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美国侧面碰撞规程下轿车变形侵入仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为更好地分析汽车侧面碰撞过程中驾乘人员安全,根据美国联邦机动车安全法规FMVSS214碰撞要求,采用显式有限元分析软件LS-DYNA详细建立了某公司轿车有限元整车模型和可变形移动壁障有限元模型,研究了美国侧面碰撞规程下可变形移动壁障以54 km/h速度撞击轿车侧面的变形侵入过程仿真模拟和轿车侧面车门不同水平级的变形侵入对乘员损伤程度的影响。结果表明:有限元模拟结果与实车碰撞试验结果吻合较好,模型可信;轿车车门中部位置对驾乘人员损伤影响最大,乘员损伤AIS值接近3(严重损伤);参数加权平均变形侵入量能较好的反映车辆侧面碰撞下车身侧围的变形侵入情况。  相似文献   

为认定车辆碰撞事故的性质及责任,动态还原事故发生过程。提出1种逆向事故分析再现方法,经过坐标系旋转后构建确定方程组的车辆碰撞瞬间解析计算模型,并经过实车碰撞实验数据验证其计算精度与三维再现的准确性。利用Crashview软件对1起车辆追尾事故进行仿真分析,解析计算得出车辆碰撞瞬间车速和碰撞前行驶车速,实现事故二维过程重构和三维模拟再现。结果表明:计算分析车速与VDR记录车速误差在5%以内,模拟再现轨迹与事故现场实测痕迹基本吻合,所构建的方法可有效用于车辆追尾碰撞事故辅助分析鉴定,为事故过程分析提供理论依据。  相似文献   

汽车行人碰撞接触中行人运动学规律仿真研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
基于交通事故模拟分析PC-Crash软件及其内嵌多体系统动力学分析MADYMO模块,建立并验证了车辆多体模型和行人多体模型;对汽车与行人碰撞接触阶段的行人运动学具有较大影响的因素展开广泛分析,并构建汽车行人碰撞仿真试验方案;通过选取对汽车与行人碰撞接触阶段具有较大影响的因素作为仿真试验的自变量,对不同碰撞环境下汽车与行人碰撞接触过程中的行人运动学规律(包括运动姿态和对应的碰撞车速阈值)进行深入研究;汽车行人碰撞仿真与真实事故以及碰撞试验对比具有较好的规律吻合性和一致性。研究表明,笔者采用的计算机建模仿真方法在汽车行人碰撞运动学研究中具有实用价值。  相似文献   

基于Pc-Crash软件的人-车碰撞事故仿真规律研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以Pc-Crash软件为平台,仿真分析两例实际的人-车碰撞试验。通过对比仿真结果与试验的吻合情况,并结合其他学者所提及的现象,总结了仿真中人-车接触部位、行人终止点位置及抛距、行人被车辆抛出后的运动情况等与实际情况的耦合程度的规律。发现利用Pc-Crash软件实现对人-车碰撞事故仿真时,人-车接触部位与实际情况可以耦合得很好,行人终止点位置一般总体抛距与实际情况差不多,而行人被车辆抛出后的运动情况则与实际不符,针对这些现象提出一些建议。对更好地利用Pc-Crash软件实现对人-车碰撞事故的仿真分析有一定的意义。  相似文献   

为研究汽车正面碰撞时驾驶人坐姿对其损伤的影响,根据实车碰撞试验数据,建立车辆驾驶舱-驾驶人-约束系统的MADYMO仿真模型,并予以验证。利用仿真模型开展车速为56 km/h的100%正面碰撞试验,将假人定位并调整其参数,分析驾驶人碰撞前的8种典型姿态对其碰撞后损伤风险的影响,并对比头部损伤值(HIC)、胸部连续3 ms损伤值、胸部压缩量以及颈部、腿部的受力情况。结果表明,碰撞时驾驶人的坐姿对身体各个区域的损伤风险有较大影响;驾驶人碰撞时的纵向位置对其损伤风险影响最显著。  相似文献   

为研究小学校车乘员约束系统在校车正面碰撞中的保护效果,依据《专用校车安全技术条件》,开展校车30 km/h正面碰撞工况的台车试验;运用多刚体动力学分析软件MADYMO建立包括地板、前后排座椅、P型6岁假人与安全带的校车乘员正面碰撞仿真模型,对比仿真和试验结果,验证模型的准确性;分析座椅间距、靠背刚度、坐垫刚度及坐垫倾角对乘员伤害值的影响。仿真结果表明:当座间距小于590 mm时,6岁假人与女性假人的头部伤害指标均明显上升;坐垫倾角增加15°时,6岁假人头、胸伤害指标分别下降21.6%和33.4%,女性假人的颈部弯矩减小47%。  相似文献   

