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根系分泌作用及其诱导机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沈宏  严小龙 《生态环境》2001,10(4):339-342
根系分泌作用及其实现植物对胁迫环境的适应,是近年来根际学领域的一个研究热点.文章评述了环境胁迫对植物根分泌物组成、含量的影响以及植物根系分泌的四种诱导假设;并对环境胁迫条件下的信号传递及根系分泌作用的生理及分子生物学基础进行了讨论.在此基础上,认为特定根分泌物的分泌是植物在进化过程中适应环境胁迫的实质.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对植物根际环境影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候变化下频发的干旱灾害已成为一个世界范围内的重大气候问题.根际环境是植物适应极端环境的有效方式之一,探讨干旱胁迫下根际环境改变及其与植物抗逆性和生产力的关系,已逐渐成为包括植物营养学、植物生理学、土壤学、微生物学等多学科的研究热点.本文在介绍干旱的严重性及根际环境的重要性的基础上,根据近年来国内外关于干旱对植物根际环境影响的研究成果,重点阐述干旱胁迫对植物根系分泌物的组成和含量、根际土壤碳氮磷养分状况、根际土壤酶活性及根际微生物数量和种群结构的影响,结果表明干旱胁迫不仅会提高植物根系分泌物的数量,改变其组成,而且会改变根际土壤酶活性及土壤微生物群落结构多样性与功能,同时也会改变土壤养分的循环与可利用性,从而影响植物生长,且这些改变会因植物种类、植物所处发育阶段、干旱胁迫强度与时间等的不同而异;但这些研究仅从现象上对其变化趋势进行了探究,目前对其相关机理性的研究仍非常缺乏、不够系统深入.未来应结合一些现代的新技术和方法,从根际化学信号及微生物组学的细微尺度上,加强干旱胁迫及其与其他环境胁迫耦合下植物根际环境变化与机理的系统深入研究,对丰富和推进植物对干旱逆境的适应与响应机理性的认识具有重要意义.(参91)  相似文献   

磷对铝胁迫下荞麦根际土壤铝形态和酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用土培法,以耐铝性明显差异的两个荞麦Fagopyrum esculentum基因型“江西养麦”(耐性)和“内蒙荞麦”(敏感)为材料,研究铝胁迫下磷对荞麦生长和根际土壤铝形态、土壤酶活性的影响.结果表明,0.4 g·kg~(-1)铝配施0.2 g·kg~(-1)磷的内蒙和江西荞麦根系生物量分别比不施磷组增加了67.9%和21.2%,磷能显著缓解铝对荞麦根系生长的抑制,提高根系生物量和根冠比.磷铝互作下根际土壤的交换态铝含量显著降低,毒性较小的吸附态羟基铝和络合态铝含量显著增加.根际土壤酶活性变化复杂,过氧化氢酶活性与磷质量分数呈正相关,w_p=0.2 g·kg~(-1)对铝胁迫下荞麦根际土壤转化酶活性最有利.说明施磷降低铝胁迫根际土壤的交换态铝含量,提高土壤过氧化氢酶活性,减缓铝毒对植株生长的抑制作用.  相似文献   

铝胁迫下马尾松幼苗有机酸分泌和根际pH值的变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以马尾松幼苗为试验材料,选用砂培法研究铝胁迫对马尾松根际pH值、有机酸分泌以及植株中铝累积变化的影响。结果表明,高浓度铝导致根际pH值增加,当铝浓度高于300μmol.L-1时,根际pH值则趋于平稳。在测试的5种有机酸(草酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸、琥珀酸、乙酸)中,当铝浓度由0升至300μmol.L-1时,草酸和苹果酸根系分泌量随之升高,与根际pH值呈正相关关系;而当铝浓度高于300μmol.L-1时,草酸和苹果酸分泌量则趋于平稳,草酸和苹果酸的分泌影响根际pH值的变化。其次,活性铝通过根系进入植株后,由于营养作用和运输机制,出现分布差异,根部铝积累量明显高于茎和叶。当根系接触的铝浓度低于300μmol.L-1时,植株铝积累量与根际pH值,以及草酸、苹果酸分泌量呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

