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除了作为资源的物质生产功能外,草原还有生态服务功能、社会保障功能和文化承载功能等。日益严重的生态环境问题,要求必须全面认识草原的多功能性,转变生产方式,因地制宜发展以保护为主的放牧畜牧业、草畜耦合高效高产畜牧业、草原生态旅游业以及草原特色产业等多种草原经济发展模式。草原经济的可持续发展需要从法制、产权制度、保护制度、生态补偿机制、评价体系建设等多方面予以保障。  相似文献   

朱留财  王竺君  刘影 《绿叶》2011,(9):10-17
生物多样性千年发展目标未能在全球范围实现,其根本原因在于:一是公众缺乏足够的认识,特别是其重要性没有在政府决策中得到应有的体现;二是生物多样性的价值,特别是经济价值,没有得到政府的充分重视。《生物多样性战略计划》的实施和发展可能会引发未来全球环境新格局或新秩序,我们应在三个层面、三大目标、三重价值之间均衡发展、协调发展。即统筹兼顾生物多样性的生态系统、物种和基因三个层面,统筹兼顾《公约》生物多样性的保护、持续利用和惠益分享三大目标,统筹兼顾生物多样性的生态服务经济功能、环境资本和社会公平三重价值。  相似文献   

小流域是实现重点流域精准化治理的基本单元,"三生共赢"是指要把解决环境问题的目标定位于生活、生产与生态的协调发展,是实现小流域环境改善和可持续发展的根本路径。本研究立足于流域水环境质量改善,以"三生共赢"和可持续发展理念为指导,提出了基于"三生共赢"的小流域水环境综合治理理论架构,即立足于水环境质量改善和水资源的优化配置,强化流域水环境约束,以尽可能小的环境代价支撑流域经济结构优化、新型城镇化发展,以资源高效和循环利用为核心,大力发展循环经济体系和循环社会体系,并通过创新流域治理体制机制构建成本共担利益共享格局,最终实现小流域社会经济可持续发展。本研究基于以上理论架构设计了生态环境、绿色经济、优质宜居三大类指标体系24项具体指标,并重点从优化流域空间开发格局、构建产业绿色发展体系、改善城乡居民生活环境、提升流域生态系统功能、健全流域治理体制机制等方面分析了小流域水环境综合治理对策。本研究可为各级政府创新流域治理模式、制定小流域水环境综合治理规划提供较为可行的理论支撑和技术体系。  相似文献   

李鹏总理在政府工作报告中提出:“开展科教兴农,积极推广先进适用技术,发展生态农业”。生态农业是遵循自然规律,运用生态经济学原理和系统工程的方法,做到人口、环境、资源、能源、粮食等协调发展,生态系统和经济系统协调发展,实现生产和生态的良性循环,使生态动态平衡保持最佳水平,达到经济、生态、社会三个效益相统一,使农业朝着高产、优质、高效的方向持续、稳定的发展,这是现代农业发展的必  相似文献   

大邑县山区位于成都平原向川西高原的过渡地带,有11个乡、128个村、10.48万人,土地面积1208.5km~2。区内地形复杂,海拔最高5364m、最低534m,相对高差1000m左右,导致气候、土壤和生物等类型的多样化,农业生产出现明显的地域分异规律。从1978年开展农业区划以来,我县在实践中认识到,大邑的优势在山区,并制定了山区发展规划;根据山区的特点,因地制宜,应用了生物与生物、生物与环境、经济与生态之间的互相关系和原理,推广各种有效的开发模式,收到经济、社会和生态三个效益同步增长的显著成效。其主要模式及原理如下:①平面结构、单层开发型:特点是通过耕作制度的改革,推广高产组合方式,提高复种指  相似文献   

哈尔滨市生态城市指标体系的构建与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市化进程的不断加速和人们生态意识的加强,生态城市已经成为现代城市发展建设的主要模式和方向,生态城市应当是哈尔滨市发展的理想模式.根据哈尔滨市的实际,依据建立生态城市指标体系的原则和方法从资源、环境、经济以及社会4个方面构建生态城市指标体系,在运用层次分析法的基础上对结果进行综合评价.  相似文献   

市场模式作用于生物多样性保护事业是生态补偿实践类型之一。在生物多样保护过程中,经常遇到保护的主体是谁、动力来自何处、如何持续、怎么组织并行成制度安排等问题。本文阐述的是一个村庄在一个环保公益组织支持下开展生物多样性保护的具体案例,如何面对保护目标面临的威胁、当地的资源环境状况和市场的需求,有针对性的扶持当地与生物多样性和生态服务功能保护相关联的生态产业,从而借助市场的力量促进生物多样性的持续保护。  相似文献   

