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环境战略的新课题—绿色化学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从环境保护出发,论述了原子经济、环境保护和绿色化学的概念,从汽车尾气的治理、化学反应、生产绿色产品等方面,阐述了绿色化学与环境保护的发展前景。  相似文献   

基层环境监测工作的实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境监测作为环境保护工作的重要组成部分,直接为环境管理和制定地区经济发展规划等提供决策依据。在当前基层环境保护工作中,环境监测往往被忽视,在实际工作中处于被动局面,其职能没有得到充分发挥,在一定程度上影响了环境保护工作的正常开展,也难以满足可持续发展的要求。  相似文献   

生态环境保护既是一个环境问题也是一个经济问题,更是与区域可持续发展紧密结合的全球性问题。生态旅游是旅游可持续发展的制高点,有机农业是农业可持续发展的制高点,两者结合具有相得益彰的环境保护价值,可有效地解决以往生态环境保护与发展经济之间的矛盾,促进生态、农村经济和社会效益的协同发展。  相似文献   

建设项目的主体工程完工后,其配套建设的环境保护设施必须与主体工程同时投入生产或运行。需要进行试生产的,其配套建设的环境保护设施必须与主体工程同时投入试运行。建设项目竣工后,环境保护行政主管部门通过现场检查等手段,考核该建设项目是否达到环境保护要求。  相似文献   

抓住机遇振奋精神争创全国环境保护的一流水平江苏省环境监测站为了贯彻国家环境与发展的十大对策,促进我省改革开放和经济的持续、稳定、协调发展,江苏省环境保护局提出了“争创全国环境保护工作一流水平”的口号,作为全省环境保护工作再上新台阶的奋斗目标。环境监测...  相似文献   

以第四次全国环境保护会议为契机坚持“两个面向”,开创全国环境监测工作新局面中国环境监测总站第四次全国环境保护会议进一步重申了环境保护的国策地位,对既往我国环境保护工作所取得的成绩作了充分的肯定,同时对当前我国环境的严竣形势作了恰如其分、实事求是的分...  相似文献   

可持续发展是我国经济建设与社会主义发展的基本战略,是人类发展史上的一次深刻变革.环境保护是可持续发展的关键内容,实行可持续发展战略必须加强环境保护和资源综合利用.金昌是以有色金属冶炼为主的新兴工业城市,环境污染问题比较突出,环境状况不容乐观,只有正确处理好环境保护和经济建设的关系,加大污染治理步伐,开展“三废”资源的综合利用,保护和改善生态环境,才能为可持续发展战略提供良好的条件,才能促进我市经济持续、快速、稳定发展.  相似文献   

试谈乌鲁木齐市城市环境保护对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对乌鲁木齐市目前的城市环境质量状况和环境保护中存在的问题,分别从大气环境、水环境、生态环境及城市综合整治方面分析了成因,从可持续发展的角度提出了城市环境保护的针对性措施。  相似文献   

徐标 《环境研究与监测》2009,22(3):30-31,43
当前环境污染呈现出了复杂性、持续性、潜伏性和广泛性的新特点,环境监测作为环境保护的基础,能否监测出污染状况,将对我国的环境保护产生重大的影响。为此,在新的形式下,针对环境污染呈现的新特点,不断探索环境监测管理的新模式,以科学发展观为指导,加强环境监测的能力建设,实现监测工作规范化、监测手段现代化、监测方法标准化、监测管理科学化、日常工作制度化,使环境监测工作向更深层次发展,更好地为环境保护和经济建设服务。  相似文献   

本文根据环境保护规划遵循的基本要求,提出了甘肃省环境规划设计的客观目标,即通过总量控制,城市综合整治,自然生态保护和推进持续发展的战略,继续完成“5522”工程,积极实施《甘肃跨世纪绿色工程计划》,使全省环境保护工作逐步走向法制化,科学化和规范化。  相似文献   

We examined the levels of cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, and selenium in four species of birds near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia in January, 1996. Molted contour feathers were collected from silver gull, Larus novaehollandiae (Royal National Park and downtown Sydney), sulphur-crested cockatoo, Cacatua sulphurea (Blue Mountains, Royal National Park, and Sydney), Australian white ibis, Threskiornis molucca (Sydney), and rock dove Columba livia (Royal National Park and Sydney). We tested the null hypothesis that there were no species or locational differences in metal levels. There were significant species differences in all metals, with rock doves having the highest levels of cadmium, chromium, lead, and manganese, and silver gulls having the highest levels of mercury and selenium. Metal levels were generally low in cockatoos, and were lowest in those from the Royal National Park. For silver gulls, cadmium, lead, and chromium levels were highest at Sydney, and there were no locational differences in manganese, mercury, and selenium levels. For rock doves, cadmium, chromium and manganese were higher in Sydney, and there were no locational differences in lead, mercury, and selenium. Overall, cadmium and chromium levels were significantly higher in Sydney than in the Royal National Park for all species, and there were no locational differences in mercury levels. Although the levels of most metals in feathers from these Australian birds were within the ranges reported worldwide, lead levels in ibises and rock doves were among the highest reported worldwide, suggesting a cause for concern.  相似文献   

