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本文以张掖、临泽部分盐碱荒地的基本自然概况为基础,详细分析了盐碱荒地开发对生态环境产生的主要污染因素,污染因子及其污染物排放量,预测了洗盐废水中可溶性盐分对黑河水质的影响。  相似文献   

三峡库区重庆段浮游藻类调查及水质评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对三峡库区重庆段的浮游藻类的种类、种群密度和生物量进行了调查和分析,采用指示生物法和生物多样性指数法对三峡库区重庆段水体水质进行了评价。评价结果表明,三峡库区重庆段水体水质总体属轻度污染,并根据当地情况提出了保护水质的建议。  相似文献   

汉丹江(陕西段)水质变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于2008—2012年陕西省境内汉江、丹江干流14个断面的水质监测数据,采用单因子评价法、平均综合污染指数法和秩相关系数法等对该段水体的水质变化特征进行研究。结果表明,汉丹江(陕西段)断面水质以Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类为主,水质总体为优;水质综合污染状况呈下降趋势,其中汉江下降趋势显著;水质综合污染状况空间差异和区域分布特征明显,城区段污染大于郊区,各行政区段河流下游污染大于上游。流域水质主要受有机污染和营养盐因子影响,水体污染源主要来自城镇生活源和农业面源,工业源占比不大且排放行业较为集中。  相似文献   

应用PFU法对松花江哈尔滨段水质的初步评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用PFU法对松花江哈尔滨段水质的初步评价栾玉英,白羽军,李再培(黑龙江哈尔滨市环境监测站,150076)用PFU法观察到哈尔滨江段原生动物47种,隶属33个属。其中鞭毛虫12属22种,肉足虫3属3种,纤毛虫18属22种。又通过研究微型生物群落在污染...  相似文献   

本研究共从黄河兰州段抚河桥、湟水桥、新城桥、中山桥、包兰桥五个断面收集底栖动物2123头,分别隶属于1门10纲12目32科3属(种)。其中水生昆虫17属(种),环节动物7属(种),软体动物7属(种),扁形动物7属(种)和线性动物7属(种)。利用生物学污染指数(BPI)和Chandler生物指数(CBI),对春季和秋季黄河兰州段五个断面的水质分别进行了生物学评价,其中,春季湟水桥断面受污染最严重,呈现中污染,秋季湟水桥断面和春季、秋季其余各断面均呈现轻-中污染的趋势。说明底栖动物作为黄河兰州段水质监测评价的指标是可行的,通过对底栖动物群落结构的监测分析,有效弥补了物理和化学监测的不足,使得生物学指标与理化指标有机结合,二者相辅相成、相互补充,综合得出水质污染的程度和状况,进而反映更加真实的水体污染情况。  相似文献   

对衡山大源渡电站蓄水多年后的湘江衡阳段软体动物的种类组成、区系分布以及多样性进行了调查,并用生物多样性指数对湘江衡阳段水质进行了评价。调查结果表明,湘江衡阳段计有软体动物45种,分别隶属于2纲9科18属,其中腹足纲6科11属30种,双壳纲3科7属15种,其区系成分主要为东洋界类型;其中26种为中国特有种,且湖南湄公螺为濒危物种(被《中国物种红色名录》定为灭绝的物种)。用软体动物的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H’)对湘江衡阳段进行水质生物学评价,研究结果表明,湘江衡阳段的水质除东洲岛和衡山县城为清洁水外,其余8个采样点的水质均受到了轻度污染。  相似文献   

兰州市排水对黄河兰州下游段的水质影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了黄河兰州下游段水质变化规律,介绍四龙口上断面水质综合评价结论及四个污染项目,着重分析污染项目的污染原因,得出兰州市排水对四个项目污染影响程度的结论。  相似文献   

选取浏阳河流域为例,根据近十年河流断面监测数据,采用改进的综合污染指数法来评价水质污染程度,研究了该红壤丘陵区典型河流水质的时空变化特征,并结合土地利用和土壤特征等分析地表水质变化原因。结果表明,改进的综合污染指数法有较好的适用性;从时间特征上看,由于面源污染加剧,使得浏阳河近十年的水质污染呈增长趋势;从空间特征上看,浏阳河从上游到下游,河流污染呈增长趋势,上游水质较好,中游表现为重金属铅和汞的污染较大,而下游则是氨氮污染加剧。  相似文献   

运用综合污染指数法探讨滹沱河忻州段水质时空变化规律及关键影响因子。结果表明:在时间序列上,劣Ⅴ类河长比例总体呈先波动(1993—2003年),再波动上升(2004—2008年),最后快速下降趋势(2009—2011年);综合污染指数从高到低依次为丰水期2.15、平水期1.75、枯水期1.28,4项水质指标综合污染指数从高到低依次为DO、CODMn、挥发酚、氨氮。空间上,界河铺-济胜桥段指数最高,水质最差,出境段面南庄水质最好,下茹越、西留属、崞阳桥断面介于上述两者之间。为此,将滹沱河分为污染控制区、综合改善区与生态恢复区进行分段管理。工业废水排放量、污水处理能力、GDP、人口数量是水质的主要影响因子,相关系数分别为0.882、0.905、0.919和0.809。  相似文献   

