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高会  李冰  姚子伟 《环境化学》2023,(3):779-791
由于抗生素的频繁使用和排放,抗生素不断排放进入水环境,表现为“持续存在”的状态,对生态环境系统造成长期、持续的环境风险,由此导致的环境污染和细菌耐药性是我国及全球都亟待解决的重大环境问题.抗生素持久性的选择压力会产生抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistant genes,ARGs),其在环境中的持久性残留,在菌群间的迁移、传播和扩增,比抗生素残留本身对生态环境的危害更大.随着海洋资源与环境的持续开发与利用,海洋正逐步成为抗生素和ARGs的重要储存库,海洋环境中的抗生素和ARGs对海洋生态环境和公众健康的威胁同样不容忽视.本文对海洋环境中抗生素的来源、赋存、迁移转化和生态风险等研究进行分析梳理,对海洋环境中ARGs的环境行为进行综述,以期为海洋环境中抗生素和ARGs环境行为和风险评估研究提供参考,最后对相关研究的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

抗生素及其抗性基因(ARGs)是环境中普遍存在的新兴污染物,其环境水平和分布特征等相关研究方兴未艾.本文在总结大量文献的基础上,着重阐述了我国环境多介质中抗生素及其ARGs分布特征的最新研究进展,介绍了抗生素的存在状况与环境水平,讨论了抗生素的浓度水平时空分布差异及其对水生环境的风险,进一步通过介绍ARGs在环境中的污染水平,评述了抗生素ARGs污染物分布特征、水平转移及相应的微生物群落结构变化,最后对这两类新兴污染物的环境分布研究进行了展望,并针对我国现状提出了今后的研究重点.  相似文献   

抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)的环境扩散严重威胁了人类健康和生态安全。除抗生素滥用所产生的选择性压力以外,其他环境物质也能影响ARGs的传播。而纳米材料的广泛应用使其不可避免地在环境中扩散并进而影响ARGs的环境分布。因此,笔者综述了近年来纳米材料影响ARGs污染扩散的研究,并探讨了纳米材料对ARGs传播的影响机制,旨在深入理解ARGs的环境扩散行为,为ARGs环境控制及纳米材料非毒性环境效应的评估提供理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

抗生素环境行为及其环境效应研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
抗生素作为一类抗菌性药物广泛用于预防和治疗人类和动物疾病,并且在畜牧和水产养殖业中用于促进动物的生长.进入人和动物体内的抗生素不能被生物体完全吸收,大部分以原药或代谢物的形式经由尿液和粪便排出体外进入环境中.抗生素是环境中一类新型污染物,由于其使用量大和诱导产生抗生素耐药菌株,对人类健康和生态环境构成威胁,近年来受到日益广泛的关注.抗生素诱导产生的抗性基因(ARGs)也已经被定义为环境中一类新型污染物.本文介绍了抗生素的使用现状、环境来源以及不同环境介质中抗生素的分析方法和污染现状,并且对其吸附降解行为、毒性效应以及ARGs进行了讨论,最后指出了目前研究中存在的问题,并对未来研究进行了展望.在今后,应该更加系统地研究环境中抗生素的污染现状及其迁移转化等行为;开展低剂量长期慢性毒性和复合毒性效应研究;加强对环境中ARGs的污染现状和环境行为研究.  相似文献   

海南东寨港海水和沉积物中抗生素抗性基因污染特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素滥用及其诱导产生的抗生素抗性基因(Antibioticresistancegenes,ARGs)污染已经引起各界的广泛关注。东寨港是海南省重要的滩涂养殖基地,其ARGs的产生、传播和富集都可能对人类及生态健康产生危害。采集该区域海水和沉积物样本各10个,利用LC-MS/MS对海水和沉积物中磺胺类、四环素类、氯霉素类和喹诺酮类等4类15种抗生素进行测定,同时采用RT-PCR阐明了相应的12种ARGs(sul1、sul2、dfr A1;tet A、tet C、tet G、tet M;cata1、cata2、cmle1、cmle3;qnr S)及16S rRNA的分布特征,并对抗生素和ARGs的相关性进行分析。结果显示,所测ARGs在各沉积物样品中的检出率均为100%,海水样品中ARGs的检出率在80%-100%之间。其中,qnr S的检出率最高,存在于所有海水和沉积物样品中,而sul2的检出丰度最高。比较海水和沉积物中ARGs的相对丰度,发现沉积物中ARGs的污染程度高于海水。样品中抗生素总体检出率较低,其中沉积物仅有喹诺酮及磺胺类抗生素被检出,海水中除磺胺类抗生素外其他均未检出。与其他研究相比,该区域ARGs检出水平较高,而抗生素检出水平较低,ARGs含量与抗生素浓度相关性较弱(P0.05),这说明由历史背景诱导产生的ARGs可进行自我扩增而持续存在于环境中。该研究结果可为当地抗生素的安全使用和ARGs的环境风险评价提供重要依据。  相似文献   

