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随着世界经济贸易的发展,外来物种入侵成为威胁生物多样性、公众健康,甚至生态安全和国家安全的重大问题。我国目前在外来物种入侵相关立法方面存在立法理念滞后、调整范围欠充分、监管碎片化、法律制度缺失且责任追究机制单一等问题,无法有效回应高风险社会对外来物种入侵的防范。在国内外相关制度经验总结的基础上,我国防治外来物种入侵的相关法律法规应在《生物安全法》的指导下,确立整体生态安全理念,采取风险预防原则,健全外来物种风险评估、引种许可证、全过程跟踪监测、公众参与和法律责任制度,优化外来物种风险管理机制,促进生物安全治理体系进一步完善。  相似文献   

外来物种入侵是威胁国家生物多样性、生态安全和公众健康的重大安全问题。《生物安全法》的通过为防治外来物种入侵提供了综合性的制度规范。我国防治外来物种入侵法治实践长期以行政规制为主导,较少关注司法机关、企事业单位、社会组织和公众等法律主体在治理中的作用。行政规制治理中执法机构及其职能与管理手段的碎片化,亦无法回应高风险社会防治外来物种入侵的需要。我国防治外来物种入侵法治建设应当坚持整体性治理理念,以整体安全观为指导,坚持风险预防、防治结合,明确综合管理程序及责任法律制度和一体化协同执法机制,健全防治外来物种入侵行政规制体系;引入公众参与,形成政府、企事业单位、社会组织和公众协同治理外来物种入侵,鼓励外来物种入侵公益诉讼等,完善防治外来物种入侵的多元共治体系,共促国家生物安全治理体系。  相似文献   

外来物种入侵及其环境法律调控准则   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
随着世界经济、贸易和交通高度发达的影响,外来物种入侵活动且益加剧,已尼成为威胁我国生物多样性与生态环境的重要因素之一,对我国的一些地区造成了巨大的生态和经济损失。有关外来入侵物种管理的立法应贯彻风险预防原则。  相似文献   

山东省生物多样性保护进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了山东省生物多样性现状及国家重点保护动植物物种保护状况,论述了自然保护区、森林公园和风景名胜区建设与管理特征,指出了外来物种入侵和生物多样性保护存在的问题。  相似文献   

关于我国外来物种入侵的立法思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球经济一体化体系的发展,维护生物多样性、防治外来物种入侵成为世界各国关注的问题。我国面对外来物种入侵严重的现状,其相关的法律法规存在着明显缺陷,对外来物种入侵方面的立法也相当滞后。这种现状难以适应中国环境保护、经济和社会和谐发展的需要,也难以符合我国生物多样性保护的要求。文章对国际社会防治外来物种入侵相关立法及美国、日本的先进立法经验进行了分析,结合我国的国情,对我国创设外来物种入侵法律制度和修订相关法律法规上提出了意见和建议,以期通过法律手段有效地防治外来物种的入侵,并促进我国对防治外来物种入侵的相关立法。  相似文献   

世界自然保护联盟最近公布了全球100种最具威胁的外来物种.入侵我国的有50多种。加拿大一枝黄花.是外来入侵物种之一,在上海蔓延后.已导致上海地区30多种土植物物种的消亡.严重影响原有植被.破坏了生物多样性。  相似文献   

5月22日国际生物多样性日,由环境保护部、中国科学院等主办的国际生物多样性日纪念大会召开。今年的主题是“保护生物多样性,防止外来入侵物种”,会议为我们展示了生物多样性之美,并呼吁人类行动起来保护环境、保护生物多样性。  相似文献   

2008年济南市刮起的“美国白蛾风暴”,让无数市民切身体会到了外来物种入侵带来的危害。值得注意的是,从环境法治建构与完善的角度来看,济南市美国白蛾暴发所折射的不单单是某一类害虫的治理防治问题,还应当引发起人们对整个外来物种入侵生态安全问题的思考。灾害暴发后,济南市政府所采取的诸如运用其天敌白蛾周氏啮小蜂进行生物防治,对白蛾幼虫进行有偿回收等制度都收到了很好的效果。但是,从更深层次对这一事件进行反思不难发现,现有防治外来物种入侵法律制度的疏漏与空白才是引发这一事件的始作俑者。因此对于外来物种入侵的治理和防范应该从“末端治理”回归到“源头控制”,即从对现有法律制度漏洞进行查找和填补的角度进行研究才有可能标本兼治,从根本上解决问题。  相似文献   

