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开展水生态环境质量评价方法研究,建立合适的河流健康评价体系是解决河流健康问题的前提和实现河流健康管理的重要手段。黄河自上而下生态环境现状迥异,水生态环境脆弱,寻求一种或多种适合黄河流域水生态环境质量的评价方法具有重要意义。该文介绍了国内外水生态环境质量评价方法及在黄河流域的应用进展,总结了鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)、底栖无脊椎动物完整指数(B-IBI)、着生藻类生物完整性指数(P-IBI)及水生态环境质量综合评价法的主要指标,以及黄河流域不同区域生物种类的评价指标,分析了各评价方法优缺点及应用范围,并根据目前研究基础评述了黄河流域水生态环境质量评价存在的问题,对黄河流域水生态环境质量评价方法、指示生物的选择及水生态环境质量综合评价法的研究等提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

以齐齐哈尔市近30年地表水生物监测数据、理化监测数据为研究依据,提出一套基于指示生物的地表水体评价方法。该方法将地表水体划分为5个级别,并从中筛选出每个级别对应的指示生物,最终建立一套基于指示生物描述水体污染程度的评价体系。该方法以理化指标为基础,筛选多种优势种作为指示生物,对水体进行综合评价。相比单一生物监测评价指标,该评价方法更能反映整个生态系统状况,从而更客观地反映水体真实情况,有望为地表水体污染评价新方法的建立提供参考。  相似文献   

简述了“九五”-“十一五”期间城市环境综合整治定量考核(简称城考)中城市水环境功能区水质达标率指标的定义、内涵,监测指标内容及分类、指标权重及评价标准等因素的变化规律.指出,应重视环境质量指标选择与当前环境污染现状的衔接,补充重金属等环境优先污染物指标为水环境质量监测评价指标.提出了新的筛选原则和指标设计思路.  相似文献   

综述了河流生物监测的概念、常用指示生物与监测指标、国外相对完善的技术体系及发展趋势。大型底栖动物、着生藻类、鱼类是河流生物监测中最常使用的指示生物,可以单独使用,也可结合使用,详述了这些类群在河流生态系统中的重要地位及用于生物监测的优点。常用的监测指标包括生物多样性指数、生物指数、多参数指数、多变量指数及功能性指数。许多国家和地区(如英国、美国、欧盟等)都已经将生物监测纳入水环境管理系统,并开发出自己的技术体系。未来的河流生物监测中,功能性指数的应用会越来越多,分子技术的介入也会为提高分类辨识度和检测遗传多样性提供更为有效的途径。最后,思考并总结了国内河流生物监测的现状及趋势。  相似文献   

采用大型底栖动物生物完整性指数(B-IBI)法对松花江流域的水生态环境质量进行研究分析。结果表明,2015年松花江流域各点位水生态环境质量17.24%为优、10.34%为良好、24.14%为一般、41.38%为较差、6.90%为很差。与2012年松花江流域水生态环境质量的比较和趋势分析表明,松花江干流下游、第二松花江、松花江支流的水生态质量均出现不同程度的改善,松花江干流下游改善尤为显著,松花江干流上游生态质量基本保持不变,嫩江水生态质量有下降迹象。流域总体水生态环境质量得到进一步改善,总物种数和清洁指示类群EPT丰度均有增加。  相似文献   

河流水质监测与评价中生物学指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对黄河甘肃段水生生物的调查研究,在运用指示生物和Shannon等5种生物指数监测评价水质的基础上,进一步运用灰色关联理论,找出Margalef,Simpson等生物指数与水化学指标之间的关联度,使水质生物学评价分级中,生物指数分级标准和地面水环境质量标准中的理化分级标准有机结合。  相似文献   

漯河市城市生态环境质量定量评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从自然生态环境质量、社会生态环境质量和经济生态环境质量3个方面构建了漯河市城市生态环境质量评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定了各评价指标的权重值,借助综合评价模型计算了评价指标体系的综合指标值.并对城市生态环境质量现状进行了评价.结果显示,漯河市综合生态环境质量中等,其中,自然生态环境质量较好,社会生态环境质量中等,经济生态环境质量差.评价结果与定性评价结果相符,表明评价指标体系具有较强的科学性和实用性.依据评价结果,提出改善城市生态环境的对策和建议.  相似文献   

