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基于污染控制的畜禽养殖场适度规模的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,规模化逐渐成为我国畜禽养殖业发展的主要思路,而现实中大规模养殖在带来经济效益的同时也带来了严重的环境污染。从污染控制的角度看是否存在最优养殖规模成为一个需要研究的问题。基于耕地对氮磷的承载能力、运输成本、排污费等变量构建了数理模型,探讨追求利润最大化的畜禽养殖场的最优规模问题。结果表明:在养殖场自由选择养殖规模时,出售一个养殖单位获得的经济收益越高、耕地对处理剩余物的承载能力越大,则最优养殖规模越大;而一个养殖单位的直接生产成本和粪便处理成本越高、畜禽粪便经处理后的剩余物越多、运输成本越高、排污费越高,则最优规模越小。在养殖规模既定的情况下,提高排污收费时畜禽养殖场将提高其处理剩余物的还田处置比例。最后,指出在畜禽粪便处理技术难以有效去除氮磷、对养殖场是否合理处置最终剩余物难以监管的条件下,对养殖场进行规模控制将是畜禽养殖污染控制的一个政策方向  相似文献   

中国水污染收费系统的政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用政策分析的研究方法,系统分析了我国水污染收费系统存在的问题,并从协调排污收费和使用者收费、完善使用者收费及污水集中处理设施的企业化经营管理几个方面探讨了系统改进方案。  相似文献   

垃圾按量收费是管制城市垃圾的最直接的环境经济政策。它根据垃圾排放量向居民征收(不同的)费用。从而实现有效率的资源配置。本文通过对城市居民的问卷调查.采用描述性统计分析、方差分析、回归分析等方法。对垃圾按量收费的政策效应进行实证研究。以期为中国垃圾按量收费政策的制定和实施提供借鉴。我们的研究旨在解决两个问题:一是测度垃圾按量收费政策的总体效应;二是考察垃圾按量收费政策对不同居民的效应差异。结果表明。从总体上看.超过半数的居民认为垃圾按量收费更合理,但多数人还是更喜欢每月固定收费;从对不同居民的具体分析看,中高收入者倾向认为垃圾按量收费更合理,年长者更喜欢每月固定收费。实行垃圾按量收费后.年轻者更可能减少倒垃圾的量.但也更可能偷偷倒垃圾。  相似文献   

高放核废物的地中处置(HLW)与CO2的捕集与封存(CCS)在环境问题方面有一定的相似性。文章从物理性质、封存机理、环境影响角度,就CO2和HLW地质处置的环境问题进行对比研究,旨在为CCS的环境风险管理提供思路。通过对比分析得出,泄漏的CO2在地层和空气中的扩散能力较强,对人体健康、水体质量等都有一定的影响,但危害程度比较浅,持续时间也比较短;而泄漏哪怕极少的核素,其放射性和毒性都会对人体健康和环境安全造成很严重的威胁。因此,同样剂量泄漏的背景下,CO2的环境影响没有HLW的环境影响严重,CO2地质封存可以从核废物地中处置的环境管理中借鉴经验。  相似文献   

德国废物管理立法的制度特色与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然资源的过度消耗和废物排放引起环境退化与污染。资源节约利用和有效的废物管理是循环经济的应有之意。德罾建立了以绿点计划为代表的较为完善的废物回收、循环利用系统。废物再生利用率居世界首位,积累了发展循环经济的有益经验。德国废物管理立法主要有以下制度特色和环境政策蕴涵:“与环境相协调”的环境政策导向,延伸生产者责任,政府与民间社会分工合作的废物管理体制,生产者责任组织的成功运作。立法设定包装物回收、循环利用的目标和时间表,一次性饮料包装的强制性押金制度。  相似文献   

中国主要电子废物产生量估算   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
在分析了电子废物类型及其可能造成的主要环境问题的基础上。根据电子电器产品的销量、社会保有量以及产品寿命期等因子建立模型对我国2000-2010年间的电脑、电视机、冰箱、洗衣机、空调等5大类电子电器产品的年度废弃量进行估算。结果显示到2003年电脑年度废弃量达到447万台,总体呈增长趋势;电视机、冰箱的废弃量在2003年分别达到4229万台和976万台;洗衣机年度废弃量有一定波动。大约在2005年达到一个高峰,废弃量为1521万台;空调废弃量相对于其他家电较少,但一直处于稳步增长期。并在此基础估算了我国2003年主要电子废物中的可回收资源含量。量大而且增长较快的电子废物的处置和资源再生化将是我国电子废物管理面临的一个难题。  相似文献   

