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肖辉林 《生态环境》2004,13(3):309-309
21世纪90年代初,孟加拉国和印度孟加拉邦恒河流域有上百万口水井被砷污染,世界卫生组织在一份报告中将其称人类历史上最严重的集体中毒事件饮用水和灌溉水被砷污染的风险仍然是对全世界数百万生命的一种威胁,所以更好地了解砷释放进地下水的机制至关重要。对获得的新证据,将能够还原金属的细菌对有机碳的利用与从印度孟加拉邦一个被污染的蓄水层收集到的沉积物中砷的运动联系了起来。这一结果支持认为有机碳的引入(如通过灌溉)是增加恒河三角洲浅层地下水中砷流动性的一个因素的理论。该信息对于制订富含砷的地下水的治理战略可能会有价值.…  相似文献   

地下水砷污染是全球化环境问题.本文基于阿克苏地区平原区2017年75个地下水砷实测含量进行分析.结果表明,研究区地下水砷含量变化范围为ND—98.70μg·L-1,平均值为9.42μg·L-1,超标率达26.7%.水平方向上,高砷地下水主要集中在研究区的中部偏南一带;垂直方向上,山麓斜坡冲洪积砾质平原潜水区地下水砷含量平均值表现为深层潜水>浅层潜水,中下游河流冲积平原区承压水区地下水砷含量平均值表现为深层承压水>浅层承压水>潜水.采用绘制Piper三线图、Gibbs图、离子比例图等方法对研究区地下水砷的富集因素进行研究.结果表明,研究区地下水砷主要为自然来源;封闭的地质构造和造山带与河流等沉积环境相结合的水文地质条件有利于研究区地下水砷的富集;研究区高砷地下水水化学类型主要为HCO3·SO4-Na,还原性-弱碱性环境利于地下水砷富集;研究区地下水砷受强烈的蒸发浓缩作用进一步浓缩,同时地下水阴离子浓度增大加剧了地下水中阴离子与砷酸根、亚砷酸根之间的竞争吸附,利于地下水砷的富集.  相似文献   

环境砷污染是一个全球性问题.研究砷的生物地球化学循环可以明确环境中砷的来源及其转化特征,为探索砷污染治理的方法提供参考.越来越多的研究表明,自然界中的微生物在砷的迁移转化过程中发挥了重要作用.根据微生物对砷的代谢机制不同将其分为:砷氧化微生物、砷还原微生物和砷甲基化微生物.砷氧化微生物可以将环境中的As(Ⅲ)氧化为毒性较弱并且容易被铁铝矿物吸附固定的As(Ⅴ),因此对降低环境中的砷毒性具有重要作用;微生物对砷的甲基化作用的产物通常为毒性较低的有机砷,因此也被认为是理想的修复环境砷污染的生物手段之一;然而在还原环境中,砷还原微生物却可以将游离态和结合态的As(Ⅴ)还原为毒性更强的As(Ⅲ),从而加重环境中的砷污染状况.由此可见,明确微生物的砷代谢机制及其对砷污染环境中砷迁移转化的影响,是实现生物修复砷污染环境的必要前提.论文总结了近年来国内外微生物砷代谢机制的研究进展,以期为深入研究微生物代谢砷的机理及其在砷污染治理中的应用提供参考.  相似文献   

微生物砷还原机制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
砷是一种剧毒物质,环境中的砷对人体健康存在潜在威胁,因此长期以来备受关注.微生物的各种代谢过程对砷在环境中的归趋起着重要作用,其中砷还原微生物能将吸附于固体矿物中的As(Ⅴ)还原为可溶性强的As(Ⅲ),使砷进入液相,从而加剧了地下水等饮用水源的砷污染.论文主要介绍了两种微生物砷还原机制(异化砷还原和细胞质砷还原)在作用...  相似文献   

无机砷在植物和微生物体内的代谢机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
砷污染是全球的热点问题之一.土壤中的无机砷在植物中的积累可通过食物链传递,从而对人体健康构成严重威胁.了解微生物和植物对无机砷的代谢机制,对认识和控制土壤中砷的风险至关重要.近年来,微生物对无机砷的代谢机制研究已经比较深入,但是仍有一些问题亟待解决,如信号传导、抗砷基因筛选等.在植物对无机砷的摄取、还原机制等方面也取得了一定进展,但是植物体内砷的转运机制、排出机制等仍有待进一步研究.论文综述了微生物、植物体内无机砷的代谢过程中,砷摄取、转运、还原和排出机制的最新进展,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

