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采用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱/质谱联用测定技术,以太湖某饮用水源地水体中甲基异莰醇-2和土臭素为主要研究对象,通过环境因子相关性分析,对异味物质的变化规律和来源作初步分析。研究结果表明,该水源地2013年的主要异味物质为甲基异莰醇-2,超标时段主要集中在夏秋高温季节(5—9月);水体中的硅藻可能是异味物质的重要产生者,底泥中的藻类和微生物次生代谢活动可能是水体产生异味的主要原因。  相似文献   

于2013年每月测定了苏州太湖饮用水源地9种异味物质含量及TP、TN、水温、藻密度等指标,结果表明,苏州太湖饮用水源地主要检出的异味物质有2-甲基异崁醇、土臭素、β-环柠檬醛和β-紫罗兰酮等4种。2-甲基异崁醇年均值是其嗅觉阈值的2.9倍,水体主要表现为土霉味。根据异味物质与环境因子相关性分析结果及相关文献讨论,水温是影响异味物质含量的重要因素。微囊藻等藻类对β-环柠檬醛和β-紫罗兰酮有明显贡献。  相似文献   

本文根据吡啶与氯化氰反应生成戊烯二醛,后者再与巴比妥酸偶合生成红紫色的二巴比妥酸戊烯二醛,根据颜色的深浅比色定量,本法最低检出限为0.4μg/10ml。在采样为20L时,最低检出浓度为0.02mg/m~3。氨醇、酮、醛、苯胺等物质对本测定方法无干扰  相似文献   

于2015年对苏州市太湖东岸饮用水主要异味物质进行了调查。结果表明,主要异味物质为土臭素、2-甲基异莰醇、β-环柠檬醛、β-紫罗兰酮等,检出率分别50.0%,66.7%,70.8%和66.7%,其中2-甲基异莰醇年均值是其嗅觉阈值的2.31倍,其他异味物质年均值未超过其阈值,水体主要表现为土霉味。异味问题爆发时间为夏季(5—9月),土臭素、2-甲基异莰醇、β-环柠檬醛、β-紫罗兰酮检出最高值分别为13.8,170,170和29.6 ng/L。分析了异味物质与环境因子的相关性,初步推断太湖主要异味物质为水中蓝藻的某些种类所致。  相似文献   

以1个典型食品生产企业(酱菜厂)周边的异味挥发性有机物监测为例,介绍了罐采样-GC/MS、便携式GC/MS、SPME-GC/MS以及SPME-异味分析系统等4种监测方法的实际应用,从定性、定量监测结果等方面,比较了4种监测方法的特点。罐采样-GC/MS、便携式GC-MS 2种方法适用于定性、定量检测,在有标准样品的前提下,定量结果总体可比;SPME-GC/MS以及SPME-异味分析系统2种方法更适用于定性检测。  相似文献   

调研分析了国内水中氯苯类化合物的常用分析技术应用现状,对吹扫捕集-气相色谱/质谱联用法可量化的精密度与准确度质量控制指标开展研究。针对水中氯苯、1,2-二氯苯、1,4-二氯苯、三氯苯等4种氯苯类化合物的实际样品平行测定相对偏差、空白加标回收率及平行样相对偏差、实际样品加标回收率及平行样相对偏差等指标,通过实验室内方法优化和参数确定,以及国内多家实验室质控数据采集与统计分析,经文献数据比对,获得了不同置信区间下系统性和适用性良好的量化质控指标。  相似文献   

以阳澄湖水源为研究对象,采用固相微萃取-气质联用法测定水中2-甲基异莰醇(2-MIB)、土臭素(GSM)、2,4,6-三氯苯甲醚(2,4,6-TAC)、2,3,4-三氯苯甲醚(2,3,4-TAC)、2,3,6-三氯苯甲醚(2,3,6-TAC)、2-异丙基-3甲氧基吡嗪(IPMP)、2-异丁基-3甲氧基吡嗪(IBMP)、β-环柠檬醛、β-紫罗兰酮、异氟尔酮等10种典型嗅味物质,并分析可能的来源藻类.以2018年1月-12月阳澄湖水源中优势藻种为基础,建立以上述嗅味物质为变量的多元线性回归模型.结果表明,水源中2-MIB、GSM、β-环柠檬醛、β-紫罗兰酮、异氟尔酮5种嗅味物质与直链藻、针杆藻、鱼腥藻、色球藻、颤藻、微囊藻、束丝藻7种藻类有较强的相关性.  相似文献   

