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2001-2015年松花江流域水污染变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2001-2015年松花江流域国家监测网30个可比断面监测数据,从流域和断面水质变化、各项指标超标情况和浓度变化、污染负荷等方面分析了松花江流域水质变化情况。结果表明,松花江流域水质总体呈好转趋势,特别是2007年以来有比较明显的改善。该流域长期以来主要污染指标为高锰酸盐指数、石油类、五日生化需氧量和氨氮。高锰酸盐指数、石油类和五日生化需氧量污染均有明显改善,但氨氮污染改善不明显。在继续加强COD排放总量控制的基础上,有效削减氨氮排放是促进松花江水质改善的重点。  相似文献   

利用2012年松花江流域生物、生境和水质的调查数据,采用生物完整性指数(IBI)评价松花江流域的水生态环境质量,并着重对IBI评价结果与生境质量、水质间的关系及生物与生境和化学参数间的相关关系进行了分析。结果表明,松花江流域IBI评价结果与其生境质量存在显著正相关,与水质评价结果基本一致。生境质量及大多数生境参数均与多项生物参数间存在显著/极显著的相关关系;其次,COD、CODMn、BOD5、TN、TP等超标化学因子也与多项生物参数存在显著/极显著的相关关系,说明生境受损和有机污染压力是引起松花江流域水生态环境质量变化的主要压力。为恢复和改善松花江流域的水生态质量,研究建议针对流域生境质量和超标化学污染开展相应的保护和控制措施。  相似文献   

第二松花江面源污染时空分布规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二松花江流域作为松花江干流的主要产水区,其污染年负荷关乎下游水质的安全。面源污染是第二松花江的重要污染来源,采用输出系数法估算面源污染年负荷量,通过流域土地利用类型、社会经济信息等因素,利用有资料年的统计数据,进行面源污染年负荷量在时间、空间上的展布,探寻第二松花江流域面源污染年负荷量的空间分布规律,为水环境管理部门提供理论依据。  相似文献   

松花江底栖动物分布规律及与理化评价差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012—2015年对松花江干流11个断面21个点位进行底栖动物群落监测,在7种单一指数评价的基础上运用简单的叠加法进行综合评价,并与常规理化监测与评价进行了比较。结果显示,与2012年相比,2013年松花江干流底栖动物物种较丰富,各点位评价结果有所提升;2015年摆渡镇-同江段多为清洁等级,水环境生态质量稳中趋好,下游改善明显。结果显示,生物学评价与理化评价存在明显的差异,在水质改善的过程中生物学评价更灵敏、更显著。  相似文献   

基于阿什河2008—2010年水质监测和流量监测结果,利用改进的埃特金和相关性拟合插值法,补全监测条件限制造成的缺失数据,再利用基流分割法,估算阿什河面源氮和磷污染输出量,分析其污染特征。结果显示:阿什河进入松花江的污染负荷峰值一般出现在3—5月或者7—9月,主要由春汛或夏汛造成,峰值出现时污染来源以面源污染为主。2008—2010年阿什河面源污染输出量表现出TP减少,TN和NH_4~+-N增加的趋势。阿什河年均输出量TN约为5 436.6 t,NH_4~+-N约为3 057.8 t,TP约为554.8 t,其中,点源污染为2 775.8、1 440.7、250.8 t,面源污染为2 660.7、1 630.7、304.1 t,面源污染占总量的50%左右。  相似文献   

宁夏典农河是黄河宁夏段的主要入黄排水沟之一,其水质状况对黄河宁夏-内蒙古段跨省流域水质安全至关重要。选取典农河2011—2020年10个监测点位的16项水质参数,采用综合污染指数(WPI)法,结合相关性分析、主成分分析、聚类分析等分析方法,综合分析该流域水污染特征,并对污染程度进行评估,对污染因子和污染原因进行解析,最终提出管控建议。研究结果表明:2011—2020年,影响典农河水质的主要污染因子为CODCr、NH3-N、TP、TN,对应的年均浓度范围分别为22.3~71.5、0.64~9.09、0.173~0.662、2.89~21.52 mg/L,超标率分别为46%、8%、13%、85%。典农河2011—2020年WPI范围为0.59~1.74,重金属含量一直维持在较低水平。流域TN与TP年均浓度比值范围为20~84,整体呈下降趋势,且各监测点的差异性逐渐减小;BOD5与CODCr浓度比值范围为0.02~0.19,反映出典农河流域水体可生化性较差。各监测断面污染物之间存在较强相关性,其中:流域C...  相似文献   

