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应用新型半透膜采样技术(SPMD),监测某城市污水处理流程中8个点污水中两类难降解有毒有机污染物多氯联苯(PCB)和多环芳烃(PAH),同时同地采集水样,气相色谱质谱联机,选择性离子扫描方式对各PCB异构体和PAH定性定量。与水样液液萃取相比,SPMD采样技术显著提高了分析的准确度。根据测定的采样器中污染物浓度,推算采样期间该点污水中的平均浓度,与瞬间水样分析结果符合程度较好。半透膜采样方法可用于污水处理工艺流程中多氯联苯和多环芳烃污染物的定性和半定量监测  相似文献   

有机磷农药多数属于中、高毒性农药,在我国仍然大量使用。水体中有机磷残留的分析检测包括样品前处理和分离检测两个环节,本ml对其现状进行阐述,重点评述了前处理方法技术在分析中的应用,概述了气相色谱、高效液相色谱及色谱-质谱联用等检测技术的优势和局限性,并对该领域的工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

对2,4-二硝基苯肼吸附衍生-高效液相色谱(DNPH-HPLC)法和罐采样/气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)法的测定条件进行优化,将两种方法测定环境空气中13种醛酮类化合物(OVOCs)的结果做比对分析。结果表明,HPLC法和GC-MS法均可实现一次进样13种OVOCs全分析,方法检出限分别为0.26μg/m3~1.39μg/m3和0.49μg/m3~1.10μg/m3,加标回收率分别为95.9%~111%和52.0%~138%。两种方法测定实际样品,检出组分的测定结果无显著性差异;HPLC法适合测定环境空气中低碳类(C1~C3)低浓度OVOCs,GC-MS法适合测定多碳类(C4~C8)低浓度OVOCs。  相似文献   

对有关总量(水体纳污总量、污染物排放总量和目标断面通量)的内涵及总量监测技术的关键环节(布点采样、项目频次、实验室分析和数据处理方法)进行了论述  相似文献   

半透膜采样技术是一种可原位、连续、动态监测水环境中非极性、弱极性有机污染物的被动采样技术,已在国内外发展20余年,但在环境监测中使用很少。从半透膜被动采样特点、采样器构造入手,着重对应用该技术的环节进行剖析,同时涉及被动采样结果及其评价方法。最后以多环芳烃(PAHs)为例,综述了近年来SPMD技术监控水体中非极性、弱极性有机污染物的常用分析技术及其发展。  相似文献   

随着质谱质量精度的不断提高和物质数据库的扩大,高通量非靶向筛查技术快速发展,为组成复杂的环境介质中污染物的识别分析提供了有效手段。综述了环境分析中非靶向筛查技术[气相色谱-高分辩率质谱法(GC-HRMS)和液相色谱-高分辨率质谱法(LC-HRMS)]的研究进展,包括样品的前处理方法、非靶向分析平台、数据分析及存在的问题。简述了非靶向筛查技术在分析环境水样、沉积物样品及土壤样品中的应用,并提出该技术存在的问题和应用前景。  相似文献   

本法采用活性炭采样管富集吸附大气中氯乙烯,以二硫化碳为溶剂萃取解吸,以FID为检测器,用GDX—502为色谱柱进行色谱测定。同时进行了采样、贮存和色谱最佳条件的选择等试验。本方法的平均回收率90%以上,相对标准偏差在3%,最低检测限0.18mg/m~3(按采样体积10升计)。  相似文献   

简述了水中烷基汞的分析测定技术,包括富集材料的种类和性能,水样富集处理方法,色谱和毛细管电泳分离技术,光谱、质谱及其他多种检测技术的联合应用等,并对水中烷基汞的分析检测技术发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

通过对加速溶剂萃取、平行蒸发及净化方法等环节的优化实验,建立了加速溶剂萃取-凝胶净化色谱-气相色谱质谱法测定农用地土壤中23种有机氯农药的检测方法。结果表明,方法检出限为0.0034~0.0052 mg/kg;对化合物质量分数为0.25 mg/kg的土壤加标样品进行平行实验,回收率为82.0%~93.7%;测定结果的相对标准偏差(RSD)≤8.7%。对土壤有证标准质控样品进行分析,测定结果均在验收范围之内。该方法准确可靠,灵敏度较高,样品净化效果较好,能够满足农用地土壤中有机氯农药残留痕量分析的要求。  相似文献   