为研究乘客在大客车正面碰撞事故中的损伤机理,建立某全承载大客车有限元模型,并通过试验验证有限元模型的仿真精度。基于验证模型对不同碰撞速度条件下大客车车身结构力学响应、生存空间、座椅固定件强度、乘员运动响应和损伤等进行综合分析及评价。结果表明:高速碰撞条件下,驾驶员生存空间容易被侵入,座椅固定件强度存在失效的风险;乘员头部、颈部和胸部的损伤值受碰撞速度、安全带类型和乘员位置影响较大;三点式安全带保护效果明显优于两点式安全带。  相似文献   

为探究约束系统在全承载客车正面碰撞事故中对乘客损伤的影响,利用有限元分析软件LSDYNA建立某大客车正面碰撞仿真模型,并开展整车50 km/h正面100%重叠碰撞固定刚性壁障试验;从车身变形、加速度曲线和乘员损伤等3方面验证仿真模型;基于已验证的仿真模型,开展不同座椅间距、车厢位置及安全带类型的乘员运动响应和损伤等综合分析与评价。研究结果表明:不同位置车身加速度波形整体趋势相似,但具体峰值和出现时刻存在差异;增大座椅间距和主动预紧安全带能够有效降低降低头部损伤值,而颈部损伤则随之增大;乘客胸部损伤值和大腿力受主动预紧安全带、座椅间距和车厢位置影响不大。  相似文献   

为识别轿车正面偏置碰撞中后排左侧乘员的损伤特点,开展模拟研究。利用HyperMesh有限元软件,建立包含有限元轿车、可变形壁障及假人的基础模型1,并在基础模型1上为假人添加三点式安全带,建立模型2,在模型2基础上为假人创建侧气囊,建立模型3;采用Ls-Dyna软件求解计算,并应用HyperGraph软件分析不同重叠率偏置碰撞下假人的损伤情况;对比基础模型1、模型2、模型3仿真试验的假人损伤情况,分析不同约束系统对左后排假人的保护效能。结果表明:随着碰撞重叠率增大,左后排乘员头部和胸部的加速度峰值均相应减小;碰撞重叠率在试验范围内变化时,颈部所受合力的峰值波动较小;使用安全带能显著降低乘员的损伤;侧气囊对乘员胸部有保护作用。  相似文献   

为再现城市道路矩形隔离护栏与汽车碰撞时形成的薄壁长杆穿透驾驶员胸部的损伤机制和贯穿过程,采用医学软件Mimics与工程软件Hypermesh相结合,建立准确的人体胸部骨骼组织几何模型和有限元胸部生物力学模型,并运用LS-DYNA模拟仿真与计算;利用事故案例和医学案例验证仿真试验结果;类比子弹侵彻损伤效应分析护栏薄壁长杆贯穿人体胸部的损伤机制。结果表明:护栏薄壁长杆贯穿人体胸部前后肋骨发生断裂以及胸部其他处发生骨折情况,与医学案例和事故案例吻合较好;胸部贯穿损伤程度与薄壁长杆速度、稳定性以及质量因素有关;该试验可满足胸部贯穿伤医学研究需要。  相似文献   

某装药弹振动特性的安全分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析某装药弹的振动特性,并为该弹提供必要的力学数据,建立某装药弹模态方程。采用ANSYS软件对该弹振动特性进行了数值模拟,利用Block Lanczos法求解,得到前10阶振动固有频率和振型。分析结果表明:低阶频率主要以摆动和转动为主,高阶频率主要以弯曲扭动为主,低阶频率对该弹的影响比较小,高阶频率对该弹的影响比较大,尤其是7~10阶频率,该弹的主振频率为1053.8 Hz,为该弹的优化设计提供科学依据,在加工、储存、运输和使用条件下应低于该频率;为验证该方法可信度,采用某小型装药弹进行了实验验证,实验结果和仿真结果偏差小于1%;同时证明该有限元数值分析的方法是经济可靠的。  相似文献   

道路下的埋地天然气管道在重型车辆荷载通过时,管道受力一旦达到破坏强度就可能产生安全事故,造成天然气泄漏而引发燃烧与爆炸的危害,需要进行安全分析来判定重载车辆能否安全的通过道路运输。该文用理论计算和实验检测的方法综合起来分析埋地管道的相关力学参数,然后与管道自身的强度参数进行比较,从而判断埋地管道是否破坏。通过实例验证的方法说明了该方法在类似的项目分析中具有适用性和操作性,并提出了分析方法应用的初始条件。该方法可以作为判断埋地天然气管道在重载车辆作用下的一种安全评价方法,在条件允许的情况下可以利用数值模拟的方法进行比较印证,从而得到更为可靠的判断结论。同时,该方法也为埋地天然气管线在重载作用下的保护提供了基础资料,可以在此指导下更有效的保护天然气管线免受破坏。  相似文献   

