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为探索重点生物物种保护率监测方法并实践应用,选取昆山和射阳作为试点县域开展重点生物物种保护率监测研究。结果显示,共监测到重点生物物种87种,其中动物79种,植物8种。受威胁物种39种,其中极危物种5种,濒危物种19种,易危物种15种。重点保护物种79种,其中一级保护野生动植物28种,二级保护野生动植物51种;昆山和射阳的重点生物物种保护率分别为97.73%和100%。提出,为实现重点生物物种保护率监测工作的业务化运行,支撑重点生物物种和生物多样性保护管理,需要不断加强生物多样性观测能力建设,建立生物多样性监测长效机制,完善生物多样性物种信息数据库;各相关部门应统筹协调,整合资源,形成合力,实现重点生物物种、生物多样性和生态系统的监测、管理和保护的协调统一。  相似文献   

新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区生物多样性保护研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物多样性具有多重价值,如生态价值、社会价值和经济价值。卡拉麦里山自然保护区生物多样性不但关系到当地经济发展和人民生存安全,而且关系到整个保护区、整个新疆的可持续发展。本文分析了卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区生物多样性特点及生物多样性遭受严重破坏的原因,提出了保护该区生物多样性的对策措施:①加强卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区生物多样性的调查研究工作。②加强保护区的建设。③加大立法与执法制度。④加强生物多样性保护的宣传教育。⑤加强生物多样性保护的公众参与。⑥加强当地居民的基本生产、生活条件建设。⑦在保护区推行生态旅游。  相似文献   

分析了江苏生物多样性保护现状,解读了省委办公厅、省政府办公厅《关于进一步加强生物多样性保护的实施意见》,主要涵盖完善政策法规、优化空间格局、提升系统稳定性、构建监测评估体系、提升安全管理水平、创新开发利用机制、严格执法监督评估、推动公众参与等8大工作任务,加强生态岛试验区、生态安全缓冲区等10大领域政策创新,整体提升全省生态系统质量。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地是新疆生物多样性保护的一个关键区域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在陈昌笃关于确定生物多样性保护关键区域的标准和在新疆境内初步提出了5个关键区域的基础上,根据塔里木盆地古老物种和国家珍稀、濒危物种较多、特有现象较发达及柽柳鹰植物十分丰富和分布有世界上面积最大在胡杨林,加之塔里木盆地生态系统极其脆弱、破坏严重等特点和现状,初步认为,塔里木盆地应是新疆生物多样性保护的一个关键区域。  相似文献   

防范外来物种入侵风险,维护生态安全   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着国际贸易和交往的日益增多,外来物种入侵的几率大大提高,其危害也呈逐步加深的态势,对我国的一些地区造成了严重的经济损失和生态破坏。外来物种入侵已经成为威胁我国生态安全的重要因素之一,加强外来物种的防范和管理已是当务之急。本文以吉林省生态环境现状调查典型案例——吉林省外来物种入侵生态调查的部分成果为基础,阐述了外来物种入侵的特征、危害及相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

伊犁地区生物多样性保护及利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊犁地区是新疆多种多样动植物的分布中心,堪称自然宝库、天生的博物园。由于人类活动的不断加剧、物种资源过度开发利用、森林的破坏与片段化、水域污染等原因,使生物多样性受到威胁。本文通过对伊犁地区生物多样性保护现状和存在问题的分析,提出相应的保护对策及建议。  相似文献   

正江苏省近期将启动覆盖全省的新一轮物种调查工作,以系统掌握全省生物多样性现状,为针对性治理与保护提供坚实的工作基础。具体内容主要是调查全省生物物种资源(包括动物、植物、水生生物、微生物)的种类、数量,查明重要生物物种的生活习性和生存特点,提出保护对策和措施。  相似文献   

生态系统是生物多样性的重要组成部分,更是物种多样性和遗传多样性赖以维持和保存的基础。为了有效地保护准噶尔盆地区域内的生态系统,综合应用生态学理论、植被长期研究成果和地理信息系统技术,总结了准噶尔盆地内生态系统类型,分析了各类生态系统特征和空间分布规律,探索了一种生态系统保护优先性评价方法,以期为区域生态保护建设提供依据...  相似文献   