The lower portion of the Reconquista River is highly polluted. However, little is known about the state of the high and middle basins. The aims of this work were to assess the water quality on the high and middle Reconquista River basins and to determinate if the presence of a reservoir in the river has a positive effect on the water quality. We conducted a seasonal study between August 2009 and November 2010 at the mouth of La Choza, Durazno, and La Horqueta streams at the Roggero reservoir—which receives the water from the former streams—at the origin of the Reconquista River and 17 km downstream from the reservoir. We measured 25 physical and chemical parameters, including six heavy metal concentrations, and performed a multivariate statistical analysis to summarize the information and allow the interpretation of the whole data set. We found that the Durazno and La Horqueta streams had better water quality than La Choza, and the presence of the reservoir contributed to the improvement of the water quality, allowing oxygenation of the water body and processing of organic matter and ammonia. The water quality of the Reconquista River at its origin is good and similar to the reservoir, but a few kilometers downstream, the water quality declines as a consequence of the presence of industries and human settlements. Therefore, the Roggero reservoir produces a significant improvement of water quality of the river, but the discharge of contaminants downstream quickly reverses this effect.  相似文献   

In this study, the water quality of the Coruh River Basin, which is located in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey, was evaluated. The water quality data measurement results obtained by the State Hydraulic Works 26th Regional Directorate from four different sites over a course of 4 years between the years 2011 and 2014 in the Coruh River Basin were used as the data. In this study, the water quality was evaluated by using the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environmental Water Quality Index (CCME WQI) method and discriminant analysis (DA). The water quality of the Coruh River Basin was calculated as 30.4 and 71.35 by using the CCME WQI and classified as “poor,” “marginal,” and “fair”. These values show that the water of the Coruh River Basin is degraded and under threat and its overall quality is not close to natural or desired levels. The monitoring sites were divided into two groups by the cluster analysis (CA). DA is a multivariate analysis technique used to divide individuals or objects into different groups and assign them into predetermined groups. As a result of DA, calcium (Ca) and sulfate (SO4) were determined to be significant parameters in the determination of the water quality of the Coruh River Basin. The success of DA depends on the percentage of correct classification. As a result of the analysis, 23% of the parameters in the first measurement point, 69.2% of the parameters in the second and third measurement points, and 76.9% of the parameters in the fourth measurement point were classified correctly. Since the second measurement point is the discharge point of a copper mine, it can be said that the water quality parameters measured may provide accurate results in detecting pollution at this point.  相似文献   

The Songhua River is the third largest river in China and the primary source of drinking and irrigation water for northeastern China. The distribution of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water [dissolved water (DW) and suspended particulate matter (SPM)], sediment, and soil in the river basin was investigated, and the associated risk of cancer from these PAHs was also assessed. The total concentration of PAHs ranged from 13.9 to 161 ng L?1 in DW, 9.21 to 83.1 ng L?1 in SPM, 20.5 to 632 ng g?1 dw (dry weight) in sediment, and from 30.1 to 870 ng g?1 dw in soil. The compositional pattern of PAHs indicated that three-ring PAHs were predominant in DW and SPM samples, while four-ring PAHs dominated in sediment and soil samples. The spatial distribution of PAHs revealed some site-specific sources along the river, with principal component analysis indicating that these were from pyrogenic sources (such as coal and biomass combustion, and vehicle emissions) and coke oven emission distinguished as the main source of PAHs in the Songhua River Basin. Based on the ingestion of PAH-contaminated drinking water from the Songhua River, cancer risk was quantitatively estimated by combining the Incremental Lifetime Cancer Risk assessment model and BaP-equivalent concentration for five age groups of people (adults, teenagers, children, toddlers, and infants). Overall, the results suggest that the estimated integrated lifetime cancer risk for all groups was in acceptable levels. This study is the first attempt to provide information on the cancer risk of PAHs in drinking water from the Songhua River.  相似文献   