内蒙古河套地区水体中砷的地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采样分析典型地砷病区域——内蒙古河套地区地下水、地表水和自来水中砷含量和形态,研究河套地区水体中砷分布状况,并采集山西山阴县大营村(地下水)和山东招远地区水样(地表水、地下水),以用于污染特性比较和源解析。结果发现,内蒙古河套地区和山西省山阴县大营村作为生活饮用水的地下水中砷含量超标率较高,其中内蒙古临河区狼山镇先锋七社和山西大营村地下水砷含量平均值分别为368.9和443.5μg.L-1,分别有75%和100%的水样超过GB 5749—2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》中农村小型集中和分散式供水砷含量限值。内蒙古五原县乃日乡的175个水样中,也有59%的地下水样砷含量高于50μg.L-1,且砷形态主要以无机砷为主。河套地区地表水水样砷含量大部分在50μg.L-1以下,部分自来水(水源为地下水)样砷含量超过生活饮用水标准。  相似文献   

通过对山西省山阴县高砷地下水分布和污染程度的实地调查,对高砷水环境中砷的形态及富集转化规律进行了研究,并在此基础上形成一套以曝气氧化和加药(加入FeCl2和FeCl3的混合物作为混凝剂)过滤工艺为基础的联合水处理方法.结果表明,在山阴县砷污染严重的地段,地下水的氧化还原电位Eh为-50~142 mV,pH值为8.28~8.73,这种Eh下降、pH升高的地下环境给高砷地下水的形成创造了条件.当地下水中ρ(硫化氢)<140μg·L-1时,用功率为5 W的松宝SB-648双头氧气泵连续曝气1.5 h即可达到基本去除的效果.以25 m深处地下水为例,其ρ(As)为275 μg·L-1,待硫化氢去除后在水中加入摩尔比n(FeCl2):n(FeCl3)=1:1的混合物,连续曝气5 h,水体中60%以上的As(Ⅲ)可转变为As(V).经投加药品和曝气氧化处理后的地下水若能及时通过简易过滤装置,过滤后的水体中ρ(As)仅为5~8 μg·L-1,达到GB 5749-2006<活饮用水卫生标准>,且过滤后的水体中ρ(Fe)为0.03 mg·L-1,远小于GB/T 14848-93<地下水水质标准>规定的Ⅰ类标准.该水处理方法可快速有效地将As(Ⅲ)转化为As(V),并使As(V)与混凝剂发生吸附共沉淀反应,从而达到高效除砷的效果.过滤过程则可以防止氢氧化物胶体与砷酸盐形成的絮体二次进入环境,同时进一步降低水体中铁离子含量.该方法适用于我国广大高砷水地区家庭分散式供水的处理.  相似文献   

研究奎屯河及玛纳斯河流域氮素对地下水中As浓度的影响,可以深入了解研究区高砷地下水的迁移富集机理.通过对奎屯河和玛纳斯河流域的34个地下水样品的采集和测试,分析了研究区地下水的水化学成分以及地下水中硝酸盐、氨氮与砷浓度之间的关系,并探讨了地下水系统中氧化还原环境对砷迁移富集的影响.结果表明,奎屯河和玛纳斯河流域高砷地下水水化学类型分别主要为SO_4·HCO_3-Na和HCO_3·SO_4-Na型.研究区高砷地下水赋存于低Eh和NO_3~-,高NH_4~+/NT、Fe、Mn的还原性环境中,在水平上主要分布于流域的地下水排泄区、湖积平原处,奎屯河流域地下水样中砷浓度都超标且明显高于玛纳斯河流域;在垂直方向上,主要集中在80—200 m.地下水中砷浓度和NO_3~-浓度呈负相关关系,这是因为在由NO_3~-指示的处于氧化环境的地下水系统中,铁锰化合物未被还原,因此其吸附的砷的化合物也没有释放.地下水中砷浓度随着NH_4~+/NT增大而增大,NH_4~+/NT可以指示地下水系统的还原环境的强弱程度,NH_4~+/N_T越大,地下水系统还原环境越强,含砷化合物越容易产生还原性溶解,将其吸附的砷释放到地下水中,且五价砷被还原成三价砷.  相似文献   

