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新疆天山水泥股份有限公司是西北最大的水泥生产基地和全国重要的特种水泥生产基地,设有博士后流动工作站,先后研制开发了20多个水泥品种,具有日常储存30多个品种的生产能力。公司研发、生产、销售的品牌通用水泥有:普通硅酸盐水泥、硅酸盐水泥、复合硅酸盐水泥、矿渣硅酸盐水泥、火山灰质硅酸盐水泥、粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥六大品种十二个等级,能够根据市场所需,组织"天  相似文献   

本文较系统地研究了提钛后的残渣、矿渣、熟料、激化剂等因素对复合水泥与少熟料水泥强度的影响;找出了利用提钛后的残渣生产复合水泥与少熟料水泥生产的最佳条件,并对复合水泥和少熟料水泥的性能进行了初步探索。试验数据表明,利用提钛后残渣可生产525 ̄#复合水泥和425 ̄#少熟料水泥,工业废渣利用率可达70%。  相似文献   

河南省水泥生产过程中CO2排放量估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水泥是重要的建筑材料,水泥工业的快速发展有力地支撑了我国经济的高速增长。但水泥生产过程中石灰石分解产生的CO2已成为重要的CO2排放源。根据2006年IPCC提供的水泥生产过程碳排放估算方法,采用全国吨水泥熟料比推算河南水泥熟料产量,对1990—2010年河南水泥生产过程CO2的排放量进行了估算,其结果可为河南省节能减排政策的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

水泥是重要的建筑材料,水泥工业的快速发展有力地支撑了我国经济的高速增长。但水泥生产过程中石灰石分解产生的CO2已成为重要的CO2排放源。根据2006年IPCC提供的水泥生产过程碳排放估算方法,采用全国吨水泥熟料比推算河南水泥熟料产量,对1990--2010年河南水泥生产过程CO2的排放量进行了估算,其结果可为河南省节能减排政策的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

四平金隅水泥有限公司隶属于北京金隅股份有限公司,成立于2009年12月。公司前身是四平昊华化工有限公司水泥厂,为实现强强联合,优势互补,四平昊华化工有限公司与北京金隅股份有限公司共同出资,对该水泥生产线实施战略合作。2009年12月成立四平金隅水泥有限公司。四平金隅水泥有限公司是集水泥生产、生态环境保护于一身的新型水泥生产企业,是  相似文献   

本文较系统地研究了提钛后的残渣、矿渣、熟料、激化剂等因素对复合水泥与少熟料水泥强度的影响;找出了利用提钛后的残渣生产复合水泥与少熟料水泥生产的最佳条件,并对复合水泥和少熟料水泥的性能进行了初步探索。试验数据表明,利用提钛后残渣可生产525^#复合水泥和425^#少熟料水泥,工业废渣利用率可达70%。  相似文献   

本文简述了四川省“十一五”期间新型干法水泥工业发展概况和取得的环境效益,分析了新型干法水泥工业发展中面临的环境问题,提出利用新型干法水泥回转窑处理有机废物和危险废物是今后水泥行业可持续发展的一个重要方向。  相似文献   

云南国资水泥红河有限公司(开远水泥厂)于1969年12月26日建成投产,设计年产水泥27万吨。经1984年和1996年两次扩建,年产水泥达80万吨:2004年6月日产2500吨新型干法水泥熟料的生产线建成投产,使公司年水泥生产能力达到200万吨。2003-2005年水泥产销量连续三年位居全省第一成为云南省最大的水泥生产企业。  相似文献   

按照固体废物减量化及资源化的处理要求,探讨页岩气开发中产生的含油率低于1%的油基岩屑 的资源化处理,因其组成性质与煤矸石等水泥原料性质相近,将残渣掺混煤矸石作为水泥辅料进行水泥生产, 通过试验研究探索其可行性。文章考察其对水泥生产工艺参数及能耗的影响,结果表明:使用页岩屑后,能耗 提高13MJ/t;水泥生产过程中烟囱SO2排放浓度比空白时偏高,但均符合GB16297—1996《大气污染物综合 排放标准》;采用0.5%页岩屑代替煤矸石所产出的水泥产品,样品的细度、凝结时间、强度等水泥质量指标符合GB175—2007《通用硅酸盐水泥》要求。  相似文献   

袋装油井水泥库的粉尘治理王喜祥,张天保(中原油田钻井工程一公司)一、水泥粉尘的产生过程和危害我们公司的袋装油井水泥库自1988年1月投产以来,每年吞吐水泥量约4万余t,是一座较为现代化的油井水泥转运输送、装车的水泥库。但由于设计不合理,在生产过程中环...  相似文献   