盛夏,气温较高,如果不进行测定温度的控制,尽管非常严格地按操作规程进行分析,得出的结果仍然不理想。这是由于此分析方法是基于在磷酸盐缓冲溶液中,氰氢酸与氯胺T作用生成氯化氰,氯化氰使吡啶开环,生成戊烯二醛,戊烯二醛同巴比妥酸作用,生成蓝紫色聚亚甲基染料等几个连续反应。氯化氰的沸点(17℃)较低,而盛夏气温在三十摄氏度以上,因此引起氯化氰的大量挥发,使吡啶开环反应受到影响,进而影响到戊烯二醛和巴比妥酸的显色反应,使生成的蓝紫色亚甲基染料减少,导致了色列的显色异常。  相似文献   

固相萃取技术在水源地特定项目监测中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用C18固相萃取(SPE)技术测定水中36种半挥发性有机物(SVOCs),包括硝基苯类、氯苯类、有机氯农药类、有机磷农药类、多环芳烃类共五类有机化合物,用GC-MS分析.研究了有机改性剂对回收率的影响,1L水样加入7ml甲醇对回收率有较好改善.结果表明,平均回收率为51%~118%,相对标准偏差在1.90%~9.79%之间,方法检出限为0.02μg/L~0.32μg/L.该方法适用于监测水源水中多种痕量SVOCs.  相似文献   

针对环境空气中异味物质及其特点,从嗅辨法和成分浓度分析法2个方面,介绍了异味物质的监测方法,并比较了各方法的适用性。从臭气浓度、强度、恶臭厌恶度、相对气味活度值以及模型预测等方面,描述了异味物质特有的评价方法;从对照标准限值、臭氧生成潜势以及健康风险评价等方面,描述了异味物质普适性评价方法。指出可通过实地调查与监测、污染谱图和源解析模型等方法识别异味物质的来源。提出了环境空气异味的监测调查建议,包括采用多种技术、提高异味物质的快速初辨能力以及监测水平,研制更多的方法标准和控制标准、科学监管异味污染物等。  相似文献   

This paper describes the process for developing regulations limiting the discharge of pollutants from industrial sources into the waters of the United States. The process includies and surveys of the industry to define products, processes, wastewater sources and characteristics, appropriate subcategorization and control technologies in use. Limitations on the amounts of pollutants that may be discharged in treated wastewater are based on statistical analysis of physical and chemical analytical data characterizing the performance capability of technologies in use in the industry. A general discussion of the statistical approach employed is provided along with some examples based on work performed to support recently promulgated regulations. The determination of regulatory discharge limitations, based on estimates of percentiles of lognormal distributions of measured pollutant concentrations in treated wastewater, is presented. Modifications to account for different averaging periods and detection limit observations are discussed.  相似文献   

简述了江苏沿江化工园区存在的环境风险,分析了园区区位特征和产业结构矛盾、监控预警体系及应急保障体系等方面存在的问题。提出应加强环境应急队伍建设,完善监控预警体系,强化应急预案管理,提升应急处置能力,以降低环境风险,维护区域环境安全。  相似文献   

16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in water samples from the Jinsha River (Panzhihua part), Southwest China. Total dissolved PAH concentrations varied from 21.89 microg l(-1) to 382.8 microg l(-1). It was found that the concentration of PAHs decreased along the flow direction due to the higher density distribution of coal chemical industry in the upstream of our study rivers. The pollution levels in our study area are significantly higher than previously reported values in other waters both in China and other countries. The predominance of benzo[k]fluoranthene and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene was clearly observed in all water samples. On average these two compounds accounted for 98.3% of the total dissolved PAH concentration in water. The results showed the positive correlations among total dissolved PAHs, benzo[k]fluoranthene and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, which suggested that these two predominant PAHs have similar source and environmental behaviors in our study area. When compared with the survey results of organic micropollutants two decades ago, it was found that hydrocarbon pollution both predominated and even increased with the development of coal chemical industry in this area during the past 20 years. The results therefore provide important information on the current contamination status of a key industrial city in China, and points to the need for urgent action to investigate the relationship between the PAH composition and concentration in water from the Jinsha River and the wastewater discharge from coal chemical industry, and to identify the source, transport pathway and fate of PAHs in the area. It should then be necessary to adopt appropriate and instant measures to control the pollution around this area.  相似文献   