畜禽粪便产生的有害气体严重污染了养殖环境,容易引发疫情疾病,从而造成畜禽产品产量的损失,畜禽养殖环节必须对畜禽粪便进行处置。鉴于此,本研究采用蛋鸡规模养殖户的实地调研数据,利用损失控制模型(DM模型)分析了蛋鸡粪便处置投入对鸡蛋产量损失控制的作用,并在此基础上分析了影响蛋鸡粪便处置投入的关键因素。实证结果表明:蛋鸡养殖过程中的饲料、蛋雏鸡、防疫、人工以及粪便处置等投入要素对鸡蛋产量具有积极的正向作用,验证了蛋鸡粪便处置投入能够有效减少鸡蛋产量损失的假说。从影响蛋鸡粪便处置投入的关键因素来看,采用机械方式处置蛋鸡粪便可以有效减少蛋鸡粪便处置投入,高频率的处置粪便提高了处置投入费用,同时蛋鸡粪便处置投入表现出了规模效应。根据研究结果有针对性提出了促进规模养殖户提高畜禽粪便处置水平和畜禽养殖水平的政策建议。  相似文献   

三峡库区危险工业废物的现状及清理处置分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,三峡库区沿江堆存有大量的危险废物,这对蓄水在即的长江三峡水利枢纽工程极具威胁,对库区生态环境,水资源及人群的身心健康有潜在的危害性,必须进行全部清理处置。库区堆存的危险废物近1.5万t,种类多,成分复杂,毒性大,清理处置困难。分析了典型危险废物的危害性,同时根据三峡库区库底废物清库要求和规范,结合库区实际情况,提出库区库底堆存危险废物的清理处置方案:危险废物中约578t可进行化学中和稳定化处理,焚烧处理,综合利用等无害化处理,其余不能进行无害化处理的危险废物,在坝前177m水位以上选择合理的地点进行安全,可靠的临时贮存处置,待库区危险废物处理处置中心建成后再进行最终的处理处置。  相似文献   

外部性与公共产品是环境规制的理论基础,以此为基点各国实行了包括税收、补贴、市场交易、行政强制等在内的多种规制政策,各种政策具有不同的作用机制和政策效果,需据实选择。我国现行的环境公共规制体系存在一定的缺陷。主要表现在4个方面:公共规制手段过手单一,政策效果难以保证;环境保护收费制度不完善。政策效果受限;环境保护税制不健全,导向作用不突出:排污权交易制度尚处手试点阶段,作用空间太小。为了有效实现环境保护目标,需要进一步构建并不断加以完善多元化的环境公共规制体系,即:改革环境收费制度,加强资金管理;完善现行税制,发挥税收的环保导向与激励作用;综合利用财政激励机制,扶持环境保护产业的发展;建立排污权交易市场,全面推行排污交易制度。  相似文献   

农村生态文明建设的本质问题是农村发展方式的改变和农民生活方式的变革,相关政策体系应在系统的制度框架下进行评价。基于制度理论的规制、规范和文化-认知等三要素分析框架,借助内容分析方法,分析了当前中国农村生态文明建设政策在源头预防、过程控制、损害赔偿、责任追究等方面的文本,并以2013和2014年在苏北地区的调查结果作为例证。在宏观层面,首先从五个维度对中国240件生态文明建设政策的文本形式进行了定性分析,发现在时间维度上,中国权威部门对生态文明建设问题的关注度不断提高,但部分法律亟待修订;在政策效力维度上,中国生态文明建设政策制定主要是以职能部门为主;在政策主题维度上,中国生态文明建设政策的范围和层次有待扩展,政策保障机制有待完善;在政策体例维度上,原则性的政策较多,具体操作层面的政策较少;在特别说明维度上,中国生态文明建设政策具有一定的连续性和稳定性。在微观层面,根据政策的权威性、时效性和影响力,选取了其中12件具有代表性的农村生态文明建设政策,利用制度分析框架对这些政策的文本实质进行了定量分析,发现中国现行农村生态文明建设政策中存在规范性要素较多且结构不平衡;规制性要素总量不足且农村生态文明建设政策的主动性较弱;文化-认知要素缺乏且缺少对农村生态文明建设政策的宣传教育等问题。最后,从提高规制性要素总量,增强农村生态文明建设政策的主动性;平衡规制性要素结构,提高农村生态文明建设政策的可操作性;以及重视文化-认知性要素,加强农村生态文明建设政策的宣传教育等三个方面给出针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国已经正式加入了WTO。环保产业是 2 1世纪的重头产业 ,而城市垃圾处理行业又是环保产业的核心之一。本文在分析我国城市垃圾处理行业发展状况的基础上 ,结合WTO及《WTO协议》的原则和规定 ,从机遇和挑战两个方面分析了加入WTO对我国城市垃圾处理行业的影响 ;并提出了应对策略  相似文献   

