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为了研究新疆干旱区地表水的水环境质量变化趋势,基于2011—2019年新疆地表水的水质监测数据,运用综合污染指数法、Daniel趋势检验等方法,对新疆地表水环境质量变化趋势进行分析。研究结果发现,新疆地表水水质变化稳定,部分流经城市河流及纳污水库水质污染程度有所减轻。  相似文献   

季节性Kendall检验分析湘江长沙段水质变化趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
季节性Kendall检验是一种广泛应用于河流水质变化趋势分析的非参数检验。以湘江长沙段三汊矶断面2001—2011年水质监测结果为样本,运用季节性Kendall检验分析湘江长沙段水质变化趋势及影响因素,结果表明:氨氮浓度呈显著上升趋势,总磷浓度呈高度显著上升趋势,总镉、总砷浓度呈高度显著下降趋势,湘江长沙段水质主要受城市生活、工业和农业面源污染物排放的影响,河水流量对水质的影响相对较小。  相似文献   

根据2016—2020年珠海市金湾区集中式饮用水水源地的监测数据,采用单因子评价法、综合污染指数法和综合营养状态指数法对金湾区黄绿背水库、爱国水库和木头冲水库环境质量变化趋势及特征进行分析评价。结果表明,2016年3个水库的综合污染指数最高,水质最差,超标因子为总磷,除了2016年黄绿背水库超出《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅲ类标准外,其他年份和其他水库水质均达相应水功能区标准; 2016—2020年3个水库水质总体呈好转趋势,但改善趋势不显著,影响水质的主要因子为溶解氧、总磷、化学需氧量和五日生化需氧量; 3个水库水质的综合营养状态指数在10~24范围内,均处于贫营养状态,未呈现富营养化。  相似文献   

基于“十三五”期间成都市生态环境监测数据,分析了成都市生态环境质量状况及变化趋势,以及存在的主要问题,以期为“十四五”成都市生态环境保护与治理提供参考。结果表明:“十三五”期间,成都市生态环境质量持续改善,空气质量优良天数比例整体呈上升趋势,部分污染物年平均浓度均呈逐年下降趋势;酸雨pH变化幅度较小,但酸雨量减少,酸雨污染减轻;地表水水质明显好转,Ⅰ~Ⅲ类水质比例呈现波动上升趋势,劣Ⅴ类水质比例呈下降趋势,成都市级、县级饮用水水源地水质保持稳定;昼间区域声环境质量、昼间交通道路声环境质量均比较稳定;生态质量为良,农村环境质量、辐射环境质量状况总体良好。但也存在空气中细颗粒物和臭氧污染仍较重,部分地表水断面水质不能稳定达标,乡镇饮用水水源地水质未全部达标,交通噪声与生活噪声影响城市声环境质量等问题,给“十四五”期间成都市生态环境质量改善带来挑战。  相似文献   

为了解地震对地表水环境质量的影响,文章以2013年7月甘肃省定西市岷县、漳县交界6.6级地震为背景,选取岷县受灾最严重的梅川镇和中寨镇,对所在主要河流洮河断面和集中饮用水取水口中11个常规项目和22个特定项目及生物指标项目进行分析评价,同时考虑地震后消杀物品使用量。经综合分析,岷县6.6级地震,整体上对主要河流洮河水质未造成影响,乡镇集中式饮用水水质也未受到影响,从水环境生物毒性分析结果来看,水质安全。  相似文献   

新疆地表水水质现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2008年新疆环保系统的水质例行监测结果为基础,分析了新疆地表水水质现状。结果显示,全疆57条监测河流Ⅰ~Ⅲ类优良水质断面比例为81.9%,29座监测湖库Ⅰ~Ⅲ类优良水质比例为55.2%,总体上全疆地表水污染尚不严重,水质污染主要集中在少数流经城市河流的下游河段以及尾间湖和纳污水库,且不同区域间的水体污染程度和比例存在一定差别。  相似文献   

基于2011-2020年武汉市社会经济发展、环境质量和污染源排放数据,采用相关性分析、秩排序和主成分分析等方法,分析经济指标与环境状况指标的变化趋势和相互关系。结果表明:武汉市社会经济发展呈现持续健康发展态势,工业废水、废气和固废排放量年均变化率为-6.7%~1.5%,工业主要污染物排放总量显著下降,年均变化率为-24%~-16%,与主要社会经济指标显著负相关。环境质量整体状况持续好转,空气质量综合指数、河流综合污染指数显著下降,年均变化率为-9.0%和-6.3%。主要环境质量指标浓度均显著下降,但河流中化学需氧量浓度下降趋势不显著。新冠肺炎疫情期间环境质量显著好转,其中环境空气改善水平高于地表水。主成分分析结果显示:武汉市环境空气质量与社会经济发展的关系处于良性促进、持续好转的阶段,但地表水环境质量好转趋势相对平缓,改善过程中有波动,改善难度相对更大。  相似文献   

