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浙江省农业清洁生产技术体系构建的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对农业清洁生产的内涵特征以及农业清洁生产对技术需求的全面分析,阐明了农业清洁生产技术体系的构建思路,提出了以标准化生产技术、农产品质量安全监测技术、农业投入品替代及农业资源高效利用技术、产地环境修复和地力恢复技术、农业废弃物资源化及其清洁化生产链接技术、农业信息技术等为主要内容的农业清洁生产技术体系框架.通过稻田清洁生产实施案例,验证了农业清洁生产技术在实际中的成功应用.  相似文献   

积极发展农村沼气工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沼气是一种清洁卫生的能源。通过沼气这个中心环节,使农业废弃物得到充分利用。本工程以较小的投入获得了较多的产出,既提高了经济效益,又有利于改善生态环境,保护农业生态平衡。鄞县甲村乡上李家村沼气工程的建设,不仅改变了农村燃料结构,为农村提供了清洁卫生的新能源,还减轻了农业废弃物对环境的污染,促进农业废弃物的资源化利用,为发展生态农业创造了条件。  相似文献   

循环型农业是一种新的农业经济发展模式,宝应县是全国唯一的国家有机食品基地示范县。文中介绍了循环型农业的内涵和特征,概述了宝应县有机农业循环经济的现状,通过对已实施的三种有机农业循环产业链模式的研究,结果表明,宝应县有机农业循环产业链模式能使农业废弃物资源化,并能有效地控制宝应县的农业面源污染,实现经济与环境持续发展。  相似文献   

生物有机肥在土壤改良和重金属污染修复中的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物有机肥兼具有机肥料和微生物肥料的性质,可以培肥土壤、调控土壤微生态平衡、改善农产品品质、控制土壤中重金属的有效性,也是农业废弃物资源化利用的重要手段。综述了生物有机肥的主要特征、生物有机肥在土壤重金属污染中的修复作用,重点介绍了生物有机肥在改良土壤性质和修复重金属方面的优越性能,指出生物有机肥领域当前存在的问题,并提出未来在肥源监管、标准修订和品种研发等方面进行改进,为保障农产品的质量安全、有机肥料的资源化利用提供参考。  相似文献   

生态农业园区废弃物资源化处理利用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了蟹岛生态园区农业废气物及生活污水的资源化处理工艺方案 ,通过对沼气池和生活污水厌氧 -好氧 -生态塘处理系统进行综合设计 ,实现了节能环保和废弃物无害化综合处理利用。形成了种植业、养殖业、肥料加工、能源利用和休闲度假有机结合的生态农业经济 ,为实现农村经济可持续发展提供了一种新模式  相似文献   

厌氧发酵是农业废弃物资源化的有效途径之一.将农业废弃物同其他富含氮元素的有机废物混合发酵能够有效地提高产气效率.以玉米秸秆为例,尝试利用藻渣作为添加剂,提高农业废弃物厌氧发酵的性能.实验主要研究了混合发酵比例对沼气产量、甲烷产量、沼渣沼液特征的影响.当玉米秸秆、藻渣和接种污泥的挥发性固体质量分数为10∶ 2∶2时,沼气产率最高可达421.0 mL/g,甲烷产率为218.7 mL/g.沼渣组分分析表明,纤维素和半纤维素降解效率分别为83.7%和68.4%,和对照相比纤维素的降解效率显著提高.结果表明,藻渣的添加能够有效地促进玉米秸秆厌氧发酵产甲烷过程.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展 ,人们对物质的要求日益增大 ,而自然资源和能源却日趋匮乏 ;另一方面 ,可再生利用的高分子材料的消耗所产生的废弃物也造成了严重的污染 ,威胁到人类的生存。有人提出废旧塑料的资源化是 2 1世纪全人类的重要课题。本文综述了国内外废旧塑料资源化新技术及其进展。  相似文献   

