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锡盟沙尘暴的时空分布及其与气候因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用内蒙古锡林郭勒盟15个气象站30年(1971-2000年)的沙尘暴观测资料,分析了沙尘暴发生日数的时空分布以及气候因子对沙尘暴日数的影响.结果表明,锡盟的中西部是沙尘暴的易发区,其中苏尼特右旗及朱日和是沙尘暴的高值区;从单站的沙尘暴日数来看,沙尘暴的发生时间有明显的日变化和季节差异,30年间除朱日和站沙尘暴年际变化趋势不明显外,其它两站的沙尘暴日数均有显著的下降趋势;沙尘暴的年代际变化也呈减少的趋势.大风对沙尘暴发生次数的影响最为显著,单站的相关系数在0.60以上(通过0.05显著性检验);平均气温日较差与沙尘暴日数也呈显著正相关;其中锡林浩特站的年均气温及冬春季平均气温与沙尘暴日数有显著负相关;降水量对沙尘暴的发生次数有一定的影响,尤其是前期降水量与次年沙尘暴的发生有较好的负相关.  相似文献   

东北地区降水年内分配的不均匀性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用东北地区93个台站1961-2005年的逐日降水资料,通过降水集中度和降水集中期,讨论了该地区降水的年内分配不均匀分布特征.结果表明,东北地区的降水集中度自东南向西北逐渐递减;集中期具有南北高中问低的变化特点.从长期趋势上看,降水集中度的减小趋势显著,在该地区的东北部和西北部各有一个趋势明显的区域(通过0.05的显著性检验),但集中期的减小趋势不显著,只有2个台站通过显著性检验.年降水量与降水集中度和降水集中期的相关系数表明:东北地区年降水量与降水集中度呈显著的正相关,即年降水量越多(少)的地区,年内降水越集中(均匀);年降水量与降水集中期的关系并不显著.  相似文献   

云南近46年降水与气温变化趋势的特征分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
刘瑜  赵尔旭  黄玮  周建琴  琚建华 《灾害学》2010,25(1):39-44,63
利用云南1961-2007年降水与气温资料进行线性趋势分析和突变检验。结果表明,近46年来云南年均降水量是趋于减少的,其中夏季降水量减少较为明显,减少率为4.5 mm/10a,且夏季降水在1971年前后发生了由多到少的突变。从降水的季节变化特征及异常值统计结果来看,云南雨季平均降水量是趋于减少的,而干季平均降水量趋于增加;从降水的地域分布来看,滇南地区降水呈缓慢减少趋势;滇中降水呈缓慢减少后略升状态;滇西北降水呈略升趋势;滇东北降水为明显下降趋势。近46年云南年平均气温是升高的,从全省气温变化的季节特征及异常值统计结果来看,春夏秋冬四季增温都明显,但冬季气温增加最为显著,增加率为0.27℃/10a,冬季平均气温在1995年出现了一次由冷到暖的突变。滇中及以东地区的气温变化增暖趋势明显,滇西地区气温也为增暖的变化趋势。  相似文献   

近60年登陆和影响福建福鼎地区台风的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1948-2007年的60年间,福建福鼎地区登陆台风次数为16次,平均每10年2.7次;登陆台风主要来自菲律宾以东的西北太平洋海面,路径主要为西北移。60年间登陆和影响福鼎地区的台风平均每年3个,而有影响效应的台风的发生次数年际变化较大,近年来呈略微上升的趋势。台风的月际分布主要集中于7-9月,群发性强;月际频率呈现出为8月份为中心的正态分布。  相似文献   