如何在保护环境、恢复生态发展的同时,保持经济的可持续发展性,已经变成全世界环境领域面临的最大挑战之一。森林是陆地上分布面积最大、组成结构最复杂、生物多样性最为丰富的生态系统。近年来,保护国际(ConservationInternational)、美国自然保护协会(TNC)按照保护生物多样性、改善人类生存环境的宗旨,在全球生物多样性保护的关键地区之一的中国西南山地实施森林多重效益项目,简称FCCB项目(即森林、气候、社区、生物多样性项目),是对森林生态系统的多重服务功能的恢复和有偿使用及保护融资机制的创新探索。该项目以气候、社区及生物多样性联盟(CCBA)致力于建立的气候、社区和生物多样性三方受益的标准(CCB标准)为原则,旨在探索退化生境恢复的有效途径和方法,同时注重以周边地区村民为目标最终实施受益的主体,并达到生境恢复的目的。这一项目不仅会将政府工程的生态服务功能最大化,还可能为植树造林和生物多样性恢复带来持续的经济支持。同时也为中国西南经济的可持续发展提供坚实基础。  相似文献   

实施生态经济功能区划促进农村可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来随着农村经济的迅速发展,农村经济发展与环境保护目标之间的矛盾日益突出,农村生态环境出现了一系列的问题。如森林植被破坏,水土流失,土壤生产力下降,系统结构多样性和生物多样性丧失,资源衰退枯竭,景观质量下降等。而造成农村生态环境问题的根本原因是没有运用生态经济学原理处理好农村经济发展和生态环境保护的关系。要从根本上解决这一矛盾,就要进一步加强管理与调控,实行一种有效的农村经济发展和生态环境保护的管理机制,即农村生态经济管理。而功能区划是进行有效管理的必要手段和基础,因此实施农村生态经济功能区划…  相似文献   

安宁河流域是四川攀西地区的主体部分,温光资源丰富,具有发展高产高效种植的优势条件。本文根据稻田多熟种植试验结果,分析了不同种植模式的资源利用水平、经济效益高低和主要种植技术。  相似文献   

There are a number of agricultural farming practices that are controversial. These may include using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, and planting genetically modified crops, as well as the decision to dehorn cattle rather than raise polled cattle breeds. We use data from a survey of Missouri crop and livestock producers to determine whether a farmer’s ethical framework affects his or her decision to engage in these practices. We find that a plurality of farmers prefer an agricultural policy that reflects principles based on rights rather than principles of utilitarianism or justice. Furthermore, after controlling for personal and farm characteristics, we find a positive correlation between farmers preferring a rights-based policy and a farmer’s use of chemical farm inputs and polled rather than horned cattle. We also find that a combination of ethical framework and farm and farmer characteristics correlate with decisions to use farm chemicals, while only farm and farmer characteristics affect the decision to plant GM crops and only a farmer’s ethical framework affects the decision to use polled cattle.  相似文献   

In the final analysis, sustainable agriculture must derive from applied ecology, especially the principle of the regulation of the abundance and distribution of species (and, secondarily, their activities) in space and time. Interspecific competition in natural ecosystems has its counterparts in agriculture, designed to divert greater amounts of energy, nutrients, and water into crops. Whereas natural ecosystems select for a diversity of species in communities, recent agriculture has minimized diversity in favour of vulnerable monocultures. Such systems show intrinsically less stability and resilience to perturbations. Some kinds of crop rotation resemble ecological succession in that one crop prepares the land for successive crop production. Such rotations enhance soil organic processes such as decomposition and material cycling, build a nutrient capital to sustain later crop growth, and reduce the intensity of pest buildup. Species in natural communities occur at discrete points along the r-K continuum of reproductive maturity. Clearing forested land for agriculture, rotational burning practices, and replacing perennial grassland communities by cereal monocultures moves the agricultural community towards the r extreme. Plant breeders select for varieties which yield at an earlier age and lower plant biomass, effectively moving a variety towards the r type. Features of more natural landscapes, such as hedgerows, may act as physical and biological adjuncts to agricultural production. They should exist as networks in agricultural lands to be most effective. Soil is of major importance in agroecosystems, and maintaining, deliberately, its vitality and resilience to agricultural perturbations is the very basis of sustainable land use.  相似文献   

围绕中德技术合作"中国华北地区集约化农业的环境战略"项目实施过程中,为鼓励农民采用节水、节肥、节药环境友好方式生产安全优质设施蔬菜,减轻农业面源污染,保护农业生态资源与环境而开展的生态补偿的实践进行论述,结合项目的实践从补偿原则、补偿对象、补偿标准、补偿形式、补偿环节、补偿监管等方面进行了探讨。笔者认为,建立健全农业生态环境补偿制度符合世界贸易组织农业协议绿箱政策,有利于推动环境友好技术的应用。环境友好农业生产的生态补偿应以项目(政府)补贴为主导,以农民自愿为前提,以骨干农户、农民专业合作社为主要补偿对象,以技物结合为主要补偿形式,以兼顾生态、经济和社会效益为目标。  相似文献   

