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通过系统整理分析自然资源、水利、生态环境等部门已有地下水监测网,针对广东地下水监测存在的问题和未来地下水环境管理需求,提出较大空间尺度和水质监控的地下水环境监测网建设框架及广东省"三层七级"共237个网点的层级化地下水环境监测网建设方案,并与水文地质单元、浅层地下水功能区划进行了空间叠加分析。结果表明,广东省三大部门监测网在空间上分布总体较为分散,相互补充性好,提出的监测网方案总体上与广东省地下水本底条件、地下水资源开发利用现状、地下水环境功能分区、重点污染源空间分布特征等相匹配,契合地下水饮用水源保护和重点污染源监控两大管理需求,构建的地下水环境监测网框架可为其他地区提供参考,提出的地下水环境监测网建设方案可为广东省地下水环境管理和污染防控提供决策支持。  相似文献   

河南省地表水环境监测断面优化的原则及其运用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
提出和运用了地表水环境监测断面优化的原则,包括网络功能专一化、分类有序优化、监测断面高效、监测断面与监测频率同时优化、监测断面分级管理等。  相似文献   

国家环境监测网质量体系的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为适应国家生态环境监测网的统一布局和监测任务事权上收的新形势,强化国家对环境监测的统一管理,创新性构建了以全程序全要素为核心、体现国家管理特征的国家环境监测网质量体系框架,形成了一套规范化的质量体系文件,包括质量手册、程序文件、作业指导书和记录表格等。  相似文献   

国内以自动监测为基础的环境质量与污染源在线监测网络体系不断发展壮大,与此同时在线监测仪器设备的备品配件价格、交通运输以及人工成本也在逐年增长,但是原有的网络体系运行经费却增长缓慢,如何规划和利用已有资源挖潜增效,保障环境在线监控系统正常有效运行,已成为环保工作者亟待解决的问题.有效利用和挖掘在线监测设备的运行维护数据,规划和提升在线监测设备技术装备能力,逐步转变运行维护模式等措施可以提升运维效率和控制成本不断上升,不失为化解当前困境的一种有益探索.  相似文献   

水质监测是任何水资源管理必不可少的组成部分,水质监测与评价不仅可对水污染问题进行鉴别和评估,而且可以验证污染控制措施是否正确以及污染源是否遵守了相关的环保法规、制度。文章讨论了综合监测系统的对策、网络设计、采样与分析、数据处理与报告,还讨论了必需的科学的组织形式。以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(La Plata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。对于工业化程度高的流域(如莱茵河和多瑙河),早期预警系统尤为重要。最后探讨了新的性价比好的污染监测方法以及如何避免产生数据很多,但信息量很少的状况。  相似文献   

"十四五"期间,粤港澳大湾区将会迎来新一轮大开发、大建设、大发展,绿色发展与山水林田湖草一体化保护将面临更大的机遇与挑战。生态环境监测作为生态环境保护的重要基础,亟需强化支撑、引领、服务作用。文章对粤港澳大湾区生态环境监测发展现状进行了梳理,从环境质量状况、生态环境管理、环境监测网络等方面将粤港澳大湾区与东京、纽约、旧金山三大世界级湾区进行系统比较,对标查找差距与不足,并对面临的机遇与挑战进行了深入剖析。在此基础上,针对生态环境监测区域布局、现代感知网络、智慧应用与"美丽湾区"综合评价、联合监测与信息发布、产学研用一体化等方面,提出了粤港澳大湾区当前及今后一个时期生态环境监测发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

我国土壤环境质量监测技术路线研究   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
土壤环境质量监测技术路线根据"十二五"主要任务目标,设计了土壤环境监测国家、省、地(市)三级网络构架和以县级采样、地(市)级分析、省级质控、国家发布的网络运行模式,明确了每年监测一类重点区、5年完成一个监测周期的全国总报告,确立了以基本农田、蔬菜和果树基地、饮用水源地、重污染企业周边、规模化养殖场周边等为重点区域的约2.5万个国控采样点;对土壤重金属和有机污染物的分析测试与评价方法进行了优化筛选,制定了质控措施,对深入开展土壤环境质量例行监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

跨界河流的水质监测(1)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
水质监测是任何水资源管理必不可少的组成部分,水质监测与评价不仅可对水污染问题进行鉴别和评估,而且可以验证污染控制措施是否正确以及污染源是否遵守了相关的环保法规、制度、文章讨论了综合监测系统的对策、网络设计、采样与分析、数据处理与报告,还讨论了必需的科学的组织形式。以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(La Plata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。对于工业化程度高的流域(如莱茵河和多瑙河),早期预警系统尤为重要。最后探讨了新的性价比好的污染监测方法以及如何避免产生数据很多,但信息量很少的状况。  相似文献   

