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基于典型工业企业自主申报数据,采用排放因子法,建立了天津市工业源VOCs排放清单。经计算,天津市2014年工业源VOCs排放量为16.52万t,其中VOCs生产环节、储运和运输环节、以VOCs为原料的工艺过程、含VOCs产品的使用和排放环节以及其他环节的VOCs排放量分别为12.94万、0.07万、0.63万、1.80万、1.08万t,对天津市工业源VOCs排放总量的贡献率分别为78.33%、0.42%、3.81%、10.90%、6.54%。滨海新区工业源VOCs排放量最大,对天津市工业源VOCs排放总量的贡献率达88.25%,其中大港、临港经济区和天津经济技术开发区为滨海新区工业源VOCs排放的主要功能区。  相似文献   

民用散煤燃烧是大气污染的重要来源,由于民用散煤活动水平获取难度较大,目前有关民用散煤燃烧大气污染物排放量的研究较少。计算了2016年长春6个城区内民用散煤燃烧产生的CO、SO2、NOx、PM2.5、PM10、挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的排放量,编制了民用散煤燃烧大气污染物排放清单,并分析了大气污染物排放的时空分布特征。结果表明:长春城区燃煤棚户区共计287处,总面积26.64km2,棚户区户均燃煤量约为2.1t/户,住户燃煤比在0.6~0.8;2016年长春城区民用散煤CO、SO2、NOx、PM2.5、PM10、VOCs的排放量分别为12 462、329、142、961、1 201、356t,CO为长春地区民用散煤燃烧主要污染物,占民用散煤燃烧污染物总排放量的80.7%;长春各城区民用散煤燃烧总排放量为绿园区宽城区朝阳区双阳区二道区南关区;大气污染物排放日变化峰值在6:00—7:00、12:00、19:00;民用散煤燃烧污染物排放的周变化差异不大,周末排放量较工作日稍高;采暖期大气污染物排放的月变化与气温的变化同步,排放量呈现1月12月2月11月3月10月4月的变化规律。  相似文献   

基于海南省2016年工业环境统计数据,通过自下而上的方法建立海南省2016年工业大气污染源排放清单,并利用中国多尺度排放清单模型(MEIC)排放清单进行背景源补充,使用CALPUFF模型进行大气污染模拟。污染物排放清单结果显示,2016年海南省SO_2、NO_x、CO、PM_(2.5)、PM(10)、黑碳(BC)、有机碳(OC)、挥发性有机物(VOCs)和NH3的排放量分别为1.50×10~4、5.10×10~4、4.56×10~5、2.34×10~4、2.10×10~4、3.50×10~3、1.20×10~4、4.96×10~4、6.50×10~4 t,其中SO_2主要排放源为化石燃料固定燃烧源(分担率66.67%),NO_x主要排放源为交通源(分担率51.18%),CO、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)主要排放源为生活源(分担率分别59.01%、81.28%和87.62%),VOCs主要排放源为工业溶剂使用源(分担率75.91%),NH_3主要排放源为农业源(分担率93.54%)。排放量较大的区域集中在儋州市、澄迈县一带。SO_2、NO_x年均最大浓度均出现在海口市,PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)年均最大浓度均出现在定安县。交通源对全省污染物浓度贡献突出,工业源虽然对颗粒物浓度贡献率较低,但仍需加强PM_(2.5)治理。  相似文献   

以北京高安屯垃圾焚烧发电厂为例,利用《温室气体排放核算指南生活垃圾焚烧企业》(DB 11/T 1416-2017),核算固定设施排放源的直接排放、间接排放和避免排放,并分析影响排放的主要因素。结果表明,2015年高安屯垃圾焚烧发电厂吨垃圾净CO_2排放量为0.165 t,其中生活垃圾中矿物碳焚烧贡献量为0.375 t;燃烧产生的N_2O贡献量为0.015 t;化石燃料燃烧贡献量为0.002 t;发电上网减排量为0.227 t。降低塑料类在入炉生活垃圾中的比例是减少垃圾焚烧发电厂温室气体排放的关键途径之一。  相似文献   

广州市工业挥发性有机物排放特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着工业经济的高速发展,广州市大气环境面临的压力日益增大,尤其是挥发性有机物( VOCs),可经过复杂的大气化学反应,引起一系列严重的空气质量问题.以源头追溯的方法,将该区域工业相关的33个VOCs排放源按照物质流动过程分为4个环节,分析了其排放特征.结果表明,2008年VOCs排放总量为182 362.7 t,各环节的贡献率分别为:VOCs的生产环节34.5%、储存和运输环节18.4%、以VOCs为原料的工艺环节9.9%、VOCs产品的使用和排放环节37.2%;污染主要来自石油炼制与石油化工、油品储运、交通运输设备制造与维修等,前12大污染源的VOCs排放量共占2008年排放总量的87.3%.2006-2008年的VOCs排放总量均超过15万t,且呈逐年增长的趋势.该研究可为“十二五”期间珠三角VOCs污染物联防联治工作提供借鉴.  相似文献   