模糊指数聚类在环境质量评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中以环境污染指数为基础,提出了模糊指数聚类法,并将其应用于环境质量评价之中。实例分析表明,该方法模糊性特征明显,评价结果客观、合理。  相似文献   

环境质量参量综合指标与实证分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
随着经济发展水平的不断提高,对环境质量的综合评价显得尤为重要,文章建立了能反映环境质量水平的3层指标,从大气环境参量、水环境参量、固废环境参量、噪声环境参量、生态环境参量5个方面以及综合性指标环境质量参量为基础,比较分析了代表我国华北地区、东北地区、东部发达地区、华南地区和西北地区的北京、辽宁、上海、广东和陕西2003—2008年环境质量现状,结果表明,各地的环境质量水平均呈现整体上升趋势,上海和广东地区的环境质量水平较高,辽宁这一重工业地区的环境质量水平较差。  相似文献   

环境监测是环境质量评价的基础,是环境规划、立法和管理的科学依据,是环境保护的耳目,也是衡量环境保护水平的重要标志.环境监测必须为环境管理服务是由其目标一致性所决定的.环境监测和环境管理都是由于人类对提高环境质量要求而产生改造环境的行为,其核心与目标即围绕环境质量保护环境.环境监测为环境管理服务,为社会经济发展服务,这是环境管理的需要,也是环境监测  相似文献   

Considerable attention has been devoted to selecting bioindicator species as part of monitoring programs for exposure and effects from contaminants in the environment. Yet the rationale for selection of bioindicators is often literature-based, rather than developed with a firm site-specific base of data on contaminant levels in a diverse range of organisms at different trophic levels in the same ecosystem. We suggest that this latter step is an important phase in the environmental assessment process that is often missing. In this paper we address the problem of how to select a wide range of species representing different trophic levels that serve as a basis for selecting a few species suitable as bioindicators. We illustrate this with our assessment of radionuclides on Amchitka Island, Alaska. We propose a multi-stage process for arriving at the list of available species that includes review of literature, review by experts experienced in the area, review by interested and affected parties, selection of trophic levels or groups for analysis, arraying of possible species, and selection of species within each trophic level group for sample collection. We first had to identify all likely species, then narrow our focus to those we could collect and analyze. In all cases, review includes suggestions for possible target species with justifications. While this method increases the up-front costs of developing bioindicators for an ecosystem, it has the advantage of providing information for selection of species that will be most informative in the long run, including those that are the best bioaccumulators, thus providing the earliest warning of any potential environmental consequences. Further, the recognition that a range of stakeholder's needs and interests should be included increases the utility for public-policy makers, and the potential for continued usage to establish long-term trends.  相似文献   

论开展主要环境质量指标浓度考核   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对现行环境质量考核体系中存在问题,选取主要的环境质量考核指标,提出逐步推行浓度值考核设想,并对比分析该考核办法与现行比例考核办法的优劣。  相似文献   

根据北京市多年水生态监测的经验,确立了典型地表水体水生态监测的水文地貌、理化指标和生物要素。其中,生物要素评价因子主要包括浮游植物、浮游动物和底栖动物。并依据2014年监测结果进行了分析评价,将水生态状态等级分为5级。评价结果表明:北京市典型地表水体水生态状态综合评价结果中处于"中等"级别的监测断面数量为7个,占监测总数的41.2%,生物要素对最终评价结果影响略大。  相似文献   

水环境生物监测是环境监测的重要内容,它应重点说清环境胁迫的生物效应。简述了总量管理、流域管理、风险管理、生态管理等环境管理对水环境生物监测有迫切需求,应引入"生态系统健康"、"生物完整性"、"环境胁迫"、"全排水毒性"等现代环境生物监测的基本概念,建立水环境生物监测技术发展的理论基础,发展生物完整性、综合毒性等监测与评价核心技术;革新现行监测方法体系,建立包括QA/QC、快速方法等支持系统在内的现代水环境生物监测业务化方法体系;创新评价技术体系,建立水环境生态健康评价及综合毒性评价指标体系、基准及分级管理标准,确立水环境质量管理的生物学目标。  相似文献   