浙江省典型生态系统外来入侵物种调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化和国际贸易的不断增长,因外来物种入侵而引发的生物安全问题,已成为全球关注的热点之一。浙江省生态系统类型丰富,对外经济贸易活跃,为外来物种提供了入侵和蔓延的条件。部分外来入侵物种已对浙江省造成了严重危害,直接威胁到区域生态安全。为了解浙江省典型生态系统外来物种入侵状况,以浙江省大盘山自然保护区、天目山自然保护区和古田山自然保护区等3个国家级自然保护区以及温州沿海滩涂为研究区,开展了外来物种入侵状况调查研究。在3个自然保护区内共发现列入《中国第一批、第二批外来入侵物种名单》外来物种6种,名单以外的外来物种9种;温州沿海滩涂互花米草分布面积13.16km2,在温州沿海5个县(市、区)沿海滩涂均有分布。  相似文献   

日本国家尺度生物多样性监测概况及其启示   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陈平  李曌  程洁 《中国环境监测》2013,29(6):184-191
为保护地球生物资源,1992年巴西里约热内卢的联合国环境与发展大会签署《生物多样性公约》,1993年正式生效。公约第7条规定了缔约方有履行识别和监测需要保护的重要的生物多样性组成部分之义务。为此,全方位、多层次的生物多样性监测网络在世界各国家和地区得以建立和开展工作。日本作为《生物多样性公约》的缔约国之一,为履约并保护其国内因经济发展而受到严重威胁的自然环境和自然遗产,整合其20世纪70年代开展的“自然环境保护基础调查”和21世纪2003年开始构建的“重要地域生态系统监测网络”,逐步形成了国家尺度的生物多样性监测体系。根据日本生物多样性中心公布的信息与数据,介绍了日本国家尺度生物多样性监测的两项主要工作,即自然环境保护基础调查和重要地域生态系统监测网络;总结了日本国家生物多样性监测的发展历程和主要特点;提出了加强中国生物多样性监测工作的建议。  相似文献   

科学监管评价生态保护红线区生态环境是合理利用自然资源和充分保护生态环境的基础,对推动国家生态文明建设具有重要意义。该研究基于“天-空-地”一体化获取多源数据,结合GIS和RS空间分析,从生态系统格局和质量、人类活动、环境限制4个方面选取25个指标,构建了生物多样性维护生态保护红线区监管评价体系,并以泰山生态保护红线区为例进行分析研究。结果表明:2000—2015年,研究区生态系统格局、生态系统质量、人类活动状况3个分指数得分及生态环境综合得分均呈现先降后升的趋势,就综合得分而言,2000—2005年、2005—2010年得分降幅分别为18.73%和5.24%,2010年得分最低(41.97分),而2010—2015年得分增幅为81.63%,2015年得分为76.23分,生态环境综合得分评价等级由Ⅱ级升为Ⅰ级。其中城乡居民和工矿用地面积占比、生态系统破碎度和分离度、植被生物量是影响研究区生态环境的关键指标,相关部门应加强对研究区边界处人类活动的监管,并注重生态系统完整性和植被生长状态的保护。该监管评价体系具有较强的实践性、科学性和可操作性,可为生态保护红线区的监管评价提供新思路。  相似文献   

We conduct a valuation of species protection in central Chile's Campana National Park (CNP) using the choice experiment (CE) method. The CNP has been recognized as having global relevance for the conservation of biological diversity. Specifically, the aim is to estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) of park visitors for protection of different protected species in the area: popular species of flora and fauna that are known by visitors of the park, inconspicuous species (phytofagous, fungus) that are unknown to visitors, and species with conservation problems of which visitors are unaware. We also investigate the WTP for different levels of species biodiversity protection within the sample as the WTP for biodiversity protection is sensitive to the way in which biodiversity is presented to respondents. The levels of species biodiversity protection are represented using “icon” inconspicuous species and numbers of inconspicuous species protected in La Campana National Park. This methodology allowed us to obtain information on the sensitivity of the participants to the scope of the information provided. Overall, visitors attach positive and significant values to the local conservation of species. These values are derived not only from the desire to preserve popular species in the area but also from the preservation or assured existence of inconspicuous species that are protected in the park. Visitors behave as consumers who are sensitive to changes in the price of park admission as a result of the implementation of specific strategies for wildlife conservation management in the park. Furthermore, the study also elucidates the observations that the public is able to perceive biodiversity conservation in broader terms than a single species and that greater benefits are attached to the conservation of multiple species than single ones. Results also provide insights into methodological considerations regarding the conceptual framework used to assess the valuation of biodiversity changes in developing countries, including the level of biological diversity and the scale of the change.  相似文献   