Drinking water quality assessment in Southern Sindh (Pakistan)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The southern Sindh province of Pakistan adjoins the Arabian Sea coast where drinking water quality is deteriorating due to dumping of industrial and urban waste and use of agrochemicals and yet has limited fresh water resources. The study assessed the drinking water quality of canal, shallow pumps, dug wells, and water supply schemes from the administrative districts of Thatta, Badin, and Thar by measuring physical, chemical, and biological (total coliform) quality parameters. All four water bodies (dug wells, shallow pumps canal water, and water supply schemes) exceeded WHO MPL for turbidity (24%, 28%, 96%, 69%), coliform (96%, 77%, 92%, 81%), and electrical conductivity (100%, 99%, 44%, 63%), respectively. However, the turbidity was lower in underground water, i.e., 24% and 28% in dug wells and shallow pumps as compared to open water, i.e., 96% and 69% in canal and water supply schemes, respectively. In dug wells and shallow pumps, limits for TDS, alkalinity, hardness, and sodium exceeded, respectively, by 63% and 33%; 59% and 70%, 40% and 27%, and 78% and 26%. Sodium was major problem in dug wells and shallow pumps of district Thar and considerable percent in shallow pumps of Badin. Iron was major problem in all water bodies of district Badin ranging from 50% to 69% and to some extent in open waters of Thatta. Other parameters as pH, copper, manganese, zinc, and phosphorus were within standard permissible limits of World Health Organization. Some common diseases found in the study area were gastroenteritis, diarrhea and vomiting, kidney, and skin problems.  相似文献   

Detection of soil element deficiencies is time consuming, requiring a major commitment for field work and analysis. Bees concentrate some elements in their honey which could allow soil element concentrations to be predicted without having to take large numbers of soil samples. We measured 14 element concentrations in soil, sunflower, acacia flower and honey samples from two different regions of Hungary. Across sites, the elements with significant correlation coefficients between honey and soil concentrations, in descending order of probability, were Cu > Ba >Sr = Ni > Zn > Mn = Pb >As. Bioconcentration from soil to honey was similar for areas with acacia and sunflower flowers. In the macroelements, it was the greatest for K, S and P and least for Mg and Na, and in the microelements, greatest for B, then Zn, then Cu, then As, Mo and Sr and least for Fe, Ba, Mn and Pb. It is concluded that in acacia and sunflower-growing regions, honey can give an accurate estimate of soil element concentrations for Cu and Ba and provides relevant information for Sr, Ni, Zn, Mn, Pb and As.  相似文献   

The Thriassio plain is located 25 km west of Athens city, the capital of Greece. Two major towns (Elefsina and Aspropyrgos), heavy industry plants, medium to large-scale manufacturing, logistics plants, and agriculture comprise the main land uses of the studied area. The aim of the present study was to measure the total and available concentrations of Cr, Zn, Ni, Pb, Co, Mn, Ba, Cu, and Fe in the top soils of the plain, and to asses soil contamination by these metals by using the geoaccumulation index (I geo), the enrichment factor (EF), and the availability ratio (AR) as soil pollution indexes. Soil samples were collected from 90 sampling sites, and aqua regia and DTPA extractions were carried out to determine total and available metal forms, respectively. Median total Cr, Zn, Ni, Pb, Co, Mn, Ba, Cu, and Fe concentrations were 78, 155, 81, 112, 24, 321, 834, 38, and 16?×?103 mg?kg?1, respectively. The available fractions showed much lower values with medians of 0.4, 5.6, 1.7, 6.9, 0.8, 5.7, 19.8, 2.1, and 2.9 mg?kg?1. Though median total metal concentrations are not considered as particularly high, the I geo and the EF values indicate moderate to heavy soil enrichment. For certain metals such as Cr, Ni, Cu, and Ba, the different distribution patterns between the EFs and the ARs suggest different origin of the total and the available metal forms. The evaluation of the EF and AR data sets for the soils of the two towns further supports the argument that the EFs can well demonstrate the long-term history of soil pollution and that the ARs can adequately portray the recent history of soil pollution.  相似文献   

The south west coastal zone in the Gulf of Mexico is an area with great industrial and agricultural development, which experiences intensive prospecting and extraction of hydrocarbons. After running through industrial, agricultural, and urban areas, waters from both the Jamapa River and La Antigua River arrive here. The rivers’ discharge areas of influence were estimated considering the textural and chemical composition of the supplied sediments. The main factors that determine sediment distribution were mineralogy, heavy minerals, carbonates, and anthropic contributions. The presence of metals in excess was evaluated using various pollution indicators, such as the enrichment factor, contamination factor, modified contamination factor, and geo-accumulation indexes. Data from different used contamination indexes show metal enrichments in As, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, and V in La Antigua; As, Cu, and Cr in Jamapa; and As, Zn, and Pb in the Continental slope area. The adverse effects of metals on aquatic organisms were assessed using sediment quality guidelines that show Ni, As, Cu, and Cr may produce adverse effects on coastal areas. There was no evidence of contamination associated to the oil industry.  相似文献   