地表水环境质量定性评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
针对目前缺乏统一的地表水环境质量定性评价准则的现状,根据我国主要水体的污染程度,提出了断面、河流、水系水质定性评价方法。  相似文献   

用灰色系统理论对新疆主要河流水质进行预测和分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对新疆河流水质现状进行分析评价的基础上,用GM(1,1)模型对今后五年内的河流水质进行了预测。  相似文献   

猛进水库是五家渠地区的主要水源地,也是乌鲁木齐市重要的淡水鱼供应基地.近年来,猛进水库水质呈不断恶化的趋势,水质为劣V类,为此,猛进水库水质恶化问题已经成为各级政府及公众十分关注的问题.本文选用新疆水环境监测中心多年对猛进水库水质监测及调查的资料,对猛进水库水质现状进行分析评价,运用季节性肯达尔(Kendall)检验等方法,分析了猛进水库水质变化趋势及影响猛进水库水质的主要污染源,提出了进一步保护猛进水库水质的建议,为改善其水环境质量提供依据.  相似文献   

Development of groundwater quality index   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assessing the water quality status for special use is the main objective of any water quality monitoring studies. The water quality index (WQI) is a mathematical instrument used to transform large quantities of water quality data into a single number which represents the water quality level. In fact, developing WQI in an area is a fundamental process in the planning of land use and water resources management. In this study, a simple methodology based on multivariate analysis is developed to create a groundwater quality index (GWQI), with the aim of identifying places with best quality for drinking within the Qazvin province, west central of Iran. The methodology is based on the definition of GWQI using average value of eight cation and anion parameters for 163 wells during a 3-year period. The proportion of observed concentrations to the maximum allowable concentration is calculated as normalized value of each parameter in observing wells. Final indices for each well are calculated considering weight of each parameter. In order to assess the groundwater quality of study area, the derived indices are compared with those of well-known mineral waters. Using developed indices, groundwater iso-index map for study area and the map of areas of which the indices are near to mineral waters was drawn. In the case study, the GWQI map reveals that groundwater quality in two areas is extremely near to mineral water quality. Created index map provides a comprehensive picture of easily interpretable for regional decision makers for better planning and management.  相似文献   

In this study, a questionnaire survey of school drinking water quality of 42 schools in Pingtung County was conducted according to the water sources, treatment facilities, location of school as well as different grade levels. Among them, 45% of schools used tap water as the main source of drinking water, and the schools using groundwater and surface water as drinking water source account for 29% and 26%, respectively. The schools above senior high school level in the city used tap water as drinking water more than underground water, while the schools under junior high school level in the rural area used surface water as their main source of drinking water. The surface water was normally boiled before being provided to their students. The reverse osmosis system is a commonly used water treatment equipment for those schools using tap water or underground water. Drinking fountain or boiled water unit is widely installed in schools above senior high school level. For schools under junior high school level, a pipeline is stretched across the campus. Relative test shows that the unqualified rate of microbe in water is 26.2%. All parameters for physical and chemical properties and metal content had met the domestic standards except that the turbidity of schools under junior high school level using tap water is slightly higher than the standard value.  相似文献   

为推进湘江流域永州段水资源保护,加强水质预测,利用2014—2018年冷水滩断面水文气象和水质监测数据,基于相关分析、主成分分析等多元统计方法,研究分析了湘江冷水滩断面水质、水文气象因素变化规律以及两者的相关关系、量化关系。结果表明:该地区水文气象因素对水质影响最大,水质与水文气象因素之间的相关关系显著,水文气象因素是影响湘江流域水质的重要因素;溶解氧与水温、降水量呈线性回归关系,高锰酸盐指数与水位呈线性回归关系,高锰酸盐指数拟合回归方程的精度略低于溶解氧拟合回归方程。  相似文献   

Corrosion, which tends to increase the concentrations of certain metals in tap water, is one of the most important water quality problems as it can affect public health and public acceptance of water supply and the cost of providing safe water. In this context, this study aimed at investigating the scale formation tendency or corrosivity of groundwater in the semi-arid Harran Plain. The degree of scale formation tendency/corrosivity of water was determined considering pHs, Langelier Index, and Ryznar Index of groundwater samples. Except for well no.4, which is close to a local hot spring, all the wells had corrosive characteristics. The amount of CO2 from the soil zone respiration and high sulfate concentration in the wells are important factors affecting corrosiveness. Results showed that precipitation, excessive irrigation, and change in groundwater level caused seasonal variation in corrosive characteristics.  相似文献   

