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粪大肠菌群酶底物法在环境监测中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
粪大肠菌群作为水体粪便污染的指示菌,对地表水的水质监测评价具有重要作用。采取较为精确、快速的粪大肠菌群检测方法,对控制流行疾病的发生和传播有重要的科学意义。从粪大肠菌群的检测意义、监测方法、标准化应用情况等方面进行归纳分析,提出推广和标准化酶底物法监测粪大肠菌群的迫切性。  相似文献   

比较了进口colilert试剂和国产colitech试剂及其各自配套制品对水中(粪)大肠菌群的检测,包括总大肠菌群和粪大肠菌群。分别使用同为酶底物法的两种制品检测地表水、地下水、水源水、生活饮用水及污水水样,比较了两种制品用于水中(粪)大肠菌群检测结果的一致性,同时验证了两种制品的无菌性和培养基的选择性。试验结果表明,进口colilert试剂和国产colitech试剂及其各自配套制品于水中(粪)大肠菌群检测结果具有一致性,培养基具有很好的选择性。  相似文献   

目的在于比较固定底物酶底物法与多管发酵法用于水中粪大肠菌群(耐热大肠菌群)的检测,使用科立得TM(Colilert(R))试刺和传统方法检测地表水、水源水及污水水样,比较固定底物酶底物法与多管发酵法用于水中粪大肠菌群(耐热大肠菌群)检测结果的一致性.结果表明,固定底物酶底物法与多管发酵法用于水中粪大肠菌群(耐热大肠菌群)检测结果具有一致性,固定底物酶底物法可以用作评价水质微生物污染的标准方法.  相似文献   

粪大肠菌群酶底物法在环境应急监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合国外粪大肠菌群的酶底物检测方法,针对某次突发环境污染事件,用酶底物法和标准方法多管发酵法同步检测受污染地表水中的粪大肠菌群,讨论酶底物法在应急监测中检测粪大肠菌群的适用性。结果表明,两种方法的测定数据显著相关,没有统计学差异( P>0.05)。相对于多管发酵法,酶底物法特异性强,检测时间短,二次污染少,符合应急监测的要求。  相似文献   

关于垃圾填埋场渗滤液的大肠菌值指标的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
指出了监测生活垃圾填埋物渗滤液中遇到的大肠菌群检测方法和排放限值单位应用的问题,并建议使用粪大肠菌群作为指标,开展定性检测。  相似文献   

阐述了将《大肠菌群多管发酵法》(GB/T 4789.28-2003)初发酵时间24 h延长至48 h的原因,通过对139份不同种类样品进行大肠菌群总数检测,发现有12份样品增加了大肠菌群数,表明延长初发酵培养时间,可以增加迟缓发酵大肠菌群成员检出.指出迟缓发酵大肠菌群在44.5 ℃培养时,均无产酸产气现象,表明引起迟缓发酵的大肠菌群不属于粪大肠菌群成员.  相似文献   

粪大肠菌群快速测定——纸片法的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集苏州具有代表性的地表水水体22个点位的样品,进行粪大肠菌群的测定方法比较,结果表明,《粪大肠菌群快速测定--纸片法》适于测定受粪便污染程度较轻的湖泊水体.但是,该方法的培养时间对阳性管率有明显影响,认为16 h~18 h是比较理想的培养时间.  相似文献   

快速测定地表水中粪大肠菌群   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地表水中粪大肠菌群是评价水质卫生状况的一项重要指标,一般采用多管发酵标准法测定。该方法工作量大,操作繁琐,周期长。因粪大肠菌群的复发酵试验在44 5℃条件下仍能以产酸产气加以判断,因此,可直接将地表水样接种于EC培养液中,按多管发酵标准法原理计算粪大肠杆菌群数,快速检测。1 材料EC培养液,试管,小倒管等。2 检测方法2 1 操作步骤调节地表水样pH值至中性(7~8),按多管发酵标准法的稀释接种方法对水样作适当稀释,以EC培养液直接接种水样,在44 5℃水浴中培养24h,观察结果。表1 多个样品粪大肠菌群两种测定方法的结果  L-…  相似文献   

