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循环经济下再生资源规范回收行为研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
提出将再生资源回收分为规范回收与非规范回收两种类型,认为回收行为是建立规范循环经济体系规划的数据基础和政策效应的微观基础。以废旧家电为例,设计了包括废旧家电回收再利用形势感知、回收现状、回收再利用态度、回收影响因素、回收行为以及废旧家电生态消费态度、生态消费问题感知、生态消费影响因素、生态消费行为等9类共31个问题,通过对312名在校大学生的调查,分析了样本个体废旧家电回收因素、样本家庭实际回收行为及现状因素、样本个体废旧家电回收方式的影响因素等废旧家电回收问题及行为总体状况,采用单因素分析方法,深入挖掘了样本不同的社会—经济、社会—人口属性及其他相关因素在废旧家电回收行为上的差异性,给出了相应的理论解释。在调查分析的基础上,提出了促进再生资源规范回收的实施对策。  相似文献   

中国废旧汽车再生资源潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车产业的快速发展使得废旧汽车再生资源成为资源供应的又一重要来源,关于其回收潜力的研究则是再生资源有效再利用的重要前提。本文建立了汽车产品在生产-消费-报废-排放全过程物质代谢的动态分布模型,基于威布尔分布密度函数构建汽车寿命模型,并进一步建立汽车消费量及再生资源回收潜力预测模型。利用1990-2010年我国轿车、客车、货车消费的相关时间序列样本数据,分别从国家、区域两个层面预测了汽车报废量的动态变化趋势及再生资源回收潜力,并探讨了三种类型汽车消费比例及各类型汽车平均寿命的改变对其报废量及再生资源回收潜力的影响。据预测,2020年当年将产生废旧汽车近1 400万辆,再生资源回收潜力约3 100万吨;其中我国东部地区废旧汽车再生资源潜力超过全国的50%。不同类型汽车消费比例的变化或汽车使用寿命的延长均对再生资源总量及回收年限均产生影响,在进行废旧汽车回收拆解及资源化利用等园区、基地规划时应予以充分考虑,以实现产能的匹配及再生资源的高效配置。  相似文献   

随着科技的不断进步,家电产品更新换代的速度不断加快,由于废旧电器的不当处置所引发的环境问题日益突出。如何在保障环境安全的前提下,建立有效的废旧电器回收体系,实现废旧电器的资源最大化和环境无害化处置是当前我国大力发展循环经济主要面对和重点要解决的问题之一。本文以青岛市电器产品的生产和保有状况、废旧电器排放和资源化利用状况调查为基础,分析了静脉产业类生态工业园区的建设对促进废旧电器“3R”化的重要作用。揭示了建立合理的回收体系是青岛市废旧电器循环利用的主要因素。结合“延伸生产者责任制度”,提出青岛市废旧电器循环利用的对策及各相关方责任。为青岛市制订废旧电器相关地方性法规提供了重要依据,同时也为国家相关立法工作提供了重要借鉴。  相似文献   

在推进废旧家电资源化的进程中,合理界定回收处置阶段各相关主体的利益和责任至关重要.目前相关研究大多是定性的阐述,本文对回收主体的利益和责任进行了定量研究.依据受益者负担原则,废旧家电污染的责任发生在产品消费后阶段,造成的环境外部成本应由制造商、分销商、消费者和政府等受益主体来承担;基于Stackelberg博弈理论,考虑制造商参与销售和回收渠道不同情形下的经济效益、回收废旧家电的生态效益,建立了回收主体的利益数学模型;依据责权利对等原则,确定相关主体应承担的责任比例,并通过例证予以说明.结果表明:参与回收的主体不同,制造商参与渠道的程度不同,主体间的利益分配比例、应承担的环境外部成本和回收处置阶段的责任比例也会发生变化.研究结论为建立规范的回收体系,实现废旧家电的再生利用,促进循环经济的发展提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