浅议环保系统辐射环境监测网络现状及发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了全国辐射环境监测网络现状以及国控点监测总体概况,指出了目前辐射环境监测网络存在的问题,提出应加强法规建设,理顺机制,大力发展监测队伍;统筹规划,优化资源配置,夯实监测能力;有效运行质量管理体系,加大培训力度;深化各类报告的编制出版工作,加强监测信息公开的发展策略。  相似文献   

This paper considers the use of meiofauna (benthic metazoa 45 to 500 m in size) as biological indicators for monitoring marine environmental health. To date, this abundant and ubiquitous group of invertebrates has been largely neglected in applied sampling programmes; instead, emphasis has been placed upon more conspicuous biological components such as seagrass, macrofauna and epiphytes. In an attempt to redress this balance, this paper sets out three objectives: (1) to explain the reasons for selecting biological response indicators from across the whole spectrum of phylogenetic organisation, (2) to summarise those aspects of meiofaunal life-history and demography that render this group suitable for monitoring anthropogenic pollution and disturbance, (3) to suggest how to optimise the inclusion of meiofauna in monitoring programmes so that they provide maximum information for management purposes. To achieve these objectives the environmental impact assessment framework of Ward and Jacoby (1992) is adopted as a matrix into which the relevant components of meiofaunal ecology are fitted. Using this matrix, meiofauna are shown to have advantages that include their sessile habit, high species diversity, short generation time, direct benthic development and ubiquitous distribution. Disadvantages include their small size, high level of spatial and temporal variability, the potential cost of sample processing and the limited taxonomic literature accessible to non-specialist workers. The paper concludes with a discussion of sampling strategies and methods of analysis that may be used to efficiently incorporate meiofauna as biological response indices into environmental monitoring. Emphasis is placed on cost-effective techniques such as taxonomic minimalism.  相似文献   

提出了一种可伸缩延长气体采样装置,并将其与现场气体监测仪器配套使用。初步考察了延长采样装置中Teflon采样管长度对现场监测结果可能产生的影响,并对监测站实验室楼顶废气排出筒气体进行了实际样品监测。结果表明,该装置可有效提高现场应急监测的安全防护保障效果,增加可监测区域范围,使现场应急监测工作能够为突发性环境污染事件的处置提供更多技术支持。  相似文献   

Community-based ecosystem monitoring activities in Canada are increasing in response to a number of factors including: (i) the needs of decision-makers for timely information on local environmental changes; (ii) limited use of government monitoring data and information by decision makers; (iii) government cuts to monitoring programs; (iv) the increasingly recognized need to include stakeholders in planning and management processes; and (v) the desire of citizens to contribute to environmental protection. To date there has been no network coordination of community based monitoring in Canada. This paper reports on the establishment of the Canadian Community Monitoring Network by Environment Canada's Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network Coordinating Office and the Canadian Nature Federation. Information on research prepared in support of network establishment is presented along with a discussion of the potential of the network.  相似文献   

以环境监测管理各项法规政策、空气自动监测技术规范和方法标准的技术规定及管理要求为准绳,研究搭建环境空气自动监测质量管理总框架,制定体系化的环境空气自动监测质量管理框架体系及管理文件规程,从而规范环境空气自动监测活动,提高空气自动监测数据的科学性和准确性,为环境保护管理部门实施环境空气预报预警及规划空气污染治理各项工作奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

2015年中央全面深化改革领导小组审议通过《生态环境监测网络建设方案》,推动全国生态环境监测网络建设取得重大成就。对照《生态环境监测网络建设方案》提出的"全面设点,完善生态环境监测网络"方面的任务与要求,对生态环境监测网络建设成效进行客观评估,并对生态环境监测面临的形势与不足进行了深入剖析。针对加强生态环境监测网络建设、探索生态环境监测多手段融合应用模式、强化生态环境监测数据智慧应用等方面提出了当前及今后中长期生态环境监测发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

国家水环境质量监测网络发展历程与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了水环境质量监测的定义和目的,介绍了构成国家水环境质量监测网络的6个子网,即地表水环境质量监测网、地表水环境质量自动监测网、地下水环境质量监测网、饮用水源地环境质量监测网、水污染防治专项规划水体环境质量监测网和锰三角地区水环境质量监测网的发展历程与现状。指出了目前该网络存在的不足,提出建立水环境质量监测网络设计技术体系、扩大监测网覆盖面、扩展监测项目等建议。  相似文献   