舟山市海洋贝类生物体内的细菌学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对浙江省舟山市各区县海洋贝类体内细菌数量及优势细菌种类进行了初步研究。根据2004年8月的采样和实验室分析,结果表明,贝类生物体内的优势种为少动鞘氨醇单胞菌、温和气单胞菌、欧文氏菌属等,一些能够诱发疾病的如杀鲑气单胞菌、溶藻弧菌、腐败假单胞菌等的出现应当引起重视。对生物体内的细菌数量检测发现,弧菌和粪大肠菌群数量都比较高,弧菌的测值范围为50个/克~1.8×104个/克,几何平均为9.3×102个/克;粪大肠菌群的测值范围为2.0~23个/克,几何平均为12.0个/克,超国家海洋生物体内粪大肠菌群二类标准,超标率为91.7%。  相似文献   

设计了一种24孔最大可能数法,用玫红酸抑制杂菌,快速检测水质粪大肠菌群。方法能在24 h内检测不同程度污染水样中103L-1~107L-1的粪大肠菌群,回收率为76.1%~108%,批内RSD为24.0%~34.0%。与多管发酵法的比较试验表明,两种方法相关性良好,且在添加玫红酸条件下等效。提出方法还需要更多不同性质及来源水样的检测结果来验证。  相似文献   

于2006年4-6月在红沙港海域进行了四个航次调查,对海域中5个站位的海水样品进行了细菌学检测.结果表明,四个航次海水粪大肠杆菌群超标率最高为40%,异养细菌总数超标率均达60%以上.四个航次海水粪大肠杆菌单项污染指数平均值分别为0.755、1.792、2.215和0.578,异养细菌总数单项污染指数平均值分别为1.54、2.73、24.04和6.11.生物统计学分析显示,粪大肠杆菌群与异养细菌总数存在一定的正相关关系,其相关系数r2=0.439 9.红沙港海水已受到粪大肠杆菌和异氧细菌污染.  相似文献   

Bacteria holding-time experiments of up to 62 h were performed on five surface-water samples from four urban stream sites in the vicinity of Atlanta, GA, USA that had relatively high densities of coliform bacteria (Escherichia coli densities were all well above the US Environmental Protection Agency criterion of 126 colonies (100 ml)???1 for recreational waters). Holding-time experiments were done for fecal coliform using the membrane filtration modified fecal coliform (mFC) agar method and for total coliform and E. coli using the Colilert®-18 Quanti-Tray® method. The precisions of these analytical methods were quantified. Precisions determined for fecal coliform indicated that the upper bound of the ideal range of counts could reasonably be extended upward and would improve precision. For the Colilert®-18 method, analytical precisions were similar to the theoretical precisions for this method. Fecal and total coliform densities did not change significantly with holding times up to about 27 h. Limited information indicated that fecal coliform densities might be stable for holding times of up to 62 h, whereas total coliform densities might not be stable for holding times greater than about 27 h. E. coli densities were stable for holding times of up to 18 h—a shorter period than indicated from a previous studies. These results should be applicable to non-regulatory monitoring sampling designs for similar urban surface-water sample types.  相似文献   

The distribution of fecal coliforms was investigated and determined in Izmir Bay from 1996 to 2005. Izmir Bay severely was polluted from industrial and domestic discharges during decades. In early 2000, a wastewater treatment plant began to treat domestic and industrial wastes. This plant treats the wastes about 80% capacity after 2001. The sampling periods cover before and after treatment plant. Assessment method for determining the number of fecal coliform has evolved membrane filtrations. Maximum surface fecal coliform concentration was 4.9 × 105 cfu 100 ml???1 in 1996–2000 period. Following the opening treatment system, fecal coliform density decreased 2.1 × 104 cfu 100 ml???1 during 2001–2005. A continuous improvement can be sustained in the water quality if direct inflow of untreated wastewater is prevented.  相似文献   