基于《中国气象灾害大典:湖南卷》收集整编的历史大风、冰雹灾害信息,将灾情描述按一定规则数字化,将灾害发生地进行古今属地转换,在此基础上,建立现今行政区划背景下的湖南省各县市各月的大风、冰雹灾害历史数字序列。分析其变化特征得出以下结论。(1)公元前886年至公元1949年湖南省大风、冰雹灾害发生次数均呈极显著增加趋势;(2)大风、冰雹灾害的年内变化均呈现为双峰型,3-5月、6-8月分别为高发季节和次高发季节。(3)较严重的大风、冰雹灾害主要发生在3-5月强对流天气活跃的季节,由此也可以看出由强对流天气产生的大风、冰雹灾害重于冷空气所导致的。(4)大风、冰雹灾害发生频次及强度与湖南地形条件密切相关,洞庭湖区、湘江河谷地带多大风灾害,山区多冰雹灾害。  相似文献   

收集整理了近几十年华北地区逐日降水(1961-2012年)和铁路水害资料(1973-2012年),采用了趋势分析、相关分析等多种统计方法分析了华北地区汛期降水特性及其与铁路水害的关系,并提出了应对这一铁路水害的防御措施。结果表明,华北地区夏季各等级降水量和降水日数均呈现出显著下降趋势,其中暴雨量和小雨日数的下降趋势最为显著。各等级降水强度变化趋势不同,小雨和大雨强度呈上升趋势。华北夏季持续性强降水过程的发生次数、持续天数及过程降水量均有减少趋势,并呈现一致的年代际特征。7月持续性强降水过程出现次数最多,其次为8月。2000年以来,6月发生持续性强降水过程的次数明显增多。华北铁路水害断道时间和次数均呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

姬兴杰  朱业玉  顾万龙  潘攀  竹磊磊 《灾害学》2012,27(3):59-63,68
基于河南省109个气象站1971-2010年夏季(6-8月)逐日最高气温和平均气温资料,采用气候统计学分析方法,分析了近40年河南省夏季≥35℃、≥38℃和≥40℃高温日数的时空特征及可能的变化趋势.结果表明:1971-2010年河南省夏季3个等级高温日数在空间上呈现出豫西北高海拔和豫东南低海拔地区较多,其它地区较少的分布特征,高值中心位于豫西地区的偃师附近,在时间上无显著的线性变化趋势,但是在年代间呈现出“多-少-多”的变化特征,最近10年夏季高温日数最多;从各台站趋势变化的空间分布看,豫西北海拔较高地区台站呈增加趋势的较多,豫东和豫西南台站呈减少趋势的较多.夏季平均气温和≥35 ℃(r =0.58,n=4360)、≥38℃(r=0.39,n=4360)以及≥40℃(r=0.27,n=4360)高温日数均呈显著正相关.在全球气候变暖背景下,未来河南省高温日数将可能进一步增加,特别是≥35℃的高温日数.  相似文献   

云南滑坡泥石流灾害及其与降水特征的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用2001-2005年云南滑坡泥石流灾害资料,分析了近5年来云南滑坡泥石流分布与演变的特点及其与云南降水、大雨、暴雨之间的关系.研究结果表明,在该时段云南滑坡泥石流灾害总体分布表现出西多东少,西北多东南少的趋势;滑坡泥石流灾害高发区与暴雨中心有很好的对应关系,其活动存在明显的年际变化特点,并且各个区域又有自身的演变规律.在时空分布上滇西北及滇西南是活动最频繁的区域;滑坡泥石流灾害具有明显的月际变化特征,高峰期集中在6-8月;滑坡泥石流灾害发生次数与年降水量、年暴雨次数及年大雨次数有着很好的对应关系;大气环流异常对滑坡泥石流灾害发生数量也有着明显的影响.  相似文献   

西北地区雷暴气候特征分析   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
雷电产生于中尺度对流天气系统,具有明显的局地和时效特征,对西北地区气象站点历史雷暴资料的统计发现,夏季最强,春秋次之,冬季几乎无雷暴发生;地理分布呈三大中心区;与海拔高度、经度、纬度的相关分析及年际变化分析表明,地形地势是影响该地区雷暴的主要因子.高原上的雷暴云较其它地区容易产生冰雹,冰雹日数与雷暴日数比值最大为0.36.西北夏季大部分地方的闪电密度小于1个.km-2.a-1,夏季3个月的闪电密度有3个最强中心,新疆西部是最强的闪电密度中心,超过9个.km-2.a-1,7月中心最强,6月次之,8月较弱.  相似文献   