The selection of sampling sites is one of the major tasks in thedesign of a monitoring network. Many environmental networkssuffer from either insufficient information or redundantinformation. This study presents a new, effective algorithm thataddresses the issues of insufficient and reduction information.The new algorithm is denoted as Multiple-Point Variance Analysis(MPV). MPV includes both Multiple-Point Variance ReductionAnalysis (MPVR) for adding information-effectives sites, andMultiple-Point Variance Increase Analysis (MPVI) for deletinginformation-redundant sites. The MPVR and MPVI equations areverified under two hypothetical cases. The optimal procedures ofthis new algorithm include determination of simultaneousadditions or deletions of groups of sampling points. Theseproposed optimization procedures eliminate the need for anyspatial discretizations or sequential selections. The efficiencyof these optimal procedures is tested under actual fieldconditions. The results show that the optimal MPV is aneffective tool for adjustment of existing sampling networks.  相似文献   

土壤环境监测基础点位布设思路与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应新形势下土壤环境保护工作重点任务和要求,"十三五"期间,中国亟需构建布局合理、功能完备的土壤环境监测网,确定国控监测点位,以说清全国土壤环境质量整体状况、潜在风险状况及变化趋势。通过梳理欧美等发达国家和地区的做法和经验,针对国内土壤环境的实际情况,开展布点尺度和点位优化方法研究,提出了国家尺度上适宜布点尺度,建立了统一的历史点位优化筛选规则,在此基础上,形成了点位的布设思路、原则和方法,并给出了阶段性的布设结果,最后提出了后续进一步完善的方向。  相似文献   

In 1990, the National Research Council (NRC) published two in-depth assessments of marine environmental monitoring effectiveness. The first of these, Managing Troubled Waters: The Role of Marine Environmental Monitoring, provided a national perspective and the second, Monitoring Southern California's Coastal Waters, examined the specifics of monitoring design and implementation in a densely populated, highly urbanized coastal region. The reports include explicit recommendations about the need for greater regionalization of monitoring efforts, supported by greater standardization of field, laboratory, and data analysis methods. They also identified the need for centralized data management and for greater flexibility in the language of standard discharge permits, flexibility that would permit discharge agencies to more readily participate in regional monitoring and research programs. Other recommendations identified a need for EPA and NOAA to focus on creating a national monitoring program structured as a network of coordinated local and regional efforts. Finally, the NRC emphasized the need for better reporting and for periodic review of monitoring's relevance to management concerns. In this paper, we use southern California as a test case to assess progress made in implementing the NRC's recommendations. We review progress made on each recommendation and discuss the features of the regulatory and management climate that contributed to or impeded this progress. We also consider whether, and to what extent, the NRC's recommendations remain relevant in the present context.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of forest soils as part of a pan-European network to detect environmental change depends on an accurate determination of the mean of the soil properties at each monitoring event. Forest soil is known to be very variable spatially, however. A study was undertaken to explore and quantify this variability at three forest monitoring plots in Britain. Detailed soil sampling was carried out, and the data from the chemical analyses were analysed by classical statistics and geostatistics. An analysis of variance showed that there were no consistent effects from the sample sites in relation to the position of the trees. The variogram analysis showed that there was spatial dependence at each site for several variables and some varied in an apparently periodic way. An optimal sampling analysis based on the multivariate variogram for each site suggested that a bulked sample from 36 cores would reduce error to an acceptable level. Future sampling should be designed so that it neither targets nor avoids trees and disturbed ground. This can be achieved best by using a stratified random sampling design.  相似文献   

A monitoring network of ground-level ozone (O3) concentration levels in Vojvodina Province, Serbia, has been established in several phases, resulting in nine sampling sites (monitoring stations). Because maintenance of a monitoring network is financially very demanding, identifying potentially redundant ozone sites and reducing the network to a cost-effective and functional one are challenging and complex tasks. To provide an easily applicable but reliable analytical framework that will allow decision-makers and other stakeholders to identify redundant ground O3 monitors, the reference point approach, presented by Cetinkaya and Harmancioglu (Journal of Hydrology, 2014), is adopted for a multi-objective assessment of the O3 monitoring network. The evaluation process of the stations’ performance and their ranking is implemented in several phases. Firstly, a comprehensive set of 13 performance attributes is defined and associated with location and environmental criteria, followed by defining the set of alternatives. Next, all required attribute data are collected and stations are evaluated using the reference point approach. Finally, verification of the results is performed by aggregation of ranks obtained using the ideal point multi-criteria methods compromise programing and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution. The aggregation process is performed using the Borda count and Kemeny social choice theory methods. Results indicate that the number of stations can be significantly reduced by 67%. Also, selection of the three best performing stations enabled identification of a core network that is expected to be functionally and financially sustainable under growing environmental and economic pressure.  相似文献   

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