近年来淡水体中抗生素耐药菌及抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)的广泛分布和快速传播已成为全球性的环境健康热点问题,国内外学者围绕淡水环境中ARGs的主要来源、多介质分布、转移机制及ARGs与微生物群落的互作机制开展了一系列研究.本文综述了医疗废水、污水处理厂尾水和养殖废水作为淡水环境中ARGs主要来源的关键作用,分析了国内外淡水环境中ARGs多介质分布和归趋特征,阐明了淡水环境中ARGs传播扩散途径和归趋影响因子,归纳了ARGs风险形成机制与评价方法,提出了未来关于淡水环境中ARGs的研究热点和趋势,以期为ARGs环境与健康风险管控提供参考.目前关于ARGs产生过程与归趋特性的认识仍相对局限,ARGs在水生食物链中动态归趋特征、传播扩散过程和暴露风险形成机制的相关研究亟待加强,淡水环境ARGs生态健康风险的系统评估方法也需尽快建立.  相似文献   

冀秀玲  刘芳  沈群辉  刘扬 《生态环境》2011,20(5):927-933
抗生素滥用及其诱导产生的抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)污染已经引起人们的广泛关注。选取上海市某地养殖场作为研究对象,采用高效液相色谱-质谱法和实时荧光定量PCR法,对养殖场污水及附近农田灌溉渠河水中5种四环素及磺胺类抗生素,8种对应的ARGs的含量、特征及相关性进行了研究。研究结果显示,在采集的水样中均含有待检测的5种抗生素,养殖污水中抗生素含量高于农田灌溉河水,各样本中四环素类抗生素含量均略高于磺胺类抗生素,2种四环素抗生素总量为294.0~376.1μg﹒L-1,3种磺胺类抗生素总量为197.7~323.0μg﹒L-1。养殖场污水样本中8种ARGs均有检出,磺胺类抗性基因中sul(A)含量最高,绝对拷贝数为108.4108~1010.3728;四环素类抗性基因中tet(W)含量最高,绝对拷贝数为106.18805~107.8874。农田灌溉渠河水中除tet B(P)外,其它7种ARGs均有检出。样本中ARGs相对表达量总体呈现磺胺类ARGs高于四环素类ARGs的特点。抗生素浓度与ARGs相对表达量的Pearson相关性分析显示,样本中sul(Ⅲ)与磺胺类抗生素浓度存在较明显的正相关性,但其它几种ARGs与抗生素则未见或存在一定负相关性。表明除抗生素外,ARGs在水环境中的丰度可能与ARGs种类及其它环境因子有关。该研究将有助于认识上海地区养殖场废水中抗生素和ARGs污染状况,为进一步开展黄浦江水域抗生素尤其是ARGs的污染研究提供数据基础。  相似文献   

抗生素的环境残留和抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)污染日益增加,对全球公共卫生构成重大威胁。目前,关于环境中抗生素与ARGs产生与传播的关系的研究较多,但结果却不尽相同。为了确定抗生素的胁迫与ARGs产生与传播的关系,用磺胺类抗生素(SAs)对大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli,E.coli)毒性作用表征SAs的胁迫作用,用突变和接合转移表征ARGs的产生与传播,测定了SAs对大肠杆菌的毒性、突变频率和结合转移频率的影响,根据剂量-效应曲线,计算了毒性参数(无观察效应浓度(NOEC)、抑制率为50%的化合物浓度(EC_(50))、抑制率为80%的化合物浓度(EC_(80))),突变效应参数(促进率为1%时最低可观测突变促进效应浓度(MC_(0-1))、促进率为50%时突变促进效应浓度(MC_(50))、促进率最大时突变促进效应浓度(MC_(max)))和接合转移效应参数(促进率为1%时最低可观测接合转移促进效应浓度(RC_(0-1))、促进率最大时接合转移促进效应浓度(RC_(max))和促进率为1%时最高可观测接合转移促进效应浓度(RC_(0-2))),利用线性回归分析的方法探究SAs的胁迫与大肠杆菌突变频率和结合转移频率之间的关系,并分析其可能的机制。结果表明,磺胺的高胁迫作用导致核苷酸碱基的大量减少,在DNA复制与转录时,碱基对错配的概率大大增加,从而开始促进突变频率。SAs的低胁迫作用可能引起大肠杆菌的SOS反应,SOS反应可以上调质粒编码的基因以及控制细胞膜的通透性基因,从而提高其接合转移频率。此外,真实环境中存在许多其他的因素也会影响ARGs的产生和传播,据此,本文建议在探索真实环境中ARGs的产生和传播时,应考虑真实环境中其他影响因素和抗生素胁迫的综合作用。上述研究为探索抗生素胁迫对ARGs产生与传播的影响提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

