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电子废物含有大量的金属、塑料和阻燃剂等物质,如果处理不当,电子废物将向环境排放种类繁多的有毒有害物质,从而产生严重的环境污染问题。近年来,国内外学者对电子废物处理所致的生态环境问题给予了相当的关注,已经开展了不少相关研究,这些研究主要集中在我国的几个电子废物处理处置典型地区。本文对近5年来的相关研究成果进行了系统综述,内容涉及电子废物处理处置过程中产生的主要环境污染物,电子废物处理处置活动所致的土壤、水体和大气的重金属和持久性有机污染物污染以及电子废物处理处置活动对动植物和人体的污染风险等,并提出将来关于电子废物研究中需要关注的问题。  相似文献   

电子垃圾是目前增长速度最快的固体废物之一,对其不合理处置和利用已引起了日趋严峻的环境污染。文章从电子废物的危害及回收利用的角度,概述了当前国内外数量巨大的电子废物的污染现状及其回收利用处理技术,并结合国内实际,从电子废物的回收系统和资源化处理利用技术方面提出了具有可行性的建议和设想。  相似文献   

电子废物拆解活动一般集中于村镇内靠近人居环境的区域,其污染对当地居民身体健康的影响最为直接.为了了解电子废物拆解活动所造成的重金属污染,对广东省清远市龙塘镇、石角镇内电子废物拆解作坊共29个表土样本以及附近农田33个土壤样本进行了取样,并分析了重金属Zn、Cu、Pb和Cd含量.结果表明,龙塘镇电子废物拆解作坊表土中4种重金属的总含量平均值高达11086mg·kg-1,远高于电子废物焚烧迹地,其中Zn、Cu、Pb和Cd平均含量分别为3039.6、6371.5、1635.4和39.3mg·kg-1.从事电子废物拆解业历史较短的石角镇的拆解作坊表土中,4种重金属总含量和各金属平均含量均低于龙塘镇,显示出拆解历史越长,污染越严重的倾向.与焚烧工序相比,拆解工序中的Zn、Cd污染更为严重,Cu污染相近,Pb污染相对较低.在拆解作坊附近33个农田土壤样本中,Zn含量不超标,Cd含量超标最严重,超标率为78.8%,最大超标倍数达25.7倍,其次是Cu,超标率为63.7%,最大超标倍数达6.3倍,再次为Pb,超标率为48.5%,最大超标倍数为2.1倍.4种重金属的综合超标率达到81.8%.农田土壤中4种重金属与拆解作坊表土中重金属具有一定的同源性,并表现出共迁移特征.由此可见,研究地区大规模的电子废物拆解活动已对当地居民造成了严重的健康风险。  相似文献   

电子废物的不当拆解、回收活动对当地及周边环境造成的严重污染已经引起了国内外的广泛关注,但相关的调查研究目前仍比较少.以长期进行电子废物回收产业活动的典型区域--广东清远龙塘镇和石角镇为研究对象,较系统地调查、分析了电子废物不当处置对区域和流域环境介质中重金属的含量、分布和迁移的影响,并对其环境风险进行了评价.此论文是该项研究的一部分,重点调查了龙塘镇电子废物焚烧迹地中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd、Cr、Ni等6种重金属的含量、分布和迁移及其对植物根、茎、叶组织中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd含量的影响.结果表明:1)焚烧迹地土壤中Pb、Zn、Cu、CA、Cr、Ni的平均含量分别为1714.5、1016.7、4850.6、10.3、63.3、100.3mg·kg-1,局部区域样点检出的Cu、Pb、Cd含量分别是对照土壤的1268、179和101倍,显示电子废物焚烧迹地已经成为一个巨大的土壤重金属库,必然长期贡献于区域乃至流域土壤和水体的重金属污染.2)电子废物焚烧活动造成的重金属污染能够随空气动力及重力沉降而形成垂直以及水平迁移,其中Pb和Cd的迁移能力远大于其它重金属.3)电子废物焚烧迹地内生长的植物也受到了重金属的污染,其中Cu、Cd的污染程度较严重;桉树对Cu、铁芒箕对Pb、类芦对Cd、Zn、Cu有相对较强的富集能力.  相似文献   