The proper disposal of discarded waste tires is becoming a serious matter of concern worldwide as huge proportion of this waste is being generated which makes the proper disposal virtually infeasible. About 1000 million of waste tires are discarded every year, and by the year 2030, it will turn up to 1200 million per year. If this enormous quantum of waste remains unattended, it would led to serious health and environmental problems. The investigation aims at appraising the compaction and strength characteristics of clayey soil incorporated with waste crumb rubber and cement for its sustainable use in geotechnical application. A series of unconfined compression strength and split tensile strength tests were carried out on clayey soil incorporated with two percentages of cement (3 and 6%) by weight and four percentages of crumb rubber (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0%) by weight. Moreover, scanning electron microscope analysis was also carried out to get better intuition about the behaviour of the composite. Test results suggested that crumb rubber (up to 5%) could be mixed with uncemented/cemented clay soil with the congruent impression. The inclusion of discarded waste tires in cemented clay would be one of the congenial methods for the disposal of this waste as it substantially reduces the deleterious influence of waste tire disposal on human health and ecology.  相似文献   

In Libya, municipal solid waste management is one of the services provided by the authorities to keep the county clean. This study was conducted in the City of Al-Bayda, located in the eastern part of Libya, as there have been several major problems facing the city in dealing with solid waste management. One of these problems is the generation, collection, handling, transportation, recycling, and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW). This study has identified that the ongoing disposal of MSW to poorly engineered “dump sites” on the outskirts of the city is unsustainable and will not meet the demands of the growing population and increasing urbanization currently experienced within Al-Bayda. Factors impacting the decision-making and operational processes of MSW include lack of resources and services that significantly affect the disposal of waste, an inadequate number of waste collection containers making the distance to these containers for many households excessive, and thus leading to an increasing likelihood of dumping solid waste in open areas and roadsides. The study recommends that the city government of Al-Bayda should identify synergies and increase partnership-working arrangements with the private sector to ensure efficient management of MSW within the city area.  相似文献   

国外废旧家用电子电器回收再利用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着废旧家用电子电器数量和种类的增加及其产生的环境污染问题,废旧家用电子电器的处理处置、回收再利用引起世界各国的广泛关注。本文阐述了一些工业发达国家在废旧家用电子电器回收再利用方面所采取的措施、取得的成功经验和未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper is an investigation into Taiwan’s policy on nuclear waste disposal, concentrating on the ways in which dumping sites have been chosen, and on the wider implications of those choices. The central aim was to examine whether this policy breached the distributive and procedural principles of environmental justice by discriminating against disadvantaged areas and minority ethnic groups. The paper first clarifies the meaning of environmental justice and then applies it to the case study of Taiwan’s decision announced in 2009 that Da-Ren (達仁鄉) in Taitung County (台東縣) and Wang-An (望安鄉) in Penghu County (澎湖縣) were its two favoured potential sites for the final disposal repository of radioactive waste. The findings of the research suggest that the Taiwan government and the nuclear power provider, Taipower, failed to fulfil the requirements of environmental justice in reaching this decision. The contribution of this case study to the literature on the environmental injustice of nuclear waste siting policies is fourfold. First, it adds to the growing number of studies that show how siting decisions systematically and deliberately disadvantage vulnerable communities. Second, it finds the basis of this discriminatory policy to lie in the wider pattern of inequality that exists in Taiwanese society—a pattern that is rooted in historical traditions of racial and tribal prejudice, reinforced by contemporary forms of corruption. Third, it suggests that a solution to the problem of environmental injustice in nuclear waste siting policy may have to wait until these broader practices of unequal treatment in Taiwan are addressed. Fourth, it speculates that the need for a solution to the nuclear waste problem may be a catalyst for dealing with these broader patterns of unequal treatment.  相似文献   

