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张以飞  陆朝阳  姚琪 《化工环保》2014,34(4):371-375
针对专项工业规划环境影响评价中环境风险评价应用尚不成熟的现状,建立了一套专项工业规划环境风险评价方法,并将其应用到江苏省农药行业总体规划环境影响评价分析中。从环境风险角度分析行业发展方向、强度和布局的合理性,提出规划调整和行业风险管理的建议,以降低事故发生的概率和影响,保障行业的健康稳定发展。通过对江苏省农药行业规划明确的产品结构、产业组织结构、创新体系和技术发展目标等进行风险识别、分析和评价,得出生产和使用光气的定点企业、使用液氯的企业、产生硫化氢的企业的环境风险防护距离(以生产装置为起点)应至少设置为1 000,500,250 m。  相似文献   

李克  丁文娟  王芳  陆子熠  陈瑛 《化工环保》2019,39(6):603-607
在文献和实地调研的基础上,分析了石油开采行业生产工艺及产排污情况,识别了油井、注水井、输油管道、联合站等主要工艺节点的土壤污染风险,总结了目前行业处理废水和危险废物的主要方法,指出了行业在废弃钻井液处理、地下输油管道泄漏后期处置及突发环境事件应急预案中土壤污染防治等方面存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

杨晔  姜华  郭森 《化工环保》2012,32(1):21-24
分析了煤化工行业发展的现状及趋势,提出我国现代煤化工发展瓶颈主要是产业发展存在技术风险、产业发展与资源环境的矛盾突出及面临碳减排压力,并提出通过合理构建"水-煤-碳"三大约束指标体系,引导煤化工实现有序发展。  相似文献   

以产业物质代谢模型和生态效率理论为基础,采用权重分析法对我国2009年38个重点行业的资源环境效率和经济效率进行了评估。研究表明:机械设备制造相关行业可作为我国产业结构调整优先发展的领域,化工、钢铁等重工业行业是我国循环经济的重点。  相似文献   

系统分析了煤化工行业的产排污情况,梳理了国内外相关排放标准。结果表明:国内仅焦化等部分工序有行业排放标准,其余工序目前执行水或大气的综合排放标准,其污染物项目不能全面反映煤化工行业的污染特征,急需制定煤化工行业污染物排放标准;国外相关标准情况与国内类似,无直接借鉴意义。建议:合理界定煤化工排放标准的适用范围,与其他排放标准协调配套,控制整个行业的污染物排放;针对大气污染物,明确各排放口的特征污染物,结合综合指标和高毒性物质指标进行挥发性有机物的排放控制;针对水污染物,引入综合毒性指标以有效控制废水中有毒有害污染物排放的环境风险。  相似文献   

正化工技术化工助剂行业废水资源化治理化工助剂行业废水资源化治理行业废水来源及种类化工助剂是作为工业生产过程中所使用的化工添加剂,其种类繁多,包括橡胶助剂、塑料助剂、水处理剂、涂料助剂、皮革助剂等,其中苯胺类助剂最为常见,可用于促进剂、防老剂等。行业废水特点及南大环保特色技术  相似文献   

正为促进对二甲苯行业健康发展,严格新建项目建设标准,工业和信息化部会同环境保护部研究制定了《对二甲苯项目建设规范条件》,自2015年10月1日起实施。根据《规范条件》,新建、改扩建PX项目厂址应位于污染治理和环境风险防范设施齐全并经  相似文献   

(一)深入开展土壤环境质量调查。在现有相关调查基础上,以农用地和重点行业企业用地为重点,开展土壤污染状况详查,2018年底前查明农用地土壤污染的面积、分布及其对农产品质量的影响;2020年底前掌握重点行业企业用地中的污染地块分布及其环境风险情况。制定详查总体方案和技术规定,开展技术指导、监督检查和成果审核。建立土壤环境质量状况定期调查制度,每10年开展1次。(环境保护部牵头,财政部、国土资源部、农业部、国家卫生计生委等参与,地方各级人民政府负责落实。  相似文献   

在城市升级大潮下,作为广佛同城化核心区的大沥镇再生金属行业发展处于"收放二难"境地:限制该行业发展势必动摇大沥有色金属产业链、影响村组收入和第三产业发展;相反,若是放任该行业发展,则会造成城市升级困难、土地空间固化,社会环境恶化、行业恶性竞争,最终发展也是陷入死胡同。因此,不能搞一刀切,现实的选择是在兼顾产业转型和城市升级原则下有条件发展、有管制提升、有目的转型。  相似文献   

