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对影响佳木斯市大气污染物扩散的因素进行了分析。结果表明,大气稳定度、垂直和水平温度梯度、低空风场引起的平流动力输送、地面粗糙度、湍流运动、雨雾等都不同程度地影响大气污染物的扩散,以一定的传输和扩散规律决定城市大气污染水平的高低,并由此使局部区域污染程度各不相同。城市热岛效应和温度层结是影响大气污染物扩散的重要因素。影响区域主要为城市主导风向下风向的城市东部地区。  相似文献   

一次典型灰霾天气过程及成因分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
结合2008年10月28日南京市出现的灰霾天气,利用环境空气自动监测数据、气象观测数据、卫星遥感监测秸秆焚烧信息及后向轨迹模型等资料,对灰霾天气过程及成因进行分析。结果表明,由于当晚大气扩散条件不利,周边地区秸秆焚烧产生的大量气溶胶污染物在地面东北气流的引导下向南京市城区输送,使得大气监测点颗粒物浓度异常上升,导致能见度恶化,形成了典型性重度灰霾污染天气。  相似文献   

太原地区大气污染物输送特征分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
使用太原地区历史气候资料讨论了太原市大气污染物向外输送的规律.通过对飞机航测、地面监测和低空同步气象观测资料的综合研究,对太原市大气污染物向太原盆地中、南部的输送通道和SO2向气溶胶转化等方面提出了进一步的认识.  相似文献   

在大气污染治理中,传统探测方式在局地大气颗粒物排放源的精准定位和实时溯源方面还有所不足。自主研发的1 550 nm波长颗粒物光量子雷达,具备探测效率高、人眼安全等特点,360°水平扫描一周仅需8.5 min。基于该雷达水平扫描监测,结合迭代拼接法和新发展的颗粒物示踪系数及污染源定位方法,可准确识别并定位出当地的污染排放源位置。对于部分污染排放定位溯源案例,结合多图展现并分析了颗粒物排放、扩散、传输、消散过程中的烟羽变化,并结合卫星图像确认了相应工业生产和建筑扬尘等典型颗粒物排放源。地面监测数据分析了部分污染源对监测站点颗粒物浓度的影响。该雷达通过低仰角、可重复性的快速扫描,结合符合颗粒物扩散规律的分析过程,在颗粒物污染实时溯源定位方面展现了极高的准确性。  相似文献   

2015年11月1—4日,哈尔滨市及周边地区发生了连续的灰霾天气,颗粒物浓度急剧升高。污染发生时,监测仪器均布设在哈尔滨市区上风向30 km处(哈尔滨市双城区)并开展了连续96 h的监测分析。综合利用气象观测资料,3D可视激光雷达监测资料及地面空气污染监测资料分析了灰霾天气发生的气象条件和污染边界层特征,根据哈尔滨市双城区大气污染物排放源谱库对主要成分进行来源解析,结合颗粒物质量浓度和气象条件研究了秸秆焚烧对灰霾天气的影响。结果表明,灰霾天气持续期间,夜间生物质燃烧源成为该地区颗粒物的第二大源;秸秆焚烧产生的大气污染物,由于地面长时间静风,污染边界层降低等原因,致使本地污染物累积、不易扩散,加剧了本次污染。  相似文献   

利用多种污染物浓度数据、气象观测数据,结合HYSPLIT后向轨迹模式,对2015年11月6—10日发生在沈阳的一次较长时间重污染天气过程,从大气浓度变化、天气形势特征及成因机制等方面进行综合分析。结果表明,重污染期间日空气质量指数均超过重度污染限值200,首要污染物PM_(2.5)最高小时质量浓度达到1 326μg/m3,为沈阳市监测PM_(2.5)以来的历史峰值。此次空气污染是气象及人为因素共同作用的结果,重污染过程时段内高空场不利于气流上升运动的发展,地面倒槽、稳定的大气层结不利于污染物的扩散。此次重污染过程与大范围秸秆集中燃烧、大量污染物排放有一定关系。通过后向轨迹计算分析,发现颗粒物长距离输送对区域污染产生一定影响。  相似文献   