以江苏省某乡镇为对象,开展了农作物秸秆产生量、秸秆利用状况、农民处理秸秆方式的调查研究。结果表明,秸秆收集利用量占秸秆产生总量的比例不足25%,50%以上农户产生的秸秆得不到有效利用;农业从业者综合素质相对较低、技术普及不到位、作物收种时间重叠、效益驱动不足、秸秆利用机制不健全是秸秆禁烧和利用面临的主要问题。针对主要问题,从科技支撑、有效组织、政策引导、农机农艺、宣传培训等方面提出了合理的建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper is a computer simulation analysis of an agricultural nonpoint pollution problem. Computer modeling is a universally applicable tool that can be used for establishing the linkages between and the quality of agricultural runoff in both surface and subsurface flow. The tradeoffs between the costs of soil conservation practices and water quality are reported, and the economic implications of such tradeoffs are discussed. Soil and nutrient losses resulting from crop production practices are analyzed using a field-scale computer simulation model (CREAMS). No-till planting, reduced tillage, and sod waterway systems are more cost effective than other practices for controlling soil and nutrient runoff losses. Nitrate leaching losses are increased slightly by most soil conservation practices. Terrace systems and permanent vegetative cover impose the greatest societal cost for water quality protection. Public cost sharing and tax incentives encourage farmers to adopt expensive structural practices, and policies are needed to get cost-effective practices implemented on critical acreage. Extensive treatment of land is necessary for agricultural best management practices (BMPs) to significantly improve water quality in areas that are intensively farmed.  相似文献   

The necessity of incorporating societal and environmental concerns into publicly funded agricultural initiatives in research, extension, and practice is increasingly evident. Agriculturalists are urged to acknowledge and respond to societal concerns before an insensitive and largely ill-informed urban majority assumes a dominant posture in agricultural policy. In recent history, the availability of unrealistically cheap energy encouraged the evolution of a form of commercial agriculture unfettered by sound ecological principles. At present, external, resource-intensive intervention of increasing magnitude is needed to compensate for the apparent ecological instability generated by practices such as intensive cereal management or conservation tillage practices. Polarization of the enterprises of plant and animal agriculture to enable centralized, concentrate-intensive, confinement feeding has disrupted the natural cycling of nutrients and carbon in the soil, encouraged the withdrawal of perennial forages from crop rotations, and invoked a widely ramifying network of agricultural and societal problems. Solutions to these problems must evolve from a holistic and far-reaching appraisal of causes, rather than from a piecemeal approach to individual symptoms.  相似文献   

Organically agricultural products are gaining popularities through out the world as it gives the consumer satisfaction with a basket of safer and better trusted foods. It is also well established that intensive conventional agricultural practices can introduce contaminants into the food chain with adverse affect on environment. However, organic agricultural practices give an alternative environmental friendly sustainable agriculture among the farmers. Beside this fact, organic crops contain fewer nitrates, nitrites, pesticide residues and trace elements than conventional crops. Even though, in organic systems generally have 20% lower yields than conventionally produced crops. One of the major constrains of organic farming is decrease of raw organic matters to prepare compost. Therefore, scientists are looking forward for different organic sources which are plenty in nature and available at little-to-no cost. Human urine is one of them, and has been gaining popularities as a raw material for organic cultivation. However, several important merits and demerits of application of human urine are needed to be addressed in agriculture.  相似文献   

This paper examines household livelihoods in highland and lowland communities of the Kali-Khola agricultural watershed in western Nepal on the basis of economic, ecological and social security indicators. Significant differences were found in soil fertility status, pests and diseases management, risk and uncertainties, use of agrochemicals and access to social services. No remarkable variations were found in crop diversification, annual agricultural income and food sufficiency. However, uncertainty and risk in agricultural production is relatively low in highland communities. The findings reveal that agriculture production alone is not a viable livelihood option for agricultural watershed communities in Nepal. The households growing crops with hired labour have relatively sustainable livelihoods in Nepal's agricultural watersheds. Insufficient agricultural land, insufficient working manpower within a family, and lack of access to ecological agricultural services are prime factors in being livelihood insecure in agricultural watershed communities. Therefore, long-term policies and plans need to be developed for the empowerment of local farmers and to support rural livelihoods with adaptable and flexible income-generating strategies, resilient resource management institutions and enhancement of knowledge, skills and social capital.  相似文献   

Scientific insights into what it means to manage on-farm trees by local farmers, is an essential step towards documenting local ecological knowledge for sustainable landscape management. A study was therefore conducted in the Kumawu Forest District in the Ashanti Region of Ghana to assess how farmers conceptualise on-farm tree management and develop local knowledge for it. Using a case study approach, data were collected through informal interviews and focus group discussions with 120 farmers drawn from 15 communities who were involved in the management of three cropping systems; cocoa, maize and cassava-cocoyam-plantain mix. It was observed that the farmers regard on-farm tree management as a continuous process which occurs in three phases of the farming cycle; land preparation, crop cultivation and fallow management. For each of the three phases, farmers are guided by specific principles that ensure enough light penetration in-between tree crowns in the land preparation phase, suitable spacing between trees and crops in the crop cultivation phase and adequate tree regeneration in the fallow phase. The decisions made during the selection of tree species, spacing of trees adjudged suitable for any particular cropping system and recruitment of saplings prior to the fallow phase of farming constitute tree management. Farmers develop tree management knowledge by studying the physical characteristics of species, matching them to ecological functions they could perform and how they are likely to respond to treatments meant to control or enhance their development. Species are then subjected to trial and recommended or otherwise.  相似文献   

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