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针对工业聚集区内多种恶臭混杂的情况,以淄博化工园区为例,研究了大气有机污染突发事件中有机物的应急监测方法,并提出了治理对策。利用便携式气相色谱-质谱联用仪,对重点企业事先监测,掌握各企业特征污染物,作为应急监测查找污染源头的依据;现场分析受污染空气中的化合物组成及浓度,通过查询、比对各企业特征污染物,确认责任排污企业。提出了末端监测处罚治理与对重点污染企业推行清洁生产相结合,应急监测与有机污染物在线监测相结合,建立企业污染源特征组分数据库,加强企业无组织排放监测与监管等治理大气有机污染的建议。  相似文献   

环保监测收费的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据金昌市开展污染源监测收费经验和体会,谈了开展此项工作对促进企业污染治理,重视环保投资等问题。  相似文献   

环境监测监控系统在福州市的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了福州市环境监测监控系统的建设目标,介绍了环境监测监控系统的结构,以及环境质量监测监控子系统、重点污染企业在线自动监测监控子系统、城市烟尘视频监控子系统和GIS环境监控子系统的功能。指出应用环境监测监控系统,提高了环境监测工作的科学化和规范化水平。  相似文献   

依据沂南河监测结果,简要分析评价了沂南河的污染状况及流域污染事故的特点,根据污染特征及趋势,针对污染事故经常发生的特点,探索性地提出了一系列针对性的监测管理对策。  相似文献   

放射性核素污染及监测   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
由于发达国家的核试验和核电站的建设,放射性核素对环境的污染已引起世界各国的关注。我国目前实施对放射性强度的监测,而对核素监测相对比较薄弱。文章介绍了核设施泄露事故对大气、水和水生生物造成的污染及污染的削减过程,综述了目前发达国家的放射性核素污染水平、监测的核素种类和监测方法。  相似文献   

报告湟水河多年来生物性污染的监测结果,从监测结果看出,湟水河的污染是黄河兰州段生物污染的生物污染的重要来源。  相似文献   

石油石化企业的含油物质泄漏进入地下水,会对生态环境造成负面影响。通过构建地下水井模型,比选不同原理的挥发性有机物(VOCs)检测传感器,建立了基于VOCs浓度反演的地下水中含油物质泄漏原位实时在线监测方法。研究发现,常规水质六参数传感器对含油物质泄漏的响应会产生滞后现象,在实时预警监测地下水井中含油物质时可不安装常规水质六参数传感器,节约企业污染防控监测成本。将该方法应用于企业现场进行原位实时监测,当实时监测值超过数据监控平台预警阈值时,系统会发出警报,实现了地下水井中含油物质泄漏实时预警监测。该监测方法具有响应速度快、准确性高、成本低、监测过程简单等优势,将帮助企业实时掌握地下水污染状况,提高地下水污染防控预警效率。  相似文献   

提出新形势下基层环保部门减排监测体系建设的改进措施。基层环保部门要多举措、多途径,强化监测体系能力建设,增加人员培训,提升监督性监测的监督作用,引导企业全面落实污染治理和污染自测,强化执法监管并提升自动监控水平,全面及时公开环境信息及应用,促使减排监测工作见成效。  相似文献   

通过分析我国相关场地污染现状和需求,设计了场地污染监测预警与决策一体化系统,利用物联网设备实时监测采集污染数据,并通过数据传输技术SignalR进行数据传输,再使用三维地理框架Cesium反映监测区域的污染情况,保证对污染处理响应的实时性和高效性,指出三维虚拟地理技术与大数据、物联网技术结合是系统的发展方向。  相似文献   

水库型河流锰污染应急监测技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以贵州和湖南的跨省锰污染事故为例,详细阐述了该污染事故开展应急监测的全过程,并就水库型河流锰污染事故应急监测方案、分析技术选择、监测力量配置、质量控制等内容进行探讨,并总结了应急监测的技术和管理经验。  相似文献   