根际促生菌影响植物吸收和转运重金属的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土壤重金属污染对生态环境和人类健康造成严重危害,使得土壤重金属污染修复成为全球关注的研究热点之一。根际土壤中存在着数量和种类丰富的微生物种群,是根际环境中最重要的生物因素。重金属污染土壤中根际微生物与植物根系以及土壤形成特殊根际微环境,影响植物重金吸收、转运过程。根际促生菌通过产生植物生长激素类物质促进植物生长,改变根际微环境中重金属元素生物有效性,增加修复植物重金属吸收量,强化重金属污染土壤植物修复效率。近年来,根际促生菌强化重金属污染土壤植物修复效率相关研究文献数量迅速增加,最新研究成果表明:根际促生菌通过菌体表面活性基团吸附,诱导植物系统抗性(ISR),激活植物抗氧化酶活性,分泌高亲和性铁载体(Siderophores)增加根际铁供给量,竞争性抑制重金属元素的根系吸收,改变植物重金属的吸收、转运及胞内分布过程,抑制重金属元素向植物地上部分转运,同时增加农作物产量。文章对根际促生菌影响植物重金属吸收﹑转运最新研究进展进行综述,提出根际促生菌原位定殖,重金属元素亚细胞分布和重金属吸收、转运分子调控机制等方面的深入研究,将有助于进一步阐明重金属污染土壤植物根际促生菌-植物相互作用机制。通过根际促生菌调控农作物可食部分重金属的累积量,为实现中低污染农田安全生产与修复研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

根系分泌物及其在植物营养中的作用   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
洪常青  聂艳丽 《生态环境》2003,12(4):508-511
论述了根系分泌物的种类和影响因素,根系分泌物在植物营养中的调节作用、异种克生作用,根系分泌物与根际微生物的相互作用。在铁胁迫条件下,许多高等植物都能产生一系列生理和形态方面的适应性反应,禾本科植物通过根际特定分泌物——麦根酸类物质来自动调节其体内的铁营养状况;在磷胁迫条件下,根系分泌的低分子有机酸种类主要有柠檬酸、草酸、酒石酸和苹果酸,它们在植物根际的富集能明显促进土壤中磷的释放,提高作物对磷的吸收,缓解植物的磷胁迫;在锌胁迫条件下,双子叶植物的根系分泌物对锌的活化作用不明显,而禾本科植物的根系分泌物可以活化石灰性土壤中难溶性锌。  相似文献   

酸胁迫对马尾松幼苗生长及根际铝形态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不同p H值(2.5、3.5、4.5和5.6)模拟酸雨处理下,研究根箱栽培马尾松(Pinus massoniana L.)幼苗生物量(根茎长、根与茎叶干重、一级侧根数)、叶绿素含量以及根系质膜相对透性的变化,在酸雨pH 3.5-5.6范围内对松树幼苗根际与非根际土壤的pH值和铝形态以及植株铝积累量进行测定,以探明酸胁迫对马尾松幼苗生长及根际铝形态的影响.结果显示:当酸雨p H从5.6降至2.5,马尾松幼苗生物量和叶绿素含量均降低,而根系质膜透性从13.2%升至36.4%,膜伤害度由轻度的4.1%提高到重度的23.2%,且重度酸胁迫下两者变化均极显著(P 0.01);此外随酸胁迫强度的增强,马尾松根际与非根际土壤pH值分别由5.95和5.91降至4.02和3.87,而根际土壤中交换态、有机结合态铝含量则分别上升至7.27和18.1 mg/kg,且马尾松植株铝积累量增加至49.46μg/株,其在植株根系中的积累量明显高于地上部分.上述结果表明,酸胁迫使得马尾松根系质膜受损程度增加,叶绿素含量减少,引起光合作用减弱,幼苗生长受到抑制;另外,酸雨能改变土壤中铝化合物的形态,增加活性铝离子溶出量,其中一部分转化成有机结合态铝,另一部分则通过根系吸收累积在幼苗植株内,阻碍马尾松生长发育.(图5表3参45)  相似文献   

土壤多环芳烃污染根际修复研究进展   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
许超  夏北成 《生态环境》2007,16(1):216-222
多环芳烃(polycyclicaromatichydrocarbons,PAHs)是环境中普遍存在的具有代表性的一类重要持久性有机污染物,具“三致性”、难降解性,在土壤环境中不断积累,严重危害着土壤的生产和生态功能、农产品质量和人类健康。修复土壤多环芳烃污染已成为研究的焦点。根际修复是利用植物-微生物和根际环境降解有机污染物的复合生物修复技术,是目前最具潜力的土壤生物修复技术之一。对国内外学者近年来在土壤多环芳烃污染根际修复的效果、根际修复机理和根际修复的影响因素方面的研究进展作了较系统的综述,并分别分析了单作体系、混作体系、多进程根际修复系统和接种植物生长促进菌根际修复系统对土壤多环芳烃的修复效果。指出根际环境对PAHs的修复主要有3种机制:根系直接吸收和代谢PAHs;植物根系释放酶和分泌物去除PAHs,增加根际微生物数量,提高其活性,强化微生物群体降解PAHs。并讨论了影响根际修复PAHs的环境因素如植物、土壤类型、PAHs理化性质、菌根真菌以及表面活性剂等。植物-表面活性剂结合的根际修复技术、PAHs胁迫下根际的动态调节过程、运用分子生物学技术并结合植物根分泌物的特异性筛选高效修复植物以及植物富集的PAHs代谢产物进行跟踪与风险评价将成为未来研究的主流。  相似文献   

