   

一、有利于规范事故报告和调查处理工作。在各级人民政府领导下进行事故调查处理是各级安全生产监管部门和煤矿安全监察机构的重要职能,是实施安全生产监管监察和行政执法的重要手段。《条例》从实际出发,科学地确定了事故等级及分级要素,明确了事故报告和调查处理工作应当遵循的原则。规范了事故报告和调查处理的程序、  相似文献   

安全教育培训是安全生产领域一项重要的基础性工作,加强企业安全培训工作,不仅有利于从业人员掌握安全生产知识,提高安全生产技能,强化安全意识,而且对于加强企业的安全生产管理,预防事故发生,促进全国安全生产形势的根本好转,都具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

安全培训效果影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李春 《安防科技》2006,(11):51-53
安全培训是通过增加受训者的安全知识,提高安全技能,提升安全理念,从而提高其安全素质,以达到预防事故,提高企业在人力资源方面本质安全水平的重要途径.而培训效果的好坏,直接影响着这一目标的实现.因此,如何提高安全培训效果对于安全培训至关重要,而要提高安全培训效果,弄清安全培训效果的影响因素,特别是那些重要的影响因素对于指导安全培训工作大有裨益.  相似文献   

各类生产事故,分析原因不外乎两类:安全意识低下,只重经济效益.不顾安全,从业人员自救.互救知识缺乏。前者是意识、态度问题,后者是技能问题。安全意识不高和安全技能低下的问题得不到根本转变,除去国民“人力资源”含金量不高、利益驱使等社会因素外.忽视培训教育也是重要原因。重形式和证件,轻能力和效果,重叠(不是重复)培训教育、针对性不强,是目前安全生产培训教育的通病。  相似文献   

王娟  孙志超  杨震 《安全》2015,36(10):69-70
石油企业的安全培训可促使员工树立正确的安全意识、掌握必要的安全知识和技能。根据调查,发现90%的安全事故都是人为因素造成的。石油企业的安全培训要素的实施正是着眼于此,通过有效的培训,使每个员工都可以树立安全理念,从根源上转变员工的安全意识,促使所有职工养成良好的安全习惯,这样的习惯、这样的意识最终将有利于石油企业的发展。  相似文献   

为降低不安全行为导致事故的发生率,改善、提升安全培训方法,基于长期对行为安全管理的研究,结合事故致因“2-4”模型、案例教学、PDCA循环等相关理论,创新提出了以“事故—原因—培训”为核心链条的行为追溯安全培训法,分为事故收集、原因分析、培训实施3个步骤。同时深入挖掘案例教学中建构主义、结构主义、知识转化机制等理论,分析指出这些理论在安全培训中的应用方式,进一步丰富了行为追溯安全培训法的理论内涵,并在这一基础上引入安全经验分享,与事故案例分析一同扩充行为追溯安全培训法的核心链条为“事故/成就—原因—培训→行为”(Accident/Accomplishment-Cause-Training→Act),进而提出了新的应用框架和实施路径。  相似文献   

企业安全培训必须提高针对性,增强实效性,分层开展培训。领导层培训要使领导干部实现从“愿管到会管”的基本转变,管理层培训要围绕落实“四个一切”开展工作,操作层培训要把提高员工技能作为基层基础建设的突破口。作好安全检查技术培训,真正提高检查的质量和效果。为此,要认真开展培训需求调研分析,按照各类从业人员的岗位特点科学设计培训方案。探索适应性培训方式,根据岗位需要实施分级培训。  相似文献   

为了解影响救援人员实战心理的关键因素及其作用,采用走访、专家访谈和问卷调查的方法,对我国消防部队的人员组成、心理状况和实战心理进行调查和研究,重点分析消防队员掌握灾害知识和经验积累对实战中出现的恐惧、紧张、急躁等心理的影响。研究结果表明,灾害知识和救援经验的增加对大部分消防队员均能起到消除紧张情绪的作用,知识水平和实战中的紧张与恐惧心理呈现明显的负相关,且影响显著。笔者认为:将救援队伍和人员的灾害知识培训纳入日常工作,对提高救援部队的总体作战能力具有重要作用;对于高级指挥人员,理论知识水平的提高有助于更佳的指挥应对。  相似文献   