在国家层次上,我国缺少一部全面的法律或法规,缺乏必要的生态影响风险评估、监测和预警体系。今后的工作中,应当研究制定《外来入侵物种管理条例》和《外来入侵物种环境管理办法》;根据预防为主的原则,建立外来物种生态风险评估和监管;完善相关审批制度,由环保部门负责外来物种环境影响评价的管理,各部门按现有法规负责相关类别外来物种引进审批时,应商环保部门,  相似文献   

外来物种入侵已经成为国内面临的重要环境问题。外来物种入侵不仅会破坏本地的生态系统,威胁生物群落多样性,还会对农业、林业等造成严重威胁,带来巨大的生态风险和经济损失。辽宁省地处陆海边境,是外来物种进入国内的重要通道,为防范外来物种入侵,提出应加强对于本地物种的选育使用、建立外来物种潜在风险调查机制、制定外来入侵物种名录、规范引进许可制度、加强政策宣传和口岸违法处罚力度等对策建议。  相似文献   

To garner support for biodiversity from the World’s human population, conservation biologists need an open-minded, integrated conservation strategy. We suggest that this strategy should include efforts to (1) preserve existing high quality, diverse ecosystems, (2) remediate impaired systems, (3) balance the needs of people and ecological resources, and (4) engender appreciation of nature and its services. We refer to these four key tenets as reservation, restoration, reconciliation, and reconnection. We illustrate these concepts by presenting the debate surrounding the management of exotic species from an unusual perspective, the benefits of exotic species. By this example we hope to encourage an integrated approach to conservation in which management strategies can be flexible, adjusting to society’s needs and the overall goals of conservation.  相似文献   

Impacts of human land use pose an increasing threat to global biodiversity. Resource managers must respond rapidly to this threat by assessing existing natural areas and prioritizing conservation actions across multiple spatial scales. Plant species richness is a useful measure of biodiversity but typically can only be evaluated on small portions of a given landscape. Modeling relationships between spatial heterogeneity and species richness may allow conservation planners to make predictions of species richness patterns within unsampled areas. We utilized a combination of field data, remotely sensed data, and landscape pattern metrics to develop models of native and exotic plant species richness at two spatial extents (60- and 120-m windows) and at four ecological levels for northwestern Ohio’s Oak Openings region. Multiple regression models explained 37–77 % of the variation in plant species richness. These models consistently explained more variation in exotic richness than in native richness. Exotic richness was better explained at the 120-m extent while native richness was better explained at the 60-m extent. Land cover composition of the surrounding landscape was an important component of all models. We found that percentage of human-modified land cover (negatively correlated with native richness and positively correlated with exotic richness) was a particularly useful predictor of plant species richness and that human-caused disturbances exert a strong influence on species richness patterns within a mixed-disturbance oak savanna landscape. Our results emphasize the importance of using a multi-scale approach to examine the complex relationships between spatial heterogeneity and plant species richness.  相似文献   

Management of ecological reserve lands should rely on the best available science to achieve the goal of biodiversity conservation. “Adaptive Resource Management” is the current template to ensure that management decisions are reasoned and that decisions increase understanding of the system being managed. In systems with little human disturbance, certain management decisions are clear; steps to protect native species usually include the removal of invasive species. In highly modified systems, however, appropriate management steps to conserve biodiversity are not as readily evident. Managers must, more than ever, rely upon the development and testing of hypotheses to make rational management decisions. We present a case study of modern reserve management wherein beavers (Castor canadensis) were suspected of destroying habitat for endangered songbirds (least Bell’s vireo, Vireo bellii pusillus, and southwestern willow flycatcher, Empidonax traillii extimus) and for promoting the invasion of an exotic plant (tamarisk, Tamarix spp.) at an artificial reservoir in southern California. This case study documents the consequences of failing to follow the process of Adaptive Resource Management. Managers made decisions that were unsupported by the scientific literature, and actions taken were likely counterproductive. The opportunity to increase knowledge of the ecosystem was lost. Uninformed management decisions, essentially “management by assertion,” undermine the long-term prospects for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Vast areas of arable land have been retired from crop production and “rehabilitated” to improved system states through landowner incentive programs in the United States (e.g., Conservation and Wetland Reserve Programs), as well as Europe (i.e., Agri-Environment Schemes). Our review of studies conducted on invasion of rehabilitated agricultural production systems by nontarget species elucidates several factors that may increase the vulnerability of these systems to invasion. These systems often exist in highly fragmented and agriculturally dominated landscapes, where propagule sources of target species for colonization may be limited, and are established under conditions where legacies of past disturbance persist and prevent target species from persisting. Furthermore, rehabilitation approaches often do not include or successfully attain all target species or historical ecological processes (e.g., hydrology, grazing, and/or fire cycles) key to resisting invasion. Uncertainty surrounds ways in which nontarget species may compromise long term goals of improving biodiversity and ecosystem services through rehabilitation efforts on former agricultural production lands. This review demonstrates that more studies are needed on the extent and ecological impacts of nontarget species as related to the goals of rehabilitation efforts to secure current and future environmental benefits arising from this widespread conservation practice.  相似文献   