Sources of fecal coliform pollution in a small South Carolina (USA) watershed were identified using inexpensive methods and commonly available equipment. Samples from the upper reaches of the watershed were analyzed with 3M? Petrifilm? count plates. We were able to narrow down the study’s focus to one particular tributary, Sand River, that was the major contributor of the coliform pollution (both fecal and total) to a downstream reservoir that is heavily used for recreation purposes. Concentrations of total coliforms ranged from 2,400 to 120,333 cfu/100 mL, with sharp increases in coliform counts observed in samples taken after rain events. Positive correlations between turbidity and fecal coliform counts suggested a relationship between fecal pollution and stormwater runoff. Antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA) compared antibiotic resistance profiles of fecal coliform isolates from the stream to those of a watershed-specific fecal source library (equine, waterfowl, canines, and untreated sewage). Known fecal source isolates and unknown isolates from the stream were exposed to six antibiotics at three concentrations each. Discriminant analysis grouped known isolates with an overall average rate of correct classification (ARCC) of 84.3 %. A total of 401 isolates from the first stream location were classified as equine (45.9 %), sewage (39.4 %), waterfowl (6.2 %), and feline (8.5 %). A similar pattern was observed at the second sampling location, with 42.6 % equine, 45.2 % sewage, 2.8 % waterfowl, 0.6 % canine, and 8.8 % feline. While there were slight weather-dependent differences, the vast majority of the coliform pollution in this stream appeared to be from two sources, equine and sewage. This information will contribute to better land use decisions and further justify implementation of low-impact development practices within this urban watershed.  相似文献   

Water quality data at 12 sites within an urban, a suburban, and a rural stream were collected contemporaneously during four wet and eight dry periods. The urban stream yielded the highest biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), orthophosphate, total suspended sediment (TSS), and surfactant concentrations, while the most rural stream yielded the highest total organic carbon concentrations. Percent watershed development and percent impervious surface coverage were strongly correlated with BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), orthophosphate, and surfactant concentrations but negatively with total organic carbon. Excessive fecal coliform abundance most frequently occurred in the most urbanized catchments. Fecal coliform bacteria, TSS, turbidity, orthophosphate, total phosphorus, and BOD were significantly higher during rain events compared to nonrain periods. Total rainfall preceding sampling was positively correlated with turbidity, TSS, BOD, total phosphorus, and fecal coliform bacteria concentrations. Turbidity and TSS were positively correlated with phosphorus, fecal coliform bacteria, BOD, and chlorophyll a, which argues for better sedimentation controls under all landscape types.  相似文献   

不同污染指示菌对河流的细菌学评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以细菌学理论为依据,以湖南沅江常德江段水体为实例,说明了用《地表水环境质量标准》(GHZB 1-1999)中粪大肠菌群指标(FC)和《地面水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-88)中总大肠菌群指标(TC)分别评价河流水体的细菌学质量所存在的差异。  相似文献   

Environmental pollution is one of the major problems being facedtoday due to the advent of extensive industrialization. Heavy metals are the most important contaminants in wastewater that are present in abundance and are toxic. Heavy metal contentsof sewage in the industrial estate of Aligarh (U.P.) have beendetermined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The analysisof samples collected from six different locations revealedsignificantly high levels of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr and Ni. Certainbacteriological (Total bacterial count, Total coliform, Fecal coliform, and Fecal Streptococci) parameters of domestic and industrial sewage as well as soils were monitored from March1990 to January 1993. Total bacterial count, total coliform,fecal coliform and fecal streptococci were found to be lowestin all the samples of industrial wastewater compared to thosein domestic sewage and soil systems. The soil however, contained highest total culturable bacterial population. In view of the common practice of the application of sewage to agricultural land in the neighbouring area, the discharge ofindustrial wastewater without proper treatment into public sewers should be strictly prohibited.  相似文献   

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