根系分泌物对土壤重金属活化及其机理研究进展   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
植物通过调节根分泌物的组成来改变根际状态以适应外界环境。在重金属胁迫下,植物根系分泌物种类和量会发生显著变化。根系分泌物可通过溶解、螯合、还原等作用活化土壤重金属,提高重金属的植物有效性,或固定和钝化重金属,降低重金属的移动性。文章就根系分泌物对土壤重金属形态、有效性及其在重金属吸附解吸中的作用,根系分泌物活化土壤重金属的影响因素等国内外研究进展作了综述,并对该领域今后的研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

植物根际有大量微生物,其中一部分微生物,如根际促生菌、丛枝菌根真菌、非麦角属内生真菌和外生菌根真菌,在改善宿主营养状况,缓解宿主由于旱涝、盐分和重金属等环境胁迫导致的危害中起到重要作用.笔者将以这4种根际微生物为例,综述它们提高宿主植物耐铬性的内在机制,如通过促进宿主生长、降低根际土壤中铬的有效性、降低铬从根系向叶片的转运以及利用自身组织固持铬等,直接或间接地提高植物对铬的耐受能力,展现出多样且互有差异的功能.同时,笔者提出了铬在根际微生物与宿主的共生体系内转运和解毒行为的分子和生理机制上的不足,并对未来根际微生物互作的研究内容提出了展望.  相似文献   

Chromium toxicity and tolerance in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromium (Cr) is the second most common metal contaminant in ground water, soil, and sediments due to its wide industrial application, hence posing a serious environmental concern. Among various valence states, Cr(III) and Cr(VI) are the most stable forms. Cr(VI) is the most persistent in the soil and is highly toxic for biota. Since Cr is a non-essential element for plants, there is no uptake mechanism; Cr is taken up along essential elements such as sulfate through sulfate transporters. Cr accumulation in plants causes high toxicity in terms of reduction in growth and biomass accumulation, and Cr induces structural alterations. Cr interferes with photosynthetic and respiration processes, and water and minerals uptake mechanism. Various enzymatic activities related to starch and nitrogen metabolism are decreased by Cr toxicity either by direct interference with the enzymes or through the production of reactive oxygen species. Cr causes oxidative damage by destruction of membrane lipids and DNA damage. Cr may even cause the death of plant species. Few plant species are able to accumulate high amount of Cr without being damaged. Such Cr-tolerant, hyperaccumulator plants are exploited for their bioremediation property. The present review discusses Cr availability in the environment, Cr transfer to biota, toxicity issues, effect on germination and plant growth, morphological and ultrastructural aberrations, biochemical and physiological alterations, effect on metabolic processes, Cr-induced alterations at the molecular level, Cr hyperaccumulation and Cr detoxification mechanism, and the role of arbuscular mycorrhizae in Cr toxicity, in plants.  相似文献   

The relative distribution of Al between its various organic and inorganic complexes dictates its mobility in the environment, bioavailability, and toxicity. In recent years, there has been significant progress made in understanding the differential bioavailability and toxicity of various chemical species of Al to plants and certain aquatic organisms. Far less information concerning chemical speciation and differential uptake and transport of Al in humans is available. Among the important inorganic complexes of interest are the hydrolyzed-Al species, particularly the nonequilibrium, metastable polynuclear complexes, which form readily, have a fairly wide stability range, and have been demonstrated toxic to plants and fish. In recent years27Al NMR spectroscopy has provided significant direct information on the polynuclear complexes existing in a wide range of aqueous solutions. The [Al12O4(OH)24+n(H2O)12–n](7–n)+ polynuclear complex is often found to be the predominant species in partially neutralized Al solutions and has recently been demonstrated to be more toxic to certain plants than the hexaaqua Al cation. It is also the principal component of Al-chlorohydrate, a highly soluble antiperspirant, present in many hydrolyzed Al solutions utilized in water and waste water treatment, and, as hypothesized herein, a primary constituent of many hydroxide gels utilized as antacids. This polynuclear has a wide pH stability range, reportedly forms copolynuclears with Si, and contains tetrahedrally coordinated Al within its structure, all features that may be relevant to the recently reported properties of Al associated with neuritic plaque cores.  相似文献   