简述了近年来长江江面和沿岸区域发生的几起典型的突发环境事件,对长江(江苏段)沿江八市区域内尤其是长江沿岸化工园区和企业、危化品码头和仓储、危化品运输船舶和长江水源地存在的环境风险进行了分析,提出,应加强长江环境风险防控体系建设,开展流域环境风险隐患排查,健全监测预警体系,增强水源地保护,深化地区部门联动,建设长江一体化应急响应系统。  相似文献   

Since 1972, the Parties (United States and Canada, 1987) to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement have been working collaboratively to achieve the purpose of the Agreement “to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the waters of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem”. Billions of dollars and countless person – hours have been expended towards this end, but have the Parties, and their numerous collaborators at the state, provincial, and municipal levels, along with industry and citizen activists achieved meaningful results? This paper will examine the information provided through various monitoring programs and will assess the success of the Parties' programs, and will also discuss the continuing threats to achieving the purpose of the Agreement.  相似文献   

针对某化工园区重点行业企业挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染问题,通过对其中50家企业的原料、设备、数据调查以及现场考察,总结其VOCs的使用种类与数量、治理设备与排放情况。对一些典型VOCs排放企业分析,提出针对性减污措施。根据化工园区的VOCs特点与危害性,提出管理、控制、治理等方面的建议。  相似文献   

化工危险源环境安全监测和应急响应系统的研发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析化工危险源环境污染的危害性,提出了将工业无线传感器网络技术、视频监控技术和自动控制、无线通讯、地理信息系统(GIS)、数据库及网络工程等计算机技术应用于化工危险源的监测和监控,建立一个化工危险源的环境安全监测和应急响应系统的必要性。概述了系统的需求分析和架构,详细介绍了系统的组成、功能和关键技术,探讨了如何将该系统应用于泰州某化工公司危险源的环境监控和应急管理。  相似文献   

指出化工园区环境监控预警系统的建设是提升化工园区环境管理能力和预警水平的要求。明确了化工园区环境监控预警体系的建设目标。从环境风险评估、环境监控网络的构建、环境监控预警能力建设、环境监控预警平台建设、质量控制体系及应急体系建设等方面系统阐述了化工园区环境监控预警系统的构建内容,为化工园区环境监控预警系统的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

重化工业区环境风险源监控系统设计研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对重化工业突发环境事故频繁发生的现状,为了满足环境风险管理的需求,设计了重化工业区环境风险源监控系统。对易引起重大环境污染事故的特征风险物质,从监控指标体系、监控布点方案、监控技术、监控数据采集传输、监控网络数据库构建、监控信息平台等6个方面进行研究,构建集气态源、液态源和移动源为一体连续在线的环境风险源实时监控系统,有效实施重化工业环境风险源的管理和事故预防。  相似文献   

The vast coastal and marine resources that occur along the southern edge of Bangladesh make it one of the most productive areas of the world. However, due to growing anthropogenic impacts, this area is under considerable environmental pressure from both physical and chemical stress factors. Ship breaking, or the dismantling and demolition of out-of-service ocean-going vessels, has become increasingly common in many coastal areas. To investigate the extent of ship breaking activities in Bangladesh along the Sitakunda coast, various spatial and non-spatial data were obtained, including remote sensing imagery, statistical records and published reports. Impacts to coastal and marine life were documented. Available data show that ship breaking activities cause significant physical disturbance and release toxic materials into the environment, resulting in adverse effects to numerous marine taxonomic groups such as fish, mammals, birds, reptiles, plants, phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthic invertebrates. Landsat imagery illustrates that the negatively impacted coastal area has grown 308.7 % from 367 ha in 1989 to 1,133 ha in 2010. Physicochemical and biological properties of coastal soil and water indicate substantially elevated pollution that poses a risk of local, regional and even global contamination through sea water and atmospheric transport. While damage to the coastal environment of Bangladesh is a recognized hazard that must be addressed, the economic benefits of ship breaking through job creation and fulfilling the domestic demand for recycled steel must be considered. Rather than an outright ban on beach breaking of ships, the enterprise must be recognized as a true and influential industry that should be held responsible for developing an economically viable and environmentally proactive growth strategy. Evolution of the industry toward a sustainable system can be aided through reasonable and enforceable legislative and judicial action that takes a balanced approach, but does not diminish the value of coastal conservation.  相似文献   

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