根据2012年长株潭区域生物质产量及露天焚烧数据,结合排放因子,估算了长株潭区域生物质开放燃烧所排放的大气污染物量,建立了2012年长株潭区域生物质开放燃烧大气污染物排放清单。结果表明,2012年长株潭区域生物质开放燃烧源SO_2、NO_X、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、挥发性有机物(VOCs)、CO、元素碳(EC)、有机碳(OC)排放量分别为783.48、4 248.00、10 325.94、10 117.29、6 882.92、76 002.99、816.09、3 478.28t。秸秆露天焚烧大气污染物排放量在7、10月形成2个峰值,森林火灾集中出现在夏、秋季。生物质开放燃烧污染物排放量最大的县区为长沙市宁乡县,其次为湘潭市湘潭县和长沙市浏阳县。在长株潭中心区域(长沙市开福区、湘潭市岳塘区、株洲市石峰区、荷塘区和芦淞区等城市区域)形成一片污染物排放量较小的区域。采用蒙特卡罗法,计算得到区域秸秆露天焚烧源和森林火灾大气污染物排放量95%置信区间的不确定性分别为-84%~168%、-83%~176%。通过定量模拟得到秸秆露天焚烧PM2.5排放量概率密度函数呈对数正态分布。以PM2.5为代表污染物,对其排放量的不确定性贡献率最大的是露天焚烧比例,燃烧效率、水稻产量、水稻草谷比等也是不确定性的重要来源。  相似文献   

建立了2017年嘉兴市人为源大气污染物排放清单。结果发现,SO_2、NO_x、CO、挥发性有机物(VOCs)、NH_3、总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、黑碳(BC)和有机碳(OC)排放总量分别为15 224、60 663、102 600、93 256、26 266、118 923、70 367、19 024、941、1 622t。SO_2的最大排放源是化石燃料固定燃烧源中的电力供热;NO_x的最大排放源是移动源中的柴油车;CO的最大排放源是移动源中的汽油车;VOCs的最大排放源是工艺过程源中的石油化工;NH_3的最大排放源是农业源中的氮肥施用;TSP的最大排放源是扬尘源中的道路扬尘;PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)的最大排放源是工艺过程源中的水泥生产;BC的最大排放源是移动源中的柴油车;OC的最大排放源是餐饮油烟源中的餐饮油烟。对于大气污染中普遍关注的6种污染物,SO_2、NO_x、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)和VOCs排放的重点源主要集中在各县(市、区)的工业园区或工业集聚区,而NH_3的排放空间分布相对比较分散。  相似文献   

钢铁行业氮氧化物控制技术及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2007年第一次全国污染源普查数据,钢铁行业氮氧化物排放量已达81.74万t,约占全国总排放量的4.55%,是继火力发电、机动车、水泥工业后第四大氮氧化物排放源.针对中国重要氮氧化物来源——钢铁工业的氮氧化物生成机制,排放节点及特征,国内外控制技术现状开展综述研究.研究表明,钢铁工业中的氮氧化物的产生以高温型为主.烧结、焦化、炼铁、炼钢、轧钢等过程为主要的氮氧化物排放源.收集并整理了国外在钢铁各工序上的主要氮氧化物控制技术及其在国内的应用状况.在回顾中国钢铁大气污染物控制历程的基础上,提出了中国钢铁行业氮氧化物控制的对策建议.  相似文献   

采用大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)在线监测系统对成都市冬季重污染过程的VOCs进行了连续在线观测,用正交矩阵因子分解(PMF)模型开展了VOCs源解析工作,并对重污染成因进行了分析。结果表明:观测期间成都市总VOCs(TVOCs)体积分数为21.83×10~(-9)~183.59×10~(-9),平均值为54.17×10~(-9),TVOCs中烷烃浓度最高,其次为炔烃、烯烃、芳香烃和卤代烃;成都市主要VOCs污染源为机动车排放源、液化石油气燃烧排放源、工业源、生物质燃烧源和溶剂使用源,贡献率分别为34.15%、21.57%、19.08%、15.19%、10.02%;边界层压缩和静风条件可能是导致VOCs和PM2.5浓度增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