吉林省夏季极端降水事件特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用1960-2017年吉林省24个台站日降水量资料,定义4个极端降水指数,采用Mann-Kendall趋势分析、相关性分析、累积距平分析等方法,对吉林省极端降水事件时空分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:吉林省极端降水阈值大值区位于吉林省中部和南部,东部山区站点极端降水阈值相对较小。吉林省夏季极端降水主要集中在7月下旬和8月上旬,吉林省南部和中部的集安、通化、临江、靖宇、梅河口、磐石、桦甸地区,因极端降水量和频数都较大,是灾害应急管理需重点关注的地区;其中,通化、集安地区因4个极端降水指数都很高,是吉林省极端降水灾害性风险最高的地区。吉林省各站点极端降水指数变化M-K趋势检验中,长岭站极端降水事件呈显著减少趋势;二道站呈显著增加趋势;其他站点无显著增减趋势。1960-2017年吉林省极端降水量和强度呈波动变化,但整体平稳,无明显增加和减少趋势。  相似文献   

Risk communication in flood incident management can be improved through developing hydrometeorological and engineering models used as tools for communicating risk between scientists and emergency management professionals. A range of such models and tools was evaluated by participating flood emergency managers during a 4-day, real-time simulation of an extreme event in the Thamesmead area in the Thames estuary close to London, England. Emergency managers have different communication needs and value new tools differently, but the indications are that a range of new tools could be beneficial in flood incident management. Provided they are communicated large model uncertainties are not necessarily unwelcome among flood emergency managers. Even so they are cautious about sharing the ownership of weather and flood modelling uncertainties.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of tornado-related disasters in the developing world is poorly understood. An August 2005 post-tornado cohort study in rural Bangladesh identified elevated levels of death and injury among the elderly (≥ 60 years of age) (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 8.9 (95 per cent confidence interval (CI): 3.9-20.2) and AOR = 1.6 (95 per cent CI: 1.4-1.8), respectively), as compared to 15-24 year-olds, and among those outdoors versus indoors during the tornado (AOR = 10.4 (95 per cent CI: 5.5-19.9) and AOR = 6.6 (95 per cent CI: 5.8-7.5), respectively). Females were 1.24 times (95 per cent CI: 1.15-1.33) more likely to be injured than males. Elevated risk of injury was significantly associated with structural damage to the house and tin construction materials. Seeking treatment was protective against death among the injured, odds ratio = 0.08 (95 per cent CI: 0.03-0.21). Further research is needed to develop injury prevention strategies and to address disparities in risk between age groups and between men and women.  相似文献   

Risk communication in flood incident management can be improved through developing hydrometeorological and engineering models used as tools for communicating risk between scientists and emergency management professionals. A range of such models and tools was evaluated by participating flood emergency managers during a 4-day, real-time simulation of an extreme event in the Thamesmead area in the Thames estuary close to London, England. Emergency managers have different communication needs and value new tools differently, but the indications are that a range of new tools could be beneficial in flood incident management. Provided they are communicated large model uncertainties are not necessarily unwelcome among flood emergency managers. Even so they are cautious about sharing the ownership of weather and flood modelling uncertainties.  相似文献   