水热处理为纤维素废弃物资源化应用开辟了一条新的途径,文中就水热处理技术的特点、水热条件下纤维素的降解过程进行了介绍,并着重综述了纤维素废弃物水热制H2方面的研究进展,同时对纤维素及其废弃物的水热处理和资源化研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

水热处理为纤维素废弃物资源化应用开辟了一条新的途径,文中就水热处理技术的特点、水热条件下纤维素的降解过程进行了介绍,并着重综述了纤维素废弃物水热制H2方面的研究进展,同时对纤维素及其废弃物的水热处理和资源化研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着能源短缺和环境污染等问题的日益严重,农业废弃物资源化利用引起了广泛关注。为了从牛粪等农业生产废弃物中获取新能源,减少农业固体废物对环境的污染,研究了含固率和电极间距对牛粪发酵产电性能的影响,分析了产电过程中电压、电流、功率密度、挥发性脂肪酸VFA和COD等指标的变化规律。结果表明,含固率对牛粪发酵产电性能影响较大,电极间距影响较小。在碳氮比(C/N比)为18,含固率为1%,电极间距为2.5 cm时,产生的电压最高可达0.79 V,电流最高可达0.58 m A,功率密度幅值高达398 m W/m2,发酵产电结束后VFA增加了250%,COD去除率超过了80%。  相似文献   

Capturing the lost phosphorus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Minable phosphorus (P) reserves are being depleted and will need to be replaced by recovering P that currently is lost from the agricultural system, causing water-quality problems. The largest two flows of lost P are in agricultural runoff and erosion (∼46% of mined P globally) and animal wastes (∼40%). These flows are quite distinct. Runoff has a very high volumetric flow rate, but a low P concentration; animal wastes have low flow rates, but a high P concentration together with a high concentration of organic material. Recovering the lost P in animal wastes is technically and economically more tractable, and it is the focus for this review of promising P-capture technologies. P capture requires that organic P be transformed into inorganic P (phosphate). For high-strength animal wastes, P release can be accomplished in tandem with anaerobic treatment that converts the energy value in the organic matter to CH4, H2, or electricity. Once present as phosphate, the P can be captured in a reusable form by four approaches. Most well developed is precipitation as magnesium or calcium solids. Less developed, but promising are adsorption to iron-based adsorbents, ion exchange to phosphate-selective solids, and uptake by photosynthetic microorganisms or P-selective proteins.  相似文献   

Agricultural production enhancement has been realized by more consumption of fossil energy such as fertilizer and agrochemicals. However, the production provides the present human with sufficient and diversified commodities, but at the same time, deprives in some extent the resources from the future human as well. In the other hand, it is known that synthetic herbicides face worldwide threats to human’s health and environment as well. Therefore, it is a great challenge for agricultural sustainable development. The current review has been focussed on various oilseed crop species which launch efficient allelopathic intervention, either with weeds or other crops. Crop allelopathic properties can make one species more persistent to a native species. Therefore, these crops are potentially harmful to both naturalized as well as agricultural settings. On the other side, allelopathic crops provide strong potential for the development of cultivars that are more highly weed suppressive in managed settings. It is possible to utilize companion plants that have no deleterious effect on neighbor crops and can be included in intercropping system, thus, a mean of contributing to agricultural sustainable development. In mixed culture, replacement method, wherein differing densities of a neighbor species are planted, has been used to study phytotoxic/competitive effects. So, to use alternative ways for weed suppression has become very crucial. Allelochemicals have the ability to create eco-friendly products for weed management, which is beneficial for agricultural sustainable development. Our present study assessed the potential of four oilseed crops for allelopathy on other crops and associated weeds.  相似文献   

