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Cu2+、Zn2+对生物脱氮系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cu2+和Zn2+是污水处理工艺中经常遇到的金属离子。在驯化好的活性污泥系统中,研究了金属离子Cu2+和Zn2+在0~100 mg/L浓度下对活性污泥生物脱氮系统的影响。试验发现Cu2+>5 mg/L、Zn2+>30 mg/L时,对硝化过程具有明显的抑制作用,在同样浓度的试验条件下Cu2+对硝化过程的抑制作用比Zn2+大。Cu2+≤0.5 mg/L时对反硝化过程具有一定的促进作用,有助于提高TN的去除效果;Cu2+>0.5 mg/L时,对反硝化产生抑制作用,随着浓度的增加,TN去除率逐渐下降。Zn2+不影响反硝化过程,仅在大于30 mg/L时,对硝化过程产生抑制作用。重金属Cu2+对生物脱氮系统的影响明显强于Zn2+。  相似文献   

Cu^2+和Zn^2+是污水处理工艺中经常遇到的金属离子。在驯化好的活性污泥系统中,研究了金属离子Cu^2+和Zn^2+在0~100mg/L浓度下对活性污泥生物脱氮系统的影响。试验发现Cu^2+>5mg/L、Zn^2+>30mg/L时,对硝化过程具有明显的抑制作用,在同样浓度的试验条件下cu“对硝化过程的抑制作用比Zn^2+大。Cu^2+≤0.5mg/L时对反硝化过程具有一定的促进作用,有助于提高TN的去除效果;Cu^2+>0.5mg/L时,对反硝化产生抑制作用,随着浓度的增加,TN去除率逐渐下降。Zn^2+不影响反硝化过程,仅在大于30mg/L时,对硝化过程产生抑制作用。重金属Cu^2+对生物脱氮系统的影响明显强于Zn^2+。  相似文献   

通过批次试验,研究苯酚与活性污泥缺氧和好氧接触对微生物硝化和反硝化作用的影响。结果表明:(1)苯酚对缺氧2h后的活性污泥硝化有抑制作用,且苯酚浓度越高,抑制作用越强。当苯酚浓度较低时对自养菌的最大比氨氧化速率(AUR)的抑制作用能用竞争性抑制Monod方程拟合,半数抑制质量浓度(IC50)为19.2mg/L。(2)苯酚对直接曝气的活性污泥比对缺氧接触2h后再曝气的活性污泥的硝化抑制作用更强,当苯酚从0mg/L增加到10.0mg/L,AUR由2.51mg/(L·h)降至0.36mg/(L·h),且在10.0mg/L时,硝化抑制率(IR)高达85.7%。(3)苯酚的抑制效应随着缺氧时间延长而逐渐降低。当苯酚为10.0mg/L时,直接曝气的活性污泥受到的硝化抑制最强,IR为85.8%,并在缺氧4h后IR降为0。(4)当碳源充足时,活性污泥的反硝化菌对苯酚的耐受力较强,苯酚对活性污泥的反硝化过程没有影响,微生物的反硝化速率(NUR)维持在5.279~5.308mmol/(mg·h)。  相似文献   

针对上海提高新排放标准中总氮(TN)≤35 mg/L的要求,对焦化废水进行了脱氮研究。选取现场缺氧-好氧-好氧(A-O-O)工艺中前两段的A-O生化沉淀池1出水,在SBR内进行反硝化脱氮实验,考察葡萄糖、葡萄糖+乙酸钠、甲醇和甲醇+乙酸钠单一或复合碳源及投加反硝化菌种对脱氮的影响,确定最佳碳源为甲醇+乙酸钠,最佳反硝化水力停留时间为16 h。当反硝化菌液投加浓度为1 mg/L时,SBR出水TN满足达标排放要求。结合实验结果对宝钢焦化废水原有AO-O工艺改造升级为A-O-A-O二段脱氮工艺,并对生化出水实施进一步的物化混凝处理。改造后,工艺长期运行稳定,最终出水完全达到上海市污水综合排放标准(DB 31/199-2009)TN≤35 mg/L的要求,并满足氰化物、氟化物以及COD的排放要求。  相似文献   