通过水文地质调查、采样分析并结合地下水流动系统理论,对鄂尔多斯某一典型砂质基底排矸场煤矸石淋滤液对地下水环境的影响进行研究.结果表明,煤矸石的堆放改变了地下水流动系统的原有特征,矸石场由地下水的排泄区转变为地下水的径流区,矸石场底部煤矸石长期浸泡在地下水中,有毒有害物质大量析出并随地下水的径流向下游扩散.矸石场下游地下水及附近出露的地表水中铬、砷、氟、硝酸根、铜、锌、镍、锰等污染因子远远高出背景值.其中水源地附近地下水中砷浓度为1.013 mg/l,高出背景值148倍,硫酸根浓度为602 mg/l,高出背景值14倍.图4,表1,参8.  相似文献   

为弄清大同盆地地下水中影响砷的迁移、富集的主要地球化学与生物地球化学过程,为区域供水安全提供指导作用,针对高砷地下水系统开展了水文地球化学与含水层沉积物全岩地球化学研究;并在此基础上探讨了研究区高砷地下水成因。结果表明,研究区高砷地下水为偏碱性、强还原环境,砷含量为0.31~452μg·L-1,主要以砷酸盐形式存在,地下水中砷与三价铁的浓度有显著的相关性。高砷含水层沉积物中有机质、铁与砷含量表现出显著相关性。以上结果说明,碱性还原环境有利于地下水中砷的富集;微生物参与下,沉积物相有机质的氧化和Fe氧化物/氢氧化物的还原过程是本区高砷地下水形成的主控因素。  相似文献   

This paper identifies newer areas of arsenic contamination in the District Kanker, which adjoins the District Rajnandgaon where high contamination has been reported earlier. A correlation with the mobile phase episodes of arsenic contamination has been identified, which further hinges on the complex geology of the area. Arsenic concentrations in both surface and groundwater, aquatic organisms (snail and water weeds) soil and vegetation of Kanker district and its adjoining area have been reported here. The region has been found to contain an elevated level of arsenic. All segments of the ecoysystem are contaminated with arsenic at varying degrees. The levels of arsenic vary constantly depending on the season and location. An analysis of groundwater from 89 locations in the Kanker district has shown high values of arsenic, iron and manganese (mean: 144, 914 and 371 μg L−1, respectively). The surface water of the region shows elevated levels of arsenic, which is influenced by the geological mineralised zonation. The most prevalent species in the groundwater is As(III), whereas the surface water of the rivers shows a significant contamination with the As(V) species. The analysis shows a bio-concentration of the toxic metals arsenic, nickel, copper and chromium. Higher arsenic concentrations (groundwater concentrations greater than 50 μg L−1) are associated with sedimentary deposits derived from volcanic rocks, hence mineral leaching appears to be the source of arsenic contamination. Higher levels of arsenic and manganese in the Kanker district have been found to cause impacts on the flora and fauna. A case study of episodic arsenical diarrhoea is presented.  相似文献   

Arsenic concentrations exceeding 10 μg/l, the United States maximum contaminant level and the World Health Organization guideline value, are frequently reported in groundwater from bedrock and unconsolidated aquifers of southeastern Michigan. Although arsenic-bearing minerals (including arsenian pyrite and oxide/hydroxide phases) have been identified in Marshall Sandstone bedrock of the Mississippian aquifer system and in tills of the unconsolidated aquifer system, mechanisms responsible for arsenic mobilization and subsequent transport in groundwater are equivocal. Recent evidence has begun to suggest that groundwater recharge and characteristics of well construction may affect arsenic mobilization and transport. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between dissolved arsenic concentrations, reported groundwater recharge rates, well construction characteristics, and geology in unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers. Results of multiple linear regression analyses indicate that arsenic contamination is more prevalent in bedrock wells that are cased in proximity to the bedrock-unconsolidated interface; no other factors were associated with arsenic contamination in water drawn from bedrock or unconsolidated aquifers. Conditions appropriate for arsenic mobilization may be found along the bedrock-unconsolidated interface, including changes in reduction/oxidation potential and enhanced biogeochemical activity because of differences between geologic strata. These results are valuable for understanding arsenic mobilization and guiding well construction practices in southeastern Michigan, and may also provide insights for other regions faced with groundwater arsenic contamination.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) contamination in groundwater has received significant attention recently. Natural and anthropogenic sources contribute to the worldwide occurrence of As contamination. As speciation is an important factor related to its toxic and mobile behavior. The release of As from soils and sediments into groundwater is governed by several geophysicochemical processes, of which, As sorption behavior is of principle significance. This review paper summarizes existing information regarding the effects of natural organic matter (NOM) on the fate and mobility of As species in the environment. NOM may enhance the release of As from soils and sediments into the soil solution, thereby facilitating As leaching into the groundwater. The main influencing mechanisms include competition for available adsorption sites, formation of aqueous complexes, and/or changes in the redox potential of site surfaces and As redox speciation. NOM may also serve as binding agents, thereby reducing As mobility. However, comparably little research has been performed on this aspect. Since most investigations have been done on purified minerals under laboratory conditions, further research involving various geological materials under natural environmental conditions is required. Development of proper geochemical conceptual models may provide means of predicting the role of NOM in arsenic leaching and/or immobilization.  相似文献   