张柏江 《干旱环境监测》1993,7(4):209-214,219
对奎屯市地表地下贮水系统(奎屯河、泉沟水库、市区地下水)所构成水环境的特征进行了较为深入的分析研究,得出了地下贮水系统受到一定程度破坏,水环境质量呈下降趋势等一系列的结论,并根据最新的水质评价资料以及秩相关系数法检验结果,预测了奎屯市水环境今后的变化趋势.  相似文献   

模糊-主成分分析综合评价法在地下水水质评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主成分分析法可以在保留数据原始信息的基础上有效地降低数据维度,从而将影响地下水质的多因子简化为几个综合因子,但对地下水的综合水质状况无法直接表达;模糊综合评价法能直接给出水体综合水质情况结论,但评价因子多为人为选取,存在较强的主观性。以辽宁思山岭矿区地下水水质现状评价为例,利用主成分分析法选取影响各断面水质的关键因子,将其作为模糊综合评价的评价因子,建立了模糊?主成分分析综合评价法的地下水水质耦合评价模型。研究结果表明,该模型能很好地体现分析因子对评价结果带来的影响,使得评价结果更科学、合理。  相似文献   

洪湖水质空间特异性及主导因子分析   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
运用聚类分析和主成分分析方法对洪湖湿地12个采样点的理化特性进行分析。聚类分析表明,根据各采样点水质组分的相似性将洪湖大致分为3个空间区域,各空间区域正好分属于核心区、实验区、河口区,各区域间特征差异显著。对各区域水质的主成分分析表明,洪湖不同空间区域水质信息差异很大。第1组核心区主要体现富营养化信息;第2组实验区主要体现总氮、氧化还原电位、浊度信息;第3组河口区主要体现溶解氧及亚硝酸盐氮等污染物信息。揭示了洪湖水质现状及其成因,为洪湖水资源合理利用及生态保护提供基础数据。同时,运用地统计学方法为生态环境研究提供新的思路与方法。  相似文献   

对太湖东部水域9个点位浮游硅藻的群落结构进行了分析。结果表明,9个点位的生物多样性处于一般到较丰富状态,其水质为中污染到轻污染;硅藻群落的物种丰富度、生物量和密度因水域地形特点、换水周期等因素出现差异,在半封闭水体中的物种丰富度较差,生物量和藻密度较高,优势种所指示的水质处于中等偏下水平。硅藻相对多度和各项环境因子冗余分析显示,总磷(TP)对群落的组成和分布影响显著。东北部水域浮游硅藻群落主要受到TP和浊度(NTU)的影响,东南部水域浮游硅藻群落受到TP和NTU的影响则很小。  相似文献   

采用水生态环境质量综合指数对徐州市11个国控河流断面水环境质量进行评价。结果表明,各断面处于轻度污染到优秀级别,徐州市河流水生态质量整体良好。Spearman相关性分析显示各分指数中,水化学指标赋值与大型底栖动物赋值显著相关,着生藻类赋值与生境指标赋值负相关。指出,水生态环境综合评价指数弥补了单纯化学指标或单纯生物指标评价水质不够全面的问题,首次加入生境指标,体现了环境管理从指标控制到生态保护思路的转变。提出,对于水生态环境综合评价指数分指数化学因子、生物因子的评价指数如何选取,还需进一步完善。  相似文献   

The implementation and maintenance of an air pollution monitoring program can be expensive and time consuming, especially when the aim is for long-term monitoring over a significant area. Consequently, it is essential that sites are optimized to provide the best representative cover while minimizing costs. In the past, there has been a tendency to locate sampling stations at pollution hot-spots. While this is acceptable for determining a maximum potential exposure or identifying the extent of a risk, there are limitations to this approach when assessing the potential impact of any future abatement strategies or determining the level of exposure outside the vicinity. This paper presents an approach in which representative air quality assessments can be undertaken for an urban area using the minimum number of measurement sites. A novel methodology is described that involves site selection to capture the maximum variance in measured pollutants, while minimizing spatiotemporal autocorrelation between the selected sites. A case study is presented for Yazd, Iran. Overall, the results show that the proposed methodology can be effective and enable the long-term monitoring of air pollution to be undertaken on a cost-effective basis in urban areas. In addition, there is the potential for the methodology to be utilized for other forms of pollution (e.g., water, soil, and noise).  相似文献   

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