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为了积极响应浙江省委、省政府“创建生态省 ,打造‘绿色浙江’”的号召 ,浙江移动通信有限责任公司于 2 0 0 3年 6月 11日举行“移动绿色精品网络响应行动”新闻发布会。会上 ,浙江移动向省环保局递交了“响应书”,并与国家环保总局辐射监测技术中心签署了辐射环境合作协议书 ,将对全省移动基站辐射环境进行全面检测和评价。10年来 ,浙江移动在打造绿色精品网络方面已取得了可喜的成果 ,得到了社会各界的认可。该公司负责人表示将以此次行动为契机 ,继续围绕“绿色网络 ,放心消费”服务观 ,争创绿色精品网络示范企业 ,在如何处理好“人”、…  相似文献   

详细阐述了农村轮窑产生的氟气,对蔬菜和土壤的影响,对大气中氟含量、蔬菜叶片及果实含氟量和土壤含氟量与距源强距离的关系进行了研究,指出蔬菜中的氟主要来自大气中氟污染,轮窑下风向不同距离的范围适宜种植不同种类的蔬菜。  相似文献   

介绍了自动监控网络系统的组成功能和特点,并结合实际工作的应用,阐述了现代化监控系统在环境监察管理中的作用,同时论述了运用现代化监控网络提高环境监察效能的重要性与必要性。  相似文献   

论县级市环境应急监测的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境污染突发事件的发生,其影响广,危害大,迫切需要该地的环境监测部门迅速反应,进行快速监测,并报出监测结果,为污染物的控制提供科学依据。因此对环境应急监测的管理就显得非常重要,不仅要对技术人员进行培训,还要准备仪器设备;不仅要准备应急监测预案,还要准备查询、应用工具,包括查询应用软件,只有进行充分的环境应急监测管理,才能有效地进行环境应急监测响应,为污染物应急控制决策、保护环境质量、保护人民的生命财产安全作出贡献。  相似文献   

应用自制电化学反应器对废水中苯酚的电催化氧化处理进行了研究,实验了阳极材料、电流密度、电解时间、电极间距离、废水pH值、废水电导率等对苯酚电解去除效果的影响,确定了最佳的处理条件。在电流密度为30mA/cm^2,电解时间为80min,电极间距离为2cm,废水pH值在7~8之间,废水电导率为1100μs/cm的处理条件下,苯酚的电解处理去除率可达97%以上。利用TOC测定仪、紫外光谱和红外光谱等仪,器分析的方法对苯酚降解过程中的产物进行了分析。  相似文献   

基于BP网络的水质综合评价模型及其应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
讨论了BP网络模型存在的不足及建模条件,提出了建立合理的BP网络模型的基本原则和步骤。针对水质评价问题,通过在各类水质污染指标浓度区间内生成随机分布样本的方法,组成足够多用于BP网络训练、检验和测试用的样本,建立了辽河水质综合评价的BP网络模型;给出了区分不同类别水质的模型分界值样本和模型输出分界值。  相似文献   

淮安湿地现状调查和可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从2004-2006年上半年以来,对淮安市的湿地现状进行了调查,并对其功能、效益进行了分析,指出了淮安市湿地保护存在的问题,同时强调必须要运用宣传教育、科学规划、统筹兼顾、协调管理、加大投入等手段来保护生物多样性,实现环境、经济、社会效益的可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过对环保系统资源业务网络建设现状及需求分析 ,提出了在政府网平台上架构 VPN,构筑环保资源业务网络。随着省、地、县三级政府网络建成贯通 ,通过在政府网平台上架构 VPN,构筑环保系统资源业务网络是切实可行的 ,因为它符合环保系统经济承受能力 ,满足了环保网络应用的带宽需求 ,解决了涉密内容的传输问题 ,避免了网络的重复建设。  相似文献   

为有效防控城市大气环境污染,以CALPUFF模型为核心构建了NO_2剩余大气环境容量定量测算方法。在分析了CALPUFF模型适用性的基础上应用于合肥市,并进行排放源布局优化。结果表明,污染源对控制点的影响主要受距离和风向的影响,距离越近,并且处于主导风向下风向的地区,受源排放的影响越大。由于合肥市主要盛行东风,因此合肥市东部不宜设置污染源,在工业园区规划时应避免;相对来说西南方向新增污染源对合肥市的总体影响较小。目前,调整后合肥市NO_2剩余大气环境容量约为3.58万t/a,并且正在逐年减小。  相似文献   

等离子体与光催化复合技术净化污水处理泵站臭气   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用一种等离子体-光催化复合技术净化污水处理泵站臭气,研究表明该复合技术具有较显著的协同促进效应,通过改变等离子体发生单元与光催化单元的距离以及在两者之间放置去静电网,可消除等离子体单元产生的负电荷对光催化单元的不利影响,进一步提高其复合效应。同时还对这一复合技术产生协同效应的机理进行了分析,并在污水处理泵站实地考查了这种复合技术对臭气的净化效果。该技术对臭气中NH3的降解率可达46.1%,对H2S的降解率可达67.3%。  相似文献   