为了解毕节市倒天河水库和碧阳湖夏秋季浮游植物的群落组成及水质状况,于2013年6月到10月对各采样点的浮游植物每月进行两次采样调查,共鉴定浮游植物19个属,隶属于6门12目,其优势属为盘星藻属和卵形藻属,各采样点浮游植物总密度在夏季均高于秋季。利用3个生物多样性指标,即Margalef丰富度指数(D)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)和Pielou均匀度指数(J)来评价各采样点的水质状况,综合多种评价结果显示,倒天河水库和碧阳湖上段总体上为中污染状态,而碧阳湖中下段总体上为中-重污染状态。  相似文献   

Protozoans of Lake Donghu were collected from five stations using the PFU method. The sampling was conducted for one year and two times a month. The aim of this research was to test the applicability of a new protozoa biotic index, species pollution value (SPV) and community pollution value (CPV), established by the authors using data from the River Hanjiang. Each station's CPV was calculated from the SPV and the correlation analysis between the CPV and the comprehensive chemical index of stations I, II, III showed a significant correlation between them. The pollution status of the five stations was correctly evaluated by the CPV. These results suggested that the biotic index could be applied in water systems other than the River Hanjiang. The SPV of some protozoa species in Lake Donghu, not observed in the River Hanjiang were established. In order to further test the applicability of the biotic index, protozoan and chemistry data from the Rivers Torrente Stirone and Parma of Italy were used. The results showed that the CPV for the two rivers had a close relationship with the chemical water quality, which indicated that the biotic index could be applied in other parts of the world for the monitoring and estimating of water quality. Since the results of testing and verifying the biotic index in some other water systems in China were also satisfactory, this indicated that the biotic index has an extensive suitability for freshwater ecosystems. As long as more than 50% of the species in a sample have a SPV, the CPV calculated from the SPV is reliable for monitoring and evaluating water quality.  相似文献   

The lower portion of the Reconquista River is highly polluted. However, little is known about the state of the high and middle basins. The aims of this work were to assess the water quality on the high and middle Reconquista River basins and to determinate if the presence of a reservoir in the river has a positive effect on the water quality. We conducted a seasonal study between August 2009 and November 2010 at the mouth of La Choza, Durazno, and La Horqueta streams at the Roggero reservoir—which receives the water from the former streams—at the origin of the Reconquista River and 17 km downstream from the reservoir. We measured 25 physical and chemical parameters, including six heavy metal concentrations, and performed a multivariate statistical analysis to summarize the information and allow the interpretation of the whole data set. We found that the Durazno and La Horqueta streams had better water quality than La Choza, and the presence of the reservoir contributed to the improvement of the water quality, allowing oxygenation of the water body and processing of organic matter and ammonia. The water quality of the Reconquista River at its origin is good and similar to the reservoir, but a few kilometers downstream, the water quality declines as a consequence of the presence of industries and human settlements. Therefore, the Roggero reservoir produces a significant improvement of water quality of the river, but the discharge of contaminants downstream quickly reverses this effect.  相似文献   

The analysis of a large number of multidimensional surface water monitoring data for extracting potential information plays an important role in water quality management. In this study, growing hierarchical self-organizing map (GHSOM) was applied to a water quality assessment of the Songhua River Basin in China using 22 water quality parameters monitored monthly from 13 monitoring sites from 2011 to 2015 (14,782 observations). The spatial and temporal features and correlation between the water quality parameters were explored, and the major contaminants were identified. The results showed that the downstream of the Second Songhua River had the worst water quality of the Songhua River Basin. The upstream and midstream of Nenjiang River and the Second Songhua River had the best. The major contaminants of the Songhua River were chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total phosphorus (TP), and fecal coliform (FC). In the Songhua River, the water pollution at downstream has been gradually eased in years. However, FC and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) showed growth over time. The component planes showed that three sets of parameters had positive correlations with each other. GHSOM was found to have advantages over self-organizing maps and hierarchical clustering analysis as follows: (1) automatically generating the necessary neurons, (2) intuitively exhibiting the hierarchical inheritance relationship between the original data, and (3) depicting the boundaries of the classification much more clearly. Therefore, the application of GHSOM in water quality assessments, especially with large amounts of monitoring data, enables the extraction of more information and provides strong support for water quality management.  相似文献   

为了解泰东河疏浚工程对通榆河水质的影响,于2012年6月8日、9月12日、12月6日,对泰东河沿线以及通榆河东台段进行调查取样,分析施工期间河体水质变化。结果表明,施工期间水质参数基本保持在Ⅱ~Ⅲ类。根据江苏省水环境监测中心盐城分中心2011年、2013年监测资料评价分析,泰东河河道疏浚后,清理了河床淤泥,提高了泰东河的行洪、抗洪以及通航能力,其水质的好转有效地改善了下游通榆河的水质,确保了饮水安全。  相似文献   