利用2012年松花江流域生物、生境和水质的调查数据,采用生物完整性指数(IBI)评价松花江流域的水生态环境质量,并着重对IBI评价结果与生境质量、水质间的关系及生物与生境和化学参数间的相关关系进行了分析。结果表明,松花江流域IBI评价结果与其生境质量存在显著正相关,与水质评价结果基本一致。生境质量及大多数生境参数均与多项生物参数间存在显著/极显著的相关关系;其次,COD、CODMn、BOD5、TN、TP等超标化学因子也与多项生物参数存在显著/极显著的相关关系,说明生境受损和有机污染压力是引起松花江流域水生态环境质量变化的主要压力。为恢复和改善松花江流域的水生态质量,研究建议针对流域生境质量和超标化学污染开展相应的保护和控制措施。  相似文献   

The Chesapeake Bay benthic index of biotic integrity (B-IBI) was developed to assess benthic community health and environmental quality in Chesapeake Bay. The B-IBI provides Chesapeake Bay monitoring programs with a uniform tool with which to characterize bay-wide benthic community condition and assess the health of the Bay. A probability-based design permits unbiased annual estimates of areal degradation within the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries with quantifiable precision. However, of greatest interest to managers is the identification of problem areas most in need of restoration. Here we apply the B-IBI to benthic data collected in the Bay since 1994 to assess benthic community degradation by Chesapeake Bay Program segment and water depth. We used a new B-IBI classification system that improves the reliability of the estimates of degradation. Estimates were produced for 67 Chesapeake Bay Program segments. Greatest degradation was found in areas that are known to experience hypoxia or show toxic contamination, such as the mesohaline portion of the Potomac River, the Patapsco River, and the Maryland mainstem. Logistic regression models revealed increased probability of degraded benthos with depth for the lower Potomac River, Patapsco River, Nanticoke River, lower York River, and the Maryland mainstem. Our assessment of degradation by segment and water depth provided greater resolution of relative condition than previously available, and helped define the extent of degradation in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Detection and assessment of the impact of pollution on biological resources imply increasing research on early-warning markers such as metallothioneins (MTs) in metal exposure. In this paper, we have collated published information on the use of metallothioneins and metallothionein-like proteins (MTLPs) as biomarkers for environmental quality assessment in the Gulf of Gabès. In this area, some species of fish and bivalve were used as bioindicators of pollution. In these species, an induction of MTs/MTLPs by the essential metals such as Cu and Zn and the non-essential metals such as Cd was observed by different authors who suggest the potential use of these proteins as biomarkers. However, MT concentrations can be influenced by many biotic (sex, maturity stages, and tissues) and abiotic factors (temperature, salinity, and pH). This is essentially the case in field studies where many parameters can randomly affect MT levels, so the endogeneous regulation of MTs must be considered before using MTs as an indicator of heavy metal exposure. Moreover, the use of biomarker cannot be examined independently of the evaluation of techniques that enable its quantification. Therefore, the approach to the use of MTs/MTLP as biomarkers of exposure for an assessment of the physiological status of aquatic organisms is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

基于环境质量监测的区域环境质量综合评价体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境质量的优劣直接关系到人类的生存和发展,如何对某一区域环境质量进行科学的综合评价对环境管理具有重要的理论和现实意义。根据环境质量评价指标的选择原则,以环境质量监测为基础,通过征求专家意见确定了能反映区域环境质量特性的指标及其权重,建立了区域环境质量的综合评价体系。并用此综合评价体系对四川省6个地区的环境质量进行了评价,计算了区域环境质量综合指数,结果表明,该评价体系简单、方便、适用性强且易于操作,为科学地评价和考核区域环境质量提供研究方法。  相似文献   

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