Beier C  Moldan F  Wright RF 《Ambio》2003,32(4):275-282
The reduced emissions of acidifying sulfur and nitrogen in Europe since the late 1970s will be further reduced when the Gothenburg protocol is fully implemented by 2010. Here we address the consequences for the recovery of acidified terrestrial ecosystems using the acidification model MAGIC applied to 3 large-scale "clean rain" experiments, the so-called roof experiments at Risdalsheia, Norway; G?rdsj?n, Sweden, and Klosterhede, Denmark. Implementation of the Gothenburg protocol will initiate recovery of the soils at all 3 sites by rebuilding base saturation. The rate of recovery is small and base saturation increases less than 5% over the next 30 years. A climate-induced increase in storm severity will increase the sea-salt input to the ecosystems. This will provide additional base cations to the soils and more than double the rate of the recovery, but also lead to strong acid pulses following high sea-salt inputs as the deposited base cations exchange with the acidity stored in the soil. Future recovery of soils and runoff at acidified catchments will thus depend on the amount and rate of reduction of acid deposition, and in the case of systems near the coast, the frequency and intensity of sea-salt episodes as well.  相似文献   

随着中国长江流域水电开发进入高峰期,大量的建设人员进入水电站施工营地,导致施工区的生活垃圾处理处置问题日益凸显。通过对金沙江HPS1水电站、雅砻江HPS2水电站和HPS3水电站、大渡河HPS4水电站施工区生活垃圾状况的调查表明,水电站施工生活区生活垃圾人均产量平均值约为0.68kg/d;以厨余、渣土、纸类塑料和橡胶为主,电池等危险废物含量甚微;容重、低位热值、生物可降解物质量分数的平均值分别为358kg/m3、5 234kJ/kg、43.22%。结合施工区所处的环境条件和周围的市政设施现状,采用层次分析法和最小成本法,构建了长江流域水电站施工区生活垃圾处理处置决策模型,可为大型水电站开发过程中施工区生活垃圾全过程管理提供指导。根据决策模型计算得出,HPS1、HPS2、HPS4水电站施工区生活垃圾最优处理处置技术为卫生填埋,HPS3水电站以外运综合处理最优。  相似文献   

采用天然气引射调峰技术,能使上海某储配站10台天然气高压球罐的储气调峰能率提高68%,大大有助于解决天然气用气高峰时的供需平衡问题,并能节约初投资人民币1亿元.但使用超音速引射器后,当球罐压力下降到某一值时会产生高频噪声,影响管束区操作环境.本文分析了噪声产生的原因,提出了合理的噪声治理方案,并进行了方案的实施.实践证明:噪声治理效果良好,降低了管束区噪声污染,达到了国家"工业企业噪声卫生标准".  相似文献   

A combined monitoring and dispersion modelling methodology was applied for assessing air quality at three different levels of proximity to the selected service station: (I) next to the fuel pumps, (II) in the surrounding environment, and (III) in the background. Continuous monitoring and passive sampling were used for achieving high temporal and spatial resolution, respectively. A Gaussian dispersion model (CALINE4) was used for assessing the road traffic contribution to the local concentrations under different meteorological conditions. It was established that Stage 2 vapour recovery reduces BTX concentrations not only near the pumps, but also in their surrounding environment. However, there is evidence that the efficiency of the system is wind speed dependent. The modelling simulation of the worst case wind scenario revealed the significance of local traffic emissions. It was shown that the traffic contribution even from a single road in the vicinity of the station can, under certain conditions, be higher than the contribution of the station itself to the local BTX levels. Finally, after comparison with previous studies, the concentrations measured near the service station (which was situated in a rural environment) appear to be lower than those observed in busy street canyons in city centres. It can be concluded, although Stage 2 recovery system effectively reduces working VOC losses in service stations, that it will only have a limited positive impact on local air quality if the service station is located in a heavily polluted area.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvania Air Pollution Commission has developed a regulatory program based upon the control of local air pollution problems and reduction of pollutant levels in air basins. The geographical boundaries of 10 air basins have been established. The Commission’s air basin regulations will provide for the reduction of over-all pollutant levels and for emergency procedures in the event of adverse meteorological conditions. The paper discusses the format and objectives of the program.

In order to effectively enforce the air basin regulations and maintain the necessary surveillance of the state’s air quality, a "computerized real time on-line integrated air monitoring-data handling system" has been designed. The system will incorporate a network to constantly monitor the air in each air basin.The primary objectives of the system are: 1. Constant surveillance of air pollution in the air basins.

2. Provide information on air pollution potential alerts.

3. Aid in further development of air quality criteria and regulations.

The air monitoring network is estimated to include approximately 25 remote stations. Each remote will contain air pollution and meteorological sampling equipment and hardware to telemeter to a central station. The data will be transmitted over leased telephone lines. The central station in Harrisburg will contain the necessary hardware to receive and process data, calculate and display results and permit supervisory control of the network. Output options will include immediate display of edited data, command and alarm information, and presentation of statistical results.