底栖动物是水生态系统的重要组成部分,其群落特征通常用来评价水生态环境质量。研究了2012—2019年松花江干流水生态环境质量状况、变化趋势,并应用冗余分析(RDA)探究底栖动物群落结构特征与水环境因子之间的响应关系。结果表明:8年间共鉴定出底栖动物246个分类单元,隶属于4门、9纲、25目、58科、69属,其中水生昆虫的EPT物种为99个分类单元,占总物种数的40.24%;水生昆虫的其他物种为68个分类单元,占总物种数的27.64%;软体动物为36个分类单元,占总物种数的14.63%;环节动物为25个分类单元,占总物种数的10.16%;甲壳动物为18个分类单元,占总物种数的7.32%。底栖动物密度总体呈上升趋势,种类组成总体有所增多,其中环节动物、软体动物和甲壳动物有向水生昆虫转变的趋势,群落结构相对稳定且主要以水生昆虫占比最多,底栖动物密度平均值为5.97×103个/m2,变化范围为2.86×103~8.98×103个/m2,优势科(属)主要为小蜉属Ephemerella、小寡脉蜉属Oligoneuriella、扁蜉属Heptagenia、等蜉属Isonychia、纹石蛾科Hydropsychidae、缺叉多距石蛾属Polycentropus、摇蚊科Chironomidae和圆田螺属Cipangopaludina等。生物指数评价结果多数为"中等"及以上,评价结果趋于稳定,且下游评价结果好于上游。松花江干流的水环境质量变化阶段性明显,溶解氧含量升高,氨氮呈下降趋势,其余指标呈波动变化。冗余分析(RDA)结果表明:影响松花江干流底栖动物群落结构变化的主要环境因子是随时间推移而变化的,其中溶解氧、生化需氧量、化学需氧量、总磷、氨氮和总氮等指标是影响该监测区域底栖动物群落分布的重要环境因子。  相似文献   

The Minnesota River Basin (MRB), situated in the prairie pothole region of the Upper Midwest, contributes excessive sediment and nutrient loads to the Upper Mississippi River. Over 330 stream channels in the MRB are listed as impaired by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, with turbidity levels exceeding water quality standards in much of the basin. Addressing turbidity impairment requires an understanding of pollutant sources that drive turbidity, which was the focus of this study. Suspended volatile solids (SVS), total suspended solids (TSS), and turbidity were measured over two sampling seasons at ten monitoring stations in Elm Creek, a turbidity impaired tributary in the MRB. Turbidity levels exceeded the Minnesota standard of 25 nephelometric units in 73% of Elm Creek samples. Turbidity and TSS were correlated (r 2?=?0.76), yet they varied with discharge and season. High levels of turbidity occurred during periods of high stream flow (May–June) because of excessive suspended inorganic sediment from watershed runoff, stream bank, and channel contributions. Both turbidity and TSS increased exponentially downstream with increasing stream power, bank height, and bluff erosion. However, organic matter discharged from wetlands and eutrophic lakes elevated SVS levels and stream turbidity in late summer when flows were low. SVS concentrations reached maxima at lake outlets (50 mg/l) in August. Relying on turbidity measurements alone fails to identify the cause of water quality impairment whether from suspended inorganic sediment or organic matter. Therefore, developing mitigation measures requires monitoring of both TSS and SVS from upstream to downstream reaches.  相似文献   

We report a combined two-year seasonal monitoring of Suquía River basin using both chemical parameters and biomarkers measured in Jenynsia multidentata, aiming to correlate external levels of contaminants with the response of oxidative stress biomarkers in this fish. Identified pollution sources correspond to city sewage as well as agricultural and small industry activities downstream from Córdoba city. Physicochemical parameters integrated into a water quality index (WQI) were measured in Suquía River during dry and wet seasons. Ag, Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Fe, Pb and Zn were also monitored in water and sediment samples. Biomarkers include detoxication and antioxidant enzymes: catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and glutathione reductase (GR). Enzymes showed a pollution dependent response, with increased activities in fish collected close to the sewage exit and progressive drop further downstream, matching changes in the Water Quality index. The combined use of biomarkers with water quality parameters allowed both the identification of pollution sources and the evaluation of effects of contaminants on the aquatic biota.  相似文献   

