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新疆石河子城市道路尘土中重金属污染及潜在生态风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市道路尘土中积累了大量的有毒有害物质,这些污染物可以通过地表径流、风力等因素的影响而迁移到大气、水体和土壤等各种环境介质中,直接或间接地对环境和人体造成危害.因此,城市道路尘土中重金属的污染研究及其风险评价具有重要意义.  相似文献   

<正>2014年4月25日来源:日本厚生劳动省日本厚生劳动省向世界贸易组织通报,该省计划将3种物质以及它们的制剂列为有毒或有害物质和制剂。这些物质是:氯-2,4-二硝基苯;氯甲酸苯酯;邻苯二酚。前2种物质将被列为有毒物质,第3种物质将被列为有害物质。根据该通报,将于6月20日对有毒和有害物质控制法进行修订,并且这些修订将自7月1日起生效。  相似文献   

为探索建立农用地优先管控酞酸酯类有毒有害化学物质的筛选方法,基于Football组合法开展了相关研究。结果表明,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)、邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)、邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯(DIBP)、邻苯二甲酸丁基苄基酯(BBP)和邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)等5种酞酸酯类内源污染物潜在风险较高,将筛选结果与国内外管控化学物质名单进行比较分析,表明Football组合法可用于筛选农用地优先控制酞酸酯类有毒有害物质。  相似文献   

环境中的有毒污染物主要来自药品食品,农药兽药,以及包括石油化工、橡胶塑料、纺织皮革、电子产品等在内的大量工业化学物质.然而,化学物质带来的益处不能以牺牲人类健康和生态环境为代价,例如人类长期暴露于有毒化学品诱发癌症、代谢紊乱等各种职业病和慢性病,内分泌干扰物大量进入环境对野生生物繁殖发育造成不可修复的严重影响并导致野生动物种群退化等.有毒物质的源头控制因此关系到化学工业的可持续发展.发达国家在常量污染物基本得到控制后,重点任务已经转向有毒化学物质的风险评估与管理.化学品安全是联合国确保21世纪全球社会经济和环境可持续发展的优先主题之一.环境保护部在《国家环境保护“十二五”科技发展规划(2011)》中将加强化学品环境监管与风险防控列入重点领域;并在《化学品环境风险防控“十二五”规划(2013)》明确提出了“开展消费产品中高环境风险化学品环境和健康影响研究”,“建立危险化学品环境危害性测试评估方法体系,开展危险化学品环境危害性、毒理特性鉴定”的科技支撑体系目标.  相似文献   

本文对有毒化学品进口的环境管理提出了四点建议:(1)确定优先管理的化学品名录,加强对潜在有毒化学品的重点控制;(2)实行有毒化学品进口环境管理登记制度,严格控制污染向我国转移;(3)对优先管理的化学品实行进口许可制度,严格控制优先管理化学品的进口;(4)建立化学品风险评价制度,提高科学管理水平。以此对有毒化学品进口实施有效的环境管理。  相似文献   

基于细菌呼吸理论为基础的环境有毒物质降解为环境污染治理提供了新的策略和方法,是近年来研究的热点问题.细菌呼吸是自然界中一个最基本、最重要的生物代谢过程,具有很大的灵活性和多样性,且与生态环境密切相关.在厌氧条件下,细菌利用环境中多种有毒物质作为呼吸链末端电子受体进行厌氧呼吸,在有毒物质被还原甚至降解的同时实现电子在呼吸链上的传递,形成跨膜的质子浓度电势梯度,进而转化为其生长代谢所需的能量.细菌以环境有毒物质为电子受体的厌氧呼吸不断被发现,这对于深入理解细菌呼吸的本质具有重要的理论意义,同时对于有毒物质的降解及元素的生物地球化学循环具重要的环境学意义,对于提高对地球表面有毒物质污染生物修复策略的认识具有重要的现实意义.图1表1参45  相似文献   