As a globally mandated decision-support tool, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has the potential to contribute to the protection of biodiversity, which is increasingly under threat because of human activities. Concern over its ability to do this, however, has led to the addition of trade-off rules, Ecosystem Services Assessment (ESA), and biodiversity offsets. But given that EIA is set in a political decision-making context, what is reasonable to expect of EIA? In this paper we seek to explore what level of biodiversity protection we can expect EIA to support (and therefore whether these additions are worthwhile). Our point of departure is that EIA supports its political context and associated societal goals, and those goals typically (explicitly or implicitly) reflect some form of sustainable development. Given that the appropriate level of biodiversity protection is a moral consideration, we take an environmental ethics perspective to explain how different levels of protection are associated with different ethical positions on a spectrum from anthropocentrism (where only humans have intrinsic rights) through to ecocentrism (where all individuals of all species have intrinsic rights). We then investigate how different sustainable development discourses, one economic (on a spectrum from weak to strong sustainability) and one ecological (on a spectrum from shallow to deep ecology) map against the environmental ethics spectrum. We find that the economic discourse on sustainable development, which tends to prevail in political decision-making, is heavily anthropocentric, whereas an ecological discourse has some potential to deliver ecocentrism, but only where a deep ecology interpretation is adopted. We then show that the practise of EIA (with or without the addition of other approaches) maps against, and is bounded by, an economic discourse on sustainable development. The reality is, therefore, that EIA can do no more than contribute to delaying incremental biodiversity loss. If EIA were legislated to protect biodiversity using a deep ecology discourse, then only brownfield development would be possible.  相似文献   

A Systems Approach to Biodiversity Conservation Planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With a recent media-fueled transition from a scientific to a political perspective, biodiversity has become an issue of ethics and ensuing values, beyond its traditional ecological roots. More fundamentally, the traditional perspective of biodiversity is being challenged by the emergence of a post-normal or systems-based approach to science. A systems-based perspective of living systems rests on the central tenets of complexity and uncertainty, and necessitates flexibility, anticipation and adaptation rather than prediction and control in conservation planning and management. What are the implications of this new perspective? This paper examines these challenges in the context of biodiversity conservation planning. The new perspectives of biodiversity are identified and explored, and the emergence of a new ecological context for biodiversity conservation is discussed. From the analysis, the challenges and implications for conservation planning are considered, and a systems-based or post-normal approach to conservation planning and management is proposed. In light of the new perspectives for biodiversity, conservation planning and management approaches should ultimately reflect the essence of living systems: they should be diverse, adaptive, and self-organizing, accepting the ecological realities of change.  相似文献   

以环境监测监察执法垂直管理制度、镇域综合执法改革、排污许可证"一证式"管理为例,简述环保制度改革要求及各项制度可能对网格化监管产生的影响,结合江苏省各地网格化监管调研情况,分析网格化监管与制度改革的关系,提出网格化环境监管与各项制度未来协同发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,无人机技术趋于成熟并逐步得到广泛应用,成为一种新的环境监测平台。与传统监测方法相比,无人机监测平台具有快速、灵活、清晰、直观等突出优势。基于以往工作基础,研究并提出一种适用于江苏省的生态环境无人机监测体系,同时进一步讨论无人机在水、气、生态环境监测领域的业务应用思路。  相似文献   

