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基于比值法解析老城区河段氮磷污染特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年12月—2015年2月,对南淝河老城区约4 km河段水体和主要点源的氮、磷污染物进行测定,并利用碳氮比(CODCr/TN)、氮磷比(TN/TP)、氨氮百分含量(NH3-N/TN)等主要指标对所得数据进行分析研究。结果表明,南淝河老城区段水体的氮磷污染严重,氨氮百分含量接近甚至超过50%,具有一般城市生活污水的特征;氮磷比在春夏季处于藻类适宜的生长范围(9.0TN/TP22.6);整个水体处于低碳氮比水平(碳氮比小于2.5),不利于水体的净化;主要受上游望塘污水处理厂、城市生活污水和地表径流的影响。其主要支流四里河水体的氮磷污染亦相当严重,且氮、磷污染物的输入途径一致。  相似文献   

环境监测数据预审中部分指标的相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数据审核在实验室分析中占有很重要的作用,需要检查是否有异常数据,并对监测数据进行分析、判断,以便了解被监测水体的状况,是否已被污染,污染趋势如何等.根据长期积累的经验,发现部分指标之间存在相关性,了解这些数据的相关性,将对数据审核有很大帮助,总氮和三氮(硝酸盐氮、亚硝酸盐氮、氨氮)之间存在着相关性,并且根据“三氮“在水中存在的含量,可以分析水体状况,分析出水体的污染趋势如何;分别对CODcr和CODMn、CODcr和BOD5、CODMn和BOD5、总磷、总氮和叶绿素a、石油类和CODcr、硫化物和重金属、氟与硬度之间的相关性进行了分析.  相似文献   

北京公园水体中邻苯二甲酸酯类物质的测定及其分布特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了正确评估北京市公园水体受PAEs污染的程度,采集了北京11个公园湖水的水样,采用固相萃取-气相色谱联用技术检测了其中六种邻苯二甲酸酯类物质(PAEs)的含量,该方法加标回收率在73%~89.3%,RSD为5.9%~18.1%,检出限在0.40~4.58mg/L。实验结果为北京公园水体中总PAEs浓度在6.4~138.1μg/L,平均值为27.9μg/L,证明北京公园水体受到不同程度的PAEs污染,主要的污染物为邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)和邻苯二甲酸双(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP),其中东南部以及西北部的公园污染较严重。分析了PAEs在公园湖水底泥中和水体中的分布特征,结果显示,PAEs在湖水底泥中的含量明显大于在水体中的含量。  相似文献   

GC-MS检测济南市东部空气中气相与颗粒物上有机污染物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用GDX-101吸附剂和玻璃纤维滤膜(GF)同时采集气相和颗粒物上有机污染物,样品经提取分离后用GC-MS进行定性分析.结果表明,颗粒物上有机污染物的种类和含量都高于气相,工业区空气中有机污染较生活区严重,仍以燃煤、燃油污染为主.  相似文献   

目前人们对水体中污染物的多寡与污染程度的关心,远比对进入水体中污染物分布形式的关心为高.研究后者则更能了解污染物对水体的影响.因为只有充分了解了污染物的分布形式,才能掌握水体中污染物的特点.本文利用多年来对地面水体的环境监测资料进行拟合优度检验,确定地面水体中污染物  相似文献   

福建泉州市东、西湖水体中氮的空间分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步探讨了东湖和西湖水体中氯的空间分布特征以及3种不同形态的氮与溶解氧的相关性.结果表明,(1)泉州东湖、西湖水体中总氮的平均含量分别为3.396、3.929mg/L,氨氮的平均含量分别为1.927、2.182mg/L,硝酸盐氮的平均含量分别为1.061、1.236mg/L,亚硝酸盐氮的平均含量分别为0.084、0.059 mg/L,东湖和西湖水体的主要氮素形式均是氨氮.(2)东湖出水口和位于动物园附近的采样点总氮、氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮浓度较其它采样点高,入水口、湖区北部及湖心区采样点的氨氤和硝酸盐氮的分布趋势基本一致.西湖东南部采样点总氮、氨氯、硝酸盐氯和亚硝酸盐氮的含量都较其它采样点高.(3)东湖水体的DO浓度与氨氛、硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氯的含量都不具有相关性,而西湖水体的DO浓度与这3种形态氮显著相关.  相似文献   