随着工农业生产和科学技术的发展,化学品的生产品种和数量与日俱增,大量有毒有害化学物质不断进入环境,给人类带来了难以预料的公害,震惊全球的突发性化学事故不断发生。因此,有毒化学品的污染、控制和管理已成为当今国际上关注的一大环境问题。 七十年代以来,许多发达国家进行了很多研究工作,制定了有关的法规和标准。联  相似文献   

电子废物含有大量的金属、塑料和阻燃剂等物质,如果处理不当,电子废物将向环境排放种类繁多的有毒有害物质,从而产生严重的环境污染问题。近年来,国内外学者对电子废物处理所致的生态环境问题给予了相当的关注,已经开展了不少相关研究,这些研究主要集中在我国的几个电子废物处理处置典型地区。本文对近5年来的相关研究成果进行了系统综述,内容涉及电子废物处理处置过程中产生的主要环境污染物,电子废物处理处置活动所致的土壤、水体和大气的重金属和持久性有机污染物污染以及电子废物处理处置活动对动植物和人体的污染风险等,并提出将来关于电子废物研究中需要关注的问题。  相似文献   

正甲苯-2,4-二异氰酸酯(TDI)是一种挥发性较强的有毒物质,是当前含有TDI的塑胶场地潜在毒性最大,污染时间最长,需重点预防的污染物.本文采用电喷雾质谱法和自制气体采样装置,对某塑胶场地上不同高度空气中游离TDI污染情况进行了采样和检测.对气体中游离TDI的污染进行快速准确的测定,对于全面认识和了解气体中TDI污染,保护活动人员的身体健康具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

化学突发事故的风险评估与预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡德福 《环境化学》1991,10(3):31-35
提出了有毒化学品外泄事故风险评估模式,讨论了起始源强、污染系数比及不可测事故概率等问题,给出了应用实例。还提供一种预测方法,用以确定有毒气体突发性外泄事故中不同剂量标准下的危害区域及伤害人员。预测中考虑到非定常流场的影响  相似文献   

环境中有毒、易燃、易爆等物质的泄漏将会在不同程度上对人体和周围环境造成伤害。为此建设项目(特别是化工行业)在进行环境影响评价时,必需对这些潜在的危害物质及其可能发生的事故进行危害分析。本文通过对天津中河化工厂罐区扩建工程的危害分析,给出了危害分析的基本过程及其分析的理论方法,以便为今后化工行业建设项目的危害分析提供一个理论参考。  相似文献   

A comprehensive ecological monitoring of hazardous substances is indispensable to preserve our health and environment. Therefore, fast and inexpensive techniques for routine analysis of pollutants are essential. However, in the measuring procedure itself often toxic reagents are used producing hazardous waste. Omitting environmentally hazardous substances in the analysis procedure is an important contribution to a more sustainable and green analytical chemistry. A reagent-free method for ultra-trace (pg to ng?L-1) mercury determination in water samples was developed and validated. An active nanogold collector integrated in a fully automated flow injection system is the core of this new method. All mercury species dissolved in the water sample are adsorbed and preconcentrated on the nano-structured gold surface of the collector. After rinsing and drying of the collector, the enriched mercury is thermally desorbed and finally measured by atomic fluorescence spectrometry. This method was optimized and validated for the determination of mercury in natural waters. The influence of various water constituents was investigated and only high contents of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) showed interferences of mercury preconcentration due to the strong complexation of mercury by DOC. This restriction can be solved by UV-irradiation, i.?e. reagent-free digestion of DOC rich samples prior to the preconcentration procedure. Mercury concentration of several natural river and sea waters and water from the discharge of a waste water treatment plant were determined with this new analytical method. Accuracy and precision of the method were demonstrated by several recovery experiments in natural water samples (recoveries: 96–102?%) and by analysis of the certified reference material BCR-579 (Mercury in Coastal Sea Water; recovery: 101?±?1?%). With a detection limit of only 80?pg?Hg?L–1 the proposed method is highly sensitive. Furthermore the method avoids potential contamination of the sample by reagent addition and is due to the reagent-free procedure environment-friendly. Hence this work is an important contribution to sustainable environmental analysis and at the same time improves accurate routine mercury trace analysis.  相似文献   