以环境与健康调查及风险评估研究为出发点,江苏省于2018年设立了"江苏省环境与健康调查与风险评估体系建设"环保科研重大技术攻关类项目,根据江苏省行业、地区、流域特点以及江苏省环境与健康调查及风险评估工作基础,结合国内环境与健康研究现状,深入开展典型行业、地区、流域环境与健康调查、环境与健康问题分析、环境健康风险评价,建设环境与健康重点实验室,探索并实践环境与健康理念融入环境保护管理的研究任务,为全面开展环境与健康监测业务化运行以及环境健康风险评估进行技术实践和储备,为江苏省环境与健康管理工作提供支撑。  相似文献   

Environment Canada and the Québec Department of the Environment, partners in the St Lawrence Vision 2000 Action Plan, set out to prepare a compendium of knowledge of the flora and fauna of the St Lawrence and to identify potential conservation sites. The resulting Portrait is an Internet site that presents the current knowledge base of the river's ecological and biological diversity (http://lavoieverte.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/biodiv/index.html). The Portrait provides information on over 5,000 species of flora and fauna. On the website, you will find a detailed ecological analysis of the richness, rarity and vulnerability of several broad groups of plant and animal species. Furthermore, you will find a list of species for each of the 700 survey units and a distribution map for 2,500 species recorded along the St Lawrence., in atlas form, along with a detailed conservation plan. The plan encompasses the most unique and heterogeneous landscapes of the St Lawrence, some of which have no protection at present. The Portrait provides an overview of the sites that are currently protected by public agencies and private-sector organisations and identifies new sites of interest for conserving biodiversity and protecting species at risk. This paper exposes the content of this extensive compendium on the biodiversity of the St. Lawrence. For conciseness, it presents some of the analyses conducted on birds to illustrate a few of the analytical approaches that were used. Then, the information on species richness and concentration areas for priority species of vascular plants, breeding birds and herpetofauna will serve to identify the terrestrial sites of significance for biodiversity. Finally, a similar approach having been applied to the aquatic environnement, we will conclude with a conservation plan that identifies the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and the geographic sites where the most important elements of St. Lawrence biodiversity are concentrated. Our analysis of the biodiversity of the most thoroughly studied taxa of the St. Lawrence clearly shows the importance of wetlands, particularly those located at the mouths of rivers or within archipelagos or delta complexes, such as the groups of islands and channels found at both ends of the Montréal Archipelago. These aquatic landscapes are sites of intense biological production, combining in a small geographical area spawning, nursery and feeding grounds for a large number of fish species and breeding, rearing and foraging areas for aquatic birds. Variable flooding conditions, associated with seasonal flooding or daily tidal fluctuations, create a complex mosaic of wetland and aquatic habitats. Although wetlands occupy only a small area in comparison with terrestrial habitats, they support a large number of rare plant and animal species in relation to their size. At present, 10% of the vascular flora and 27% of the herpetofauna of the St. Lawrence are at risk. In the case of reptiles and amphibians, the situation is especially worrisome because nearly all of the most threatened species live in a narrow band along the river corridor. Not only is this the sector that is under the greatest pressure from human development, very little public land remains here, making it difficult to create protected areas. Increased participation by non-governmental organisations and individuals, through private stewardship arrangements, is an essential precondition for completing the network of conservation areas in this part of the St. Lawrence. Along the estuary and the Gulf, habitat integrity has not been affected as much by the expansion of Québec's human population. This is a vast territory, and sites have been identified with a view to making up for the deficiencies in the present network of protected sites in terms of representing biodiversity.  相似文献   

若尔盖湿地是黄河上游重要的水源涵养地,在涵养水源、调节径流和维持生物多样性等方面具有重要作用,是流域乃至国家生态安全的关键地区.近年来,由于全球气候变化和人类不合理的开发活动导致若尔盖湿地生态退化加剧,威胁区域和流域生态安全.在若尔盖湿地生态退化趋势与生态安全理论框架研究的基础上,对若尔盖湿地生态安全监测的主要内容进行...  相似文献   

鱼类是水生生态系统生物多样性的重要组成部分,为了解江苏省地表水监测断面鱼类群落结构特征,利用环境DNA宏条形码技术对2020年4-5月江苏省148个地表水监测断面的鱼类群落进行了调查.在环境DNA样品中共检测到鱼类可操作分类单元(OTU)418个,共注释到10目14科32属46种,其中鲤形目的鱼类有27种,序列占比达8...  相似文献   

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