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A~2/O工艺重新启动试验的污泥活性恢复研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以处理实际城市污水的小试规模A2/O工艺为研究对象,在处理工艺稳定运行的基础上关停装置60 d,进行了"饥饿"期内不同关停模式下系统重新启动后污泥活性恢复的研究.结果表明,循环模式、厌氧模式和微曝模式3种不同关停模式下,系统重启第4天,污泥硝化性能及反硝化性能基本恢复甚至超过关停前水平,而脱碳性能和除磷性能的恢复速度则较缓慢,重新启动后系统呈现较好的反硝化除磷能力;重启第12天后3种关停模式出水水质良好,基本满足<城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准>(GB 18918-2002)一级B标准.不同关停模式下,系统污泥活性恢复速率及出水水质对比显示,污水处理厂故障检修期间将搅拌、曝气等动力设备完全关闭的厌氧模式下系统污泥活性恢复较快,而且能耗最低.  相似文献   

污泥回流比对厌氧/好氧工艺除磷效果影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以长距离输送的合流制污水为进水,考察不同污泥回流比下厌氧/好氧(A/O)工艺对COD、N、P的去除效果,深入研究污泥回流比对生物除P代谢过程的影响.结果表明,污泥回流比对COD及NH+4-N的去除没有明显影响,但对TN、TP、PO3-4-P的去除影响较大.随着污泥回流比的增大,聚磷菌(PAO)的厌氧释P量逐渐减小,P的去除率逐渐降低.减小污泥回流比,可延长A/O工艺厌氧池实际HRT,增加PAO在厌氧池可有效利用的碳源,使PAO在厌氧池充分释P,从而提高除P效率.  相似文献   

在传统A2/O工艺基础上,提出了将缺氧池置于厌氧池前面的分点进水倒置A2/O工艺。通过改变α(进入厌氧区的污水分量)与β(进入缺氧区的污水分量)的比例,考察对倒置A2/O工艺脱氮除磷效果的影响。实验结果表明,当α:β为7∶3时,达到最佳的脱氮除磷效率,分别为74.3%和71.2%。  相似文献   

在传统A2/O工艺基础上,提出了将缺氧池置于厌氧池前面的分点进水倒置A2/O工艺。通过改变α(进入厌氧区的污水分量)与β(进入缺氧区的污水分量)的比例,考察对倒置A2/O工艺脱氮除磷效果的影响。实验结果表明,当α:β为7∶3时,达到最佳的脱氮除磷效率,分别为74.3%和71.2%。  相似文献   

A2O工艺好氧末段溶解氧变化对脱氮除磷影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用连续流A2O工艺处理实际的生活污水,研究好氧末段在不同溶解氧(DO)浓度条件下对污泥沉降性能、系统脱氮除磷的影响,同时考察了DO对污泥硝化活性、厌氧释磷速率和反硝化脱氮速率的影响.结果表明,随着末段溶解氧的提高,污泥容积指数SVI从140降至100左右,后又升高到120~170;系统的硝化效果提高,氨氮的去除率从6...  相似文献   

厌氧滤池、膨胀床和流化床的消化特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用厌氧滤池、厌氧膨胀床和厌氧流化床处理中等浓度含酚废水,CODcr,酚去除率分别达到约70%、99%,沼气产率达到0.728~0.938m~3/m~3d.其中,厌氧膨胀床的消化效率最佳,而采用的回流量居中,动力消耗适当.3种工艺污泥产率很低,处理1m~3污水最高排泥量仅为32.1gm~3污水.因此,厌氧膨胀床是一种处理含酚废水的有效工艺.  相似文献   

采用环境统计数据分析与主要典型企业实地调研相结合的研究方式,探讨海南省工业企业废水处理站废水产生、处理、监测及排放现状,并提出针对性的对策建议。结果显示,海南省工业废水排放主要集中在少数大型企业,中小型企业工业废水排放量仅占2.5%。工业废水处理工艺呈现多样化的特点,其中混凝沉淀和厌氧/好氧(A/O)工艺使用率均超过30.0%。所有企业均对常规水质指标进行监测,少数企业监测多类污染物。企业工业废水排放去向类别有5种,41.4%的企业排向市政管网。整体上,实地调研的31家企业出水水质均满足《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978—1996)的要求,但部分企业废水处理站存在污泥浓度较低,环保设施维护人员专业知识匮乏等问题。  相似文献   