杭州市钱塘江干支流水质多元统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用多元统计方法分析了杭州市钱塘江干支流上26个断面的水质监测指标。利用系统聚类分析方法将断面所在河流分为3组,与钱塘江流域污染空间分布现状基本一致。对各组水质的主成分分析表明,第1组河流水质以有机污染为主,水体中氮、磷营养盐浓度较高,水体污染程度较轻,污染来源相对单一;第2组河流水体受有机物、重金属、石油类等多个污染指标的影响,水体水质较第1组差,污染来源相对复杂;第3组河流水体既有一般有机污染,也有重金属、有毒有害物质的污染,水体水质污染严重。  相似文献   

工业废水处理过程中,如何有效控制氨氮浓度,是废水排放重要的工艺之一。金鱼藻是常见的水生植物,对水质具有较强的净化作用,本实验通过模拟氨氮污染的培养环境,研究不同氮浓度对金鱼藻去除氮能力的影响。结果表明,氮浓度不高于10 mg/L时,处理7 d后水体中氨氮的去除率接近90%;在氨氮浓度分别为20 mg/L和50 mg/L时,经过35 d的处理,氨氮去除率分别为85%和66%,金鱼藻吸收富集的氮含量随着培养水体中氮浓度升高而增加,且不同部位间吸附含量在高浓度情况下差异较为明显。使用金鱼藻对实际工业废水进行氨氮去除处理,去除率达到73%。将植物吸附污染物应用在工业废水处理工艺中具有一定的前景,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

环境中多环芳烃前处理和分析方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
多环芳烃(PAHa)是一类广泛存在于大气、水体、土壤、沉积物中的持久性有机污染物,对环境和生物体存在较大危害.介绍了国内外部分水体中PAHs的污染状况,对液态和固体PAHs的主要前处理方法和分析方法进行了比较和归纳,展望了环境样品中PAHs的前处理和分析方法的发展方向.  相似文献   

重庆典型岩溶区地下河水体PAEs分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别采集了重庆典型岩溶区5条地下河水体10个样品,用气相色谱法对样品中的邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)含量进行测定,分析其在重庆典型岩溶区地下河水体中的分布特征。结果表明,常见的19种邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)在重庆典型岩溶区地下河水体中均有检出,其浓度范围为103.29~2268.78μg/L;5种被美国环保局列为优先控制的PAEs类污染物中,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)和邻苯二甲酸双(2-乙基己基)酯是主要的污染物;与国内外其他地区水体进行比较,重庆典型岩溶区地下河水体PAEs含量处于较高污染水平。  相似文献   

流域污染分异特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前中国地表水十大流域水质差异较大,以2013年国家监测网监测数据为例,重度污染水质断面多分布于海河、淮河和黄河中下游地区。究其原因,黄河、海河、淮河单位面积水资源量较少、水资源利用率较高、水体自净能力下降;同时长年居高不下的污染物排放累积效应严重影响水质改善;重污染行业集聚、排放强度大、城市化进程较快、第二产业比重较高等因素加剧了水资源的供需矛盾,最终影响水质改善。  相似文献   

以无锡市望虞河西岸河网区为研究区域,于2018年12月—2019年9月分冬、春、夏、秋4个季节采集了上覆水和沉积物样本,研究氮磷营养因子在沉积物-上覆水界面的释放规律,探究主要水质指标、沉积物氮磷和重金属含量的时空分布特征。结果表明:研究区域内的水质状况不佳,主要是氮含量超标,污染严重的点位集中在人类活动较为密集的市区和工业区;受上覆水氮磷浓度、溶解氧浓度等变化的影响,沉积物营养盐含量季节变化明显,污染状况较为严重,75%的点位属于中度和重度污染;沉积物重金属含量季节变化不显著,部分重金属的空间分布特征相似,污染程度排序为Zn>Cd>Cu>Pb>Ni>Cr>As。  相似文献   

Due to intense agricultural and industrial activities, the environment has been affected by increasing amounts of pollutants, such as lead, a toxic heavy metal. When introduced to the environment, toxic metals are distributed and incorporated into the liquid medium, sediments, and aquatic biota; bioaccumulating. This research aimed to identify and quantify the levels of toxic metals present in the waters and sediments of Toledo River, compare the obtained results with legislation and other studies, as well as to evaluate the possible pollutant sources of the water body. Six water and sediment samples were taken at seven strategic sites. The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, and Cr in water were compared to the maximum limits established by Brazilian legislation IN CONAMA No. 357/05, for class II fresh waters. The sediment samples were submitted to nitroperchloric digestion, and then the total concentrations of the metals were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The toxicological quality of the Toledo River has been considerably affected by the activities carried out in its surroundings, such as extensive areas of agriculture, pig farming and industrial areas, causing concentrations of Cd, Fe, and mainly Pb, which is observed at concentrations higher than value allowed by the legislation.  相似文献   