废物乙醇发酵是废物资源化的途径之一,包括废物的预处理,乙醇发酵菌株的选育,乙醇发酵新技术,新工艺的采用等重要内容。同酵母发酵乙醇相比,利用细菌发酵产乙醇具有产率和转化率高,平均发酵速度快等优点,是研究的热点之一,特别是热纤核菌和热糖核菌能直接发酵纤维类废物为乙醇,它们的发现使纤维类废弃物的资源化向前迈进了一大步。同时,人们利用基因工程的手段,改变原菌株的遗传物质,构建“超级菌”,来满足乙醇发酵的要求,同一般发酵技术相比,细胞固定化拄术具有使发酵过程连续运行又具有细胞浓度大,产乙醇效率高等优点。有效的乙醇分离技术包括分离膜、萃取、真空等,它们能降低发酵液中乙醇的浓度,保证酵母的发酵活性,从而提高乙醇的产量。因此,废物乙醇化技术是一个具有巨大潜力的处理废物的新领域。  相似文献   

Effect of turning frequency on co-composting pig manure and fungus residue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Composting of agricultural wastes not only can reduce environmental pollution caused by improper disposal, but also can recycle agricultural wastes and transform them into highly valuable products, such as fertilizers or soil conditioners, for agricultural applications. However, the composting process and final product are easily affected by the limited oxygen supply that results from insufficient aeration, especially in the center of a large-scale windrow. Hence, a pilot-scale experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of the turning frequency on the composting efficiency and compost quality of used pig manure and fungus residue. Physical and chemical characteristics were measured over the course of 63 days of composting. The data indicate that higher temperatures and more rapid moisture removal generally result from a turning treatment of once every 2–4 days than in fewer, or no, turning treatments. The total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total potassium contents increased in all windrows as the organic matter content decreased, but both the increases and decrease were greater in windrows that were turned more frequently. The reduction of the organic matter mass by 53.7–66.0% for a turning of once every 2–8 days is significantly higher than that for the static windrow (39.1%). Although there is an increase in nitrogen mass loss with an increased turning frequency, lower nitrogen mass losses (12.7–25.7%) in all treatments were noted compared with previous studies. A final compost product with less moisture, less weight, higher nutrient content (N, P, and K), and greater stability was obtained in windrows with turning frequencies of once every 2–4 days, which is recommended when composting pig manure and fungus residue.

Implications: Composting of agricultural wastes not only can reduce environmental pollution caused by improper disposal, but recycling of agricultural wastes transforms them into highly valuable products, such as fertilizers or soil conditioners, for agricultural applications. However, the composting process and final product are easily affected by the limited oxygen supply that results from insufficient aeration, especially in the center of a large-scale windrow. Hence, a pilot-scale experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of the turning frequency on the composting efficiency and compost quality of used pig manure and fungus residue, so as to capture an operational technique suitable for the effective co-composting pig manure and edible fungi residue for a large-scale composting plant.  相似文献   

Lakes are generally subjected to wastewater discharges from various sources. Certain chemicals, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon, in the right concentrations can distort and disrupt aquatic ecosystems by overfeeding. Eutrophication of inland bodies of water has become synonymous with the deterioration of water quality, which interferes with most of the beneficial uses of waters. Eutrophication is the consequence of a lake.s nutrient enrichment. In recent years, this problem has been increasingly acute due to the discharge of nutrients. The principal sources of nutrient inputs are municipal wastes, industrial wastes, agricultural runoff and atmospheric fallout. Lake Sapanca, which is located in the northern part of Marmara region of Turkey, is the subject of this paper. In this study, the eutrophication of the lake was evaluated.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean countries, millions of tons of wastes from viticulture and winery industries are produced every year. This study describes the ability of the earthworm Eisenia andrei to compost different winery wastes (spent grape marc, vinasse biosolids, lees cakes, and vine shoots) into valuable agricultural products. The evolution of earthworm biomass and enzyme activities was tracked for 16 weeks of vermicomposting, on a laboratory scale. Increases in earthworm biomass for all winery wastes proved lower than in manure. Changes in hydrolytic enzymes and overall microbial activities during the vermicomposting process indicated the biodegradation of the winery wastes. Vermicomposting improved the agronomic value of the winery wastes by reducing the C:N ratio, conductivity and phytotoxicity, while increasing the humic materials, nutrient contents, and pH in all cases. Thus, winery wastes show potential as raw substrates in vermicomposting, although further research is needed to evaluate the feasibility of such wastes in large-scale vermicomposting systems.  相似文献   