针对低氨氮废水单级自养脱氮工艺(SNAP)系统的构建需要接种特殊种源且工程应用复杂的问题,采用生物亲和性好的天然椰丝纤维为填料,开展了低氨氮废水SNAP系统自然挂膜构建实验,考察了进水COD/TN对系统脱氮效能及脱氮路径的影响.结果 表明:在温度为(30±1)℃、进水氮负荷为0.1 kg·(m3·d)-1时,采用自然挂膜以及进水NH4+-N质量浓度梯度递减(由(100±3) mg·L-1降至(50±2) mg·L-1)的运行方式,经过85 d的运行,初步构建出低氨氮废水SNAP系统;该系统NH4+-N和TN去除率分别为94.58%和70.07%;系统脱氮功能菌属主要有Nitrosomonas、Candidatus Brocadia.此外,进水COD/TN对系统脱氮效能及脱氮路径影响显著.当进水COD/TN分别为0、0.2、0.5、1、2时,系统TN平均去除率分别为70.07%、72.09%、75.18%、82.19%、62.19%;对于低氨氮废水,当COD/TN≤0.2时,系统主要脱氮路径为厌氧氨氧化;当COD/TN为0.5~1.5时,系统脱氮路径以短程硝化反硝化为主,厌氧氨氧化为辅;当COD/TN≥2时,系统通过短程硝化反硝化、厌氧氨氧化路径脱氮能力进一步降低.  相似文献   

针对污水处理厂冬季反硝化脱氮效率不佳的问题,以常州市某污水处理厂A~2/O工艺为研究对象,模拟探讨了不同外加碳源、碳源投加量、溶解氧(DO)和硝态氮浓度对生物处理系统反硝化脱氮能力的影响。结果表明,外加有机碳源对系统的反硝化效能有明显的强化效果。3种外加有机碳源(乙酸、乙醇和乙酸钠)中,乙酸为最佳碳源。当乙酸投加量为40mg/L时,系统反硝化脱氮效率最高,比反硝化速率可达1.964mg/(g·h),反硝化碳耗最少,为7.14 mg/mg。DO与比反硝化速率成反比,DO≤0.20mg/L时,反硝化能力最强。硝态氮初始质量浓度为20mg/L左右时,反硝化能力最强。在实际工程应用中,可以通过提高硝化效果或直接调整回流比实现反硝化脱氮最优条件,将有助于提高系统的冬季脱氮效果。  相似文献   

同步硝化反硝化工艺中DO浓度对N2O产生量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用序批式生物膜反应器(SBBR),在连续曝气全程好氧的运行条件下,考察不同溶解氧浓度对同步硝化反硝化脱氮性能及N2O产量的影响.控制溶解氧浓度恒定在1、2、2.5和3 mg/L.结果表明,DO为2 mg/L和2.5 mg/L时,氨氮去除率分别为97.9%和98.5%,同步硝化反硝化率均为99%.DO为2 mg/L时,...  相似文献   

一体化A/O生物膜反应器脱氮特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用新型的一体化A/O生物膜反应器,对生活污水进行脱氮处理实验.研究了溶解氧(DO)质量浓度对硝化和反硝化作用的影响,并对反应器的脱氮特性和降解机理进行了探讨.结果表明:DO对一体化A/O反应器脱氮影响较大,随着好氧区DO的增加,NH3-N和TN的去除率相应增加.当DO为2~4 mg/L时,发生同步硝化反硝化作用,NH...  相似文献   

碱度指示MBR中同步硝化反硝化的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在连续的操作环境下,通过改变在膜生物反应器(MBR)中的C/N和曝气量,研究碱度对同步硝化反硝化脱氮效果的指示作用。结果发现,在反硝化完全的情况下,出水碱度(330~440 mg/L)在硝化过程中较高并与出水TN表现出好的线性关系(Alk=3.22[N]+333.08,R2=0.85);在硝化完全的情况下,出水碱度(60~280 mg/L)在反硝化过程中较低并与出水TN也有很好的线性关系(Alk=-4.93[N]+317.86,R2=0.89)。实际消耗的碱度可以作为另一个指示因子(ΔAlkexper),实际消耗的碱度随出水的NH4+-N浓度升高而降低(ΔAlkexper=-3.85[N]+149.11,R2=0.88,出水NO3--N4.5 mg/L);实际消耗的碱度随出水的NO3--N浓度升高而升高(ΔAlkexper=3.68[N]+161.11,R2=0.88,出水NH4+-N5.5 mg/L)。虽然pH的变化有一定的规律,但是对SND脱氮效果指示不灵敏。  相似文献   