长江源区生物多样性保护研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性具有生态、社会和经济多重价值.长江源区生物多样性不但关系到当地经济发展和人民生存安全,而且关系到整个长江流域的可持续发展,甚至影响到全球气候.分析了长江源区生物多样性的特点及区域生物多样性遭受严重破坏的原因,提出了保护长江源区生物多样性的对策措施:①加强对长江源自然保护区的建设;②适当控制人口数量,进行必要的生态移民;③加强基本生产和生活条件建设;④加大立法与执法力度,严禁偷猎、盗采野生动植物;⑤在保护中开发利用.  相似文献   

Reestablishing Naturally Functioning Dunes on Developed Coasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Common beach management practices reduce the ecological values of coastal dunes. Mechanical beach cleaning eliminates incipient dunes, habitat for nesting birds, seed sources for pioneer dune colonizers and food for fauna, and artificially small, stabilized foredunes reduce the variability in microenvironments necessary for biodiversity. Recent initiatives for reducing coastal hazards, protecting nesting birds, and encouraging nature-based tourism provide incentive for the development of a restoration program for beaches and dunes that is compatible with human use. Suggested changes in management practice include restricting or rerouting pedestrian traffic, altering beach-cleaning procedures, using symbolic fences to allow for aeolian transport while preventing trampling of dunes, and eliminating or severely restricting exotic species. Landforms will be more natural in function and appearance but will be more dynamic, smaller and in a different position from those in natural areas. Research needs are specified for ecological, geomorphological, and attitudinal studies to support and inform restoration planning.  相似文献   

Public concern about the alarmingly high rate of biodiversity loss has not been matched by public willingness to bear boundless costs to stem the tide of extinction. Because resources for conservation are limited, setting conservation priorities to use those resources effectively is crucial. To do so in a way that addresses people's most pressing concerns about biodiversity loss, managers and policy makers must understand those concerns. This study investigates preferences for an array of benefits associated with biodiversity and wildlife and the relative importance to people of each. A survey was administered to a sample of the US population to explore public preferences for types of benefits often associated with biodiversity: utilitarian (commodity and recreation), ecological (certain and uncertain), aesthetic, symbolic, and humanistic. Respondents were asked to rank hypothetical species presented in choice sets of three species, each described simply in terms of one type of benefit. A rank-ordered multinomial logit model was estimated to establish a ranking of the benefits and evaluate the sensitivity of the ranking to socio-demographic variables. The means of the sample predictions indicated the relative importance of each type of benefit. Confidence intervals were constructed to evaluate the extent to which the ranks could be distinguished from one another. Ecological functions were most important to survey respondents; commodity-based benefits and human attributes were of moderate importance; and recreation, aesthetics, and symbolic references in literature and art appeared to be least important.  相似文献   

We record here the recent occurrence, abundance and distribution of six exotic fish species, viz. Oreochromis mossambicus, Cyprinus carpio, Hypopthalmicthys molitrix, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Clarias gariepinus, and Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (a new exotic in India) distributed through the four important tributaries of river Ganga basin in India. From the total catch, the abundance index of all exotic species in different rivers ranged from 1.1 to 14.5?% with highest value in River Gomti. The relative abundance of the exotic species in all the four tributaries demonstrated that a single species C. carpio contributed a considerable abundance (43.3?C83?%) than that of the remaining exotic fishes. The Common Carp, C. carpio, was ubiquitous in all the four tributaries of Ganges basin studied and had the highest local distribution (52.63?%). Smaller size groups of endangered (Chagunius chagunio, Chitala chitala, and Tor tor) and migratory species (Bagarius bagarius, Ompok pabda, Wallago attu, and Sperata aor) in the four tributaries were recorded, and the increasing appearance of Common Carp and other exotic fishes is signaling biological invasion. Possible threats to the indigenous fish fauna, as a result of the invasion and proliferation of these exotics, are discussed.  相似文献   

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