废旧家电逆向物流构建模式的经济模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以生产者延伸责任制为基本前提,将目前的废旧家电逆向物流模式划分为3类:制造商独立回收模式、联合回收模式、委托代理回收模式。基于7个假设条件,构建了制造商独立回收模式和委托代理回收模式的利润函数模型,通过制造商最优利润函数的分析比较,提出了制造商对不同回收模式的选择。基于模型,探讨了影响利润函数的三方面因素:原材料价格、使用回收材料的成本和企业规模、实力、技术、管理等综合要素,并在此基础上提出了废旧家电逆向物流体系的动态优化概念模型。WHARL的构建决策分析是基于家电制造商的角度进行的,模型中最优利润函数均在理想的市场均衡条件下求得,并未考虑不完全竞争等非市场因素。而实践表明,非正规回收处理市场的存在已经成为WHARL构建的最大阻碍。  相似文献   

"循环经济"概念辨析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
基于对循环经济在德国、日本产生和发展状况的考察和我国目前关于循环经济的着干代表性定义的分析,指出循环经济是相对于传统的“资源-产品-废弃物”单向流动的线形经济而言的,是建立在生态学规律之上的一种以“减量化、再利用、资源化”为原则。以资源(特别是物质资源)的节约和循环利用为核心,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,以避免、减少、再利用、资源化、热回收、无害化处置作为处理废弃物的先后次序,构造上高度接近于“资源-产品-再生资源”反馈式闭路循环,符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式,是解决我国资源环境与经济发展之间矛盾的重要途径之一。最后分析了循环经济与节约型社会、清洁生产、节约能源、资源综合利用等概念之间的分析,进而提出支持我国建设节约型社会的法律体系至少应当包括《循环经济与资源综合利用促进法》、节约型社会的基本目标、原则和法律制度。以此为基础,再考虑进一步制定针对包装物、电子垃圾、废旧汽车等的法律法规。  相似文献   

促进废旧资源循环利用是加快推进我国生态文明建设,完成节能减排目标的必然选择。本文基于生命周期评价模式,从微观企业层面入手,构建产品全生命周期基准流程,引入能量输入与环境输出参数,建立废旧资源循环利用节能减排效果量化核算模型,评估再生产品的节能减排经济成效,并以吉林省某钢铁企业为例,评估"废钢-电炉"短流程和"铁矿石-高炉-转炉"长流程的能源、环境、成本差异,辨识影响废钢再循环节能减排效果的主要因素和重要环节。结果显示,再生钢铁全生命周期与原生钢铁全生命周期相比,节能588.48kgce/t,节能率为84%;主要污染物中SO2减排率最高,达92%;CO2总减排1 180.92 kg/t,减排率为67%;总成本却高出198元/t。其中,炼铁工序的节能量和减碳量最大,烧结工序SO2、NOx和烟(粉)尘减排量最大,焦化工序COD和氨氮减排量最大,回收、加工处理、炼钢环节节能量和减碳量以及SO2、NOx和烟(粉)尘减排量均为负。成本方面,再生钢铁生产成本高于原生钢铁308元/t,虽然再生钢铁由于污染减排可节省56元/t的排污费并获取54元/t的碳交易收益,但都不足以扭转电炉炼钢费用较高的现状。因此,国家应在电炉炼钢方面给予钢企及相关企业适当的财税扶持政策,在电价方面给予钢企一定的优惠或补贴,并完善废钢回收加工体系等,以促进废钢循环利用。基于LCA的废旧资源循环利用节能减排效果评估可以实现对产品生命周期全过程的资源、环境、成本的优化管理。  相似文献   

废旧电器电子产品的非生态拆解引发的环境问题日益突出,该问题的根本原因在于单纯市场机制下多数处理商会选择非生态拆解方式,政府规制介入成为必然。本文运用演化博弈方法探讨政府管制在处理商拆解方式选择过程中的角色。本文首先分析了政府不管制下和政府管制下处理商选择拆解方式博弈关系;然后运用演化博弈理论建立了政府管制下处理商选择拆解方式的演化博弈模型,并分析了模型中一些主要参数对处理商选择拆解方式的影响;最后通过数值仿真了不同参数下处理商选择拆解方式的演化过程。得到结论:政府需要对废旧电子产品的拆解工作进行监督和管制;政府的管制力度和处理商拆解方式选择比例的初始值均会对最终演化结果产生影响。研究表明:政府对处理商选择生态拆解方式的激励效应及对选择非生态拆解方式的管制效应对处理商选择拆解方式的行为演化结果起着至关重要的作用,政府通过制定合适的管制政策可以有效推动废旧电子电器产品处理商选择生态拆解方式。  相似文献   