国内外企业安全培训调查及模式的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了国际劳工组织、日本和德国企业"双元制"培训模式的基本要点和我国"系统型"、"过渡型"、"组合型"、"发展型"、"顾问型"、"索罗门型"和"螺旋型"企业培训模式的基本要点;以国内大型、中型和小型企业为对象,对2007年和2008年的调查数据进行统计分析,根据"企业"与"个人"对安全培训的响应,揭示了不同企业当前的安全培训现状。结果表明:企业安全培训在借鉴国外先进经验的基础上,逐步趋于规模化、规范化,形成了安全知识结构、安全综合能力、安全管理技能、事故应急救援等方面的复合培训模式;实现了高层次管理人员对安全培训的认同达95%以上,员工对安全培训的认同达89%以上;使员工的安全意识、安全价值观、工作态度和工作技能得以提升,其在工作岗位上的表现达到安全要求,并为企业创造更多的效益。同时笔者还对当前我国企业安全培训工作存在的问题提出了改进意见,对今后各类企业安全培训具有参考价值和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

企业不同层级员工安全文化培训探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
安全文化在事故预防中具有不可替代的重要作用,而培训是企业安全文化改善技术手段的重要方面。本文在中国矿业大学(北京)安全管理课题组现阶段研究成果的基础上,研究来自山东、河南、山西、东北4个省的10个样本煤矿的四类层级员工——管理层、专业人员、班组长、一线员工的安全文化初始测量值、两次培训后的提高幅度值和32条核心理念的得分情况。得出初始安全文化测量值不同层次员工的得分从高至低依次为:管理层,专业人员,班组长,一线员工;第一次培训后提高幅度值从高到低为:班组长,专业人员,管理层,一线员工;第二次培训后提高幅度值从高到低为:班组长,一线员工,管理层,专业人员并分析了得分高低不同的原因。  相似文献   

Introduction: A 2-year prospective study evaluated the effectiveness of a managerial training program to enhance corporate compliance with statewide worksite safety and health regulations. The program offered participants information about regulatory requirements and emphasized organizational and environmental strategies for reducing occupational injuries and illnesses. Objectives: To assess the effects of a train-the-trainer program on business managers' knowledge of statewide occupational safety and health legislation and on levels of corporate compliance with regulatory requirements. Methods: Forty-eight small- and medium-sized companies participated in the training sessions during the first year of the study. These firms were compared with 46 control companies that did not receive the training until the conclusion of the study. Results: Participation in the program was associated with higher levels of corporate regulatory compliance 12 months after the training sessions were held (controlling for baseline levels of corporate compliance with the regulations). Program effects on compliance levels were mediated by posttraining changes in managers' knowledge of regulatory requirements. Conclusions: The REACH OUT training program raised managers' awareness of and corporate compliance with statewide worksite safety and health regulations. Impact on Industry: Smaller companies face greater challenges than larger ones in developing and maintaining worksite safety and health programs. Barriers to regulatory compliance, especially in small- and medium-size companies, should be identified and removed to enhance the efficacy of these programs.  相似文献   

Effects of an office ergonomics workplace and training intervention on workers’ knowledge and self-reported musculoskeletal pain and discomfort were investigated. An instructional systems design process was used to develop an office ergonomics training program and the evaluation tools used to measure the effectiveness of the training program on workers’ office ergonomics knowledge and skills. It was hypothesized that the training and workplace intervention would allow the worker to more effectively use their workplace through increased office ergonomics knowledge and skills. Following the intervention, there was a significant increase in workers’ office ergonomics knowledge and awareness. Self-reported work-related musculoskeletal disorders significantly decreased for the group who had a workplace change and received ergonomic training relative to a workplace change-only group and a no intervention control group.  相似文献   

为了研究地铁乘客安全行为的影响因素,通过对北京、上海、广州、深圳等城市的地铁乘客的多项安全指标的抽样调查,建立了关于乘客安全行为的结构方程模型,研究了影响地铁乘客安全行为的主要因素。结果表明:良好的地铁安全氛围能有效提高乘客的安全知识水平、安全动机、安全心理水平、安全参与行为水平;安全参与行为水平同时受到乘客安全知识水平和乘客接受安全培训状况的影响,其中,乘客安全知识水平的高低取决于乘客接受安全培训状况;安全服从行为则与安全动机存在较强的正相关关系;乘客的安全心理水平只跟地铁安全氛围有关,安全氛围越好,乘客安全心理水平越高,安全知识作为中介变量同时影响着安全氛围与安全参与行为、安全培训与安全参与行为、安全氛围与安全动机以及安全培训与安全动机之间的关系,提高乘客安全知识水平是提高乘客安全行为水平的重要途径。  相似文献   