利用有限元分析进行数值模拟井下巷道分步开挖,对巷道应力、位移、应变进行了分析,改善了应力分布,有效减少了瓦斯涌出。本文利用数值模拟分步开挖并应用于实践,通过现场试验论证得出合理的分步开挖顺序改变了岩石应力集中,减少了瓦斯涌出量。  相似文献   

炼厂液化石油气成分复杂,主体成分包含大量的烯烃,且含有硫、水及其他杂质.将其直接作为汽车燃料,对车辆以及燃料供给系统均存在不同程度的危害.通过试验研究除杂等精制工艺过程,得到了高含烯烃精制液化石油气,消除了杂质对燃料供给系统和发动机的影响.并研究了高含烯烃液化石油气在车辆上的使用性能.试验表明,高含烯烃液化石油气可使车辆的动力性有所提高,排放性能与标准车用液化石油气接近.由于炼厂液化石油气价格相对较低,因此车辆燃料费用大大降低,得到了包括出租车辆在内的广大用户的认可,具有良好的推广应用前景.  相似文献   

为提高驾驶人在双车道公路上超车的安全性,基于tau理论适应性分析,提出超车过程中驾驶人不仅根据tau线索估计避碰时间,也利用距离、速度、加速度等判断超车是否安全的试验假设。招募12名受试者,应用驾驶模拟系统试验平台,依据试验假设采集12个与超车行为有关的驾驶行为数据,对其进行无量纲化处理,并利用Bootstrap法对数据进行扩增。结合驾驶行为问卷得分,利用AMOS软件,建立超车行为安全评价的结构方程模型。通过对初始假设模型进行多次修正与评价,得到影响超车行为安全的3个驾驶行为参数。结果表明,超车车辆在超车并道后的速度、与前导车之间的避碰时间及与对向车辆之间的避碰时间这3个驾驶行为参数可作为超车行为安全评价的有效指标。  相似文献   

基于车用全复合材料CNG气瓶近年发生爆炸事故和定期检验中合格率偏低,主要问题在于气瓶内胆存在裂纹、开裂等缺陷。应用ANSYS有限元软件对现役全复合材料气瓶进行模拟,采用自上而下的建模方法,对全复合材料CNG气瓶进行建模,计算、分析全复合材料CNG气瓶在工作压力、试验压力、爆破压力下的应力、应变分布。模拟计算结论为现役全复合材料CNG气瓶出现的裂纹、开裂等缺陷与内胆材料强度不足和气瓶结构设计密切相关。全复合材料CNG气瓶的设计制造阶段要充分考虑内胆材料强度,合理选材,进一步完善气瓶瓶身与瓶阀过渡区域的结构设计,提出改进检验工艺方案。  相似文献   

Introduction: Connected automated vehicles (CAVs) technology has deeply integrated advanced technologies in various fields, providing an effective way to improve traffic safety. However, it would take time for vehicles on the road to vehicles from human-driven vehicles (HDVs) progress to CAVs. Moreover, the Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) vehicle would degrade into the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) vehicle due to communication failure. Method: First, the different car-following models are used to capture characteristics of different types of vehicles (e.g., HDVs, CACC, and ACC). Second, the stability of mixed traffic flow is analyzed under different penetration rates of CAVs. Then, multiple safety measures, such as standard deviation of vehicle speed (SD), time exposed rear-end crash risk (TER), time exposed time-to-collision (TET), and time-integrated time-to-collision (TIT) are used to evaluate the safety of mixed traffic flow on expressways. Finally, the sensitivity of traffic demand, the threshold of time-to-collision (TTC), and the parameters of car-following models are analyzed based on a numerical simulation. Results: The results show that the ACC vehicle has no significant impact on the SD of mixed traffic flows, but it leads to the deterioration of TET and TIT, making the reduction proportion of TER slower. When the penetration rate exceeds 50%, the increase of CACC vehicles reduces traffic safety risks significantly. Furthermore, the increase in traffic demand and car-following parameters worsens traffic safety on expressways. Conclusions: This paper suggests that the CACC vehicles degenerate into ACC vehicles due to communication failure, and the safety risk of mixed traffic flow increases significantly. Practical Applications: The application of CAVs can improve the stability and safety of traffic flow.  相似文献   