南京钟山风景区对主城环境空气质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细监测了钟山风景区环境空气质量现状,利用大气污染扩散模型的扩散模拟,从地形方面研究了钟山风景区对主城大气污染物输送扩散的影响。结果表明,钟山风景区使得主城大气污染物不易扩散,易在主城区附近积累,加重主城区的大气污染。  相似文献   

根据2013—2015年江苏省重污染(重度污染和严重污染)个例,分析冷空气南下对重污染天气过程的影响机制和特征。将冷空气南下过程按路径分为东路、中路和西路,分别统计了不同路径冷空气影响江苏的特征,以及冷空气背景下重污染发生时的气象条件,总结了不同路径冷空气对污染物浓度日增幅的影响,探讨了冷空气对江苏省大气污染的影响机制。研究表明,江苏省的重污染天气主要发生在中路冷空气影响时,东路冷空气影响概率相对较小;中路、西路易出现区域性、连续性重污染;东路多单站点污染,连续污染概率较小。重污染日的高空冷空气主体偏北,中低层为槽后脊前西北气流或有弱切变,地面处于冷高压前部;中路、西路冷空气对污染的输送贡献大于东路,对上游污染呈负输送,如有强逆温、小风速的"静稳"天气,重污染仍可能加剧;重污染天气的发生,是本地污染、外源输送和局地不利污染扩散的气象条件共同作用造成的。  相似文献   

青海高原一次沙尘重污染天气成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用常规观测的卫星云图资料、地面资料、探空资料、地面污染物监测数据,结合拉格朗日粒子扩散模型(LPDM)污染源溯源方法,对2018年2月青海高原一次沙尘重污染天气的主要成因以及沙尘传输特征进行了分析。结果表明:此次重污染天气受高空低槽东移影响,在300~700 hPa形成了强烈的辐散下沉,槽后的高空急流随之东移。在其东移过程中,受高空急流动量下传及偏北气流中的冷空气共同作用,青海东部出现了大风沙尘天气。边界层中逆温层的存在是此次污染天气持续的重要原因之一,加之未出现明显降水,不利于大气污染物的扩散。通过运用LPDM对此次污染天气的运动轨迹进行分析来看,气团影响的模拟高度层距离地面100 m,气团层趋势一致。研究区地处青藏高原,海拔较高,0~100 m高度的气团足迹可以反映出PM 10污染气团的输送路径。同时,0~100 m是主要的人为源排放空间,也是对人类活动影响较大的区域。气团足迹与PM 10浓度的变化趋势一致,即青海东部沙尘污染主要是由河西走廊沙尘倒灌进入青海东部导致,这与天气学分析结果一致。  相似文献   

为深入探究湖南省大气污染过程变化特征及气象条件对不同首要污染物的影响,利用2015—2021年湖南省14个市州的大气环境监测数据及气象观测数据,分析研究了68次污染过程的持续时长、分布特征等,并根据污染来源分析结果、传输路径分析结果,结合地形特征,进行了污染影响区域划分,对不同首要污染物的气象因子反馈机制进行了细致剖析。结果表明:湖南省大气污染过程以颗粒物污染为主,年变化特征呈现为单峰形,单次污染过程持续时长一般不超过3 d;3条主要的污染物传播路径均是由湘北地区进入长株潭城市群;污染来源以本地积累为主,外来输送与本地污染叠加次之;颗粒物污染主要受边界层稳定程度、逆温情况和近地面空气湿度的影响,臭氧污染则主要受紫外辐射、前体物浓度和扩散条件等的影响。  相似文献   