国际化学品管理大会第四届会议(Fourth of the International Conference of Chemicals Management,ICCM4)通过第IV/4决议,建议考虑2020年后化学品与废物健全管理工作安排,并决定启动闭会期间进程,就国际化学品管理战略方针(Strategic Approach To International Chemicals Management,SAICM)及2020年后化学品与废物健全管理工作制定建议。“2020年后国际化学品与废物健全管理”是当前国际化学品管理战略闭会期间历次磋商进程谈判的重点,了解该框架的谈判进展及各方主要观点将对我国参与国际谈判产生积极作用。本文系统梳理了闭会期间历次磋商进程的主要内容,并对2020年后化学品与废物健全管理新框架文件涉及的愿景、原则和方法、战略目标和指标、体制安排和实施机制、财政考虑、高级别政治承诺等主要国家立场态度进行了观点综述。为应对国际谈判,建议我国采取以下措施推进国际谈判:做好国内发展趋势研判,积极参与谈判进程;建立协调机制,调动利益攸关方的积极性;加强知识信息共享,提升化学品管理能力;充分利用高级别会议,提升政治层面对2020年后框架的重视程度。  相似文献   

医疗废物管理事关公共卫生安全和传染病疫情防控大局。该研究基于我国医疗废物产生及处理处置现状统计数据,结合我国医疗废物管理政策与实践,提出当前医疗废物管理主要存在的统计口径不一、信息化管理不足、自行处置配套标准缺失、无害化利用研究不足、供给与处置能力不匹配、处置设施分布不平衡等问题。最后结合疫情新形势对医疗废物处理处置影响,针对制度配套、流程衔接、落实执行、监督管理、布局优化等多方面提出相应展望。建议国家有关部门和地方多管齐下,及时更新完善现有管理制度,加大缺失配套标准研制力量的投入力度,加强输液瓶(袋)回收利用路径研究,通过实行医疗废物分类分流管理、集中处置与应急处置方式并举、城市与乡村问题同步推进、建立高效供需对接平台等方式,优化医疗废物处置设施建设布局,实现医疗废物信息化管理互联互通,完善信息统计路径,进一步统筹推进城乡医疗废物治理现代化体系建立,推动形成多方联动的信息化监管执法工作格局,坚决守牢民生安全防线。  相似文献   

介绍了天津市医疗废物的产生、运输、处置现状,分析医疗废物处置设施体系存在的问题,参考国内外医疗废物管理经验,提出今后医疗废物集中处置设施体系建设方案  相似文献   

为了评价电子废物酸解、焚烧活动对当地小流域水体的金属污染,采集了广东省清远市龙塘镇地区泉水、水塘、水库、农灌渠、水田和水井中的水样,分析了各水样中的10种金属含量.研究结果表明,从电子废物酸解、焚烧核心区域的坡谷中采集的泉水受到了较严重的Pb污染,水中Pb浓度达到0.070mg·L-1,高于国家地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)规定的III类水质标准.在酸解作坊边缘一个水塘的水样中检出了浓度分别高达64.82、56.37、2.164、0.200和6.649mg·L-1的Cu、Zn、Cr、Pb和Cd,均大大超过了III类水质标准,其中Cd超标1329.8倍,pH值只有2.05,电导率高达6890μS·cm-1,说明该水塘中的水基本是电子废物酸解活动排放的废水,并且已经通过下渗、地表径流等过程污染了小流域中的其他水体.虽然在农灌渠、水田、水井的水样中未检出超标的重金属浓度,但各种迹象说明,这些水体也已经受到了电子废物回收活动的影响,其中井水中电导率接近400μS·cm-1,远高于其他自然水体.来源于电子废物不当处置的重金属在这些水体中的累积值得关注,今后有必要开展更为持久、全面、系统的监测和研究.  相似文献   

概述了畜禽养殖废物中磷的流失对水环境的影响,分析养殖废物中磷的来源和流失途径,并从保护水资源的角度提出减少畜禽粪便中磷流失的管理和控制措施。  相似文献   

Aware1989年10月的化学工业委员会第22次会议期问,决定联合国欧洲经济委员会(ECE)应开展一项关于ECE地区塑料废物管理的研究.该研究的主要目的是:确定目前塑料生产与消费的水平以及这些领域的趋势;调查塑料工业并报告废物管理工艺与立法方面的显...  相似文献   

城市环境经营是城市经营重要组成部分,文章从城市环境、城市环境经营的内涵出发,对成都市环境经营的战略层次、目标层次、策略层次和操作层次进行了系统的实证研究,并就目前存在问题,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