再生资源是一种特殊的资源类型,兼具资源资产产权和环境产权,两者相互作用引导其开发利用自组织形成了正规与非正规回收利用者相互交织的完整逆向供应链系统。协调其中各主体间的利益关系、减少逆向供应链的环境污染和整体运行损耗是再生资源开发利用水平提升的关键手段。为此,本文以北京市废旧电视为例,利用实地调研的方法,系统分析了再生资源供应链的结构、行为和绩效(SCP)。结果表明:(1)消费者选择一级回收者时具有价值性、便捷性和规范性三种偏好。销售商回收模式可较好地满足消费者的需求,成为其首选方案,然而,"以旧换新"限制了无需购买新电视的人群。游商以45%的份额占据了剩余一级回收市场的主导地位。(2)一级与二级回收者间形成了稳定的合作关系,二手市场扩大了一级回收者的利润,中间商则为一级回收者提供了稳定的需求保障。(3)受到非正规拆解作坊的挤占,正规拆解企业产能严重过剩。一方面,降低了拆解企业对收购产品的质量要求,致使中间商偷换有价组件和跨境转移电子废弃物等问题日益严重。另一方面,正规拆解企业会提高收购价格,致使政府补贴的基金大部分转移至回收环节,巩固了现有的正规与非正规回收者共存的供应链结构。(4)个体中间商及非正规拆解利用作坊是再生资源供应链低效率的关键。本文调整了现有的家电基金制度,建议在电视销售环节向消费者征收40元/台的基金,并将其中的10元/台用于扶持政府可管控的正规主体中间商,代替个体中间商的功能,其余金额可用于弥补现有基金的亏空。该种模式可充分利用现有的一级回收者及二手市场,并可有效提升再生资源供应链的整体绩效水平。  相似文献   

再生资源价值回收率分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前国内关于再生资源利用水平评价方法的研究仍较少,本文着眼于构建一种再生资源有效价值利用水平的评价方法,并用于实例分析。首先从再生资源利用总量的角度,提出了衡量再生资源利用水平的评价指标及其计算方法;然后基于再生资源加工利用过程中的价值变化,定义了以原生资源生产的零部件或产品的价值为基准价值的回收指标,将再生资源整体价值回收率作为评价再生资源利用水平的新指标,并结合价值回收流程构建了以再生资源不同用途下的利用量和价值回收率为变量的计算模型;最后选取某再生资源园区,计算其近期和中远期的废旧物资价值回收率,说明在资源化率基本不变的情况下,通过提高再利用率和再制造率可提升再生资源的价值回收率。  相似文献   

Alternative production approaches are required because of conventional manufacturing's adverse environmental impacts. Remanufacturing returns used products to at least original performance specification from customers' perspectives and gives the resultant products warranties at least equal to that of new equivalents. Remanufacturing is relatively novel in research terms compared to conventional manufacture and recycling but often is more profitable than both. It would help manufacturers address competitive, environmental and legislative pressures by enabling them to meet pressing waste legislation while producing high-quality, lower cost products with less environmentally damaging end-of-life (EoL) and manufacturing modes. Remanufacturing is highly profitable in large, complex mechanical and electromechanical products but with conventional manufacturing and design modes not so in smaller products; particularly fast moving ones. However, effective waste management is urgently required for such products because waste electrical and electronic equipment constitutes the fastest growing EU waste stream and a large percentage of products being produced by major developing economies such as China are of this type. Active disassembly (AD) enables product non-destructive, self-disassembly at EoL and was invented to facilitate a step-change improvement in recycling. This research investigated the use of AD to extend profitable remanufacturing into small EoL electrical and electronic products.  相似文献   

Technological innovation and shorter product life cycles of electrical and electronic equipment coupled with their rapidly growing applications have resulted in the generation of an enormous amount of waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). To address the potential environmental problems that could stem from improper end‐of‐life management of WEEE, many countries have drafted national legislation to improve the reuse, remanufacture and material recycling from WEEE, and to reduce the amount of such waste going to landfills. With the introduction of such legislation comes an increased need for the recovery operators to evaluate the recycling costs and environmental benefits of reclaimed products and materials in order to select the most appropriate end‐of‐life options for individual products in WEEE. This paper presents a systematic methodology for ecological and economical assessment to provide a holistic understanding of the impacts associated with different end‐of‐life options for such waste. This assessment, in addition to providing decision‐support for the selection of the best possible end‐of‐life option for a particular product in WEEE, could also generate vital information to support the design and material selection processes during the initial product development activities. The assertion made is that the detailed considerations of the ecological and economical impacts associated with different end‐of‐life options will significantly improve the recovery and recycling of WEEE.  相似文献   

