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人类有两大基本问题,一个叫做生存问题,一个叫做发展问题。生存问题的关键是吃饭问题,所以农业为基础。发展问题的关键是能源,能源是发展的先导。但是.发展不能只考虑当前的发展,发展必须是可持续的发展。联合国有一个可持续发展的概念,今后人类发展的方向该是可持续发展的方向。[第一段]  相似文献   

“环境与发展”问题,是当今世界各国政治家和学者所关心的重大问题。而所谓发展,不仅是指经济发展,也包括社会发展的内容。所以,“环境与发展”问题,实质上就是经济、社会与生态环境的协调发展问题,而实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的结合和统一,就是实现这三者协调发展的基本目标,也是抓住了环境与发展问题的根本。  相似文献   

人口问题、资源问题、环境问题以及经济社会发展问题,是 当今世界人们日益关注的四大问题。如何寻求人口、资源、环境与经济的持续协调发展是世 界各国经济发展研究的战略问题。随着工业的发展,尤其是不合理的开发利用资源,造成环 境的污染和对生态的破坏,人们面临环境的污染、资源的耗竭、生态的退化等日益严重的环 境问题,威胁到人类的生存和发展,经济发展向人类提出了尖锐的环境问题,引起了人们对 未来生存环境的严重挑战。只有持续地、协调地发展才是解决环境与发展的唯一出路,笔者 从环境保护和可持续发展的角度进行分析,探讨…  相似文献   

近几年来,为了促进当地经济的发展,各地先后建设了一批工业园区。工业园区的兴起和发展,有力地促进了当地经济的发展。本文论述了当前工业园区发展中存在的主要环保问题,分析了产生的原因,提出了工业园区环保问题的对策。  相似文献   

《全国环境宣传教育行动纲要》提出,在全国逐步开展创建“绿色学校”活动,这是一项具有重大战略意义的决策,它不仅将促进教育事业和环保事业的发展,而且将对整个社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设产生深远影响,环境与发展是当今世界普遍关注的重大影响,环境与发展是当今世界普遍关注的重大问题,如何在发展经济的同时保护人类赖以生存和发展的生态环境,已成为全球面临的紧迫而艰巨的任务,要解决全球的环境和发展问题,学校里的学生必须要注意到当地的问题并试图解决这些问题,“绿色学校”为学生们提供了一个机会,来证券学校对当地的环境与发展会造成什么影响,并尝试找出一种使学校向好的方面变化的方法。通过“绿色学校”学生们将了解到当地、地区的乃至全球的环境和发展问题,并寻找解决问题的办法。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,以经济、文化等为中心的城市发展也不断加快,城市化水平不断提高。同时,经济快速发展造成的环境问题普遍存在,城市地区由于人口众多,各种产业和人为活动密集,环境问题尤其严重。城市环境问题不仅成为城市经济发展的“瓶颈”和障碍,也严重影响我国整体经济社会发展的进程。尽管环境影响评价制度在协调经济发展与保护环境的关系上发挥着日益重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着环境保护市场化和环保产业的发展,现行的环境行政执法暴露出许多问题,需要进一步予以完善,以促进环保产业的发展,文章对环境行政执法的必要性,存在的问题及其完善进行了初步探讨,充分发挥环境行政执法在保障环保产业健康,有序地发展中的作用。  相似文献   

经济的发展大大加快了城市化的进程,但是也带来了一系列的问题,尤其是对生态环境的影响更为突出。文章分析了城市化发展中存在的生态环境问题,并为解决这一问题提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

通过阐述云南省曲靖市麒麟区发展循环经济的基础条件,进一步分析了区域循环经济发展存在问题,并根据麒麟区的实际情况,就未来麒麟区区域循环经济发展的总体目标和循环经济发展若干问题提出初步的建议。  相似文献   

煤炭型城市所面临的问题及发展出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,对于煤炭型城市,环境问题已是所面临的主要问题之一,是制约其发展的重要因素。本文以平顶山市为例,阐述了煤炭型城市所面临的问题,提出了其发展出路是建设生态城市,并针对建设生态城市提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

农田氮素流失对环境的污染现状及防治对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从地表水、地下水、大气以及农产品等方面 ,概述了农田氮素流失对环境的污染现状 ,阐述了控制农田氮素流失的防治对策 ,指出实施生态农业政策、优化氮肥管理、选育氮高效品种以及控释 /缓释肥料的应用将是今后农业生产发展的方向  相似文献   