Geochemical study of groundwater from a structurally deformed granitic terrain near Hyderabad (India) was carried out to understand and evaluate the hydrogeochemical processes and quality of groundwater. Several trace elements (Fe, Mn, Be, Al, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Mo, Cd, Sb, Ba, Pb, U) along with major ions and minor elements were precisely estimated in shallow and drilled wells to know the suitability of water for drinking and irrigation purposes. Analytical data shows that pH and major ion chemistry in dug wells and bore wells do not vary significantly, while some trace elements (Fe, Mn, Al, Be, Co, Pb, U and Zn) vary in dug wells and bore wells, which can be attributed to differential mineral weathering and dissolution/precipitation reactions along fractures/joints. Although the water is not potable, it was found to be suitable for irrigation with little danger in the development of harmful level of exchangeable sodium. It is inferred that the chemical composition of the groundwater in this region is likely to have its origin from silicate weathering reactions and dissolution/precipitation processes supported by rainfall and groundwater flow.  相似文献   

Structural physical habitat attributes include indices of stream size, channel gradient, substrate size, habitat complexity, and riparian vegetation cover and structure. The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) is designed to assess the status and trends of ecological resources at different scales. High-resolution remote sensing provides unique capabilities in detecting a variety of features and indicators of environmental health and condition. LIDAR is an airborne scanning laser system that provides data on topography, channel dimensions (width, depth), slope, channel complexity (residual pools, volume, morphometric complexity, hydraulic roughness), riparian vegetation (height and density), dimensions of riparian zone, anthropogenic alterations and disturbances, and channel and riparian interaction. Hyperspectral aerial imagery offers the advantage of high spectral and spatial resolution allowing for the detection and identification of riparian vegetation and natural and anthropogenic features at a resolution not possible with satellite imagery. When combined, or fused, these technologies comprise a powerful geospatial data set for assessing and monitoring lentic and lotic environmental characteristics and condition.  相似文献   

The distribution and accumulation of trace metals in the sediments of the Cochin estuary during the pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon periods were investigated. Sediment samples from 14 locations were collected and analysed for the metal contents (Mg, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb), organic carbon, total nitrogen, total sulphur and grain size. The data were processed using statistical tools like correlation, factor and cluster analysis. The study revealed an enrichment of Cd and Zn in the study area particularly at station 2, which is confirmed by enrichment factor, contamination factor and geoaccumulation index. The factor analysis revealed that the source of Cd and Zn may be same. The study indicated that the spatial variation for the metals like Mg, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were predominant unlike Mn which shows a temporal variation. The strong association of trace metals with Fe and Mn hydroxides and oxides are prominent along the Cochin estuary. The anthropogenic inputs of industrial effluents mainly control the trace metals enrichment in the Cochin estuary.  相似文献   

This study pointed to the assessment of the chemical composition (F, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, Cd, and carbohydrate) of different marine seaweeds (red, green, and brown) from the Egyptian Mediterranean Sea coast. The results showed that green seaweeds supplied better calcium sources than the red and brown ones. Also, red and brown seaweeds showed higher averages of Na and K than that in green species and these seaweeds could play an important role in the electrolyte balance in humans. On the other hand, green seaweeds gave the highest average carbohydrate concentration; thus, these green species could be used as a source of polysaccharides. Ion quotient values for almost seaweed species were between 1.4 and 4.0, so they can reduce hypertension, preeclampsia, and heart disease in human beings. Interestingly, the calculated hazard quotient of elements was below 1. Accordingly, these seaweed species were of high quality and safety and might be used in the field of nutrition.  相似文献   

Recent efforts have been made to determine the environmental impact of mining over the past 11 years in the Jequetepeque River basin, in northern Peru. We have now analyzed data from two studies to elucidate the spatial and temporal trace metal distributions and to assess the sources of contamination. These two studies were carried out from 2003 to 2008 by a Peruvian government administration and from 2008 to 2010 by us. We analyzed 249 samples by principal component analysis, measuring: pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, chloride, weak-acid-dissociable cyanide, total cyanide, nitrite and nitrate, ammonium, sulfate, and trace metals and metalloids (Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn). Within the spatial distribution of the basin, the highest Al, As, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Pb concentrations were found at the closest point to the mine sites for both periods of time, with the higher peaks measured during the first years of the sampling data. Temporal trends showed higher concentrations of Cu and Fe in samples taken before 2005, at which point the two mines were closed. Risk assessment was quantified by the hazard quotient as related to water ingestion. The risk for human health posed by the concentrations of several trace metals and metalloids was found to be highly adverse (As and Cr), significant (Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Pb), or minimal (Ni and Zn).  相似文献   

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