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利用自制的烟雾腔系统使臭氧光解产生OH自由基,启动甲苯光氧化产生二次有机气溶胶(SOA)粒子,在不同的实验条件下研究甲苯SOA与氨反应形成的含氮有机物,并采用紫外-可见分光光度计测量反应产物溶液在205和270nm处的吸光度,探究光照时间、甲苯、氨、臭氧浓度和相对湿度等环境因素对含氮有机物形成的影响规律.结果表明,有机酸铵和咪唑类产物的生成浓度随着紫外光照时间的延长,甲苯、氨和臭氧的浓度的增加而逐渐增大.但是当臭氧浓度超过一定值后,光解生成的高浓度OH自由基能够使甲苯光氧化产物变成更多的挥发性化合物,从而不利于含氮有机物的生成.水分子的增加会使臭氧光解产生的OH自由基浓度减少,从而导致有机酸铵和咪唑类产物的生成浓度随着相对湿度的增大而降低.这为研究人为源SOA颗粒中含氮有机物棕色碳的形成提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

酸性硫酸铵是中国城市大气中常见的亚微米气溶胶颗粒,它在二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的形成中起着至关重要的作用.本文利用自制的烟雾腔系统开展了酸性硫酸铵种子气溶胶对甲苯SOA形成和化学组分的影响研究,采用PM2.5粒子检测仪、高效液相色谱质谱仪和紫外-可见分光光度计测量反应产生的SOA粒子的浓度和组分.实验结果表明,酸性硫酸铵种子气溶胶能够显著促进甲苯SOA的形成.相比于没有种子气溶胶存在时,甲苯SOA中检测到的羧酸组分,甲苯光氧化产生的二醛化合物在酸性硫酸铵颗粒表面上发生非均相反应产生的咪唑类化合物是酸性硫酸铵种子气溶胶存在时甲苯SOA的主要组分.气相二醛化合物能在高浓度酸性硫酸铵种子气溶胶表面快速发生非均相酸催化反应产生咪唑类产物.这为研究高浓度酸性无机细粒子背景下,大气咪唑类含氮有机物棕色碳的形成机制研究提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

氨(NH_3)是大气中常见的主要碱性污染气体,能够影响二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的形成和化学组分.本文利用自制的烟雾腔系统开展了NH_3对甲苯SOA形成和化学组分的影响研究,先后采用扫描移动粒径谱仪(SMPS)、气溶胶激光飞行时间质谱仪(ALTOFMS)、紫外-可见分光光度计(UV-Vis)、衰减全反射傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(ATR-FTIR)和荧光光谱仪(MF)测量反应产生的SOA粒子的物理化学性质.结果显示,在光照60 min的时间范围内,有NH_3条件下形成的SOA质量浓度和中心粒径相比于无NH_3条件下分别增加了50%和25%,这说明NH_3能够显著促进甲苯SOA的形成.与无NH_3条件下相比,NH_3存在时甲苯SOA化学组分的紫外可见吸收光谱在270 nm处有明显的吸收峰;红外吸收光谱出现了CN、C—N、N—H键的吸收峰;激光解吸附质谱图中含有m/z=67(C_3H_3N_2~+)、m/z=41(C_2H_2N~+)和m/z=28(CH2N+)碎片峰.这些谱图信息综合表明是NH_3和甲苯SOA中的二醛组分反应形成了咪唑类新产物.这为研究人为源SOA的形成机制提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

利用大气模拟烟雾箱,研究了硫酸铵气溶胶对甲苯-NOx-空气体系光化学反应的影响.结果表明,硫酸铵作为气溶胶种子,其存在可以加快反应过程中颗粒物(particle matter,PM)的生成速度,并提高甲苯的气溶胶产率.在高浓度的硫酸铵气溶胶种子条件下,其初始浓度对反应过程中NOx、NO和O3的浓度变化没有明显的影响,但对二次有机气溶胶(secondary organic aemsol,SOA)的生成有显著影响.在硫酸铵气溶胶种子浓度小于160 μg·m-3时,SOA的产率随初始气溶胶种子浓度的增大而增大,从最小7.2%到最大11.7%,其增幅超过60%.  相似文献   