It is difficult to manage the manufacturing hazardous waste (MHW) which is generated from a huge amount of complicated sources and causes very serious pollution. Therefore more and more attention has been paid to MHW pollution. Shanghai, as an industrial and economic center and an international metropolis in China, has a vast industrial system spanning a multitude of sectors, which generates MHW not only in a huge magnitude but also in a large variety of types from complicated sources, resulting in severe pollution. In 2003, the production of MHW in Shanghai is about 3.96 × 10^5 ton, involving 33 indices. Most of MHW in Shanghai is treated and disposed of, but a significant portion is not handled properly and effectively. This paper carries out infield investigation on the current status of MHW production and treatment in Shanghai, and puts forward scientific proposals that Shanghai should facilitate cleaner production and minimize haz- ardous waste; strictly enforce hazardous waste registration system, strengthen monitoring the certified enterprises; strengthen intent disposal center construction and realize hazardous waste reclamation; accelerate establishing the technical criteria and the management policy, promote the research and development on the treatment and disposal technology, and strengthen information management, thus realizing integrated management on MHW pollution.  相似文献   

Solid waste disposal poses a significant problem, as it leads to land pollution if openly dumped, water pollution if dumped in low lands and air pollution if burnt. Moreover, the scarcity of land and increase in land prices especially in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh create the problems of developing new landfill sites. Realising the existing and future impacts of waste disposal issues, the analytic hierarchy process model was applied to select an appropriate Waste-to-Energy (WTE) conversion technology for household waste of Dhaka-Mirpur Cantonment area. Three alternatives, namely, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis and plasma gasification (PG) technologies and nine criteria under three aspects (technological, environmental and financial) were chosen for comparison. The analysis revealed that PG is the most appropriate WTE conversion technology in the study area. The selected PG technology has a relatively small footprint; it can treat unsorted waste and can produce good-quality synthetic gas without generating extremely toxic by-products.  相似文献   


It is difficult to manage the manufacturing hazardous waste (MHW) which is generated from a huge amount of complicated sources and causes very serious pollution. Therefore more and more attention has been paid to MHW pollution. Shanghai, as an industrial and economic center and an international metropolis in China, has a vast industrial system spanning a multitude of sectors, which generates MHW not only in a huge magnitude but also in a large variety of types from complicated sources, resulting in severe pollution. In 2003, the production of MHW in Shanghai is about 3.96 × 105 ton, involving 33 indices. Most of MHW in Shanghai is treated and disposed of, but a significant portion is not handled properly and effectively. This paper carries out in-field investigation on the current status of MHW production and treatment in Shanghai, and puts forward scientific proposals that Shanghai should facilitate cleaner production and minimize hazardous waste; strictly enforce hazardous waste registration system, strengthen monitoring the certified enterprises; strengthen intent disposal center construction and realize hazardous waste reclamation; accelerate establishing the technical criteria and the management policy, promote the research and development on the treatment and disposal technology, and strengthen information management, thus realizing integrated management on MHW pollution.  相似文献   

系统梳理固体废物管理政策的变迁逻辑,研究固体废物管理政策的聚焦内容和发展趋向,有助于明晰固体废物管理政策完善路径。研究立足于已颁布的固体废物管理政策,运用统计方法分析固体废物管理政策的文本结构和内容,找出中国固体废物管理政策变迁的内在逻辑;紧密结合当前“无废城市”建设的政策需求,提出政策优化完善路径。研究发现:固体废物管理政策文本类型多元、效力级别多样,政策框架体系逐步优化完善;固体废物管理政策热点具有鲜明的时代发展烙印和动态演变特征,政策涉及的领域越来越广,政策内容更具针对性和全面性,政策执行更具指向性和可操作性;无害化、减量化、资源化,污染防治、监督管理、二次污染、回收利用、循环经济等是政策关注焦点;政府从宏观层面强化顶层设计,以政策引导规范为主,注重政策协同、技术支撑、治理水平提升等助推无害化、减量化、资源化目标实现;固体废物管理政策实施的工具手段多元化、要素支撑多样化,固体废物管理的技术支撑关注度逐步提升、管理模式与治理路径已进入适应性转型。立足现实需要,固体废物管理的市场化政策与激励机制不足,适用性技术关注度不高,综合管理水平和治理能力亟待提升。结合国外“无废城市”建设的理论研究、实践行动和政策举措,从固体废物生命周期管理政策、技术范式政策、主体协同政策、引导激励政策及法律法规政策等方面提出中国“无废城市”建设的政策完善路径方向。  相似文献   

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