水体作为环境污染因子的最终归宿,不仅容纳了越来越多的有毒物质,而且由于水体的立体性,水生生物极易受到多种因子的复合污染,易造成潜在的生态和健康风险。其中,重金属和持久性有机污染物因分布广、难降解且毒性效应复杂等特点,对水生生态易造成潜在危害而受到广泛的关注。环境污染往往是以混合物的形式联合存在,而联合毒性作用的相关研究较少。因此,本文围绕近年来典型重金属和全氟化合物的单一毒性,以及复合污染对水生动物的联合毒性作用进行了综述,现有的研究结果表明,复合污染对生物体存在联合毒性作用,可能表现为单一元素毒性作用、协同作用或拮抗作用,并对存在的问题和今后的关注重点进行了探讨,以便为未来的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Chromium, especially the metal and its trivalent and hexavalent compounds, are of great industrial interest. As a matter of fact, chromium workers have an occupational risk. While trivalent chromium compounds are of low toxicity, the hexavalent compounds are strong oxidants which cause not only a direct tissue damage (=acute toxicity), but also possess a carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic potential (=chronic toxicity). Since the kidney is the main target organ after oral and/or dermal uptake of hexavalent chromium is the kidney, tubular necrosis might be the result of an acute toxification. This report presents anin vitro assay with cultured renal epithelial cells which allows the evaluation of the acute toxicity not only of trivalent and hexavalent chromium compounds, but also of various hazardous substances used in industrial production process. As shown here, an acute toxic effect was not detectable for the trivalent chromium (chromium (III)-chloridehexahydrate) within 24 h of exposure to concentrations as high as 200 μmol/l. In contrast, renal epithelial cells which were exposed to hexavalent chromium (potassium chromate) for the same time period exhibited marked signs of toxicity such as a rounding and detachment of the cells from the floor of the culture plates, an elongation and perinuclear development of vacuoles in the vital cells which were still attached, as well as a cells swelling and cellular fragments caused as a result of necrotic cell death and subsequent lysis. This toxic effect was already observed at concentrations above 5 μmol/l. In conclusion, thein vitro assay might be a good tool for the screening of hazardous substances in industrial medicine. More-over, by using additional tests, the chronic toxicity of such substances can also be examined. The selection of specific cell strains such as hepatocytes, neural cells etc. also allows the evaluation of toxic effects in individual organs. Thein vitro assay can not only be applied for the investigation of basic mechanisms of toxification and detoxification of specific compounds, but also delivers a basis for the screening of the reactivity of individual hazardous substances. Finally, the assay would allow a reduction in animal experiments as well as the simultaneous testing of a reactivity to multiple, hazardous substances.  相似文献   

青鳉鱼在饮用水安全领域具有很高的应用价值,其鱼鳍的活动状态可以反映水质的污染状况。但由于技术条件的限制,传统的方法无法实时而有效地提取到这些特征。针对这个问题,提出了一种可以高效识别并测量青鳉鱼胸、尾鳍摆动频率和幅值的计算机视觉算法。其中,为了快速地提取到这2个细节,自动阈值分割、帧差法、背景差分法、重心法、图像卷积和骨架细化等耗时极短的图像处理方法被应用到这项研究当中。初步试验显示这种算法在应用过程中是高效而可行的。它可以被广泛地应用到水环境监测领域,如研究有毒物质对青鳉鱼行为特性的影响和评估水环境的危险程度。  相似文献   

In order to quantify hazardous substance use in production processes, a special methodology has been designed within the context of the EcoGrade integrated environmental assessment method developed by the Öko-Institut, Institute for Applied Ecology. This methodology uses monoethylene glycol (MEG) equivalents as an indicator value for hazardous substance use. MEG equivalents permit direct, noxious-substance-focussed comparison of processes and products (Bunke 2001). The assessment is based upon the standardized risk phrases assigned to the component substances. The MEG equivalent methodology is a refinement and application of the potency factor model (Wirkfaktorenmodell) of the German Technical Rule for Hazardous Substances (Technische Regel für Gefahrstoffe, TRGS) 440 (AGS 2001). The data required for the assessment procedure are available within companies (safety data sheets) or are readily accessible publicly (hazardous substance databanks). A further benefit is that inventory analysis of hazardous substances using the method presented here makes it possible to take hazardous substance use into account in a systematic manner within life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies. The methodology has been tested for the example of residential buildings. Note: The terms ‘hazardous substance’, ‘noxious substance’ and ‘hazardous constituent’ are used in this paper in the sense of substances that have one of the hazard attributes set out in Article 3 of the German Chemicals Act (Chemikaliengesetz).  相似文献   