天津市机动车二次有机气溶胶生成潜势的估算   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过隧道实验得到天津市机动车排放的挥发性有机物(VOCs)的物种信息及各物种的浓度数据,检测得到88种VOCs,其中23种VOCs具有二次有机气溶胶(SOA)生成潜势.基于天津市机动车尾气挥发性有机污染物的监测数据,利用气溶胶生成系数(FAC)对天津市机动车排放VOCs的二次有机气溶胶生成潜势进行了估算.结果表明,邻-二甲苯、甲苯、苯、间-二甲苯、对-二甲苯、对-二乙苯是对SOA生成贡献最大的6个物种,各自SOA生成量分别为973.97,721.05,687.31,592.09,571.31,538.59t/a,分别占SOA生成潜势的13.87%、10.27%、9.79%、8.43%、8.13%、7.67%;芳香烃是对SOA生成贡献最大的前体物,其SOA生成量占SOA生成潜势的88.95%.因此,减少机动车芳香烃类物质的排放,可有效地减少SOA的生成量.  相似文献   

硫酸铵气溶胶对甲苯-NOx-空气体系光化学反应的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
武山  郝吉明  吕子峰  赵喆  李俊华 《环境科学》2007,28(6):1183-1187
利用大气模拟烟雾箱,研究了硫酸铵气溶胶对甲苯-NOx-空气体系光化学反应的影响.结果表明,硫酸铵作为气溶胶种子,其存在可以加快反应过程中颗粒物(particle matter, PM)的生成速度,并提高甲苯的气溶胶产率.在高浓度的硫酸铵气溶胶种子条件下,其初始浓度对反应过程中NOx、NO和O3的浓度变化没有明显的影响,但对二次有机气溶胶(secondary organic aerosol, SOA)的生成有显著影响.在硫酸铵气溶胶种子浓度小于160 μg·m-3时,SOA的产率随初始气溶胶种子浓度的增大而增大,从最小7.2%到最大11.7%,其增幅超过60%.  相似文献   

气溶胶水相反应生成二次有机气溶胶研究进展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
液态水(云滴、雾滴和气溶胶水)在大气中无处不在,为大气水相化学反应提供了重要的场所.气态前体物(主要是VOCs)或它的气相初级氧化产物(包括中/半挥发性有机物,I/SVOCs)在大气凝聚相(水相)中发生反应,形成低挥发性高氧化性有机物(如有机硫和有机氮等),水分蒸发后留在颗粒相,即为水相二次有机气溶胶(aqueous-phase secondary organic aerosol,aq SOA).因其对OA具有重要的贡献和显著的环境、气候和人体健康影响,近年来成为大气化学研究的热点.尽管aq SOA的研究已取得了一些进展,但由于aq SOA形成机制复杂,对aq SOA的认知还比较匮乏.本文重点关注气溶胶水中反应生成的二次有机气溶胶(aqueous aerosol SOA,aa SOA)相关的研究进展,包括气态前体物、形成机制、实验室模拟、外场观测及有关aa SOA产率及贡献的相关研究成果.同时,对aa SOA的来源、生成机制等研究的发展方向进行了展望,包括:未知aa SOA前体物及示踪物鉴别、有机光敏剂诱发的自由基化学、有机硫和有机氮的形成机制、实际气溶胶水溶性组分和外场观测研究、模式模型研究等.  相似文献   

NO2是大气中常见污染气体,影响大气二次有机气溶胶(Secondary organic aerosol,SOA)的形成.运用实验室烟雾箱模拟二甲苯大气光氧化反应过程,研究NO2对二甲苯SOA生成量、光学特性和化学组成的影响.结果显示,NO2促进二甲苯SOA的形成,NO2浓度从0增长到900×10-9,二甲苯SOA的质量浓度增长2倍左右,并且邻二甲苯SOA质量浓度大于对二甲苯SOA.这是因为邻位取代基相比于对位取代基更倾向于形成醛,有利于聚合反应形成低聚物,促进SOA形成.此外,NO2浓度增加显著提高所生成SOA的单位质量吸光度(Mass absorption coefficients,MAC),这是由于前体物邻二甲苯和对二甲苯化学结构不同,邻二甲苯所生成的含氮有机物具有更强吸光性,从而导致邻二甲苯SOA的MACλ=365 nm大于对二甲苯SOA的MACλ=365 nm.在线气溶胶质谱仪分析结果进一步显示:二者光化...  相似文献   