For a number of years now, enterprises have become increasingly interested in training in the area of health and safety at work. Even though trade unionists and managers see different advantages in such training, they share the same willingness to reduce occupational injuries. Even if demand for training is sometimes limited on purpose (all that is expected of it is to pass on recipes enabling work to be continued without getting hurt), training in safety and health is a privileged point of contact between researchers and trade unionists. But the contact between these two groups of actors in the process of changing working conditions does not happen without raising a number of questions: that of reciprocal mental images of each other, for instance, something which will condition the ways in which their knowledge meets; or the issue of the target groups of training: all the workers or just the delegates representing the workers in cooperation bodies? Other fundamental questions relate to the context in which training takes place: what type of training should take pride of place? What is the role of the expert in this approach? And how should the expert's knowledge be linked in with that of the workers?  相似文献   

PROBLEM: In most countries, drivers licensing systems usually include teaching some aspects of using safety equipment (e.g., airbags and seat belts). However, there is now evidence worldwide that such education is inadequate, as indicated by, for example, the overrepresentation of young drivers who do not use seat belts. METHOD: A randomized controlled study was conducted in Sweden to evaluate the effects of visiting a facility known as a "safety hall" in combination with the mandatory skid training. The results were assessed to determine the effects of the knowledge and attitudes of learner drivers in the following subjects: airbags, securing loads, seat belts, sitting posture, speed, and tires. An experimental group and a control group comprising 658 and 668 learners, respectively, answered identical questionnaires on three different occasions (pretest, posttest 1, and posttest 2). RESULTS: The results show that, for most of the topics considered, knowledge and attitudes in both groups were better at posttest 2 than at the pretest, and in general, the best knowledge and attitudes were found in the experimental group. The combined safety/skid training seems to have had the greatest effect on seat belts and loads. The findings also indicate that the safety halls can be further improved to achieve an even better effect. IMPACT ON TRAFFIC SAFETY: The use of safety halls has improved the knowledge and attitudes of learner drivers concerning several important areas related to traffic safety. Since knowledge and attitudes are important predictors of behavior, implementing safety halls can be expected to lead to improvements, especially regarding the use of safety belts and securing loads.  相似文献   

驾驶员风险认知能力对交通安全的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为辨别不同驾驶员风险认知能力对驾驶安全的影响。通过设置13种存在潜在风险的交通情景,引入惩罚用时机制,利用驾驶模拟器,对熟练驾驶员和非熟练驾驶员在风险认知培训前后的风险认知能力进行比较,找出不同驾驶员对风险认知的差异。试验结果显示,熟练驾驶员的风险认知能力比非熟练驾驶员要高,两者在引起交通风险的因素上是不同的,培训后的风险认知能力较之前有很大提高。培训能够拓宽驾驶员对潜在风险的认知程度,更好地将驾驶员的操作技能、知识体系和外在行为衔接在一起,从而减少交通事故的发生。  相似文献   

Yu-Hern Chang  Meng-Yuan Liao   《Safety Science》2009,47(10):1337-1345
This paper examines the effect of aviation safety education on passenger cabin safety awareness in knowledge, attitude, and behavior (KAB). The educational value of KAB has been addressed in various fields such as AIDS prevention and campus safety. KAB has been applied in aviation safety related areas, especially in training, such as crew resource management training, pilot training, and mechanic training. However, KAB has not been implemented in aviation passenger education in cabin safety. This paper uses the construct of “aviation safety education”, which is intended to influence airline passenger knowledge of, attitude toward, and behavior about cabin safety awareness. Passenger surveys were done at two Taiwan airports. The results show that aviation safety education positively affects airline passenger cabin safety knowledge, attitude, and behavior. We recommend safety education that involves accurate instruction about emergency equipment procedures, situational awareness, emergency responses, and relevant cabin-safety regulations.Our findings indicated that an increase in cabin safety knowledge positively affected airline passenger behavior, which supported knowledge–behavior consistency. We also found that a positive attitude toward cabin safety positively affected airline passenger behavior, which supported attitude–behavior consistency. The hypothesis that cabin safety knowledge positively affected passenger attitude – knowledge–attitude consistency was not supported.  相似文献   

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