A sustainable national policy on waste electronic and electrical equipment reuse has to ensure an integrated environmental economic and social approach. In this paper, a quantitative model is developed that permits a comparative analysis of re-use and non-re-use scenarios from an environmental and economic perspective. The model demonstrates the importance of considering user consumption profiles and the changing national electricity generation portfolio in determining the best end-of-life strategy, whether it should be reuse or recycling. A case study of Ireland is used to demonstrate the model. From a social perspective, qualitative aspects of reuse, such as the job creation potential and the impact on prosperity for low income families, are also considered. Reuse of white goods, if conducted through social enterprises, will create more employment than an equivalent amount of recycling for those most vulnerable to unemployment. Any environmental and social dividends from re-use can be realized only in the context of an economically sustainable system. This would include such factors as a secure supply of suitable equipment, a competitive cost base and sufficient revenues from sales and other sources in order for the business to survive. In an attempt to examine whether a white goods re-use program could possibly operate in a competitive manner with new appliances, this study has examined examples of comparable businesses operating in the EU as well as interpreting data on consumer demand.  相似文献   

欧洲有关国家关于执行欧盟废旧电子电气指令的措施   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着全球高科技工业的迅猛发展、人类消费水平的不断提高和消费结构的变化,电子废弃物快速增长,并造成日益严重的环境污染问题,因此引起了全球各国高度关注并制定了相关环境管理对策。2003年2月13日,欧盟公布了《废旧电子电气设备指令》(简称WEEE指令)和《限制某些有害物质在电子电气设备中使用指令》(简称ROHs指令)。欧盟各国实践表明,欧盟成员在欧盟指令公布之前已经制定了关于收集和适当处理电子电气废物的规定,这些规定基本上与欧盟新指令有着相同的内涵。因此,欧盟成员政府并不需要为了满足欧盟指令的新要求而对目前国内的电子电气处理体制做太大的修改,故可以预期欧盟各国执行欧盟关于废旧电子电气设备指令过程中将不会导致过多问题产生,并且执行成本相对较小。  相似文献   


Waste electrical and electronic equipment have the potential environmental risks and resource value simultaneously. So the product recycling is very important. This paper studies on recycling problems of WEEE under the third-party recycling in a closed-loop supply chain. We take the following measures. Firstly, based on classifying the WEEE, we consider a revenue sharing and cost sharing contract as the coordination mechanism. Secondly, under centralized and decentralized decisions, we use the game analysis technology to determine the optimal pricing and profits, respectively. Finally, we conduct the number simulation to illustrate and validate the proposed models and provide managerial insights. The results show that when retailers sell new and second-hand products simultaneously, consumers become more sensitive to recycling prices, the profits of manufacturers, recyclers and CLSC increase. However, the retailers' profits decline.


近年来,随着电子商务的迅速崛起,快递废弃物激增所带来的环境污染、资源浪费程度日趋严重,营建快递废弃物回收产业链,促进快递废弃物循环使用的呼声日益急促。快递废弃物的循环使用涉及到多方利益相关者,本文基于利益主体协同演化视角,分别构建未引入政府约束机制和引入政府约束机制的"快递企业-消费者"演化博弈模型,借以探索政府、消费者及快递企业在快递废弃物回收产业链营建过程中所扮演的角色,借助复制动态方程得到利益相关方的演化稳定策略和规律,并进一步应用MATLAB仿真工具进行仿真模拟,研究结果表明:未引入政府约束机制下,博弈系统难以依靠市场调节快速演化到理想状态,快递企业和消费者会反复权衡参与营建快递废弃物回收产业链的收益和成本,根据净收益进行策略选择,当二者净收益大于0时,博弈系统会逐渐演化为理想状态,反之,博弈系统则会逐渐演化为不良状态。引入政府约束机制可以快速的引导快递企业和消费者向理想状态演化,加大对快递企业营建回收产业链的补贴力度以及对营建回收产业链怠工的罚款程度能够促进快递废弃物回收产业链营建的快速高效执行。本文的研究对快递废弃物回收产业链的营建起到一定的启示作用:1从政府的角度出发,快递废弃物回收产业链的成功营建能够带来社会环境资源福利的增加,所以不应仅仅依靠市场行为,政府应当充分发挥其在营建过程中的引导作用;2从快递企业的角度出发,快递企业是回收产业链的实施方,应将环境保护作为企业发展的责任,积极主动参与回收产业链的营建;3从消费者的角度出发,作为回收产业链运行的初始点,消费者应该从自身做起,提高环保意识,责任意识,积极推动回收产业链的营建。  相似文献   