在两点进水的条件下采用A2/O工艺处理化工园区废水厌氧水解出水,分析配水比对A2/O工艺处理效果的影响,以及在最优配水条件下,各类A2/O工艺处理废水的实际效果.结果表明,在厌氧段-缺氧段的配水比为30%~70%时,A2/O工艺的处理效果最好.在两点进水条件下的各类A2/O工艺中,倒置A2/O和改良A2/O比常规A2/...  相似文献   

分点进水A/O工艺处理低碳源生活污水的脱氮性能研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对低C/N比污水脱氮的难点问题,在缺氧段不同点设置进水口,采用分点进水A/O工艺处理校园生活污水.考察了在污泥回流比为100%,硝化液回流比为200%,分流比为1∶1,缺氧池水力停留时间(HRT)分别为2、2.4和3 h情况下,分点进水A/O工艺的反硝化性能,并与传统的A/O工艺进行比较.结果表明,当缺氧池的水力停留...  相似文献   

农业面源污染是水体中COD、氮、磷等指标的主要来源。它包括农药化肥施用、畜禽养殖和农村生活污水排放。对农业源水污染物进行削减是实现污染物总量控制的重要手段。通过详细总结国内外现有农业源水污染物削减技术方法,分析对比其优缺点和实用性,筛选出适用于不同农业污染来源的污水处理技术。结果表明,畜禽养殖废水的适宜处理技术有厌氧/缺氧/好氧(A/A/O)、序批式活性污泥法(SBR)、膜生物反应器(MBR)、升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)、厌氧沼气池;农地施肥污水的适宜处理技术有SBR、MBR、UASB;农村生活污水的适宜处理技术有厌氧沼气池、生物滴滤池、人工湿地、稳定塘。  相似文献   

An explosion in a petrochemical plant in Jilin in the northeast of China on 13 November 2005 was responsible for the discharge of large quantities of benzene and nitrobenzene into Songhua River. This endangered the water supply of Harbin city and influenced the daily life for millions of people. The dispersion-advection equation was solved analytically and numerically and used to simulate the concentration of benzene and nitrobenzene in the Songhua River after the accident. Both solutions gave practically identical results. The main elimination process for both compounds was volatilization. The model results are quite close to the results obtained by measurements at monitoring stations. Arrival time of the pollutant wave, peak concentrations and end of the pollutant wave at Harbin and along the river were predicted successfully. The peak concentrations of nitrobenzene at Harbin were more than 30 times above the permissible limits for drinking water.  相似文献   

细菌质粒中常带有一些可编码降解特殊有毒物质酶的基因,为了研究质粒对有毒物质CN^-的降解的意义,主要调查了焦化废水中好氧异养菌的质粒分布特点。从山西省焦化企业公司生化站、太原煤气公司焦化厂生化站中筛选出53株细菌,利用琼脂糖凝胶电泳法,采用GDS-8000型凝胶电泳分析仪进行拍照,同时测定各菌株降氰、降酚能力,CN^-采用异烟酸-毗唑啉酮法,酚采用4-氨基安替比林法测定。结果表明,质粒的存在与降氰力有一定的关系,但对降酚力的影响差异不显著。同时,通过对其中11^*号菌株进行了质粒转化和消除实验,证明质粒稳定,不可用十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)消除掉,用E.cbli DHI作受体菌,用11^#菌株作供体菌。作转化实验,但由于种种原因,没有筛洗到转化子。  相似文献   

This article describes the results of a survey carried out by the author's company on behalf of Rank Xerox. The objective was to assess attitudes towards environmental issues in both the public and private sector. Although there were some differences over priorities, both sectors agreed that development of environmental policies was essential to their future.  相似文献   