总结了国内外对二次有机气溶胶(SOA)相态的研究进展,结果显示不同条件下SOA可能是固态、不定形态、液态.固态和不定形态SOA的体相扩散系数远低于液态SOA,从而阻碍SOA的物质传输和化学转化等物理化学过程.目前,SOA相态的研究主要集中在有限体系,例如α-蒎烯、异戊二烯、甲苯等挥发性有机物为前体物产生的SOA,缺乏实际大气SOA的相态信息.此外,对无机盐影响SOA相态的认识也十分有限.本文提出重污染形成过程中,相态可能是二次颗粒物快速增长、转化的重要影响因素之一.因此,结合外场观测、实验室研究以及多层动力学模型研究重污染形成过程中SOA的相态及其对关键反应活性气体的吸附、传输等影响机制,有助于深入理解我国复合大气污染条件下二次颗粒物的生成转化机制.  相似文献   

在烟雾腔中光照甲苯/亚硝酸甲酯(CH3ONO)/NO混合物,模拟了羟基自由基(OH·)启动甲苯光氧化反应生成二次有机气溶胶的过程.结果表明,二次有机气溶胶的生成数量随着CH3ONO的浓度增加而增加;在CH3ONO浓度为225.4μL/L时,二次有机气溶胶的生成数量达到最大;此后,增加CH3ONO的浓度反而会降低二次有机气溶胶的粒子密度.因此,对于二次有机气溶胶的形成过程来说,存在一个羟基自由基浓度的最佳值.  相似文献   

Hydroxyl radical (.OH)-initiated photooxidation reaction of toluene was carried out in a self-made smog chamber. Four individual seed aerosols such as ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, sodium silicate and calcium chloride, were introduced into the chamber to assess their influence on the growth of secondary organic aerosols (SOA). It was found that the low concentration of seed aerosols might lead to high concentration of SOA particles. Seed aerosols would promote rates of SOA formation at the start of the reaction and inhibit its formation rate with prolonging the reaction time. In the case of ca. 9000 pt/cm^3 seed aerosol load, the addition of sodium silicate induced a same effect on the SOA formation as ammonium nitrate. The influence of the four individual seed aerosols on the generation of SOA decreased in the order of calcium chloride〉sodium silicate and ammonium nitrate〉ammonium sulfate.  相似文献   

In a smog chamber, the photooxidation of toluene was initiated by hydroxyl radical (OH.) under different experimental conditions. The size distribution of secondary organic aerosol(SOA) particles from the above reaction was measured using aerodynamic particle sizer spectrometer. It was found from our experimental results that the number of SOA particles increased with increasing the concentration of toluene. As the reaction time prolonged, the sum of SOA particles was also increased. After a reaction time of 130 min, the concentration of secondary organic aerosol particles would be kept constant at 2300 particles/cm^3. Increasing illumination power of blacklamps could significantly induce a higher concentration of secondary organic aerosol particle. The density of SOA particles would also be increased with increasing concentration of CH30NO, however, it would be decreased as soon as the concentration of CH30NO was larger than 225.2 ppm. Nitrogen oxide with initial concentration higher than 30. 1 ppm was also found to have little effect on the formation of secondary organic aerosol.  相似文献   

The secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation mechanism and physicochemical properties can highly be influenced by relative humidity (RH) and NOx concentration. In this study, we performed a laboratory investigation of the SOA formation from toluene/OH photooxidation system in the presence or absence of NOx in dry and wet conditions. The chemical composition of toluene-derived SOA was measured using Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS). It was found that the mass concentration of toluene decreased with increasing RH and NOx concentration. However, the change of SOA chemistry composition (f44, O/C) with increased RH was not consistent in the condition with or without NOx. The light absorption and mass absorption coefficient (MAC) of the toluene-derived SOA only increased with RH in the presence of NOx. In contrast, MAC is invariant with RH in the absence of NOx. HR-ToF-AMS results showed that, in the presence of NOx, the increased nitro-aromatic compounds and N/C ratio concurrently caused the increase of SOA light absorption and O/C in wet conditions, respectively. The relative intensity of CHON and CHOxN family to the total nitrogen-containing organic compounds (NOCs) increased with the increasing RH, and be the major components of NOCs in wet condition. This work revealed a synergy effect of NOx and RH on SOA formation from toluene photooxidation.  相似文献   

Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formed from Cl-initiated oxidation of toluene was investigated in a home-made smog chamber. The size distribution and chemical composition of SOA particles were measured using aerodynamic particle sizer spectrometer and the aerosol laser time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ALTOFMS), respectively. According to a large number of single aerosol diameter and mass spectra, the size distribution and chemical composition of SOA were obtained statistically. Experimental results showed that SOA particles created by Cl-initiated oxidation of toluene is predominantly in the form of fine particles, which have diameters less than 2.5 m (i.e., PM2.5), and glyoxal, benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, benzoquinone, benzoic acid, benzyl hydroperoxide and benzyl methyl nitrate are the major products components in the SOA. The possible reaction mechanisms leading to these products are also proposed.  相似文献   

Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation from hydroxyl radical (OH.) initiated photooxidation of α-pinene was investigated in a home-made smog chamber. The size distribution of SOA particles was measured using aerodynamic particle sizer spectrometer. The effects of illumination intensity and light application time on SOA formation for α-pinene were evaluated. Experimental results show that the concentration of SOA particles increased significantly with an increasing of illumination intensity, and the light...  相似文献   

硝基多环芳烃(NPAHs)广泛存在于大气气溶胶中,是棕色碳的重要组成部分.萘和其他多环芳烃是NPAHs的重要前体物.为研究NO2对NPAHs形成的影响,本文利用气溶胶激光飞行时间质谱仪(ALTOFMS)在线测定不同NO2浓度下萘光氧化形成的二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的NPAHs组分.实验结果表明,NO2对NPAHs的产生和萘SOA的形成有促进作用.通过ALTOFMS在线检测、模糊C均值(FCM)聚类分析,结合离线电喷雾电离质谱验证,测得萘酚和羰基化合物是不存在NO2时萘SOA粒子主要成分,而通过OH-萘加合物和萘酚硝化产生的硝基萘、二硝基萘、硝基萘酚和二硝基萘酚及其衍生物是NO2存在时萘SOA粒子的主要组分.这为城市大气高浓度NOx背景下,研究NPAHs的化学组分和形成机理提供了实验依据.  相似文献   

An indoor chamber facility is described for investigation of atmospheric aerosol chemistry. Two sets of α-pinene ozonolysisexperiments were conducted in the presence of dry ammonium sulfate seed particle: ozone limited experiments and α-pinene limitedexperiments. The concentration of gas phase and particle phase species was monitored continuously by on-line instruments andrecorded automatically by data sampling system. The evolution of size distribution was measured by a scanning mobility particlesizer (SMPS), and α-pinene consumed was measured using GC-FID. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) produced for seed-free systemis 100% organic in content, resulting from a sufficient supersaturation of low volatility organics to produce homogeneous nucleationfollowed by condensation to the aerosol. Secondary organic aerosol produced in seeded system is a mixture of organic and inorganicconstituents, initially forms via condensation onto the inorganic particles, and subsequent growth occurs via absorption into the organicsurface coating the inorganic core. Although the formation process and the size distribution for seed-free system and seeded system isdifferent, the ultimate mass of SOA formed is equal, and SOA yield for the two system located in the same regression line when usingone-product model, suggesting that the presence of dry ammonium sulfate seed has no measurable effect on the total aerosol yield, and the dry seed particle acts solely as a site upon which organic deposition occurs.  相似文献   

Photooxidation of isoprene leads to the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). In this study, the chemical composition of SOA formed from OH-initiated photooxidation of isoprene has been investigated with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and a home-made aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Sampling particles generated in a home-made smog chamber. The size distribution of SOA particles was detected by a TSI 3321 aerodynamic particle size spectrometer in real time. Results showed that SOA created by isoprene photooxidation was predominantly in the form of fine particles, which have diameters less than 2.5 m. The obtained mass spectra of individual particles show that products of the OH-initiated oxidation of isoprene contain methyl vinyl ketone, methacrolein, formaldehyde, and some other hydroxycarbonyls. The possible reaction mechanisms leading to these products were also discussed.  相似文献   

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