苏涛 《化工环保》1996,16(5):310-311
化肥厂重油造气炭黑在油漆行业的应用化肥厂重油造气过程中,产生的废弃物经过一系列物理化学方法处理后,可回收得到炭黑(简称油头炭黑)。油头炭黑用作橡胶行业的补强剂已基本成功,但能否作为颜料在油漆行业应用尚无先例。一般炭黑作为颜料在油漆行业除用于配色外,主...  相似文献   

Chemical recycling of waste poly(carbonate) (PC) to coproduce bisphenol A (BPA) and carbohydrate carbonates was studied by selecting glycerol (Gly) and glucose (Glu) as model carbohydrates (CHs). In advance of the reaction of PC with CHs, reactions with diphenyl carbonate were examined as a model PC. In dioxane at 100°C using NaOH as catalyst, Gly was converted to cyclic carbonate hydroxymethyldioxolane (HMDO) at 98% and Glu was converted to the dicarbonate (Glu-DC) at 46%, in pyridine, in addition to the production of phenol. Similar treatment of PC with Gly using KOH as a catalyst produced HMDO and BPA at very high yields and treatment with Glu produced Glu-DC and BPA in 38%–42% yields. Chemical Feedstock Recycling & Other Innovative Recycling Techniques 6  相似文献   

李政禹 《化工环保》2020,40(1):92-97
本文概述了联合国等国际组织以及发达国家官方文书中关于化学品健全管理的内涵、任务和指导原则的主要论述内容,以期加强我国危险化学品安全和环境管理。  相似文献   

Based on statistical data about Sand and Dust Storms (SDS) and their associated dustfall, features of temporal and spatialdistribution were studied first in this article. SDS and associateddustfalls occurred most often in northern China, especiallynorthwestern China. However, in the last two years, they have atendency to occur on the central and western parts of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. As a result, Beijing is now among the impact areas, and the Chinese government is paying greaterattention to the matter. The changing trends of SDS and associated dustfalls were subsequently analyzed. Occurrences were seen to be decreasing with the feature of fluctuation duringthe period of 1954–2001, but they have slightly increased since 2000. Also, climate factors related to SDS and associated dustfalls were discussed. Finally, it was recommended that methods to predict SDS in China be further studied in the future.  相似文献   

Hazard classification of waste is a necessity, but the hazard properties (named “H” and soon “HP”) are still not all defined in a practical and operational manner at EU level. Following discussion of subsequent draft proposals from the Commission there is still no final decision. Methods to implement the proposals have recently been proposed: tests methods for physical risks, test batteries for aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicity, an analytical package for exhaustive determination of organic substances and mineral elements, surrogate methods for the speciation of mineral elements in mineral substances in waste, and calculation methods for human toxicity and ecotoxicity with M factors.In this paper the different proposed methods have been applied to a large assortment of solid and liquid wastes (>1 0 0).Data for 45 wastes – documented with extensive chemical analysis and flammability test – were assessed in terms of the different HP criteria and results were compared to LoW for lack of an independent classification. For most waste streams the classification matches with the designation provided in the LoW. This indicates that the criteria used by LoW are similar to the HP limit values.This data set showed HP 14 ‘Ecotoxic chronic’ is the most discriminating HP. All wastes classified as acute ecotoxic are also chronic ecotoxic and the assessment of acute ecotoxicity separately is therefore not needed. The high number of HP 14 classified wastes is due to the very low limit values when stringent M factors are applied to total concentrations (worst case method). With M factor set to 1 the classification method is not sufficiently discriminating between hazardous and non-hazardous materials. The second most frequent hazard is HP 7 ‘Carcinogenic’. The third most frequent hazard is HP 10 ‘Toxic for reproduction’ and the fourth most frequent hazard is HP 4 “Irritant – skin irritation and eye damage”. In a stepwise approach, it seems relevant to assess HP 14 first, then, if the waste is not classified as hazardous, to assess subsequently HP 7, HP 10 and HP 4, and then if still not classified as hazardous, to assess the remaining properties.The elements triggering the HP 14 classification in order of importance are Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr, Cd and Hg. Progress in the speciation of Zn and Cu is essential for HP 14. Organics were quantified by the proposed method (AFNOR XP X30-489) and need no speciation. Organics can contribute significantly to intrinsic toxicity in many waste materials, but they are only of minor importance for the assessment of HP 14 as the metal concentrations are the main HP 14 classifiers. Organic compounds are however responsible for other toxicological characteristics (hormone disturbance, genotoxicity, reprotoxicity…) and shall be taken into account when the waste is not HP 14 classified.  相似文献   