We evaluate a proposal to double sockeye salmon production from the Fraser River and conclude that significant changes will be required to current management processes, particularly the way available catch is allocated, if the plan is to be consistent with five major principles embodied in the concept of sustainable development. Doubling sockeye salmon production will not, in itself, increase economic equity either regionally or globally. Developing nations may actually be hindered in their attempts to institute other, nonsalmon fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean as a result of the possible interception of salmon. Further, other users of the Fraser River basin will have to forgo opportunities so that salmon habitat can be conserved. If doubling sockeye salmon production is to meet the goal of doing more with less, it will be necessary to develop more efficient technologies to harvest the fish. If increasing salmon production is to reflect the integration of environmental and economic decision making at the highest level, then a serious attempt must be made to incorporate environmental assets into national economic accounting. Finally, to promote biodiversity and cultural self-sufficiency within the Fraser River basin, it will be important to safeguard the small, less-productive salmon stocks as well as the large ones and to allocate a substantial portion of the increased production to the Native Indian community.  相似文献   

Australian governments have sought to invest in irrigation infrastructure to improve the efficiency of water delivery to rural properties and improve water supply and on-farm efficiency. A programme of rationalising irrigation infrastructure has attracted criticism and doubts about its likely success. Attitude theory in the form of the Reasoned Action Model was applied to understand the intentions of landowners to connect to a ‘modernised’ irrigation system. Attitudes towards connecting to the system, social norms and perceptions of control over the behaviour provided an explanation of intentions to connect. Actual financial capability and other variables were important in discriminating a group of landowners who had already connected to the modernised system from farmers who had not.  相似文献   

A significant challenge to wildlife managers in tourism settings is to provide visitors with opportunities to observe rare and endangered wildlife while simultaneously protecting the target species from deleterious impacts. Nearly 100,000 people annually visit Crystal River, Florida, USA to observe and swim with the Florida manatee, an endangered species. This research aimed to investigate and describe human-manatee interactions in a tourism context, to understand the salient issues related to such interactions as identified by stakeholders, and to recommend a course of action to address multiple interests in the planning and management of human-manatee interactions. Five issues were identified by all stakeholder groups: water quality, harassment, density and crowding, education, and enforcement. Currently, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is responsible for manatee management, does not have mechanisms in place to manage the tourism component of the manatee encounter. Although a regulatory approach can be taken, a better approach would be to create an organization of tour operators to establish "best practices" that reflect the goal of the managing agency to enhance manatee protection (and thus ensure their livelihood) and to enhance the visitor experience.  相似文献   

Brazil’s BR-319 Highway linked Manaus, in the state of Amazonas, to Porto Velho, Rondônia, until it became impassable in 1988. Now it is proposed for reconstruction and paving, which would facilitate migration from the “Arc of Deforestation” in the southern part of the Amazon region to new frontiers farther north. The purpose of the highway, which is to facilitate transport to São Paulo of products from factories in the Manaus Free Trade Zone, would be better served by sending the containers by ship to the port of Santos. The lack of a land connection to Manaus currently represents a significant barrier to migration to central and northern Amazonia. Discourse regarding the highway systematically overestimates the highway’s benefits and underestimates its impacts. A variety of changes would be needed prior to paving the highway if these potential impacts are to be attenuated. These include zoning, reserve creation, and increased governance in various forms, including deforestation licensing and control programs. More fundamental changes are also needed, especially the abandonment of the long-standing tradition in Brazil of granting squatters’ rights to those who invade public land. Organizing Amazonian occupation in such a way that road construction and improvement cease to lead to explosive and uncontrolled deforestation should be a prerequisite for approval of the BR-319 and other road projects for which major impacts are expected. These projects could provide the impetus that is needed to achieve the transition away from appropriation of public land by both small squatters and by grileiros (large-scale illegal claimants). A delay in reconstructing the highway is advisable until appropriate changes can be effected.  相似文献   

The household-recycling rate in the Borough of Burnley, England in 2001/2002 was only half the national average of 12%. This research employed both quantitative and qualitative surveys in order to ascertain whether householders’ attitudes to recycling were contributory factors to the generally poor recycling performance and to investigate other social, cultural and structural influences. The Borough has a large Asian–British population concentrated in two deprived wards where recycling rates are particularly low, so special attention was given to ascertaining their attitudes towards recycling.The quantitative survey comprised a postal questionnaire sent to a random sample of 360 households drawn from the electoral register. The qualitative survey consisted of group interviews with the Asian–British population at local community centres and focus groups attended by volunteers from the quantitative study.The findings suggest that householders are very willing to participate in recycling, as shown by the almost 80% claiming to recycle paper, but that local recycling services are too unreliable and inconvenient to allow them to do so comprehensively. Asian–British attitudes to recycling were found to be no different to those of the wider population, with their low participation being linked to the higher priorities imposed upon them by economic deprivation. The findings are broadly in line with those of the literature in that recycling participation tends to be higher among more affluent and older people, but lower among less affluent and younger households, probably due in part to the availability of both storage space and time, with the implication that the Borough's preponderance of terraced housing militates against a high recycling rate. Policy recommendations to local authorities include the provision of bespoke recycling services to suit the variety of residential conditions across the UK, and the provision of regular feedback to householders regarding recycling services and performance.Further research is needed to identify non-recyclers and to explore how householders’ underlying psychological, cultural and social attitudes to recycling impinge upon recycling and participation rates.  相似文献   