We devised a participatory modeling approach for setting management thresholds that show when management intervention is required to address undesirable ecosystem changes. This approach was designed to be used when management thresholds: must be set for environmental indicators in the face of multiple competing objectives; need to incorporate scientific understanding and value judgments; and will be set by participants with limited modeling experience. We applied our approach to a case study where management thresholds were set for a mat‐forming brown alga, Hormosira banksii, in a protected area management context. Participants, including management staff and scientists, were involved in a workshop to test the approach, and set management thresholds to address the threat of trampling by visitors to an intertidal rocky reef. The approach involved trading off the environmental objective, to maintain the condition of intertidal reef communities, with social and economic objectives to ensure management intervention was cost‐effective. Ecological scenarios, developed using scenario planning, were a key feature that provided the foundation for where to set management thresholds. The scenarios developed represented declines in percent cover of H. banksii that may occur under increased threatening processes. Participants defined 4 discrete management alternatives to address the threat of trampling and estimated the effect of these alternatives on the objectives under each ecological scenario. A weighted additive model was used to aggregate participants’ consequence estimates. Model outputs (decision scores) clearly expressed uncertainty, which can be considered by decision makers and used to inform where to set management thresholds. This approach encourages a proactive form of conservation, where management thresholds and associated actions are defined a priori for ecological indicators, rather than reacting to unexpected ecosystem changes in the future.  相似文献   

对我国农药环境管理状况进行了简要介绍 ,分析了现行管理体系存在的主要问题 ,提出了完善我国农药管理法规、建立农药管理机构、逐步理顺我国农药管理体制的对策建议。  相似文献   

In the present paper, the current beach management framework in the North-Western Mediterranean coast (Catalonia, Spain) was revised. Beach management was analyzed using the concepts of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). The history of beach management in the second half of the 20 century and the new developments in the academic field and in the practical beach management sector during the last decade were studied. The revision of legal texts and strategies in the Catalan coast allowed synthesizing all scattered information affecting beach management. A SWOT analysis was performed. The main strengths of the beach management framework in Catalonia are the public ownership of beaches, which allows the government to carry out a comprehensive management and the recent data and analysis provided by the adopted National and Autonomous ICZM strategies. The weaknesses found were related to the functioning of traditional existing institutions. New opportunities are related to the possibility of establishing new institutions that conduct a more inclusive and proactive management. The main threat is that although the possibility for a fundamental change in beach management organization exists, resources available are not fully exploited.  相似文献   

A major justification of environmental management research is that it helps practitioners, yet previous studies show it is rarely used to inform their decisions. We tested whether conservation practitioners focusing on bird management were willing to use a synopsis of relevant scientific literature to inform their management decisions. This allowed us to examine whether the limited use of scientific information in management is due to a lack of access to the scientific literature or whether it is because practitioners are either not interested or unable to incorporate the research into their decisions. In on‐line surveys, we asked 92 conservation managers, predominantly from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, to provide opinions on 28 management techniques that could be applied to reduce predation on birds. We asked their opinions before and after giving them a summary of the literature about the interventions’ effectiveness. We scored the overall effectiveness and certainty of evidence for each intervention through an expert elicitation process—the Delphi method. We used the effectiveness scores to assess the practitioners’ level of understanding and awareness of the literature. On average, each survey participant changed their likelihood of using 45.7% of the interventions after reading the synopsis of the evidence. They were more likely to implement effective interventions and avoid ineffective actions, suggesting that their intended future management strategies may be more successful than current practice. More experienced practitioners were less likely to change their management practices than those with less experience, even though they were not more aware of the existing scientific information than less experienced practitioners. The practitioners’ willingness to change their management choices when provided with summarized scientific evidence suggests that improved accessibility to scientific information would benefit conservation management outcomes. El Efecto de la Evidencia Científica sobre las Decisiones de Manejo de Quienes Practican la Conservación  相似文献   

在充分调查永定河生态修复运行管理现状的基础上,以阈值跃迁、适应性管理为指导,对现有运行管理现状及存在问题进行深入分析。研究发现目前运行管理存在缺乏理论指导,管理权责不明晰,资金来源不明确以及生态监测体系、原水买卖平台缺失等问题。为实现运行管理目标,研究提出从构建基于适应性管理的流域委员会管理模式、确定管理机构权责、管理资金配置及建立生态修复管理评估体系4个方面完善运行管理机制,为永定河生态修复工程的运行管理及北方缺水城市的水生态修复工程运行管理提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   