岷江流域水质状况评价及变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过岷江断面水质监测数据,利用内梅罗污染指数法进行水质评价,分析了2009—2013年岷江干流水质情况及其变化趋势。阐述了2013年岷江流域水质空间分布、月季变化情况。提出了流域水质污染防治建议。结果表明,岷江干流上游水质较好、中游较差、下游略有好转,体泉河等部分岷江支流水质较差。2013年全年来看,4—5月份水质较差,7—10月相对较好。  相似文献   

第二松花江面源污染时空分布规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二松花江流域作为松花江干流的主要产水区,其污染年负荷关乎下游水质的安全。面源污染是第二松花江的重要污染来源,采用输出系数法估算面源污染年负荷量,通过流域土地利用类型、社会经济信息等因素,利用有资料年的统计数据,进行面源污染年负荷量在时间、空间上的展布,探寻第二松花江流域面源污染年负荷量的空间分布规律,为水环境管理部门提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Water quantity and quality joint operation is a new mode in the present dams?? operation research. It has become a hot topic in governmental efforts toward integrated basin improvement. This paper coupled a water quantity and quality joint operation model (QCmode) and genetic algorithm with Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Together, these tools were used to explore a reasonable operation of dams and floodgates at the basin scale. Wenyu River Catchment, a key area in Beijing, was selected as the case study. Results showed that the coupled water quantity and quality model of Wenyu River Catchment more realistically simulates the process of water quantity and quality control by dams and floodgates. This integrated model provides the foundation for research of water quantity and quality optimization on dam operation in Wenyu River Catchment. The results of this modeling also suggest that current water quality of Wenyu River will improve following the implementation of the optimized operation of the main dams and floodgates. By pollution control and water quantity and quality joint operation of dams and floodgates, water quality of Wenyu river will change significantly, and the available water resources will increase by 134%, 32%, 17%, and 82% at the downstream sites of Sha River Reservoir, Lutong Floodgate, Xinpu Floodgate, and Weigou Floodgate, respectively. The water quantity and quality joint operation of dams will play an active role in improving water quality and water use efficiency in Wenyu River Basin. The research will provide the technical support for water pollution control and ecological restoration in Wenyu River Catchment and could be applied to other basins with large number of dams. Its application to the Wenyu River Catchment has a great significance for the sustainable economic development of Beijing City.  相似文献   

Phase I of the Kissimmee River restoration project included backfilling of 12 km of canal and restoring flow through 24 km of continuous river channel. We quantified the effects of construction activities on four water quality parameters (turbidity, total phosphorus flow-weighted concentration, total phosphorus load and dissolved oxygen concentration). Data were collected at stations upstream and downstream of the construction and at four stations within the construction zone to determine if canal backfilling and construction of 2.4 km of new river channel would negatively impact local and downstream water quality. Turbidity levels at the downstream station were elevated for approximately 2 weeks during the one and a half year construction period, but never exceeded the Florida Department of Environmental Protection construction permit criteria. Turbidity levels at stations within the construction zone were high at certain times. Flow-weighted concentration of total phosphorus at the downstream station was slightly higher than the upstream station during construction, but low discharge limited downstream transport of phosphorus. Total phosphorus loads at the upstream and downstream stations were similar and loading to Lake Okeechobee was not significantly affected by construction. Mean water column dissolved oxygen concentrations at all sampling stations were similar during construction.  相似文献   

水环境质量评价是水资源可持续利用的重要前提,同时也是水环境管理与治理决策的重要依据。为科学评价黄河呼和浩特段水环境质量,基于基础资料数据库,遵循全面性、区域性、易量化性等原则,采用综合污染指数法详细分析了黄河呼和浩特段水环境质量的时空变化情况,进一步揭示了2020年水质季节变化规律,并对主要超标因子进行了深度解析。结果表明:随着一系列环境保护政策和管理措施的实施,2015—2020年黄河呼和浩特段水环境质量综合指数下降了75.87%。在时间尺度上,各断面的水环境质量综合指数平均值由2015年的93.81下降至2020年的22.64,整体水环境质量评价等级由G4转为G2,对应的水环境质量状况由中度污染转为较好;在空间尺度上,上游水环境质量优于下游,城区段水环境质量较差。此外,评价结果显示,部分水体当前仍存在氨氮超标问题。评价结果较为客观地反映了黄河呼和浩特段的水环境质量,可为水环境管理提供决策依据。  相似文献   

浑河源区水生生物与水质评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对浑河源区的浮游植物、原生动物、轮虫、底栖动物、鱼类和水生维管束植物调查发现 :源区水生物种类绝大多数为贫营养型清水指示种类。数量明显少于下游。源区水质优良 ,水质基本处于自然状态  相似文献   

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