松花江哈尔滨段流域是哈尔滨市重要的水源地,也是松花江重要的组成部分,其生态环境问题一直受到国内外学者密切关注,且近年来松花江哈尔滨段水体改善程度较为明显,流域内水体变化程度越来越受到相关学者和民众的重视,研究松花江哈尔滨段水体变化趋势意义明显。该研究的创新性在于运用典范对应分析(CCA)探究藻类植物与环境因子变化的关系,并运用欧洲硅藻数据库(EDDI)验证主要环境因子的准确性。国内现行的一些常规理化指标单独评价水体质量较为单一,不能更好地满足现行的水环境管理要求,并且对于水环境的变化反应效果及准确度较低。该研究运用相关理化指标数据和藻类植物的种类及丰度等的年际变化,实现从单一理化指标评价改善为理化和生物指标双重评价,从而更加具体地反映出松花江哈尔滨段水体状况的变化趋势。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the methylmercury contamination of fish from the Songhua River, China. A total of 328 fish representing various trophic levels were captured from ten reaches of the river and determined for methylmercury by gas chromatography method. Total mercury in fish, water and sediments from three typical reaches were analyzed simultaneously. Methylmercury concentrations in fish from the Second Songhua River and the mainstream of the Songhua River were 0.024 ± 0.016 and 0.015 ± 0.007 mg/kg fresh weight, respectively. The proportion of methylmercury to total mercury ranged from 21.8% to 69.7%, with the mean value of 42.6%. The observed methylmercury concentrations were much lower than the historical values and were generally within the reported literature range, and health hazard assessment showed no health risk from exposure to methylmercury by consuming fish from this river, demonstrating that mercury contamination of the Songhua River has been effectively controlled by nearly 30 years of environmental governance and natural purification.  相似文献   

The Lower Ponnaiyar River Basin forms an important groundwater province in South India constituted by Tertiary formations dominated by sandstones and overlain by alluvium. The region enjoyed artesian conditions 50 years back but at present frequent failure of monsoon and over exploitation is threatening the aquifer. Further, extensive agricultural and industrial activities and urbanization has resulted in the increase in demand and contamination of the aquifer. To identify the sources and quality of groundwater, water samples from 47 bore wells were collected in an area of 154 km2 and were analysed for major ions and trace metals. The results reveal that the groundwater in many places is contaminated by higher concentrations of NO3, Cl, PO4 and Fe. Four major hydrochemical facies Ca–Mg–Cl, Na–Cl, Ca–HCO3 and Na–HCO3 were identified using Piper trilinear diagram. Salinity, sodium adsorption ratio, and sodium percentage indicate that most of the groundwater samples are not suitable for irrigation as well as for domestic purposes and far from drinking water standards. The most serious pollution threat to groundwater is from nitrate ions, which are associated with sewage and fertilizers application. The present state of the quality of the lower part of Ponnaiyar River Basin is of great concern and the higher concentration of toxic metals (Fe and Ni) may entail various health hazards.  相似文献   

为全面了解并跟踪上海市杨浦区黄浦江流域的水质情况,于2016年1月—2021年12月对杨浦区黄浦江流域的6个监测断面的地表水质量进行调查。采用单因子污染指数分析法和水质综合污染指数分析法,探究了杨浦区内黄浦江流域水质的污染变化特征。结果表明,自2017年杨浦区开展河道整治以来,流域总体水质明显改善,出口水质从重度污染提升到良好水平;居民区密集的虬江断面水质相对较差,后续需加强对虬江流域的污染排放管理;水质污染特征分析结果发现河道的主要污染物种类从氨氮(NH3-N)转换为总磷(TP),说明河道整治提升了河道的自净能力,水质改善效果显著;水质在非汛期优于汛期,气温、降雨、泵站放江和污水排放是影响水质的主要原因。  相似文献   