我国氮氧化物排放因子的修正和排放量计算:2000年   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据我国城市的发展状况 ,采用城市分类的方法 ,将我国 2 6 1个地级市按照人口数量分为 5个类别。每类城市选取一个典型城市进行实地调查 ,对我国燃烧锅炉和机动车的NOx 的排放因子进行了修正 ,提出了适合我国目前排放水平的各类城市的固定源和移动源的排放因子。并依据 2 0 0 0年中国大陆地区的电站锅炉、工业锅炉和民用炉具的燃料消耗量和机动车保有量 ,以地级市为基本单位 ,估算了 2 0 0 0年我国各地区的NOx 排放量 ,分析了分地区、分行业、分燃料类型的NOx 排放特征。 2 0 0 0年我国NOx 排放总量为 11.12Mt,其中固定源占 6 0 .8% ;移动源占 39.2 %。NOx 排放在地域、行业和燃料类型上分布均不平衡。NOx 的排放主要集中在华东和华北地区 ,其排放量占全国排放量的一半以上。燃煤为最重要的NOx 排放源 ,其排放量占燃料型NOx 排放量的 72 .3%左右。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to identify, characterize, and quantify the national particulate air pollution problem from stationary sources. Particulate emissions from stationary sources were determined from data on emission factors, grain loadings, and material balances. The principal method used for establishing the tonnage emitted by an industry utilized uncontrolled emission factors. Total tonnage emitted by a given industry was calculated from four quantities: (1) an emission factor for the uncontrolled source; (2) the total tonnage processed per year by the industry; (3) the efficiency of control equipment used; and (4) the percentage of production capacity equipped with control devices.

Particulate emissions from stationary sources in the United States currently total approximately 18 X 106 ton/yr. The major stationary sources of particulates include electric power generation plants, the crushed stone industry, the forest products industry, agriculture and related operations, the cement industry, and the iron and steel industry.

Three methods were developed to project the total quantity of particulate pollutants emitted up to the year 2000. In making these forecasts, these factors were considered (1) changes in production capacity; (2) improvements in control devices; and (3) regulatory action to enforce installation of control equipment.

These forecasts indicate that particulate emissions can be reduced from the current level of 18 X 106 ton/yr to 3 X 106 ton/yr by 2000 based on the most optimistic forecast. The projections also suggest that major reductions of particulate matter will most likely occur by installation of control equipment on uncontrolled sources and by shifts to more efficient types of collection equipment on existing controlled sources.  相似文献   

Air emissions from gas-fired combustion devices such as boilers, process heaters, gas turbines and stationary reciprocating engines contain hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) subjected to consideration under the federal clean air act (CAA). This work presents a recently completed major research project to develop an understanding of HAP emissions from gas-fired boilers and process heaters and new HAP emission factors based on field emission tests of gas-fired external combustion devices used in the petroleum industry. The effect of combustion system design and operating parameters on HAP emissions determined by both field and research tests are discussed. Data from field tests of gas-fired petroleum industry boilers and heaters generally show very low emission levels of organic HAPs. A comparison of the emission data for boilers and process heaters, including units with and without various forms of NOx emission controls, showed no significant difference in organic HAP emission characteristics due to process or burner design. This conclusion is also supported by the results of research tests with different burner designs. Based on field tests of units fired with natural gas and various petroleum industry process gases and research tests in which gas composition was intentionally varied, organic HAP emissions were not determined to be significantly affected by the gas composition. Research data indicate that elevated organic HAP emission levels are found only under extreme operating conditions (starved air or high excess air combustion) associated with poor combustion.  相似文献   

Dairies are believed to be a major source of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in Central California, but few studies have characterized VOC emissions from these facilities. In this work, samples were collected from six sources of VOCs (Silage, Total Mixed Rations, Lagoons, Flushing Lanes, Open Lots and Bedding) at six dairies in Central California during 2006–2007 using emission isolation flux chambers and polished stainless steel canisters. Samples were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and gas chromatography/flame ionization detection. Forty-eight VOCs were identified and quantified in the samples, including alcohols, carbonyls, alkanes and aromatics. Silage and Total Mixed Rations are the dominant sources of VOCs tested, with ethanol as the major VOC present. Emissions from the remaining sources are two to three orders of magnitude smaller, with carbonyls and aromatics as the main components. The data suggest that animal feed rather than animal waste are the main source of non-enteric VOC emissions from dairies.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the current state of knowledge regarding sources of mercury emission in Poland. Due to the large quantities of coal burned at present, as well as taking into account existing reserves, coal remains the main energy source of energy in Poland. The data on coal consumption in Poland in the past, at present and in the future are discussed in the paper. Information on the content of mercury in Polish coals is presented.Coal combustion processes for electricity and heat production are the main source of anthropogenic mercury emission in Poland. It is expected that the current emissions will decrease in the future due to implementation of efficient control measures. These measures for emission reduction are described in the paper. Results of estimated mercury emission from coal-fired power station situated in the Upper Silesia Region, Poland are investigated. A relationship between mercury emission to the air and the mercury content in the consumed coal in power station equipped with the electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) is discussed.  相似文献   