Although the air monitoring system is one of the principle ingredients of the program, the air basin concept encompasses other component systems designed to knit together the entire air pollution control program in Pennsylvania.  相似文献   


There have been many studies on bio-inspired research, where biomimicry capabilities facilitating sustainable designs are in dearth. For a sustainable design, it is necessary to consider water efficiency, zero waste, thermal environment, and energy supply. This paper investigates how biomimicry is adopted in the sustainable design of buildings. A thorough content analysis of eight case studies focused on the built environment and how biomimicry integrated with the design of a building was executed. The selection of cases study was based on the concept of biomimicry by taking inspiration from nature and applying them in the everyday built environment. Thus, the building designs are more ecologically sustainable than conventional ones, where biomimicry approaches and principles are adopted. The findings suggest that the design of a building can inspire society with new ecological morals, where understanding of biological morphogenesis can inspire design to resolve challenges and essentially help create a healthy environment. Biomimicry harnesses and replicates the principles found in nature to create a built environment that benefits people and other living creatures and safeguards biodiversity. Thus, adopting biomimicry in designing a building will help to develop a culture of active environmental design.


In the city of Santiago, Chile, air quality is defined in terms of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < or = 10 microm (PM10) concentrations. An air quality forecasting model based on past concentrations of PM10 and meteorological conditions currently is used by the metropolitan agency for the environment, which allows restrictions to emissions to be imposed in advance. This model, however, fails to forecast between 40 and 50% of the days considered to be harmful for the inhabitants every year. Given that a high correlation between particulate matter and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations is observed at monitoring stations in the city, a model for CO concentration forecasting would be a useful tool to complement information about expected air quality in the city. Here, the results of a neural network-based model aimed to forecast maximum values of the 8-hr moving average of CO concentrations for the next day are presented. Forecasts from the neural network model are compared with those produced with linear regressions. The neural network model seems to leave more room to adjust free parameters with 1-yr data to predict the following year's values. We have worked with 3 yr of data measured at the monitoring station located in the zone with the worst air quality in the city of Santiago, Chile.  相似文献   

工业区集中供热的实践和思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内工业企业供热方式,主要包括热电联产集中供热、锅炉房集中供热和单体锅炉分散供热,各种供热方式各有优缺点。工业区集中供热在经济效益、环境效益、社会效益、安全保障和土地利用方面有着明显的优势。温州市鹿城区前陈电镀基地、洞桥制革基地,开展锅炉房集中供热试点并取得成功,其它工业区也将推广集中供热。工业区集中供热的深入开展,需要在计量收费、宣传引导、规划和节能、联网方面做好工作。在联网供热中,还要考虑供热经济半径的问题。  相似文献   

This work compares the WRF/Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting – Chemistry) simulated O3 concentrations in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) with measurements from the ground-based RAMA network during the MILAGRO (Megacity Initiative: Local and Global Research Observations) period. The model resolves the observations reasonably well in terms of diurnal cycle and mean magnitude as reflected by high correlation coefficients and low root-mean-square errors. Stations located in the center of the MCMA generally exhibit higher correlation coefficients and lower model biases than those stations located in the peripheral of the MCMA. Large temporal variations in the observed and simulated O3 concentrations are noted from station to station during the MILAGRO period. Sensitivity analyses of O3 concentrations to changes in NOx and VOC emissions rates suggest that O3 production in the MCMA is VOC-sensitive, and VOC-emissions reduction appears to be an effective strategy for reducing high surface O3 concentrations in the MCMA.  相似文献   

Long-range transport of pollution outflow from Asian mainland has been noticed and expected to play a significant role in Pacific background. Since 1993 the Taiwanese Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) is conducting ground-based observations of various particulate and gaseous pollutants at 74 monitoring stations in Taiwan. One of these stations, Heng-Chun at the south coast of Taiwan can be considered as a background station with only negligible amounts of local pollution, and another one, Wan-Li at the north coast, predominantly receives air that has not passed over Taiwan, so that background air can be analysed by means of sectorisation. In this work, the sectorised 13-year time series of measurements of CO, SO2, O3, NOx and PM10, from the Wan-Li station are presen and compared to data from the Heng-Chun station and another TEPA background station off the coast of mainland China, Ma-Zu. The CO and O3 measurements are also compared to data from the Yonaguni station, a Pacific island site, part of the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) network.The similarity of the sectorised data from the Wan-Li station with the data of the other station indicates that atmospheric measurements from the Wan-Li site can be used to make inferences about trends in western Pacific background air pollution and the effect of long-range transport of pollutants. The measurement time series from 1993 to 2006 do not indicate a significant trend in the monthly mean O3 concentrations in accordance with other research about ozone in tropical latitudes. An increasing trend in CO concentrations of 2.8% per annum is observed between 1999 and 2006 for long-range transport to northern Taiwan, and a doubling of the SO2 and NOx concentrations observed at the Wan-Li and Heng-Chun sites within the period 2001–2006. SO2 concentrations are found to quadruple at Ma-Zu within the same period. The data suggest that pollution from the Asian mainland enhances significantly the background air pollution over the Pacific.  相似文献   

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