The adverse impact of groundwater contaminated with arsenic (As) on humans has been reported worldwide, particularly in Asian countries. In this study, we present an overview of the As crisis in the Southeast Asian region where groundwater is contaminated with naturally occurring As and where contamination has become more widespread in recent years. In this region more than 100 million people are estimated to be at risk from groundwater As contamination, and some 700,000 people are known so far to have been affected by As-related diseases. Despite investments exceeding many millions of dollars, there are still substantial knowledge gaps about the prevalence and impact of As, notably in its epidemiology, temporal variations, social factors, patient identification, treatment, etc. Arsenic-affected people in the affected regions also face serious social problems. Of major concern is the fact that many researchers from different countries have been conducting research in SE Asia region but with a lack of coordination, thus duplicating their work. There is an urgent need to coordinate these various studies to ensure better delivery of research outcomes. Further research is needed to improve field testing and monitoring of drinking water sources, and to develop new treatments for chronic As toxicity and new sources of safe drinking water.  相似文献   

Arsenic and fluoride in the groundwater of Mexico   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Concentrations of arsenic and fluoride above Mexican drinking water standards have been detected in aquifers of various areas of Mexico. This contamination has been found to be mainly caused by natural sources. However, the specific processes releasing these toxic elements into groundwater have been determined in a few zones only. Many studies, focused on arsenic-related health effects, have been performed at Comarca Lagunera in northern México. High concentrations of fluoride in water were also found in this area. The origin of the arsenic there is still controversial. Groundwater in active mining areas has been polluted by both natural and anthropogenic sources. Arsenic-rich minerals contaminate the fractured limestone aquifer at Zimapán, Central México. Tailings and deposits smelter-rich fumes polluted the shallow granular aquifer. Arsenic contamination has also been reported in the San Antonio-El Triunfo mining zone, southern Baja California, and Santa María de la Paz, in San Luis Potosí state. Even in the absence of mining activities, hydrogeochemistry and statistical techniques showed that arsenopyrite oxidation may also contaminate water, as in the case of the Independencia aquifer in the Mexican Altiplano. High concentrations of arsenic have also been detected in geothermal areas like Los Azufres, Los Humeros, and Acoculco. Prevalence of dental fluorosis was revealed by epidemiological studies in Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosí states. Presence of fluoride in water results from dissolution of acid-volcanic rocks. In Mexico, groundwater supplies most drinking water. Current knowledge and the geology of Mexico indicate the need to include arsenic and fluoride determinations in groundwater on a routine basis, and to develop interdisciplinary studies to assess the contaminant's sources in all enriched areas.  相似文献   

Arsenic in groundwater in six districts of West Bengal,India   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Arsenic in groundwater above the WHO maximum permissible limit of 0.05 mg l–1 has been found in six districts of West Bengal covering an area of 34 000 km2 with a population of 30 million. At present, 37 administrative blocks by the side of the River Ganga and adjoining areas are affected. Areas affected by arsenic contamination in groundwater are all located in the upper delta plain, and are mostly in the abandoned meander belt. More than 800 000 people from 312 villages/wards are drinking arsenic contaminated water and amongst them at least 175 000 people show arsenical skin lesions. Thousands of tube-well water in these six districts have been analysed for arsenic species. Hair, nails, scales, urine, liver tissue analyses show elevated concentrations of arsenic in people drinking arsenic-contaminated water for a longer period. The source of the arsenic is geological. Bore-hole sediment analyses show high arsenic concentrations in only few soil layers which is found to be associated with iron-pyrites. Various social problems arise due to arsenical skin lesions in these districts. Malnutrition, poor socio-economic conditions, illiteracy, food habits and intake of arsenic-contaminated water for many years have aggravated the arsenic toxicity. In all these districts, major water demands are met from groundwater and the geochemical reaction, caused by high withdrawal of water may be the cause of arsenic leaching from the source. If alternative water resources are not utilised, a good percentage of the 30 million people of these six districts may suffer from arsenic toxicity in the near future.  相似文献   