The formulation of a sound policy for environmental protection and toxic substances control requires knowledge of the presence and concentration of environmental contaminants. For this reason monitoring programs have been set up in the Netherlands for water, drinking water, and air pollution. The Netherlands system for air pollution, monitoring of the substances SO2, NOχ, CO, O3 is now fully automated. Some examples will be given to show the acquisition and management and interpretation of air pollution measurements.

Various smaller projects, supported by the Department of Health and Environmental Protection include measurement of indoor air‐contaminants, contaminants in soil and hazardous waste sites, and contaminants in biotic samples such as for instance PCB's in eels and seals and mussels. Moreover a Coordinating Committee regularly collects measurements from various sources in the Netherlands regarding pesticide residues and contaminants in food.

For cost‐effective monitoring the accuracy of the measurements must be chosen with regard to the biological effect concentration of the pollutant. The necessity of proper control measurements to establish background levels and the necessity of ring‐tests to increase interlaboratory reproducibility is discussed. In cost‐effective monitoring the minimum number of measurements, which are necessary to check the effect of environmental protection measures, must be defined through proper sampling.  相似文献   

The results of the emissions from combustion processes and/or from fire accidents show the risk to man and his environment and thus the need for strict legislation and critical analysis of unwanted compounds. These substances or their thermolysis products are often due to incomplete combustion or may result from the interaction of various substances.

In the following we report the formation of octachlorostyrene (OCS) and of high‐toxic substances such as polybrominated dioxins (PBrDD's), dibenzofurans (PBrDF's) by the combustion.

In order to determine a possible source of the non‐manufactured compound OCS, we conducted several model experiments in a combustion chamber at various temperatures from 400 °C to 800 °C. The thermolysis of chlorinated solvents like chloroform or of chlorinated aromatice like pentachlorobenzene produced—among other chlorinated substances—OCS as one of the major products.

Analogous combustion experiments with polyester plastics containing decabromodiphenylether as flame retardant and antimony trioxide as Synergist led to PBrDD's and PBrDF's. Here antimony trioxide seems to play an important role because in absence of this oxide, PBrDD's and PBrDF's were not found in our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

由于包含复杂的毒害化学污染物质,水体复合污染一直威胁着人类健康和水生生态安全。对复合污染水体进行监测、评估和治理是水环境管理的重点之一。监测并识别水体关键毒害污染因子是进行水质管理的前提,也是复合污染研究的难点。目前国内外在水复合污染毒性监测研究上主要基于动物活体试验或者生物体外测试。由于受限于毒理学测试方法,常见的应用通常仅关注于某方面的毒性效应或者少数的分子指标,因而受到质疑和挑战。有害结局路径(Adverse outcome pathway, AOP)的概念将化学污染物的结构、致毒的分子启动事件和生物毒性的有害结局建立关联,为污染物的毒性测试、预测和评估提供了新的模式。本文旨在论述有害结局路径在复合污染毒性评估和关键毒害物质鉴别中的指导性价值和意义。在有害结局路径的指导框架下,借助于生物体外高通量测试技术、化学分析的靶向和非靶向分析技术、和生物信息学技术,可以系统地分析化学混合物在分子、细胞水平上健康相关指标的响应水平,评估水体中复杂结构污染物,与不同生态和健康有害结局之间的关联,为水环境评价和优先污染物的筛选管理提供有效支撑。本文通过综述AOP框架在复合水体中毒害物质风险研究的现状和优势,对AOP在水环境环境管理上的应用前景提出展望。  相似文献   

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