Insufficient wastewater remediation in small communities and nonpoint source pollution are the key factors in determining the water quality of small streams in an agricultural landscape. Despite the current extensive construction of municipal wastewater treatment facilities in small communities, the level of organic substances and nutrients in the recipient catchments has not decreased in many areas. This paper analyzes the changes in the water quality of the small streams after the deployment of wastewater treatment plants that were designed to address sources of pollution from small municipalities. The analysis is based on the results from a water quality monitoring network in the small watersheds in the Czech Republic. Five rural catchments with one dominant municipal pollution source, where a wastewater treatment plant was deployed during the monitoring period, were selected according to a predefined set of criteria, from a series of 317 profiles. Basic water quality indicators were selected for the assessment: O2, BOD-5, COD, TOC, conductivity, NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, PT, and PO4-P. Results of the analysis showed that the simple deployment of the water treatment facilities at these streams often did not lead to a reduction of contamination in the streams. The expected post-deployment changes, namely, a significant and permanent reduction of stream contamination, occurred only in one catchment, whereas in the remainder of the catchments, only marginal changes or even increased concentrations of the contaminants were detected. As the critical factors that determined the efficiency of wastewater treatment were studied, the need for the consideration of the local conditions during the design of the facility, particularly regarding the size of the catchments, initial level of contamination, proper system of operation, and process optimization of the treatment facility, emerged as the important factor.  相似文献   

洋河下游农灌区农作物受灾与水质污染的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据情况调查设计严密而合乎逻辑的监测方案:在农灌水质标准缺乏的情况下,根据监测数据和有关资料找出致害污染物;对本次监测数据和历年常规监测数据进行分析,确定污染源;最后提出防治污染的对策。结论是致死污染物为阿特拉津和乙草胺.而高锰酸盐指数、pH和悬浮物的超标是致害的重要有关因素;致害污染物主要来源了宣化区废水;严格监控农药厂废水、兴建污水处理厂和改善农灌措施是防治污染的途径。后来的事实完全证实了本结论和对策的正确性。  相似文献   

Wastewater reuse can significantly reduce environmental pollution and save the water sources. The study selected Cheng-Ching Lake water treatment plant in southern Taiwan to discuss the feasibility of wastewater recycling and treatment efficiency of wastewater treatment units. The treatment units of this plant include wastewater basin, sedimentation basin, sludge thickener and sludge dewatering facility. In this study, the treatment efficiency of SS and turbidity were 48.35–99.68% and 24.15–99.36%, respectively, showing the significant removal efficiency of the wastewater process. However, the removal efficiencies of NH3–N, total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are limited by wastewater treatment processes. Because NH3–N, TOC and COD of the mixing supernatant and raw water are regulated raw water quality standards, supernatant reuse is feasible and workable during wastewater processes at this plant. Overall, analytical results indicated that supernatant reuse is feasible.  相似文献   

河流砷污染事件的应急监测响应与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应急监测是突发性环境污染事故处理的前提和关键。介绍丁大沙河含砷废水污染事件的应急监测工作,提出应急监测的方案和方法,应急响应监测对象和范围布设科学,方案调整及时,为迅速正确进行污染事件处理提供了科学快速的技术支持。并从建立应急监测网络,加强领导、强化监测队伍能力建设及加强污染源监控等方面,阐述了做好突发性环境污染事故应急监测工作的建议。  相似文献   

Sewage treatment works are one of the major sources that cause atmospheric odour pollution. The increase in the number of complaints about odour nuisance is due to the increase in environmental concerns. Unfortunately, the legislation on odour nuisance from sewage treatment works is very limited. In order to determine suitable thresholds on which to base legal standards, reliable and efficient odour measurement methods need to be defined. A chemical sensor array was developed for the purpose of measuring wastewater odour. This paper describes the development of the chemical sensor system which is specifically tuned to odours of wastewater origin and which can give an electronic measure of the wastewater odours. Odour emissions from a wastewater treatment facility were detected by using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor array. The array consists of nine sensor elements, which were coated with different materials. In this paper, the usage of these novel instruments in the water industry was shown.  相似文献   