This article presents the geochemical characteristics and physicochemical properties of water and sediment from twelve semi-permanent, dryland pools in the upper Leichhardt River catchment, north-west Queensland, Australia. The pools were examined to better understand the quality of sediments and temporary waters in a dryland system with a well-established metal contamination problem. Water and sediment sampling was conducted at the beginning of the hydroperiod in May and September 2007. Water samples were analyzed for major solute compositions (Ca, Na, K, Mg, Cl, SO(4), HCO(3)) and water-soluble (operationally defined as the <0.45 μm fraction) metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn). Sediment samples were analyzed for total extractable and bioaccessible metals (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn), elemental composition and grain morphology. At the time of sampling a number of pools contained water and sediment with elevated concentrations, compared to Australian regulatory guidelines, of Cu (maximum: water 28 μg L(-1); sediment 770 mg kg(-1)), Pb (maximum: water 3.4 μg L(-1); sediment 630 mg kg(-1)) and Zn (maximum: water 150 μg L(-1); sediment 780 mg kg(-1)). Concentrations of Cd and As in pools were relatively low and generally within Australian regulatory guideline values. Localized factors, such as the interaction of waters with anthropogenic contaminants from modern and historic mine wastes (i.e. residual smelter and slag materials), exert influence on the quality of pool waters. Although the pools of the upper Leichhardt River catchment are contaminated, they do not appear to be the primary repository of water and sediment associated metals when compared to materials in the remainder channel and floodplain. Nevertheless, a precautionary approach should be adopted to mitigating human exposure to contaminated environments, which might include the installation of appropriate warning signs by local health and environmental authorities.  相似文献   

浑太河流域水质达标控制方法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
结合浑太河流域水资源网络节点图,根据污染物来源、种类及其产生机理,针对计算单元水资源供需平衡预测数据、降雨径流值,分点源、非点源进行规划水平年污染物入河量的预测。根据浑太河流域地形特征、入河污染物降解特性,以水功能区水体纳污能力为计算单元污染物排放总量控制条件,给出基于规划水平年入河污染物变动特性的水质达标控制方法。运用该方法进行浑太河流域水质达标控制:2030年,流域总需水7.4亿立方米,缺水深度在1%以下,COD、NH3-N、TP、TN的入河量分别为28.5×104、2.8×104、3.1×104、4.6×104t,对应的入河控制量分别为9.3×104、0.6×104、0.8×104、0.9×104t,经控制后水功能区目标水质达标率100%。证实了该水质达标控制方法有效、可行。  相似文献   

南沙河水体重金属污染特征及潜在生态危险评价   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
通过测定南沙河水体中重金属的含量,探讨重金属的分布特征,并采用地累积指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对沉积物中重金属污染程度和潜在生态危害进行了评价。结果表明,南沙河水体重金属的污染较轻,沉积物的重金属地累积指数分级在0~3之间,属于无污染至中度污染水平,各重金属的污染程度为Zn>As>Pb>Cu>Cr>Cd。沉积物重金属呈现由较轻到中等的生态风险,以Cd的生态风险为主。  相似文献   

为科学评价黄河流域的水质状况及工业企业污染源现状,根据黄河流域2018—2019年地表水和饮用水水源地水质监测数据,建立了综合反映流域水环境质量和可定量分析排名的城市水质指数;利用大数据技术分析工业企业水污染物排放数据,研究建立了企业环境信用动态评价体系。研究结果表明:2018—2019年,黄河流域城市水环境质量得到一定程度的改善,城市地表水环境质量优和良等级数量从17个增加到19个,饮用水水源地优等级城市数量从7个增加到11个;但黄河流域中游地区水污染问题较为严重,需要重点加强水污染控制。水质污染主要以点源工业污染为主,COD和氨氮排放量较多,COD和氨氮年日均排放浓度平均值分别为51.1、3.1 mg/L,工业废水处理率偏低;山西、陕西、河南等"高"风险企业数量较多,分别达到3 047、1 630、1 442家。建议加强黄河流域上下游、左右岸、干支流协同配合,加大水污染防治工作的深度和力度。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the water quality of the Cértima River basin (Central Portugal). For that purpose, surface water samples were collected in March, May and July 2003, at 10 selected sampling sites, and were analysed for physicochemical parameters, namely temperature, conductivity, pH, total suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), Kjeldahl nitrogen and total phosphorus. Results revealed an acceptable water quality during the spring season. Maxima of 64 mg dm−3 for BOD5, 39 mg dm−3 for Kjeldahl nitrogen, and 5.2 mg dm−3 for total phosphorus, were recorded during summer, indicating a significant degradation of the water quality in a river stretch located downstream of the town of Mealhada. These values, which did not comply with the objectives of minimum quality for surface waters prescribed by the Portuguese legislation, were related to domestic wastewater discharges and runoff waters from a cattle farm. Besides their effects on the middle stretch of the river, these pollution sources were the most likely cause of the high nutrient load in downstream waters, and thus may have a major impact on the trophic status of Pateira de Fermentelos, a sensitive wetland area located in the lower Cértima basin.  相似文献   