采用序批式生物膜反应器(SBBR),在连续曝气全程好氧的运行条件下,考察不同溶解氧浓度对同步硝化反硝化脱氮性能及N2O产量的影响。控制溶解氧浓度恒定在1、2、2.5和3 mg/L。结果表明,DO为2 mg/L和2.5 mg/L时,氨氮去除率分别为97.9%和98.5%,同步硝化反硝化率均为99%。DO为2 mg/L时,系统中N2O产生量最低,为0.423 mg/L,占氨氮去除量的1.4%;DO为3 mg/L时N2O的产生量最高,为2.01 mg/L,是DO为2 mg/L时的4.75倍。系统中亚硝酸盐的存在可能是高溶解氧条件下N2O产量增加的主要原因,同步过程中没有NOx-的积累即稳定的SND系统有利于降低生物脱氮过程中N2O的产生量。  相似文献   

So LM  Chu LM  Wong PK 《Chemosphere》2003,52(9):1499-1503
Bacteria resistant to Cu2+, Ni2+ or Zn2+ were isolated from the rhizosphere of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.)) and their metal ion removal capacities (RCs) were determined. The Ni2+ and Zn2+ RCs of the respective metal ion-resistant bacteria were less than 4.1 mg g(-1), while one of the Cu2+-resistant bacteria (Strain CU-1) showed a significant high Cu2+ RC of 10.6 mg g(-1). The effect of inoculating water hyacinth with Strain CU-1 on its Cu2+ RC was further studied. Water hyacinths were treated with an antibiotic, oxytetracycline (OTC), to remove most rhizospheric bacteria of plant roots. Inoculation of Strain CU-1 increased the Cu2+ RC of the plant root by 1.91 (OTC-treated) and 1.56 (OTC-untreated) folds respectively when compared with the control. Results also showed that Strain CU-1 colonized onto the plant root and led to the increase of Cu2+ RC of the roots of water hyacinth.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of elevated concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in a soil treated with biosolids previously spiked with these metals on Pinus radiata during a 312-day glasshouse pot trial. The total soil metal concentrations in the treatments were 16, 48, 146 and 232 mg Cu/kg or 36, 141, 430 and 668 mg Zn/kg. Increased total soil Cu concentration increased the soil solution Cu concentration (0.03–0.54 mg/L) but had no effect on leaf and root dry matter production. Increased total soil Zn concentration also increased the soil solution Zn concentration (0.9–362 mg/L). Decreased leaf and root dry matter were recorded above the total soil Zn concentration of 141 mg/kg (soil solution Zn concentration, >4.4 mg/L). A lower percentage of Cu in the soil soluble?+?exchangeable fraction (5–12 %) and lower Cu2+ concentration in soil solution (0.001–0.06 μM) relative to Zn (soil soluble?+?exchangeable fraction, 12–66 %; soil solution Zn2+ concentration, 4.5–4,419 μM) indicated lower bioavailability of Cu. Soil dehydrogenase activity decreased with every successive level of Cu and Zn applied, but the reduction was higher for Zn than for Cu addition. Dehydrogenase activity was reduced by 40 % (EC40) at the total solution-phase and solid-phase soluble?+?exchangeable Cu concentrations of 0.5 mg/L and 14.5 mg/kg, respectively. For Zn the corresponding EC50 were 9 mg/L and 55 mg/kg, respectively. Based on our findings, we propose that current New Zealand soil guidelines values for Cu and Zn (100 mg/kg for Cu; 300 mg/kg for Zn) should be revised downwards based on apparent toxicity to soil biological activity (Cu and Zn) and radiata pine (Zn only) at the threshold concentration.  相似文献   