Potential causalities due to airborne disease transmission and risk of chem-bio terrorism in commercial airliner cabins can be reduced by fast responses. Fast responses are only possible by using sensors at appropriate locations in the cabins. Cost, size and weight factors restrict the number of sensors that could be installed inside a cabin. Since release locations and seating patterns of passengers can impact airborne contaminant transports, this study first addressed this impact by using a validated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program in a four-row mockup of twin-aisle airliner cabin. It was observed that occupancy patterns and release locations have little influence on longitudinal contaminant transports though localized variations of contaminant concentrations may exist. The results show that response time of the sensors is considerably reduced with the increase in number of sensors. If only a single sensor is available across a cabin cross-section then it should be placed at the middle of the ceiling. A cabin model of a fully occupied twin-aisle airliner with 210 seats was also build to study the diverse contaminant distribution trends along cabin length. The results reveal that seating arrangements can make cross-sectional airflow pattern considerably asymmetrical. Similar airflow patterns make the longitudinal contaminant transport in the business and economy classes alike. The presence of galleys greatly affected the longitudinal transport of contaminants in a particular cabin section. The effects due to galleys were less significant if a multipoint sampling system was used. The multipoint sampling system can also reduce the number of sensors required in a cabin.  相似文献   

阐述了地级市空气自动监测多参数站(超级站)建设的必要性,提出了统筹考虑、分期实施与突出重点、兼顾一般的建设思路,介绍了站房选址原则。指出超级站建设应以常规监测、霾监测、光化学烟雾监测、空间立体监测和源解析监测为目标,实施质量控制和质量保证手段,设置数据采集和显示平台,满足对大气复合污染的监测需求。  相似文献   

选取金昌市2019年3月-2020年2月PM2.5和PM10逐小时观测数据,分析该市颗粒物污染水平的季节差异,并利用HYSPLIT后向轨迹模式和GDAS气象数据,分析不同气流轨迹对金昌市颗粒物浓度的影响及不同季节颗粒物的潜在污染来源.结果表明,2019年金昌市冬季PM2.5污染最严重,春季PM10污染严重;春、秋季PM...  相似文献   

The improvement of land management practices on lands susceptible to desertification requires information on the status and condition of the existing resources as well as any change occurring in the resource condition over time. The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has developed a statistical survey design for monitoring the condition of ecological resources on large spatial scales. EMAP-Rangelands used a uniformity sampling study in 1993 to evaluate response plot designs for three categories of indicators (soils, vegetation, and spectral reflectance) to be used for monitoring ecological condition of a site. The response plot design study was developed to integrate on-site measurements for the three indicator categories. The study was conducted on the Colorado Plateau in southern Utah in three rangeland resource classes (grassland, desertscrub, and conifer woodland) of differing productivity levels in an attempt to develop a common plot design for all three resource classes. Basic measurement units were developed to facilitate integration of data collection. Preliminary spatial analysis of the sampling study found considerable differences in variation patterns among the study sites and measurement categories for the indicator classes used by EMAP-Rangelands. Evidence of substantial trends in the indicator measurements on monitoring sites relative to regional trends leads to the conclusion that nonstationary spatial models for biological processes on a monitoring site may be needed to fulfill the requirements for developing plot designs and indicator criteria.The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, through the Office of Research and Development, funded the research described here. This paper has been subjected to the Agency's peer and administrative review and has been approved as an EPA publication. The U.S. Government has the right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this article.  相似文献   

A range of organochlorinated compounds have been consumed in China, India and the countries of mainland southeast Asia (MSA). Considering their persistence in the environment and ability in long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT), the potential outflow of these compounds from this region is therefore of great concern in the context of the global distribution of toxic chemicals. As part of a monitoring campaign aimed at investigating the LRAT of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from southern China, MSA and northern India, atmospheric levels of OCPs and PCBs were measured once a week from October 2005 through December 2006 at Tengchong Mountain (TM), a remote site located in south-western China. The average concentrations of OCPs were found to be higher than those in other remote stations in the Arctic and the Tibetan plateau, except for α-hexachlorocyclohexane (α-HCH). A high level of β-HCH and low α-HCH/β-HCH ratio was attributed to an accidental release of β-HCH from unknown sources, besides obvious evidence of lindane (γ-HCH) and technical HCH usage. Temporal variations of chlordanes and endosulfan were related to the usage pattern of these compounds, as well as LRAT. In contrast, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) exhibited a relatively minor seasonal variation. The OCP levels at the monitoring site were found to be related to the air parcel back trajectories on the basis of four distinct clusters. Elevated levels of HCHs and DDTs were observed when air parcels originated from northern India where considerable OCP usage was reported recently, while high levels of γ-HCH and TC (trans-chlordane) were mainly associated with air masses from southern China and northern MSA. The study highlighted the high background level of OCPs as well as their temporal patterns of trans-boundary LRAT in the MSA region.  相似文献   