The impacts of climate change are expected to be generally detrimental for agriculture in many parts of Africa. Overall, warming and drying may reduce crop yields by 10–20% to 2050, but there are places where losses are likely to be much more severe. Increasing frequencies of heat stress, drought and flooding events will result in yet further deleterious effects on crop and livestock productivity. There will be places in the coming decades where the livelihood strategies of rural people may need to change, to preserve food security and provide income-generating options. These are likely to include areas of Africa that are already marginal for crop production; as these become increasingly marginal, then livestock may provide an alternative to cropping. We carried out some analysis to identify areas in sub-Saharan Africa where such transitions might occur. For the currently cropped areas (which already include the highland areas where cropping intensity may increase in the future), we estimated probabilities of failed seasons for current climate conditions, and compared these with estimates obtained for future climate conditions in 2050, using downscaled climate model output for a higher and a lower greenhouse-gas emission scenario. Transition zones can be identified where the increased probabilities of failed seasons may induce shifts from cropping to increased dependence on livestock. These zones are characterised in terms of existing agricultural system, current livestock densities, and levels of poverty. The analysis provides further evidence that climate change impacts in the marginal cropping lands may be severe, where poverty rates are already high. Results also suggest that those likely to be more affected are already more poor, on average. We discuss the implications of these results in a research-for-development targeting context that is likely to see the poor disproportionately and negatively affected by climate change.  相似文献   

李国香 《交通环保》1999,20(1):34-38
针对我国在用车排放比较严重的现状,我们认为:短期内易于实现,花费不高,不用对现有车辆作重大技术变动的有效措施是完善在用车I/M计划和进行在用国的加速淘汰工作。而且,对于用率和高污染车辆,完善的I/M计划也是更有效控制机动车排放污染所必需的。  相似文献   

铅染毒导致小鼠DNA损伤与氧化损伤   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
为了研究亚急性铅暴露对小鼠的遗传毒性及氧化损伤的诱导,将不同剂量的醋酸铅对小鼠隔日灌胃4周,用彗星实验检测其外周血淋巴细胞DNA损伤,并测定肝组织中活性氧自由基(ROS)的水平和脂质过氧化主要终产物丙二醛(MDA)的含量.结果显示,随染铅剂量的增加,小鼠肝线粒体中的ROS水平明显升高,染铅剂量为500 mg·kg-1组与对照组相比有显著性差异;肝MDA含量以及淋巴细胞尾长和尾相显著增加,染铅剂量为50、100、500 mg·kg-1组与对照组相比均有显著性差异;MDA与尾长和尾相的变化趋势一致.诱导产生自由基并导致脂质过氧化作用增强及DNA损伤是铅引起机体损伤的主要机制之一.  相似文献   

This paper presents a number of recent advances in technologies and improvements in units for the thermal processing of municipal solid waste (MSW) and various other types of waste. The focus is on the ‘waste-to-energy’ approach; various criteria for this approach are discussed, as well as the inconsistent attitudes about waste management approaches that are present in various countries in the European Union. The presented achievements include low-NOx burners, improved efficiency, heat exchangers, waste heat recovery systems, newly developed equipment for wet scrubbing, dioxin filters and systems for the treatment of sewage sludge.A new concept for a regional Waste-to-Energy Centre (WTEC) is outlined, the design of which is based on a combination of experience, know-how and a sophisticated approach. The proposed WTEC will use up-to-date technologies and will provide an adequate response to the growing population and rising standards of living as well to increasingly stringent environmental regulatory standards.Utilization of computational methods such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for design optimisation and/or for troubleshooting is demonstrated with examples (flue gas duct, burner, combustion chamber). Several examples from industrial applications are summarized.  相似文献   

The intersection of present vulnerability and the prospect of climate change in Africa warrants proactive action now to reduce the risk of large-scale, adverse impacts. The process of planning adaptive strategies requires a systematic evaluation of priorities and constraints, and the involvement of stakeholders. An overview of climate change in Africa and case studies of impacts for agriculture and water underlie discussion of a typology of adaptive responses that may be most effective for different stakeholders. The most effective strategies are likely to be to reduce present vulnerability and to enhance a broad spectrum of capacity in responding to environmental, resource and economic perturbations. In some cases, such as design of water systems, an added risk factor should be considered.  相似文献   

中国如何进行生态城市建设   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
李子君 《环境保护》2002,(10):27-29
本文在概括论述生态城市的内涵、主要特征以及目前我国城市环境状况和生态环境建设初步兴起的基础上,重点针对我国国情论述了生态城市建设的指导思想、目标和对策,强调了改进城市规划和运行机制的重要性。  相似文献   

本文为台湾阳明山公园考察记述,重点叙述地景(地质遗迹)登录、评价与分区管理,地景与生态保育和解说服务的理念和实际管理、运作.从中可对建设国家地质公园,提高风景名胜区旅游的品位,实施寓教于游有所启示.  相似文献   

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