GHG (greenhouse gas) emission factors for waste management are increasingly used, but such factors are very scarce for developing countries. This paper shows how such factors have been developed for the recycling of glass, metals (Al and Fe), plastics and paper from municipal solid waste, as well as for the composting of garden refuse in South Africa. The emission factors developed for the different recyclables in the country show savings varying from ?290 kg CO2 e (glass) to ?19 111 kg CO2 e (metals – Al) per tonne of recyclable. They also show that there is variability, with energy intensive materials like metals having higher GHG savings in South Africa as compared to other countries. This underlines the interrelation of the waste management system of a country/region with other systems, in particular with energy generation, which in South Africa, is heavily reliant on coal. This study also shows that composting of garden waste is a net GHG emitter, releasing 172 and 186 kg CO2 e per tonne of wet garden waste for aerated dome composting and turned windrow composting, respectively. The paper concludes that these emission factors are facilitating GHG emissions modelling for waste management in South Africa and enabling local municipalities to identify best practice in this regard.  相似文献   

The recycling of municipal solid waste has a remarkable importance in the preservation of the environment and the welfare of the society. However, it is also important that this service can be provided with efficient costs. This paper aims to search for economies of output density and economies of size in the selective collection and recycling activities in Portugal and to identify the size the utilities should have to become more cost efficient. The sample comprises all Portuguese recycling utilities operating in the wholesale segment in the period 2006–2010. The results show that the Portuguese recycling utilities should increase the quantities of municipal solid waste for recycling (especially glass and paper) and also become larger to dimensions corresponding to a supply of 400–550 thousand inhabitants. With the increasing amount of glass collected, utilities are simultaneously struggling to fulfill the targets established by the European legislation and explore the existing economies of output density. The results also show that the management of these services carried out by private companies and the use of incineration (by utilities) seem to reduce the costs of utilities while the regulation of these services and the composting of waste held by utilities tend to increase costs.  相似文献   

The carbonization of dehydrated johkasou sludge was examined using batch-type equipment. Based on the temperature changes in the carbonization room and the gas combustion room, the carbonization process was divided into three phases: phase I, drying the sludge; phase II, thermal decomposition of the dried sludge; phase III, after phase II. The times required for phases I and II were strongly correlated with the amounts of water and solid matter, respectively, in dehydrated sludge. The reduction rate of the sludge on completion of phase I was about 90% on average, and the decomposition rate of solid matter increased with time during phase II or phase II plus phase III until it reached about 50%. TOC concentration of the eluate from the carbonized sludge was used as an index to evaluate the progress of the carbonization process, and the highest temperature in the carbonization room was recognized as an important operational factor. The specific surface area and pore volume of carbonized sludge were smaller than those of charcoals and activated carbons by 1–3 orders of magnitude and 1–2 orders of magnitude, respectively. No elution of heavy metals was observed from any of the carbonized sludges examined. The reduced amount of carbon in dehydrated johkasou sludge was estimated to be about 25% of the decomposed organic matter.  相似文献   

GHS化学品危险性分类及其公示要素(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了全球化学品统一分类和标签制度(GHS)的产生背景、推行GHS的重要意义,介绍了GHS关于化学品危险性分类和公示要素的主要内容,评估了我国现行化学品危险性分类与GHS分类的差异点,并对我国全面实施GHS提出了若干对策建议。  相似文献   

GHS化学品危险性分类及其公示要素(上)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了全球化学品统一分类和标签制度(GHS)的产生背景、推行GHS的重要意义,介绍了GHS关于化学品危险性分类和公示要素的主要内容,评估了我国现行化学品危险性分类与GHS分类的差异点,并对我国全面实施GHS提出了若干对策建议。  相似文献   

对管桩余浆常用的几种回收利用方法作了分析对比,提出了较为完善的余浆干法利用方法,将余浆固化后经破碎、烘干、粉磨,再用作混凝土的掺合料,更加有利于发挥余浆的潜在活性.  相似文献   

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