苏北农村主要水体氮磷污染及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于大量使用化肥及排放各类污水已造成苏经农村主要水体搂磷严重污染,并具有氮素富营养型及水文期变化特征。防治污染的方法是采用一些针对性措施对污染严重水域进行直接治理;加强监测,掌握污染动态,推广测土配方的施肥技术;加强对各类污水的治理。  相似文献   

针对工业园区污水排放监管问题,以北京某园区为例,提出了水污染源精细化管控方案。按照多级防控的思路,在企业级、管网级、园区级建成在线监测系统和精细化管控平台,实现园区水环境监管的全覆盖,有效监控企业排污动态,实时掌握园区污水排放状况,为企业、园区管理部门和环保管理部门提供决策支持。  相似文献   

Royal Commission Environmental Control Department (RC-ECD) at Yanbu industrial city in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has established a well-defined monitoring program to control the pollution from industrial effluents. The quality of effluent from each facility is monitored round the clock. Different strategic measures have been taken by the RC-ECD to implement the zero discharge policy of RC. Industries are required to pre-treat the effluent to conform pretreatment standards before discharging to central biological treatment plant. Industries are not allowed to discharge any treated or untreated effluent in open channels. After treatment, reclaimed water must have to comply with direct discharge standards before discharge to the sea. Data of industrial wastewater collected from five major industries and central industrial wastewater treatment plant (IWTP) is summarized in this report. During 5-year period, 3,705 samples were collected and analyzed for 43,436 parameters. There were 1,377 violations from pretreatment standards from all the industries. Overall violation percentage was 3.17%. Maximum violations were recorded from one of the petrochemical plants. The results show no significant pollution due to heavy metals. Almost all heavy metals were within RC pretreatment standards. High COD and TOC indicates that major pollution was due to hydrocarbons. Typical compounds identified by GC-MS were branched alkanes, branched alkenes, aliphatic ketones, substituted thiophenes, substituted phenols, aromatics and aromatic alcohols. Quality of treated water was also in compliance with RC direct discharge standards. In order to achieve the zero discharge goal, further studies and measures are in progress.  相似文献   

分析和统计的86家印染工业企业当中,废水总排口中的总锑超标率为25.6%,质量浓度0.050 mg/L以下较低排放浓度所占比例最大,达62.8%。印染废水锑排放源主要有涤棉和涤纶化纤类布料的染色、印花工艺废水,碱减量工艺废水等,工业液碱、废酸以及硫酸铝污水处理剂等原料当中含锑浓度较高。印染废水经污水处理厂集中纳管深度处理后,锑排放浓度较低,锑去除效率最高达到88.0%,大大降低了环境地表水体锑污染的风险。  相似文献   

Evaluation of the efficiency of aircraft liquid waste treatment has previously been conducted to prevent pollution of the environment. The current study aimed to provide a set of practical methods for efficient airport sanitary supervision. Aircraft liquid waste was collected at Longjia International Airport, Changchun from multiple flights. The efficiency of liquid waste treatment as well as the water quality of the wastewater processed via a second-stage wastewater facility were examined by measuring a number of physical, chemical, and biological indices. Our results indicated that treatment solely via resolvable sanitizing liquid was not sufficient. Although the contents of first-class pollutants all met the requirements of the standard criteria, the contents of a number of second-class pollutants did not satisfy these criteria. However, after further treatment via a second-stage wastewater facility installed at the airport, all indices reached second-grade requirements of the discharge standard. We suggest that daily inspection and quarantine indices at airports should include the suspension content, biological oxygen demands after 5 days, chemical oxygen demand total organic carbon content, amino nitrogen content, total phosphorous content, and the level of fecal coliforms.  相似文献   

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