In order to achieve a more substantial appraisal of lake water quality, the assessment must not be based only on chemical measurements and analyses of the water itself, but even more so on the impact of existing conditions on aquatic biota. This is possible with the use of biotests or biomarkers, e.g. investigations of the developmental parameters (96-h embryotoxicity evaluate) or of the induction of heat shock proteins (proteotoxicity evaluate). To evaluate the suitability of these tests for environmental screening, fertilized zebrafish eggs were exposed to water samples collected from five sites of varying levels of stress from Laguna Lake, Philippines. Reconstituted water was used as laboratory control while water samples from a highly polluted freshwater source was used as positive control. Developmental parameters were noted and described within 48 and 96 h of exposure. Dilution experiments of the positive control were also done to further assess and compare toxicity potentials of Laguna Lake waters with those originating from a polluted freshwater. After the 96-h exposure, the levels of stress proteins (hsp 70) were determined in embryos from all exposure groups. Results showed 100% mortality in embryos exposed to undiluted positive control (PC) within only 12 h. Increasing dilution levels, however, resulted in lower mortality and lower abnormality rates. No detectable developmental differences were noted among embryos exposed to either the laboratory control or Laguna Lake waters at the end of 96 h, regardless of the source. Very high survival rates and high hatching success rates were observed in embryos exposed to lake waters as well as laboratory control, and the data did not differ significantly among the groups. Likewise, no significant malformations were noted among all developing embryos throughout the exposure period. However, the levels of heat shock proteins in the two sites located closest to Manila, the Philippine capital (Northern West Bay and Central West Bay), showed a pronounced elevation relative to the control, indicating that these stress proteins protect the embryos from the detrimental effects of pollutants in the water. Based on the 96-h early life stage (ELS) test, the water quality of the lake is good for fishery propagation despite the current levels of pollutants in the water. This finding is in accordance with the Class C status (i.e. suitable for fish growth and propagation) as given to the lake by the local environmental agency. On the other hand, data on proteotoxicity showed that the fish are under stress, presumably deriving from pollutants. This calls for a continuous monitoring and improvement of the lake water. The present study indicates that the two biomarker methods are very easy to use, practical, rapid, and sensitive for assessing water quality in a tropical lake and recommends for their incorporation into the future monitoring program of Laguna Lake.  相似文献   

A study was performed to evaluate the environmental contamination in the Turvo Limpo River basin which receives effluent discharges from domestic (residential and commercial) activities. The watercourses examined were the São Bartolomeu Stream, Turvo Sujo River, and Turvo Limpo River, located in the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Water samples were collected at the river-side and analyzed for evaluation of pollutant inputs. The pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, redox potential (Eh), dissolved oxygen (DO), total and settleable solids, visual color, hardness, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, total phosphate, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, total coliforms and E. coli, as well as the Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn speciation were determined in the watercourses. The data obtained were compared with those of the Brazilian Environmental Standards and with data from non-contaminated areas. River water characteristics in some sites were far from the limit values established for superficial waters with satisfactory quality. For instance, the BOD values reached 411 mg L?1 for a maximum limit of 10.0 mg L?1, while the ammonia nitrogen concentration reached 28 mg L?1 for a maximum limit of 13.3 mg L?1. Some sites showed E. coli values above those of non-contaminated regions. Besides the effects of sewage discharges into the water-courses, agriculture activities and the use of the area for cattle husbandry influenced the quality of the river waters, for instance, the pH of a spring-water sample reached the value of 4.3. The São Bartolomeu Stream has been contributing to the deterioration of the water quality of the Turvo Sujo River, while the Turvo Limpo River has also been affected by anthropogenic discharges in the Turvo Sujo River. The speciation of Cd, Cu and Pb showed that these metals were mainly found in the particulate fraction (i. e., associated with the suspended material). Fifty five percent of the water samples showed labile Zn concentrations greater than that of the nonlabile Zn.  相似文献   

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