气溶胶中抗生素抗性基因研究进展:以养殖场和医院为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素在医药和养殖业的大量使用导致耐药菌的出现,加速了抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)在不同环境介质中的传播扩散,抗生素耐药性已成为目前全球卫生、食品安全和发展的最大威胁之一。气溶胶作为ARGs的潜在储存库缺乏系统的研究数据,而通过空气传播具有较高抗生素抗性水平的细菌可能是引起重要疾病的主要传播途径。本文针对养殖场和医院2个抗生素大量使用的典型场所,对气溶胶中ARGs的污染现状、样品采集与检测技术进行综述,并探讨了这一环境污染的潜在风险,表明开展气溶胶中ARGs研究的必要性,并为以后需开展的工作提出几点建议。  相似文献   

近年来,土壤环境中抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)污染引起广泛关注。以Web of Science核心数据库和万方数据库文献资料为数据源进行文献计量学分析,从年发文量变化、不同国家贡献及研究主题演变(基于关键词)等方面对土壤环境中ARGs污染相关研究进行剖析,以此探讨国内外该领域的研究现状、热点和发展。结果表明,土壤中ARGs污染相关研究的发文数量快速增长。我国文献在发文数量、论文被引频次方面具有重要影响,表明我国在该领域有较强的国际学术影响力。关键词聚类分析表明该领域的研究方向主要集中在以下5个方面:(1)土壤中携带ARGs的微生物及其环境行为;(2)土壤环境中ARGs的来源和持久性;(3)土壤环境中ARGs的传播和消减方法;(4)土壤中共存物质对ARGs丰度和迁移行为的影响;(5)农业生产活动对土壤环境中ARGs污染的影响。同时,在介绍ARGs常用检测方法以及土壤环境中ARGs污染来源和分布的基础上,剖析影响ARGs在土壤中传播的多种因素,探讨土壤环境中ARGs的消减方法,并指出当前研究尚存的不足之处以及今后的研究方向。该文可为未来土壤环境中ARGs污染领域的研究和风险管控提供参考。  相似文献   

抗生素抗性基因在环境中的来源、传播扩散及生态风险   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
近年来,由于抗生素的滥用首先诱导动物体内产生抗生素抗性基因(antib iotic resistance genes,ARGs),从而加速了抗性基因在环境中细菌间的传播扩散.目前,抗生素抗性基因作为一类新型环境污染物,在不同环境介质中的传播、扩散可能比抗生素本身的环境危害更大.本文针对抗生素抗性基因在地表水、地下水、医疗废水、城市污水处理厂、养殖场、土壤、沉积物以及大气环境中的来源、分布、传播情况以及国内外最新研究动态进行综述.分析了抗生素抗性基因在环境中的潜在传播途径及其可能影响因素,并指出光照,厌氧,高温处理可以有效遏制抗生素抗性基因在环境中的传播和扩散.揭示了抗生素抗性基因可能造成的生态风险,针对我国对该类污染物的研究现状,提出了今后的研究重点.  相似文献   