Ceratophyllum demersum (homwort) was subjected to toxic concentrations of Al (3 and 9 mg l(-1)), Zn (3 and 9 mg l(-1)) and Cu (2.5 and 7 mg l(-1)) in culture solutions for 15 days. The higher dose of Al enhanced the chlorophyll content significantly (p<0.05) in the first 6 days of treatment while other treatments caused marked reductions. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was significantly reduced (p<0.05) byAl, Cu and Zn toxicity and ceased completely in plants treated with Cu by the 6th day of treatment. Dry biomass and relative growth rate were reduced significantly (p<0.05) by metal treatment. Tolerance index of the plant was low for Cu (21.62 and 13.43% at low and high doses, respectively) and moderate for Zn (63.74 and 54.85%) and Al (72.83 and 68.79%). Accumulation ofAl, Zn and Cu was threefold at higher doses compared with the lower doses but the bioconcentration factors (BCF) were very low indicating that this plant is not a hyper accumulator of these metals.  相似文献   

添加植物物料对2种酸性土壤可溶性铝的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在室内培养试验条件下,研究了添加非豆科的油菜秸秆、小麦秸秆、稻草、玉米秸秆和豆科的大豆秸秆、花生秸秆、蚕豆秸秆、紫云英、豌豆秸秆对酸性茶园黄棕壤和红壤可溶性铝总量及其形态的影响.结果表明,黄棕壤除添加油菜秸秆、小麦秸秆和稻草处理外,其余添加植物物料处理土壤可溶性铝总量、总单核铝和3种无机单核铝的含量有不同程度的降低,因为加入这些植物物料均使土壤pH值增大.5种豆科植物物料对黄棕壤pH值的影响大于非豆科植物物料,前者对土壤中3种无机单核铝含量的影响也大于后者.9种植物物料也使红壤pH值有不同程度升高,土壤可溶性铝含量降低,其中4种非豆科植物物料、花生秸秆和蚕豆秸秆处理效果较好.因此,施用植物秸秆能够有效改良土壤酸度,缓解土壤中铝对植物的毒害.总体而言,9种植物物料中花生秸秆增加酸性土壤pH值和降低土壤有毒形态铝含量效果最好.  相似文献   

不同栽培基质对石山珍稀濒危植物苗期生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对 6种石山珍稀濒危植物在石灰岩土壤和酸性红壤上的苗期生长状况及体内化学元素含量进行了对比研究 ,结果表明 :(1 )每种植物在 2种土壤上的物候学特征基本一致 ;(2 )小花异裂菊和青檀在石灰岩土壤上生长量比酸性土壤上高 ,海南椴在酸性土壤上生长量比石灰岩土壤上高 ;(3 ) 6种植物体内Ca、B 2种化学元素的含量是石灰岩土上比酸性土上高 ;除小花异裂菊外 ,Al在其它 5种植物中的含量都是酸性土上高于石灰岩土上 ,小花异裂菊则是石灰岩土上高于酸性土上 ;(4 )K、Zn、B的生物吸收系数是石灰岩土高于酸性土 ,而N、P、Ca、Mg、Fe、Al、Mn则是酸性土高于石灰岩土。  相似文献   

酸雨对外来植物入侵的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖周瑜  彭少麟 《生态环境》2007,16(2):639-643
酸雨和外来种入侵都是全球关注的问题。结合外来入侵植物的生态适应特性以及酸雨的危害特征,系统分析了酸雨对外来植物入侵产生的影响。酸雨对外来植物入侵的影响是复杂多样的。酸雨导致群落冠层稀疏,群落透光率增加,加之氮沉降后土壤、水体氮素的增加,有利于生长力强的外来喜阳植物入侵;酸雨加速土壤酸化,促使基本离子淋失以及A1毒等危害植物的生长发育,植物的内源激素以及化感作用发生改变,适应力和耐受力强的外来植物在与本地植物竞争中处于相对优势而成为入侵种;酸雨以及外来植物入侵改变了土壤微生物群落结构,影响本地植物的生长而促使外来植物的入侵。  相似文献   

Medically used plant species in Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey was determined in this study. Totally 50 species within 24 families have been designated in 25 research points, using the face to face polling method with the herbs sellers and purchasers. 14 species of studied plants are endemic and pointed out as endangered species according to the IUCN list (The World Conservation Union). In which health problem the medicinal plants are used, their usage art, area and the used parts have been determined too. The research results show that 12.58% of the species are used in intestinal problems and 8.60% for diuretic. Evaluating from this point of view the region includes very rich species could be used in different health problems. The results shows that average annual income of the medically used plant selling companies is about 33,333$. Increasingly demands for the medically used plants have been raised the medically used plant companies about 60% in the last decade. The relevance of Ethnopharmacologically used plants is increasing in Turkey and in the World. Important is to meet the demand without endanger the rich plant species resources.  相似文献   