研究一种新型吸附菌剂Dyella ginsengisoli LA-4(以下简称菌株LA-4)对Cu2+的吸附特性及其动力学,并利用表面响应法优化菌株LA-4对Cu2+的吸附条件.结果表明:(1)菌株LA-4的接种量、pH对Cu2+的吸附有重要的影响.(2)根据表面响应法 优化模型预测出菌株LA-4吸附Cu2+的最...  相似文献   

采用自制木粉/壳聚糖接枝丙烯酸-丙烯酰胺吸附树脂R1、R2、R3对二元金属离子Cu2+/Pb2+和Zn2+/Pb2+溶液中的吸附性能进行了较系统考察。Pb2+离子溶液中存在竞争离子Cu2+、Zn2+时,随竞争离子浓度增加,3种吸附树脂R1、R2、R3对Pb2+的吸附量明显下降,而竞争离子吸附量显著增加。二元溶液中各金属离子浓度相同时,3种树脂对竞争离子Cu2+、Zn2+的吸附量大于对Pb2+的吸附量;各溶液中分别加入NaCl及NaNO3、尿素后,对Pb2+离子的吸附量下降迅速。随吸附树脂用量增加,竞争离子Cu2+、Zn2+的吸附量逐渐减小,Pb2+的吸附量在吸附树脂用量0.10 g/L(Zn2+/Pb2+溶液)或0.15 g/L(Cu2+/Pb2+溶液)时出现最大值。溶液pH值对树脂吸附性能有显著影响。3.0  相似文献   

To evaluate the environmental risks of irrigating crops with treated wastewater, a study was undertaken to quantify heavy metal uptake by 4-week old buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum L.) plants during 18 days of irrigation with 8 different Cu and Zn solutions under two transpiration rates (TR). At 4 weeks, potted buckwheat plants were transferred into one of the two growth chambers, offering either a high or low vapour pressure deficit (VDP) for, respectively, a high or low TR. Triplicate pots received one of the 8 irrigation treatments containing one of two Zn levels (0 and 25 mg/L) combined with one of four Cu levels (0, 5, 10 and 15 mg/L). Daily TR were measured by weighing the evapo-transpired water lost from the planted pot, less was the evaporation loss measured from triplicate non-planted pots. After 0, 6, 12 and 18 days of treatment, the stems and leaves of three randomly selected plants were harvested and after 18 days, the roots were harvested to determine Cu and Zn uptake. The treatments did not affect TR in terms of dry plant mass, indicating the absence of toxic effects. Irrigating with Zn, without Cu, increased dry biomass production, whereas the lowest biomass occurred with 15 and 30 mg/L of Cu with and without 25 mg/L of Zn, respectively, because higher applications of heavy metal significantly reduced soil pH. Plant Cu and Zn uptake increased with TR. With higher levels of Cu, Zn uptake by buckwheat was significantly reduced, while Zn had a slight but non-significant impact on Cu uptake. Previously and in a study exposing wheat plants to the same conditions, Cu significantly increased Zn uptake, while Zn had a slight but insignificant negative effect on Cu uptake. The buckwheat roots contained the greatest levels of Cu and Zn, indicating their role in moderating heavy metal uptake. Also, both Cu and Zn had a synergetic effect on each other in terms of root levels, and a similar observation was made in the earlier similar experiment using wheat plants. Irrigating a buckwheat crop with treated wastewater, with more natural Cu and Zn levels of 0.08 mg/L, could be quite beneficial without endangering the quality of the crop and acidifying the soil pH. The most concentrated experimental solutions contained 300 times more Cu and Zn, to obtain measurable differences.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIMS AND SCOPE: Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] cannot react with either carbonate or hydroxide to form chromium precipitates. However, by using a precipitation technology to treat plating wastewater containing Cr(VI), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II), approximately 78% of Cr(VI) (initial 60 mg/L) was co-removed with the precipitation of Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) (each 150 mg/L) by dosing with Na2CO3 (Sun 2003). Direct precipitation by forming Cu(II)-Cr(VI) precipitates followed by adsorption of Cr(VI) onto freshly formed Cu-precipitates was subsequently found to be the main mechanism(s) involved in Cr(VI) co-removal with Cu(II) precipitation by dosing Na2CO3 stepwise to various pH values (Sun et al. 2003). This study was. carried out to further characterize the formation of primary precipitates during the early stages of copper precipitation and simultaneous removal of Cr(VI) with Cu(II). METHODS: Test metal-solutions were prepared with industrial grade chemicals: CuCl2 x 2H2O, Na2SO4 and K2Cr2207. NaCO3 was added drop-wise to synthetic metal-solution to progressively increase pH. For each pH increment, removal of soluble metals was detected by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) and surface morphology of precipitates was analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). To further characterize the formation of primary precipitates, a series of MINEQL+ thermodynamic calculations/analyses and equilibrium calculations/ analyses were conducted. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: MINEQL+ thermodynamic calculation indicated that, for a system containing 150 mg/L Cu(II) and 60 mg/L Cr(VI) with gradual Na2CO3 dosing, if any precipitates can be formed at pH 5.0 or lower, it should be in the form of CuCrO4. Comparison tests using systems containing the same equivalent of Cu(II) plus Cr(VI) and Cu(II) plus SO4(2-) showed that the precipitation occurred at a pH of around 5.0 in the Cu(II)-Cr(VI) system and around 6.0 in the Cu(II)-SO4(2-) system. The discrepancy of the precipitation was indeed caused by the formation of Cu-Cr precipitates. The initiation of copper removal at pH around 5.0 for the Cu-Cr co-removal test was not attributable to the formation of Cu-CO3 precipitates, instead, it was most likely through the formation of insoluble Cu-Cr precipitates, such as CuCrO4 and CuCrO4 x 2Cu(OH)2. Experimental tests, equilibrium calculations, MINEQL+ thermodynamic calculations and surface morphologies for systems using higher concentrations of Cu(II) and Cr(VI) further verified the most probable composition of primary precipitates is copper-chromate. CONCLUSION: In the Cu-Cr co-removal test with Na2O3 dosing to increase pH and induce metal precipitation, copper-chromate precipitates are the primary precipitates produced and contribute to the initial simultaneous removal of copper and chromium.  相似文献   