针对国内固定源大气颗粒物监测技术的现状及不足,通过对资料总结发现国内固定源排放颗粒物的监测技术现状中存在国标精度要求较低和技术细节不足等问题,并重点从分级采样和大气低浓度颗粒物检测方面深入剖析相关技术的不足与需求,并结合国内外的经验,从国标的修订与补充、分级采样技术体系的建立和低浓度大气颗粒物采样方法的改进等3个方面提出技术与设备方面的改进建议。  相似文献   

气相色谱法检测废气中甲烷、非甲烷总烃的问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
气相色谱法检测废气中甲烷、非甲烷总烃的方法存在诸多问题。针对标准参考气体的选择、采样方式、样品保存、配气方式、仪器配置等方面做了重点研究。结果表明,使用甲烷作为标准参考气体最佳,根据污染源的实际状况,可选择动力采样或玻璃注射器手动采样。样品气保存在惰性气袋中比玻璃注射器更好,实验分析更推荐双柱配置的气相色谱,手工配制标准气系列、使用填充柱也可很好的满足检测的质量要求。  相似文献   

目前,对固定污染源废气中磷酸雾的检测并无统一的方法,相关含磷污染物的控制指标主要是磷化氢、单质磷以及五氧化二磷。在调研国内外分析方法及相关文献的基础上,通过对几种典型含磷污染源的实样测试,提出了固定污染源废气中磷酸雾的检测方法。结果表明,使用石英滤筒捕集固定污染源废气中的磷酸雾,采样效率可达98%以上。捕集到的总磷酸雾不仅包含磷酸,还包含磷酸盐以及含磷氧化物等,是一项综合指标。该指标能够反映含磷污染物的排放特征,可为未来此类污染物的排放控制提供依据。  相似文献   

结合电镀企业竣工环保验收监测工作实践,对单位产品基准排水量和排气量的计算和评价,电镀标准中对污染物处理设施排气量的规定,第一类污染物在不同采样点评价标准的选择,重金属排放总量计算以及后续电镀企业废水、废气、污泥监管中存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

随着中国地表水水质自动监测站建设工作的大力推进,近几年一种体积小、集成度高、功能完备并且直接应用于户外的小型水质自动监测站设备成为研发和应用热点。为了探究目前市场上户外小型水质自动监测站产品的仪器性能和技术特征,笔者选取6种型号的户外小型水质自动监测站进行功能检查和性能测试。结果表明:户外小型水质自动监测站具备采配水、预处理、水质多参数分析、数据传输等功能;不同参数标准溶液的测定结果具有较高的准确度和精密度,不进行任何维护的情况下整个系统能够在户外连续稳定运行一个星期以上。  相似文献   