Nepal is in the process of formulating its forest policies at the provincial level . Various community-managed forests have been designed in the past by the Nepal government to decentralize the forest for its sustainable management practice. This study facilitates the process of identifying appropriate forest management options in two of the provinces, namely Provinces Three and Gandaki. Four forest management options – passive, active, scientific and multiple – were identified following the existing management practices. For the evaluation of the overall performance of the options, a framework with three criteria, 10 indicators and 28 verifiers were designed. The framework followed the green economy perspective considering the improvement of the forest conditions, economic and social well-being, and low carbon emission. The Analytical Hierarchy Process was used to prioritize the best management option and analyse trade-offs to guide future decision-making and reduce the risk of unwanted consequences. Our results show that the elicitation of preferences for the evaluation criteria varied by stakeholder groups. Their preference was largely guided by improving the forest resource condition and economic well-being. Foresters prefer scientific and active forest management, policymakers prefer multiple-use forest management and scientific management, whereas community forest user groups prefer active forest management. We argue that a scientific management approach may contribute better to economic aspects, although it may often compromise the other aspects. The multiple forest management option seems to be the best for green economy considering ecological, economic and social consequences.  相似文献   

Achieving Integrative, Collaborative Ecosystem Management   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract:  Although numerous principles have been identified as being important for successfully integrating social and ecological factors in collaborative management, few authors have illustrated how these principles are used and why they are effective. On the basis of a review of the ecosystem management and collaboration literature, we identified eight factors important for integrative, collaborative ecosystem management—integrated and balanced goals, inclusive public involvement, stakeholder influence, consensus group approach, collaborative stewardship, monitoring and adaptive management, multidisciplinary data, and economic incentives.We examined four cases of successful ecosystem management to illustrate how the factors were incorporated and discuss the role they played in each case's success. The cases illustrate that balancing social and ecosystem sustainability goals is possible. Collaborative efforts resulted in part from factors aimed at making plans economically feasible and from meaningful stakeholder participation in ongoing management. It also required participation in monitoring programs to ensure stakeholder interests were protected and management efforts were focused on agreed-upon goals. Data collection efforts were not all-inclusive and systematic; rather, they addressed the ecological, economic, and social aspects of key issues as they emerged over time. Economic considerations appear to be broader than simply providing economic incentives; stakeholders seem willing to trade some economic value for recreational or environmental benefits. The cases demonstrate that it is not idealistic to believe integrative, collaborative ecosystem management is possible in field applications.  相似文献   

Decisions need to be made about which biodiversity management actions are undertaken to mitigate threats and about where these actions are implemented. However, management actions can interact; that is, the cost, benefit, and feasibility of one action can change when another action is undertaken. There is little guidance on how to explicitly and efficiently prioritize management for multiple threats, including deciding where to act. Integrated management could focus on one management action to abate a dominant threat or on a strategy comprising multiple actions to abate multiple threats. Furthermore management could be undertaken at sites that are in close proximity to reduce costs. We used cost‐effectiveness analysis to prioritize investments in fire management, controlling invasive predators, and reducing grazing pressure in a bio‐diverse region of southeastern Queensland, Australia. We compared outcomes of 5 management approaches based on different assumptions about interactions and quantified how investment needed, benefits expected, and the locations prioritized for implementation differed when interactions were taken into account. Managing for interactions altered decisions about where to invest and in which actions to invest and had the potential to deliver increased investment efficiency. Differences in high priority locations and actions were greatest between the approaches when we made different assumptions about how management actions deliver benefits through threat abatement: either all threats must be managed to conserve species or only one management action may be required. Threatened species management that does not consider interactions between actions may result in misplaced investments or misguided expectations of the effort required to mitigate threats to species.  相似文献   

水文因素影响稻田氮磷流失的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水文因素为农田氮磷元素的迁移提供了动力和载体,对稻田氮磷元素的流失具有重要影响。利用新型的稻田水分管理模式以代替传统的水分管理模式,对于有效控制面源污染具有重要意义。在综合调研国内外已有研究成果和最新进展的基础上,阐述了稻田氮磷流失特征、传统水分管理模式的弊端,并从新型稻田水分管理模式的种类、削减氮磷流失的效果与机理、与水平衡模型、营养负荷模型等结合应用等几个方面综述了国内外水文因素影响稻田氮磷流失的研究现状。进行稻田土壤吸附氮磷容量及人工调节机制的研究,在部分地区开展流域化水分管理系统研究,以及适用于我国稻田的水平衡模型和营养负荷模型的建立和深入研究应为今后我国关于水文因素影响稻田氮磷流失方面研究的一些方向。  相似文献   

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