Bioleaching processes have been demonstrated to be effective technologies in removing heavy metals from wastewater sludge, but long hydraulic retention times are typically required to operate these bioprocesses. A hybrid process (coupling biological and chemical processes) has been explored in laboratory pilot-scale experiments for heavy metals (cadmium [Cd], copper [Cu], chromium [Cr], and zinc [Zn]) removal from three types of sludge (primary sludge, secondary activated sludge, and a mixture of primary and secondary sludge). The hybrid process consisted of producing a concentrate ferric ion solution followed by chemical treatment of sludges. Ferric iron solution was produced biologically via oxidation of ferrous iron by A. ferrooxidans in a continuous-flow stirred tank (5.2 L) reactor (CSTR). Wastewater sludge filtrate (WSF) containing nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) has been used as culture media to support the growth and activity of indigenous iron-oxidizing bacteria. Results showed that total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations of the culture media in excess of 235 mg/L were found to be inhibitory to bacterial growth. The oxidation rate increased as ferrous iron concentrations ranged from 10 to 40 g Fe2+/L. The percentage of ferrous iron (Fe2+) oxidized to ferric iron (Fe3+) increased as the hydraulic retention time (HRT) increased from 12 to 48 h. Successful and complete Fe2+ oxidation was recorded at a HRT of 48 h using 10 g Fe2+/L. Subsequently, ferric ion solution produced by A. ferrooxidans in sludge filtrate was used to solubilize heavy metals contained in wastewater sludge. The best solubilization was obtained with a mixture of primary and secondary sludge, demonstrating a removal efficiency of 63, 71, 49, and 80% for Cd, Cu, Cr, and Zn, respectively.  相似文献   

采用微电解生物法组合工艺处理含铬电镀废水,在实验过程中,电镀废水中的重金属离子通过微电解法预处理可去除90%以上,剩余部分被后续工艺的微生物功能菌去除。实验结果表明对Cr6+含量为50mg/L,Cu2+含量为15mg/L,Ni2+含量为10mg/L的废水,经处理后,重金属离子的净化率达999%,且无二次污染。  相似文献   

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