Wisner B 《Disasters》2001,25(3):251-268
Although El Salvador suffered light losses from Hurricane Mitch in 1998, it benefited from the increased international aid and encouragement for advance planning, especially mitigation and prevention interventions. Thus, one would have supposed, El Salvador would have been in a very advantageous position, able more easily than its economically crippled neighbours, Honduras and Nicaragua, to implement the 'lessons of Mitch'. A review of the recovery plan tabled by the El Salvador government following the earthquakes of early 2001 shows that despite the rhetoric in favour of 'learning the lessons of Mitch', very little mitigation and prevention had actually been put in place between the hurricane (1998) and the earthquakes (2001). The recovery plan is analysed in terms of the degree to which it deals with root causes of disaster vulnerability, namely, the economic and political marginality of much of the population and environmental degradation. An explanation for the failure to implement mitigation and preventive actions is traced to the adherence by the government of El Salvador to an extreme form of neoliberal, free market ideology, and the deep fissures and mistrust in a country that follow a long and bloody civil war.  相似文献   

Dupon JF 《Disasters》1984,8(1):34-47
The island groups of French Polynesia, which had not experienced any really devastating cyclones since the beginning of the century, were hard hit several times between December 1982 and April 1983. This paper reviews the cost of damage from these cyclones and shows how lowered public awareness of the hazard in a low-frequency area combined with the special economic conditions prevailing in the Territory to make the total cost much higher than it need have been. Ways and means of rehabilitation are analyzed. The development of the thermal imbalance in the Pacific, which appears to have triggered this series of natural disasters, only seemingly exceptional, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of research carried out to improve emergency response activities in earthquake-prone areas of Iran. The research concentrated on emergency response operations, emergency medical care, emergency transportation, and evacuation—the most important issues after an earthquake with regard to saving the lives of victims. For each topic, some guidelines and criteria are presented for enhancing emergency response activities, based on evaluations of experience of strong earthquakes that have occurred over the past two decades in Iran, notably Manjil (1990), Bam (2003), Firouz Abad-Kojour (2004), Zarand (2005) and Broujerd (2006). These guidelines and criteria are applicable to other national contexts, especially countries with similar seismic and social conditions as Iran. The results of this study should be incorporated into comprehensive plans to ensure sustainable development or reconstruction of cities as well as to augment the efficiency of emergency response after an earthquake.  相似文献   

The Public Nutrition approach, like that of Public Health, is context specific. It places an emphasis on populations rather than individuals and is inter-disciplinary in nature. Both approaches seek to understand the complex aetiology of a clinical outcome such as malnutrition within the widest possible framework. Public Nutrition uses the UNICEF conceptual framework and adapts and expands it. The authors of this article argue – through the examination of a number of case studies taken from the work of Concern Worldwide (hereafter referred to as Concern) in southern Sudan, Rwanda, Angola, Tanzania and DRC – that there are two critical constituents of the Public Nutrition approach. These are: a contextual analysis (including the use of surveillance information for programme design and advocacy) and community involvement at all stages of the project cycle. Some of the key obstacles to the adoption of the Public Nutrition approach are identified by illustrating two practical programme settings. For the Public Nutrition approach to be more widely used, the authors recommend a number of key strategies including the further dissemination of case studies and the clarification of the scope and boundaries of the approach. These strategies will enable Public Nutrition to evolve both as a practical programme framework as well as an academic discipline.  相似文献   

Leivesley S 《Disasters》1984,8(2):83-88
The history of natural hazards in Australia and their physical, economic and social consequences are discussed in this paper. The lack of any national programme for hazard mitigation is identified, alongside an overview of Australia as a country where major disasters are accepted as a part of everyday life.  相似文献   

Three studies were designed to extend a combination of vested interest theory (VI) and the extended parallel process model of fear appeals (EPPM) to provide formative research for creating more effective disaster preparedness social action campaigns. The aim was to develop an effective VI scale for assessing individual awareness and ‘vestedness’ relevant to disaster preparedness. Typical preparedness behaviours are discussed with emphasis on earthquakes and tornados in particular. Brief overviews of VI and the EPPM are offered, and findings are presented from three studies (one dealing with earthquakes, and two with tornados) conducted to determine the factor structure of the key VI components involved, and to develop and test subscales derived from the two theories. The paper finishes with a discussion of future research needs and suggestions on how the new subscales may be applied in the design and execution of more effective disaster preparedness campaigns.  相似文献   

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