In an effort to assess current and future water quality of the only perennial river in southeastern Botswana, this study presents water quality monitoring and modeling results for the effluent-dependent Notwane River. The water quality along the Notwane River, pre- and post-implementation of secondary wastewater treatment, was compared and results demonstrated that water quality improved after the new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) went online. However, stream standards for chemical oxygen demand, total dissolved phosphorous, and fecal coliform were exceeded in most locations and the critical dissolved oxygen (DO) reached concentrations of less than 4 mg L−1. High dissolved P concentrations and intense macrophyte growth at the impounding ponds and at sites within 30 km of the effluent waste stream confluence suggest that eutrophication was a function of P release from the ponds. Results of DO modeling demonstrated that an unpolluted inflow at approximately 10 km downstream of the confluence was responsible for raising DO concentrations by 2.3 mg L−1, while SOD was responsible for a decline in DO concentrations of 1.4 mg L−1 at 6 km downstream of the confluence. Simulations also showed higher DO concentrations during winter months, when water temperatures were lower. Simulations, in which the distributed biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) loading from cattle excrement was decreased, produced nominal increases in DO concentrations. An increase in WWTP BOD loadings to projected 2020 values resulted in a 1.3 mg L−1 decrease in the critical DO concentration. Furthermore, a decrease in treatment plant efficiency, from 94% to 70% BOD removal, produced critical DO concentrations and anoxia along much of the modeled reach. This has significant implications for Gaborone, especially if decreased WWTP efficiency occurs as a result of the expected future increase in pollutant loadings.  相似文献   

利用生物完整性指数评价河流健康状态,对于水环境管理决策具有重要的实践意义。基于大型底栖动物构建生物完整性指数(B-IBI),并评价松花江流域的水生态系统健康状况。在松花江主要干支流设定37个采样点,分别于2016年6、9月进行环境因子和大型底栖动物调查研究。最终从28个候选参数中确定了种类总数、摇蚊种类数、敏感种百分比、Hilsenhoff指数、Marglef指数作为核心参数构建B-IBI。通过0~10赋分法,计算得到了松花江流域全部采样点的生物完整性评价得分。结果显示,松花江流域内60%区域生物状态存在不同程度的损害。另外,B-IBI能够综合反映松花江大型底栖动物群落多样性、生境质量、理化水质等,具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

黑龙江流域地处世界三大黑土区之一的中国东北平原,土壤腐殖质含量高,这些腐殖质随着地面径流进入水体,成为流域溶解性有机物(DOM)的自然本底(环境背景)。自然本底的存在导致流域水质有机污染综合指标不能真实反映流域的人为污染,流域背景区内高锰酸盐指数、化学需氧量背景值范围分别为3.0~11.7、14.3~40.5 mg/L。流域部分水质考核断面水质受到有机质背景值的影响。由于叠加人为污染,定量分析高锰酸盐指数、化学需氧量背景值范围存在很大难度。重金属元素相对稳定,相对于"六五"时期重金属背景值,目前水体中重金属含量普遍升高。结合水环境管理需求,背景值研究成果应用于水环境管理还需要进一步深入研究和实践。笔者在综述黑龙江流域水环境背景值研究基础上,总结目前存在的问题,提出水环境背景值研究建议,为科学客观评价流域水质提供参考。  相似文献   

为推进湘江流域永州段水资源保护,加强水质预测,利用2014—2018年冷水滩断面水文气象和水质监测数据,基于相关分析、主成分分析等多元统计方法,研究分析了湘江冷水滩断面水质、水文气象因素变化规律以及两者的相关关系、量化关系。结果表明:该地区水文气象因素对水质影响最大,水质与水文气象因素之间的相关关系显著,水文气象因素是影响湘江流域水质的重要因素;溶解氧与水温、降水量呈线性回归关系,高锰酸盐指数与水位呈线性回归关系,高锰酸盐指数拟合回归方程的精度略低于溶解氧拟合回归方程。  相似文献   

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