Mercury emissions concentrations, emission factors, and the total national emission from major anthropogenic sources in Korea for the year 2007 were estimated. Uncontrolled and controlled mercury emission factors and the total emission from each source types are presented. The annual national mercury emission from major anthropogenic sources for the year 2007, on average was 12.8 ton which ranged from 6.5 to 20.2 ton. Averaged emissions of elemental, oxidized, and particulate mercury were estimated at 8.25 ton, 3.69 ton, and 0.87 ton, respectively. Due to the removal of a major portion of particulate and oxidized mercury species, elemental mercury was dominant in stack emission. About 54.8% of mercury emission was contributed by industrial sources, 45.0% by stationary combustion sources and 0.02% by mobile sources. Thermal power plants, oil refineries, cement kilns and incinerators (municipal, industrial, medical, sewage sludge) were the major mercury emitters, contributing about 26%, 25%, 21% and 20%, respectively to the total mercury emission. Other sources (crematory, pulp and paper manufacturing, nonferrous metals manufacturing, glass manufacturing) contributed about 8% of the total emission. Priority should be given in controlling mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants, oil refineries, cement kilns and waste incinerators. More measurements including natural and re-emission sources are to be carried out in the future in order to have a clear scenario of mercury emission from the country and to apply effective control measures.  相似文献   

Here we show that combustion sources, including waste incinerators, metallurgical processes, power-heating systems and so on, are also important emitters of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) to the atmosphere. Geometric mean PBDE concentrations in the stack flue gases of the combustion sources ranged from 8.07 to 469 ng/Nm3. The sinter plants (24.7 mg/h), electric arc furnaces (EAFs) (11.3 mg/h) and power plants (50.8 mg/h) possessed the largest PBDE emission rates, which were several orders higher than those of the other reported sources. The occurrences of the PBDEs in the flue gases of the power plants and vehicles, as well as their PBDE concentrations statistically highly correlated with combustion-originated PCDD/Fs, revealing that PBDEs should be the products of combustion. The ranking of major PBDE emission sources in Taiwanese PBDE inventory for combustion sources was power plants (30.85 kg/year), vehicles (14.9 kg/year) and metallurgical processes (5.88 kg/year).  相似文献   

The first reports that it is possible to emit dioxins from the heat and power generation sector are from the beginning of the 1980s. Detailed research proved that the emission of dioxins might occur during combustion of hard coal, brown coal, and furnace oil as well as coke-oven gas. The emission of dioxins occurs in wood incineration; wood that is clean and understood as biomass; or, in particular, wood waste (polluted). This paper thoroughly discusses the mechanism of dioxin formation in thermal processes, first and foremost in combustion processes. The parameters influencing the quantity of dioxins formed and the dependence of their quantity on the conditions of combustion are highlighted. Furthermore, the methods of reducing dioxin emissions from combustion processes (primary and secondary) are discussed. The most efficacious methods that may find application in the heat and power generation sector are proposed; this is relevant from the point of view of the implementation of the Stockholm Convention resolutions in Poland with regard to persistent organic pollutants.  相似文献   

分析了机动车尾气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的排放特征,发现尾气VOCs排放具有明显的日变化和季节变化特征。不同区域不同车型机动车尾气VOCs成分谱略有差异,轻型汽油车尾气VOCs中芳香烃和烷烃含量较高,柴油车烷烃含量较高。尾气排放受机动车保有量、行驶里程、维护保养水平、行驶速度和燃油标准、排放标准等因素影响。从优先控制汽油车、加快机动车更新、采取本地化减排措施、加强多元管理措施、提高科研水平等方面提出了针对性的减排措施。  相似文献   

The results of an assessment study of both industrial and non-industrial dioxin and furan (PCDD/Fs) emissions in the Lombardy Region (Italy) are outlined below. The main data source refer to 1997, and are compiled from the Lombardy Emissions Inventory (developed under the framework of the Regional Air Quality Plan) together with documented emissions factors available. Due to the uncertain nature of the emissions assessment, results are provided as a most probable value within a given range. Total PCDD/Fs emissions in Lombardy average 33 g I-TEQ y(-1), ranging from minimum 13 g I-TEQ y(-1) to maximum 88 g I-TEQ y(-1). The main PCDD/Fs sources are waste incineration, electric arc furnace for steel production, vehicle diesel combustion and residential wood combustion. Incineration emission factors are expected to decrease over the period 2005-2010, in compliance with legal requirements. This will prioritize control over the remaining main PCDD/Fs contributors. Due to limited information available concerning this data, the accuracy of which is uncertain, further research is needed to evaluate the future role of these sources.  相似文献   

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