Large-scale ecosystem restoration efforts, such as those in the Florida Everglades, can be long-term and resource intensive. To gauge success, restoration efforts must have a means to evaluate positive or negative results of instituted activities. Edaphic properties across the Everglades landscape have been determined to be a valuable metric for such evaluation, and as such, a baseline condition from which to make future comparisons and track ecosystem response is necessary. The objectives of this work were to document this baseline condition in the southern most hydrologic unit of the Everglades, Everglades National Park (ENP), and to determine if significant eco-partitioning of soil attributes exists that would suggest the need to focus monitoring efforts in particular eco-types within the ENP landscape. A total of 342 sites were sampled via soil coring and parameters such as total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), total carbon (TC), total calcium, total magnesium, and bulk density were measured at three depth increments in the soil profile (floc, 0-10 cm, and 10-20 cm). Geostatistical analysis and GIS applications were employed to interpolate site-specific biogeochemical properties of soils across the entire extent of the ENP. Spatial patterns and eco-type comparisons suggest TC and TN to be highest in Shark River Slough (SRS) and the mangrove interface (MI), following trends of greatest organic soil accumulation. However, TP patterns suggest greatest storages in MI, SRS, and western marl and wet prairies. Eco-partitioning of soil constituents suggest local drivers of geology and hydrology are significant in determining potential areas to focus monitoring for future change detection.  相似文献   

石家庄市典型乡镇饮用水源地环境调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过调查“十一五”期间石家庄市县级行政区典型乡镇集中式饮用水水源地开展基础环境状况,了解典型乡镇饮用水水源地属性、水质水量状况以及饮用水水源地保护区划分情况,分析研究影响石家庄市典型乡镇饮用水水源水质的主要因素,针对饮用水水源地环境问题进行评估并对乡镇集中式饮用水水源地监管能力建设情况、环境管理制度执行情况提出相关建议及对策。  相似文献   

近年来,臭氧已成为许多城市环境空气的主要污染物之一。笔者分析了2020年海口市5个不同方位代表性监测站点逐小时空气质量监测数据及对应站点的气象要素监测数据。研究结果表明:海口市2020年环境空气污染程度为三级以上的天数有11d,其首要污染物均为臭氧。臭氧浓度高值时段主要出现在10-12月。浓度最大值主要出现在每日14:00-17:00,最小值出现在每日05:00-08:00。气象要素日均值与臭氧浓度相关性大小依次为最高温度>平均温度>相对湿度>降水量>日照时数>风速。台风外围下沉气流和东北气流的共同影响是导致海口市臭氧浓度超标的主要因素,下沉气流更有利于低层大气中臭氧的堆积,同时在东北气流影响下,上游区域污染物的传输也会导致海口市臭氧浓度增加。  相似文献   

当前全球大气环境问题趋于复杂化,区域性灰霾、酸雨和以臭氧、二次有机气溶胶生成为主的光化学污染问题成为大气环境保护领域关注的重点、热点问题。江苏省大气污染由过去单一的煤烟型污染逐步转变为多种污染物、多种作用机制同时存在且相互影响的复合型污染,成为影响广大人民群众身体健康和生态文明发展的重要因素。笔者对欧美和中国关于大气超级站网设计和建设进行了简要评述和比较分析,提出适合江苏省环境监测体系现状的大气复合型超级站网建设、区域数据综合集成及应用发展等方面的建设理论。  相似文献   

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