The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) set an ambitious target to achieve a conservation assessment for all known plant species by 2020. We consolidated digitally available plant conservation assessments and reconciled their scientific names and assessment status to predefined standards to provide a quantitative measure of progress toward this target. The 241,919 plant conservation assessments generated represent 111,824 accepted land plant species (vascular plants and bryophytes, not algae). At least 73,081 and up to 90,321 species have been assessed at the global scale, representing 21–26% of known plant species. Of these plant species, at least 27,148 and up to 32,542 are threatened. Eighty plant families, including some of the largest, such as Asteraceae, Orchidaceae, and Rubiaceae, are underassessed and should be the focus of assessment effort if the GSPC target is to be met by 2020. Our data set is accessible online (ThreatSearch) and is a baseline that can be used to directly support other GSPC targets and plant conservation action. Although around one‐quarter of a million plant assessments have been compiled, the majority of plants are still unassessed. The challenge now is to build on this progress and redouble efforts to document conservation status of unassessed plants to better inform conservation decisions and conserve the most threatened species.  相似文献   

The significance of metal hyperaccumulation for biotic interactions   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Metal hyperaccumulating plants contain very high metal contents. Because of the general toxicity of metals, chemically-mediated biotic interactions involving hyperaccumulating plants may differ greatly from those of non-hyperaccumulators. Recent research has demonstrated a defensive function for hyperaccumulated metals against herbivores and pathogens. We predict that some herbivore/pathogen species have evolved metal tolerance, and suggest that resulting high metal levels in herbivores/pathogens may defend them against their own predators. Little is known regarding interference and commensal interactions involving hyperaccumulating plants. Decreased competition may occur through an interference interaction similar to allelopathy, in which enrichment of metal in the soil under a hyperaccumulator plant's canopy may inhibit another plant species, thus resulting in “elemental allelopathy”. Metal enrichment of soil under hyperaccumulators also may result in commensalism if another plant species (possibly another hyperaccumulator) derives a benefit from growing in the metal-enriched soil under the canopy of a hyperaccumulating overstory plant. It seems likely that high-metal plant litter will host a specialized microflora of decomposers and may affect nutrient cycling rates. Mutualist biotic interactions also may be affected by the elevated metal contents of hyperaccumulating species. Mycorrhizal fungi may form mutualisms with hyperaccumulators, but the phenomenon is poorly-explored. The few cases investigated to date have not detected mycorrhizae. Pollination and seed dispersal mechanisms may require biotic vectors that might be affected by plant metal content. Hyperaccumulating plants may have solved this dilemma in three ways. First, some may rely on abiotic vectors for pollen or seed dispersal. Second, biotic vectors used by these species may have varied diets and thus dilute metal intake to non-toxic levels. Finally, biotic vectors may have evolved tolerance of elevated dietary levels of metals, and perhaps have become specialists on hyperaccumulator species. Received 7 November 1997; accepted 28 December 1997.  相似文献   

Variations in cadmium (Cd) tolerances and accumulations among fifteen wetland plant species in moderately (0.5 mg·L−1) and heavily (1.0 mg·L−1) Cd-polluted wastewaters were investigated in constructed wetlands. Cd removal efficiencies from the wastewaters were more than 90%, and 23.5% and 16.8% of the Cd in the water accumulated in wetland plants for 0.5 and 1.0 mg·L−1 Cd treatments, respectively. The variations among the plant species were 29.4-fold to 48.7-fold in plant biomasses, 5.4-fold to 21.9-fold in Cd concentrations, and 13.8-fold to 29.6-fold in Cd accumulations. The plant species were also largely diversified in terms of Cd tolerance. Some species were tolerant of heavy Cd stress, and some others were sensitive to moderate Cd level. Four wetland plant species were selected for the treatment of Cd-polluted wastewater for their high Cd accumulating abilities and relative Cd tolerances. Plant Cd quantity accumulations are correlated positively and significantly (P <0.05) with plant biomasses and correlated positively but insignificantly (P >0.05) with plant Cd concentrations. The results indicate that the Cd accumulation abilities of wetland plant species are determined mainly by their biomasses and Cd tolerances in growth, which should be the first criteria in selecting wetland plant species for the treating Cd-polluted wastewaters. Cd concentration in the plants may be the second consideration.  相似文献   

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