Local peoples' knowledge, aptitude, and perceptions of planning and management issues were investigated in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR) in Uttaranchal State of India. Conflicts ensued between local inhabitants and the management authority due to lack of community participation. Although most respondents seem to claim the knowledge of the objectives of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, the source of information indicates their interaction with the management authority is not frequent. While local population seem to agree on reduced intensity of agriculture with compensation equal to loss of net income, there is a perceptible difference in responses among different age groups. While the younger generation seems to agree to move away to other areas with suitable compensation packages, the older generation prefer those options that require some adjustments in use and access to natural resources. The option of ecotourism as a source of income is acceptable to most respondents, but young and old respondents disagreed about impact of such activity on social behavior of local inhabitants. Among those groups studied, only the “self-employed group” seem to be more interested in ecotourism in comparison to other occupation classes. Gender differences in perceptions are prominent with reference to development options. While the men preferred economic opportunities, the women preferred improved living conditions. An evaluation mechanism similar to the one described in this paper will be helpful to the management authority to assess and modify their management plans to mitigate conflicts with local people.  相似文献   


Local authorities in Sweden are responsible for the management of sewage treatment and municipal solid waste. Due to this, they handle large flows and stocks of materials and substances that may be harmful for the environment. However, knowledge about these flows is sometimes deficient. In addition, the capacity to influence the composition of these flows is mainly beyond the jurisdiction of the local authorities. Flow-oriented studies, such as substance flow analysis (SFA), have proven to be a useful tool in order to understand and quantify these flows. Furthermore, SFA is sometimes claimed to be beneficial to the process of decision making, since it generates comprehensive overviews of the substance in focus. However, quantification of stocks and flows of a certain substance does not necessarily provide sufficient information for environmental management on the local level. Hence, for SFA to further contribute to the environmental management process, there is also a need for development in the interpretation of the results. The main objective of this paper is to contribute to the discussion about (1) how to interpret the results from SFA and (2) how the results from an SFA can be used in environmental management by local authorities. A tentative framework for interpretation is discussed in the paper, focusing on five aspects: total material quantities, exposure to humans and the environment, resource economy, function and capacity to influence the substance flows. Furthermore, the paper discusses the suggested framework applied to results of a regional cadmium inventory.  相似文献   

The 2000 BSE Inquiry report points out that the most serious failure of the UK Government was one of risk communication. This paper argues that the government's failure to communicate the risks BSE posed to humans to a large degree can be traced back to a lack of transparency in the first risk assessment by the Southwood Working Party. This lack of transparency ensured that the working party's risk characterization and recommendations were ambiguous and thus hard to interpret. It also meant that uncertainties were not addressed in a satisfactory way. In the recommendations, the attitude to uncertainty was implicit rather than explicit.The risk communication based on the report amplified these flaws. Most importantly, it did not address the uncertainty at all. Apparently, the reason for this was fear of overreaction by the public. However, the result was counter-productive, because the risk communication did not then appear trustworthy. Later risk assessments and risk communication omitted to correct these flaws. Indeed, the fact that, following receipt of new information, advisory experts and policy makers had changed their views of the risk to humans was never clearly communicated to the public. There seemed to be little faith in the public's ability to reach a balanced judgment regarding the uncertainties.In the concluding section of the paper, this analysis is compared with the food standards agency's (FSA's) approach to BSE. The intervention of this agency was seen as one of the more important efforts to restore consumer confidence in British beef. And the agency certainly appears to be committed to openness and to addressing scientific uncertainty. However, using the risk of BSE in sheep as a case study, the paper shows that transparency – i.e., the clear presentation of factual and normative claims and assumptions underlying advice, and openness about the reasoning based on these claims and assumptions – is less than fully achieved in the FSA's work.  相似文献   

In the Lister region in the southern part of Norway, attempts are currently being made to facilitate for a green shift. The paper discusses two different approaches towards such a challenge. The first is procedural, where success or failure hinges on the methods applied in the effort to convince locals to incorporate climate considerations. The alternative is to reflect upon how a green ideology blends into pre-existing ideological elements in the region. It is claimed that an important reason for the failure so far to place the environment at the core of regional development, is that too much emphasis has been put on the first approach, on procedure and dialogue, whereas few efforts have been made to understand the structure of the discursive terrain in the region. What prevents a green shift has less to do with methods and is more connected to the dominance of a logic of economic growth and the fact that locals are confident that nature is already dealt with in a sensible manner. The conclusion is that we need to understand what people are concerned about and what prevents them to change, before we start telling them how to think and do development.  相似文献   

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