Modern societies face a dilemma called electronic waste (e-waste). This waste, which may contaminate the soil or cause unwanted impacts on human health when treated improperly, is one of the fastest growing waste streams in developed as well as developing countries and has brought great environmental impacts. Developing countries like Iran also face this modern waste management challenge. In order for more appropriate disposal or, if possible, recycling of this waste, more attention has been paid to reverse logistics as the most appropriate way to manage them. The first and most important action to address e-waste and implementation of reverse logistics is to persuade residents to bring back their obsolete electronic products. This paper attempts to understand significant factors affecting residents’ incentive dependency to participate in e-waste recycling program. Socioeconomic and demographic information of different residents is discussed by means of logistic regression for the first time in Iran. The results show that about 58.7 % of residents will participate even if no incentive is given. Household income, household size, education, e-waste concern level, and marital status are the significant factors affecting the incentive dependency of respondents.  相似文献   

BackgroundE-waste includes electrical and electronic equipment discarded as waste without intent of reuse. Informal e-waste recycling, typically done in smaller, unorganized businesses, can expose workers and communities to serious chemical health hazards. It is unclear if formalization into larger, better-controlled electronics recycling (e-recycling) facilities solves environmental and occupational health problems.ObjectivesTo systematically review the literature on occupational and environmental health hazards of formal e-recycling facilities and discuss challenges and opportunities to strengthen research in this area.MethodsWe identified 37 publications from 4 electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Environmental Index, NIOSHTIC-2) specific to chemical exposures in formal e-recycling facilities.DiscussionEnvironmental and occupational exposures depend on the degree of formalization of the facilities but further reduction is needed. Reported worker exposures to metals were often higher than recommended occupational guidelines. Levels of brominated flame-retardants in worker's inhaled air and biological samples were higher than those from reference groups. Air, dust, and soil concentrations of metals, brominated flame-retardants, dioxins, furans, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons, or polychlorinated biphenyls found inside or near the facilities were generally higher than reference locations, suggesting transport into the environment. Children of a recycler had blood lead levels higher than public health recommended guidelines.ConclusionsWith mounting e-waste, more workers, their family members, and communities could experience unhealthful exposures to metals and other chemicals. We identified research needs to further assess exposures, health, and improve controls. The long-term solution is manufacturing of electronics without harmful substances and easy-to-disassemble components.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overall design method to better consider the energy consumption of electrical and electronic equipment during the use phase. This aspect is often considered as the most important environmental aspect in active electrical and electronic equipment during its life cycle. The proposed method, called ‘Synergico’, characterises the product energy efficiency according to its modes, its functions and its sub-assemblies. It also articulates three tools: one assessment tool, one improvement tool and one environmental check tool. These tools are integrated along a typical product design process. The method therefore helps designing more energy-efficient products without compromising other performances such as ergonomics, functional performances, security, recyclability or costs. The three tools and the overall method are presented. A case study illustrates the way it works and is discussed.  相似文献   

The life cycle of electronic and electrical equipment has been ruthlessly shortened due to the rapid promotion of new products. Such a phenomenon has thereby resulted in serious environmental pollution and damages to the natural ecology. In order to reduce electronic wastes and increase recycling products, a manufacturing/remanufacturing simulation model was constructed through a series of inventory management policies. The model included the use of the traditional supply chain structures for the forward movement of goods to consumers, as well as a number of specialised operations required to perform reverse supply chain activities. Such a model took into account all the supply chain members such as the suppliers, manufacturers, logistics centres and customers at the same time. Finally, a case study on the application of the model was conducted.  相似文献   

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