In Mediterranean countries, millions of tons of wastes from viticulture and winery industries are produced every year. This study describes the ability of the earthworm Eisenia andrei to compost different winery wastes (spent grape marc, vinasse biosolids, lees cakes, and vine shoots) into valuable agricultural products. The evolution of earthworm biomass and enzyme activities was tracked for 16 weeks of vermicomposting, on a laboratory scale. Increases in earthworm biomass for all winery wastes proved lower than in manure. Changes in hydrolytic enzymes and overall microbial activities during the vermicomposting process indicated the biodegradation of the winery wastes. Vermicomposting improved the agronomic value of the winery wastes by reducing the C:N ratio, conductivity and phytotoxicity, while increasing the humic materials, nutrient contents, and pH in all cases. Thus, winery wastes show potential as raw substrates in vermicomposting, although further research is needed to evaluate the feasibility of such wastes in large-scale vermicomposting systems.  相似文献   

The composition of municipal wastewater and sewage sludge reflects the use and proliferation of elements and contaminants within society. In Sweden, official statistics show that concentrations of toxic metals in municipal sewage sludge have steadily decreased, by up to 90 %, since the 1970s, due to environmental programmes and statutory limits on metals in sludge and soil. Results from long-term field experiments show that reduced metal pollution during repeated sewage sludge application has reversed negative trends in soil biology. Despite this Swedish success story, organic waste recycling from Swedish towns and cities to arable land is still limited to only about 20 % of the total amount produced. Resistance among industries and consumers to products grown on land treated with sewage sludge may not always be scientifically grounded; however, there are rational obstacles to application of sewage sludge to land based on its inherent properties rather than its content of pollutants. We argue that application of urban organic wastes to soil is an efficient form of recycling for small municipalities, but that organic waste treatment from large cities requires other solutions. The large volumes of sewage sludge collected in towns and cities are not equitably distributed back to arable land because of the following: (i) The high water and low nutrient content in sewage sludge make long-distance transportation too expensive; and (ii) the low plant availability of nutrients in sewage sludge results in small yield increases even after many years of repeated sludge addition. Therefore, nutrient extraction from urban wastes instead of direct organic waste recycling is a possible way forward. The trend for increased combustion of urban wastes will make ash a key waste type in future. Combustion not only concentrates the nutrients in the ash but also leads to metal enrichment; hence, direct application of the ash to land is most often not possible. However, inorganic fertiliser (e.g. mono-ammonium phosphate fertiliser, MAP) can be produced from metal-contaminated sewage sludge ash in a process whereby the metals are removed. We argue that the view on organic waste recycling needs to be diversified in order to improve the urban–rural nutrient cycle, since only recycling urban organic wastes directly is not a viable option to close the urban–rural nutrient cycle. Recovery and recycling of nutrients from organic wastes are a possible solution. When organic waste recycling is complemented by nutrient extraction, some nutrient loops within society can be closed, enabling more sustainable agricultural production in future.  相似文献   

煤矸石和粉煤灰pH与电导率动态变化规律及其相关性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
煤矸石和粉煤灰是煤矿区两种常见的固体废弃物,对环境造成极大的污染。pH波动幅度大是废弃物农用治理的主要障碍之一。对两种废弃物连续浸提时的pH和电导率(EC)进行长期动态监测,结果表明,不同层次的煤矸石尽管风化程度不同,但经过长时间浸取后,pH和EC变化趋势相似,且煤矸石、粉煤灰的pH、EC值有很大的相关性。该试验为今后两种废弃物合理利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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