为研究将轻骨料混凝土作为防火保护层对钢管混凝土柱耐火极限的影响以及保护层厚度实用计算方法,采用有限元方法确定高温下钢管混凝土柱的温度场,通过ABAQUS有限元软件建立钢管混凝土柱的耐火极限模型,分析各参数对构件耐火极限的影响程度,基于数值模拟计算结果,给出在火灾下钢管混凝土柱在工程常用范围内的抗火实用计算公式,将计算结...  相似文献   

This study was aimed at investigating the injury mechanism of pedestrian chests in collisions with passenger vehicles of various frontal shapes and examining the influence of the local structural stiffness on the chest injury risk by using the headform impact test at the chest contact area of the vehicle. Three simulations of vehicle to pedestrian collisions were conducted using three validated pedestrian finite element (FE) models of three pedestrian heights of 177 (AM50th), 165 and 150 cm and three FE vehicles models representing a one-box vehicle, a minicar and a medium car. The validity of the vehicle models was evaluated by comparing the headform acceleration against the measured responses from headform impact tests. The chest impact kinematics and the injury mechanisms were analyzed in terms of the distribution of the von Mises stress of the ribcage and in terms of the chest deflections. The chest contact locations on the front panel and the bonnet top were identified in connection to the causation of rib fractures. The risk of rib fractures was predicted by using the von Mises stress distribution. The headform impact tests were carried out at the chest contact area on the front panel and bonnet to examine the safety performance with respect to pedestrian chest protection. In simulations of the one-box vehicle to pedestrian collisions, the chest was struck directly by the frontal structure at a high velocity and deformed substantially, since a shear force was generated by the stiff windshield frame. The acceleration of the headform was related to the rib deflections. The injury threshold of the ribcage deflection (42 mm) corresponded to the headform average acceleration of 68 G. In the minicar collision, the chest was struck with the bonnet top and cowl area at a low velocity, and the deformation was small due to the distributed contact force between the chest and the bonnet top. Besides, the ribcage deformation was too small for bridging a relation between the headform accelerations and rib deflections. In the medium car collision, the deformation mode of the chest was similar to that in the minicar collision. The chest collided with the bonnet top at a low velocity and deformed uniformly. The deflection of the ribs had an observable correlation with the headform accelerations measured in the headform impact tests. The frontal shape of a vehicle has a large influence on a pedestrian’s chest loadings, and the chest deformation depends on the size of the pedestrian and the stiffness of the vehicle. The one-box passenger vehicle causes a high chest injury risk. The headform impactor test can be utilized for the evaluation of the local stiffness of a vehicle’s frontal structure. The reduction of the headform acceleration is an effective measure for pedestrian chest protection for specific shapes of vehicles by efficacy in modifying the local structural stiffness.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed at investigating the effects of vehicle impact velocity, vehicle front-end shape, and pedestrian size on injury risk to pedestrians in collisions with passenger vehicles with various frontal shapes. Method: A series of parametric studies was carried out using 2 total human model for safety (THUMS) pedestrian models (177 and 165?cm) and 4 vehicle finite element (FE) models with different front-end shapes (medium-size sedan, minicar, one-box vehicle, and sport utility vehicle [SUV]). The effects of the impact velocity on pedestrian injury risk were analyzed at velocities of 20, 30, 40, and 50?km/h. The dynamic response of the pedestrian was investigated, and the injury risk to the head, chest, pelvis, and lower extremities was compared in terms of the injury parameters head injury criteria (HIC), chest deflection, and von Mises stress distribution of the rib cage, pelvis force, and bending moment diagram of the lower extremities. Result: Vehicle impact velocity has the most significant influence on injury severity for adult pedestrians. All injury parameters can be reduced in severity by decreasing vehicle impact velocities. The head and lower extremities are at greater risk of injury in medium-size sedan and SUV collisions. The chest injury risk was particularly high in one-box vehicle impacts. The fracture risk of the pelvis was also high in one-box vehicle and SUV collisions. In minicar collisions, the injury risk was the smallest if the head did not make contact with the A-pillar. Conclusion: The vehicle impact velocity and vehicle front-end shape are 2 dominant factors that influence the pedestrian kinematics and injury severity. A significant reduction of all injuries can be achieved for all vehicle types when the vehicle impact velocity is less than 30?km/h. Vehicle designs consisting of a short front-end and a wide windshield area can protect pedestrians from fatalities. The results also could be valuable in the design of a pedestrian-friendly vehicle front-end shape. [Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Traffic Injury Prevention for the following free supplemental resource: Head impact conditions and injury parameters in four-type vehicle collisions and validation result of the finite element model of one-box vehicle and minicar. ].  相似文献   

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