Reviewed the change of ARGs and ARB in full-scale urban drinking water systems. Conventional processes are more promising than BAC process in ARGs removal. Mechanisms of ARGs enrichment and spread in BAC filter and DWDSs are discussed. Raise the need of future research on ARGs and ARB change in building plumbing systems. Antibiotic resistance in aquatic environment has become an important pollution problem worldwide. In recent years, much attention was paid to antibiotic resistance in urban drinking water systems due to its close relationship with the biosafety of drinking water. This review was focused on the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, as well as the presence, dissemination and removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the urban drinking water system. First, the presence of ARB and ARGs in the drinking water source was discussed. The variation of concentration of ARGs and ARB during coagulation, sedimentation and filtration process were provided subsequently, in which filtration was proved to be a promising technology to remove ARGs. However, biological activated carbon (BAC) process and drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) could be incubators which promote the antibiotic resistance, due to the enrichment of ARGs and ARB in the biofilms attached to the active carbon and pipe wall. Besides, as for disinfection process, mechanisms of the inactivation of ARB and the promotion of conjugative transfer of ARGs under chlorine, ozone and UV disinfection were described in detail. Here we provide some theoretical support for future researches which aim at antibiotic resistance controlling in drinking water.  相似文献   

兽用抗生素在提高畜禽生产性能、防治疾病方面发挥着重要作用,目前全球超过一半以上抗生素用于畜禽养殖,畜禽养殖源耐药病原菌、抗性基因及其传播风险愈益得到人们的重视。我国是畜禽养殖和抗生素使用大国,但兽用抗生素使用、病原菌耐药水平及其抗性基因类型等数据却较为缺乏,不利于今后畜禽养殖源耐药病原菌及其传播风险的控制。因此,本文通过文献调研,对我国和主要发达国家的兽用抗生素使用情况、畜禽养殖源耐药病原菌及其携带的抗性基因、基因移动元件以及向环境传播的途径进行分析、总结,以期为规范合理用药、降低耐药病原菌及其抗性基因传播风险,建立从畜禽养殖场至公共环境全过程的抗性污染控制链条提供借鉴。  相似文献   

生态毒理学教学专栏寄语   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗生素的长期滥用,使得环境细菌耐药性不断增强,加速了耐药基因(antibiotics resistance genes,ARGs)在环境中的传播扩散,并给饮用水带来健康风险。在介绍饮用水中抗生素和耐药基因污染现状的基础上,阐述了耐药基因在饮用水中的来源和归趋,对环境中抗生素和耐药基因的人体健康风险做了初步探讨,针对目前饮用水的污染现状,对今后有关饮用水中细菌耐药的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Sludge digestion is critical to control the spread of ARGs from wastewater to soil. Fate of ARGs in three pretreatment-AD processes was investigated. UP was more efficient for ARGs removal than AP and THP in pretreatment-AD process. The total ARGs concentration showed significant correlation with 16S rRNA gene. The bacteria carrying ARGs could be mainly affiliated with Proteobacteria. Sewage sludge in the wastewater treatment plants contains considerable amount of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). A few studies have reported that anaerobic digestion (AD) could successfully remove some ARGs from sewage sludge, but information on the fate of ARGs in sludge pretreatment-AD process is still very limited. In this study, three sludge pretreatment methods, including alkaline, thermal hydrolysis and ultrasonic pretreatments, were compared to investigate the distribution and removal of ARGs in the sludge pretreatment-AD process. Results showed that the ARGs removal efficiency of AD itself was approximately 50.77%, and if these three sludge pretreatments were applied, the total ARGs removal efficiency of the whole pretreatment-AD process could be improved up to 52.50%–75.07%. The ultrasonic pretreatment was more efficient than alkaline and thermal hydrolysis pretreatments. Although thermal hydrolysis reduced ARGs obviously, the total ARGs rebounded considerably after inoculation and were only removed slightly in the subsequent AD process. Furthermore, it was found that the total ARGs concentration significantly correlated with the amount of 16S rRNA gene during the pretreatment and AD processes, and the bacteria carrying ARGs could be mainly affiliated with Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

我国是世界养猪第一大国,生猪饲养量和猪肉产量均位居世界第一。养猪业每年所产生的粪便、废水中含有大量畜用抗生素及其代谢产物,使养猪业废弃物成为环境中重要的抗生素污染源之一,随之产生的抗性基因污染及传播问题也不容忽视。本文结合近年来国内外的研究数据,对我国养猪业废弃物中四环素类、磺胺类抗生素及其相关抗性基因的检测方法、污染状况及影响抗性基因传播的因素进行了分析,并基于控制我国养猪行业抗生素及抗性基因污染的目的,提出了今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