Hazardous contaminants buried within vadose zones can accumulate in soil gas. The concentrations and spatial extent of these contaminants are measured to evaluate potential transport to groundwater for public risk evaluation. Tritium is an important contaminant found and monitored for in vadose zones across numerous sites within the US nuclear weapons complex, including Los Alamos National Laboratory. The extraction, collection, and laboratory analysis of tritium from subterranean soil gas presents numerous technical challenges that have not been fully studied. Particularly, the lack of moisture in the soil gas in the vadose zone makes it difficult to obtain enough sample (e.g., >5 g) to provide for the required measurement sensitivity, and often, only small amounts of moisture can be collected. Further, although silica gel has high affinity for water vapor and is prebaked prior to sampling, there is still sufficient residual moisture in the prebaked gel to dilute the relatively small amount of sampled moisture; thereby, significantly lowering the ??true?? tritium concentration in the soil gas. This paper provides an evaluation of the magnitude of the bias from dilution, provides methods to correct past measurements by applying a correction factor (CF), and evaluates the uncertainty of the CF values. For this, 10,000 Monte Carlo calculations were performed, and distribution parameters of CF values were determined and evaluated. The mean and standard deviation of the distribution of CF values were 1.53 ± 0.36, and the minimum, median, and maximum values were 1.14, 1.43, and 5.27, respectively.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory research indicates physiologic sampling of gas and vapor may provide more representative estimates of personal exposures than traditional methods. Modifications to the physiologic sampling pump (PSP) used in that research are described which extend its usefulness to size-selective sampling of particulates. PSPs used in previous research varied motor speed to keep sampling proportional to the subject's inhalation. This caused airflow and particle velocities through the collection device to continually change making those pumps unsuitable for sampling particulates. The modified implementation of the PSP pulls a constant airflow into and through a cyclone, then uses valves to either direct the airflow through, or divert the airflow around, the sampling filter. By using physiologic inputs to regulate the fraction of each second that air flows through the sampling filter, samples may be collected in proportion to inhalation rate. To evaluate the performance of a functional prototype 5 different sizes of monodisperse aerosols of ammonium fluorescein were generated by a vibrating orifice aerosol generator and introduced into a calm air chamber. To simulate different inhalation rates the valves of the PSP were energized using 9 different duty cycles. Efficiency curves are presented and compared to a standard respirable convention by bias mapping. The performance of the modified cyclone used in the PSP sampling head compared favorably with a commercially available cyclone of the same model, operating at a constant airflow (± 10% over almost all the size distributions of concern). The new method makes physiologic sampling of the respirable fraction of particulates feasible.  相似文献   

提出了一种可伸缩延长气体采样装置,并将其与现场气体监测仪器配套使用。初步考察了延长采样装置中Teflon采样管长度对现场监测结果可能产生的影响,并对监测站实验室楼顶废气排出筒气体进行了实际样品监测。结果表明,该装置可有效提高现场应急监测的安全防护保障效果,增加可监测区域范围,使现场应急监测工作能够为突发性环境污染事件的处置提供更多技术支持。  相似文献   

为了解当前不同来源环境空气气态污染物(CO、SO2、NO)标气质量状况,选择12家主流气态污染物(CO、SO2、NO)标气制造商,分别匿名采购3种气态污染物标气,建立2家参考实验室共同测试的模式和计量溯源一致性评价方法,对标气进行测试后,采用En值法评价其定值准确性,同时评估其技术资料完整性。结果显示:12家制造商的72瓶有证标气中,有9瓶标气定值结果准确性评价为不合格,涉及5个制造商来源,其中NO作为反应性气体,不合格标气数量最多,占比达20.8%;12家制造商中8家技术资料完整。鉴于标准气体对气态污染物监测结果的准确性、可比性和可溯源性具有重要意义,建议进一步加强标气质量事中事后监管和行业评估,推动制造商不断提高标气生产水平。标气使用者则应尽量选择质量可靠的有证标气。  相似文献   

The design of a water quality monitoring network is considered as the main component of water quality management including selection of the water quality variables, location of sampling stations and determination of sampling frequencies. In this study, an entropy-based approach is presented for design of an on-line water quality monitoring network for the Karoon River, which is the largest and the most important river in Iran. In the proposed algorithm of design, the number and location of sampling sites and sampling frequencies are determined by minimizing the redundant information, which is quantified using the entropy theory. A water quality simulation model is also used to generate the time series of the concentration of water quality variables at some potential sites along the river. As several water quality variables are usually considered in the design of water quality monitoring networks, the pair-wise comparison is used to combine the spatial and temporal frequencies calculated for each water quality variable. After selecting the sampling frequencies, different components of a comprehensive monitoring system such as data acquisition, transmission and processing are designed for the study area, and technical characteristics of the on-line and off-line monitoring equipment are presented. Finally, the assessment for the human resources needs, as well as training and quality assurance programs are presented considering the existing resources in the study area. The results show that the proposed approach can be effectively used for the optimal design of the river monitoring systems.  相似文献   

三点比较式臭袋法测定环境中臭气浓度   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
就三点比较式臭袋法在测定环境空气臭气浓度时应注意的现场踏勘、采样点的选择、采样次数、配气、嗅辨过程,以及臭气浓度计算等问题进行探讨,使该方法更加完善、简便.  相似文献   

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