水处理中含铁废料综合利用的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
回顾了20余年来我国在水处理中综合利用含铁废料的研究进展,分别评述了副产品硫酸亚铁制备絮凝剂PFS的各种方法,废铁屑运用于内电解法水处理和其他含铁泥渣,废酸在水处理中的研究和应用现状,指出含铁废料综合利用中有待于进一步研究的若干问题。  相似文献   

底泥修复中温度对微生物活性和污染物释放的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
通过分析底泥中微生物的酶活性以及污染物的释放规律,探讨了温度对河道底泥生物修复的影响.结果表明,底泥中微生物的脱氢酶、脲酶和磷酸酶的活性随着温度的升高而显著增大,但温度对纤维素酶的活性影响较小.4 ℃和10 ℃时底泥中污染物的释放量和微生物的酶活性均较低,水质较稳定;20~37 ℃时底泥中污染物的释放量明显增加,微生物的新陈代谢能力有较大提高,水体的自净能力较强.在各种因素的综合作用下,20~30 ℃是进行底泥生物修复的适宜环境温度.此外,当pH为9.0以及添加葡萄糖时,底泥中微生物均表现出较高的脱氢酶活性.  相似文献   

This study assesses the growth of the microalgae Nannochloris oculata in the presence of lindane and the ability of N. oculata to remove lindane from media. Algal biomass increased with 0.1 and 0.5 mg L?1 of lindane, and lindane concentrations in the media decreased. N. oculata removed 73% and 68.2% of lindane in the 0.1 and 0.5 mg L?1 media concentrations, respectively. Algal biomass decreased to the level of the control at lindane concentrations greater than 2.5 mg L?1, probably due to toxicity. N. oculata removed lindane from the media at concentrations lower than 1.0 mg L?1. Thus, N. oculata may be useful for lindane bioremediation in contaminated aquatic systems.  相似文献   

Adani F  Ricca G  Tambone F  Genevini P 《Chemosphere》2006,65(8):1300-1307
Humic acid consists of a recalcitrant (unhydrolysed fraction) (the core) and labile (hydrolysable fraction) fraction. Core-humic acid (core-HA) isolation was performed by treating source material with apolar and polar solvents (organic solvents+acid hydrolysis) before alkaline extraction. Leonardite, soil Ah horizont and dry blood were chosen for this study because of their different origin and degree of humification. Chemical analysis (elemental analysis, total acidity, E(4):E(6)), spectroscopic analysis (DRIFT and (1)H NMR), and complete mass balance were used to investigate the effect of purifying humic acids. The results obtained showed that purification produced a slight modification of Leonardite humic acids as was expected for these highly humified organic matrices. On the other hand, about 500 g kg(-1) of soil humic acids were lost by purification. The fractions lost mainly consisted of carbohydrates. Dry blood showed the presence of humic acids that contrasted with its origin, thus indicating the limitations of the common analytical methods used for HA extraction. Nevertheless, in practice, purification caused the complete disappearance (914 g kg(-1) of HA was lost) of these HAs. The results obtained in this work suggest that the HA fraction isolated (named core-HA) effectively represents the HA structure proposed by the existing literature, since the purification proposed was able to eliminate the adsorbed organic molecules (interference materials) coating the HA structure.  相似文献   

Björn LO  McKenzie RL 《Ambio》2007,36(5):366-371
To get a proper perspective on the current status of atmospheric ozone, which protects the biosphere from ultraviolet-B (UV-B; 280-315 nm) radiation, it would be of value to know how ozone and UV-B radiation have varied in the past. The record of worldwide ozone monitoring goes back only a few decades, and the record of reliable UV-B measurements is even shorter. Here we review indirect methods to assess their status further back in time. These include variations in the Sun's emission and how these affect the atmosphere, changes in the Earth's orbit, geologic imprints of atmospheric ozone, effects of catastrophic events such as volcanic eruptions, biological proxies of UV-B radiation, the spectral signature of terrestrial ozone in old recordings of star spectra, and the modeling of UV-B irradiance from ozone data and meteorological recordings. Although reliable reconstructions do not yet extend far into the past, there is some hope for future progress.  相似文献   

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