The contamination characteristics of arsenic and other trace elements in groundwater and the potential risks of arsenic from the groundwater were investigated. Elevated contamination of arsenic, barium and manganese was observed in tube-well water of two villages (Chuyen Ngoai and Chau Giang) in Ha Nam province in the Northern Vietnam. Concentrations of As in the groundwater ranged from 12.8 to 884 µg/L with mean values in Chuyen Ngoai and Chau Giang were 614.7 and 160.1 µg/L, respectively. About 83 % of these samples contained As concentrations exceeding WHO drinking water guideline of 10 μg/L. The mean values of Mn and Ba in groundwater from Chuyen Ngoai and Chau Giang were 300 and 657 μg/L and 650 and 468 μg/L, respectively. The mean value of Ba concentration in groundwater in both Chuyen Ngoai and Chau Giang was about 22 % of the samples exceeded the WHO guideline (700 µg/L). Arsenic concentrations in human urine of residents from Chuyen Ngoai and Chau Giang were the range from 8.6 to 458 µg/L. The mean values of Mn and Ba in human urine of local people from Chuyen Ngoai were 46.9 and 62.8 μg/L, respectively, while those in people from Chau Giang were 25.9 and 45.9 μg/L, respectively. The average daily dose from ingesting arsenic for consuming both untreated and treated groundwater is from 0.02 to 11.5 and 0.003 to 1.6 μg/kg day, respectively. Approximately, 57 % of the families using treated groundwater and 64 % of the families using untreated groundwater could be affected by elevated arsenic exposure.  相似文献   

We undertook a quantitative estimation of health risks to residents living in the Slovak Republic and exposed to contaminated groundwater (ingestion by adult population) and/or soils (ingestion by adult and child population). Potential risk areas were mapped to give a visual presentation at basic administrative units of the country (municipalities, districts, regions) for easy discussion with policy and decision-makers. The health risk estimates were calculated by US EPA methods, applying threshold values for chronic risk and non-threshold values for cancer risk. The potential health risk was evaluated for As, Ba, Cd, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, NO3 ?, Pb, Sb, Se and Zn for groundwater and As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se and Zn for soils. An increased health risk was identified mainly in historical mining areas highly contaminated by geogenic–anthropogenic sources (ore deposit occurrence, mining, metallurgy). Arsenic and antimony were the most significant elements in relation to health risks from groundwater and soil contamination in the Slovak Republic contributing a significant part of total chronic risk levels. Health risk estimation for soil contamination has highlighted the significance of exposure through soil ingestion in children. Increased cancer risks from groundwater and soil contamination by arsenic were noted in several municipalities and districts throughout the country in areas with significantly high arsenic levels in the environment. This approach to health risk estimations and visualization represents a fast, clear and convenient tool for delineation of risk areas at national and local levels.  相似文献   

Arsenic contamination in groundwater is a severe global problem, most notably in Southeast Asia where millions suffer from acute and chronic arsenic poisoning. Removing arsenic from groundwater in impoverished rural or urban areas without electricity and with no manufacturing infrastructure remains a significant challenge. Magnetite nanocrystals have proven to be useful in arsenic remediation and could feasibly be synthesized by a thermal decomposition method that employs refluxing of FeOOH and oleic acid in 1-octadecene in a laboratory setup. To reduce the initial cost of production, $US 2600/kg, and make this nanomaterial widely available, we suggest that inexpensive and accessible “everyday” chemicals be used. Here we show that it is possible to create functional and high-quality nanocrystals using methods appropriate for manufacturing in diverse and minimal infrastructure, even those without electricity. We suggest that the transfer of this knowledge is best achieved using an open source concept.  相似文献   

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