• Manure fertilization resulted in antibiotic residues and increased metal contents. • The tet and sul genes were significantly enhanced with manure fertilization. • Soil physicochemical properties contributed to 12% of the variations in ARGs. • Soil metals and antibiotics co-select for ARGs. Pig manure, rich in antibiotics and metals, is widely applied in paddy fields as a soil conditioner, triggering the proliferation of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in soil. However, comprehensive studies on the effects of manure fertilization on the abundance of ARGs and their influencing factors are still insufficient. Here, pig manure and manure-amended and inorganic-amended soils were collected from 11 rice-cropping regions in eastern China, and the accumulation of antibiotics, metals, and ARGs was assessed simultaneously. The results showed that manure fertilization led to antibiotic residues and increased the metal content (i.e., Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr). Tetracycline and sulfonamide resistance genes (tetM, tetO, sul1, and sul2) were also significantly enhanced with manure fertilization. According to variance partitioning analysis, the most important factors that individually influenced ARGs were soil physicochemical properties, accounting for 12% of the variation. Significant correlations between soil nutrients and ARGs indicated that manure application enhanced the growth of resistant microorganisms by supplying more nutrients. Metals and antibiotics contributed 9% and 5% to the variations in ARGs, respectively. Their co-occurrence also increased the enrichment of ARGs, as their interactions accounted for 2% of the variation in ARGs. Interestingly, Cu was significantly related to most ARGs in the soil (r = 0.26–0.52, p<0.05). Sulfapyridine was significantly related to sul2, and tetracycline resistance genes were positively related to doxycycline. This study highlighted the risks of antibiotic and ARG accumulation with manure fertilization and shed light on the essential influencing factors of ARGs in paddy soils.  相似文献   

• ARGs were detected in livestock manure, sludge, food waste and fermentation dregs. • The succession of microbial community is an important factor affecting ARGs. • Horizontal transfer mechanism of ARGs during composting should be further studied. Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have been diffusely detected in several kinds of organic solid waste, such as livestock manure, sludge, antibiotic fermentation residues, and food waste, thus attracting great attention. Aerobic composting, which is an effective, harmless treatment method for organic solid waste to promote recycling, has been identified to also aid in ARG reduction. However, the effect of composting in removing ARGs from organic solid waste has recently become controversial. Thus, this article summarizes and reviews the research on ARGs in relation to composting in the past 5 years. ARGs in organic solid waste could spread in different environmental media, including soil and the atmosphere, which could widen environmental risks. However, the conventional composting technology had limited effect on ARGs removal from organic solid waste. Improved composting processes, such as hyperthermophilic temperature composting, could effectively remove ARGs, and the HGT of ARGs and the microbial communities are identified as vital influencing factors. Currently, during the composting process, ARGs were mainly affected by three response pathways, (I) “Microenvironment-ARGs”; (II) “Microenvironment-microorganisms-ARGs”; (III) “Microorganisms-horizontal gene transfer-ARGs”, respectively. Response pathway II had been studied the most which was believed that microbial community was an important factor affecting ARGs. In response pathway III, mainly believed that MGEs played an important role and paid less attention to eARGs. Further research on the role and impact of eARGs in ARGs may be considered in the future. It aims to provide support for further research on environmental risk control of ARGs in organic solid waste.  相似文献   

• Distribution of ARGs in decentralized sewage facilities were investigated. • Bacitracin-ARGs were most predominant ARGs in rural wastewater. • ARGs were identified in bacterial and viral community. • ARGs of rpoB, drfE, gyrA and parC were both correlated with bacteria and phages. • More attention should be paid to the risk of spreading ARG by phages. The distribution of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) has been intensively studied in large-scale wastewater treatment plants and livestock sources. However, small-scale decentralized sewage treatment facilities must also be explored due to their possible direct exposure to residents. In this study, six wastewater treatment facilities in developed rural areas in eastern China were investigated to understand their risks of spreading ARGs. Using metagenomics and network analysis tools, ARGs and bacterial and viral communities were identified in the influent (INF) and effluent (EFF) samples. The dominant ARGs belonged to the bacitracin class, which are different from most of municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The dominant hosts of ARGs are Acidovorax in bacterial communities and Prymnesiovirus in viral communities. Furthermore, a positive relationship was found between ARGs and phages. The ARGs significantly correlated with phages were all hosted by specific genera of bacteria, indicating that phages had contributed to the ARG’s proliferation in sewage treatment facilities. Paying significant concern on the possible enhanced risks caused by bacteria, viruses and their related ARGs in decentralized sewage treatment facilities is necessary.  相似文献   

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