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为评价江苏典型中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)养殖区抗生素污染水平和生态风险,利用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱仪(UPLC-MS/MS)分别检测了江苏高淳和金坛4个中华绒螯蟹养殖塘水体和沉积物中大环内酯类、四环素类、β-内酰胺类、喹诺酮类和磺胺类5类抗生素水平。结果表明:研究区中华绒螯蟹养殖水体中均存在一定程度的抗生素污染。高淳养殖水体中污染物主要为喹诺酮类、四环素类和大环内酯类抗生素,而金坛养殖水体中5类抗生素分布均匀。4个养殖塘中,养殖塘GC2水体中抗生素检出浓度最高,主要包括盐酸金霉素(241.99 ng·L~(-1))、螺旋霉素(198.53 ng·L~(-1))、环丙沙星(168.81 ng·L~(-1))、沙拉沙星(165.40 ng·L~(-1))、诺氟沙星(126.17 ng·L~(-1))、恩诺沙星(117.42 ng·L~(-1))和依诺沙星(103.08 ng·L~(-1));而沉积物中抗生素含量均较低。水体抗生素浓度与对应的水质指标的相关性分析结果显示,水体克林霉素、强力霉素和青霉素G钠盐浓度与COD_(Mn)呈显著相关。采用风险商值法对水体残留抗生素进行风险评估,结果表明江苏高淳和金坛中华绒螯蟹养殖环境中残留抗生素具有一定的生态风险,尤其是养殖塘GC2水体中大环内酯类和喹诺酮类抗生素对相应敏感物种的风险较高,直接影响藻类等浮游植物的生长。建议控制该类抗生素在养殖过程中的使用,以降低生态风险。  相似文献   

贵州草海喀斯特高原湿地水环境中典型抗生素的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了初步探讨喀斯特地貌草海湿地环境中抗生素的污染水平、空间分布特征和生态风险,采用固相萃取和高效液相色谱-串联质谱法研究了地表水和沉积物样品中34种典型抗生素的含量水平,并通过风险商值法(RQ)进行生态风险评估.结果表明,33种抗生素在地表水中均有不同程度的检出,磺胺类、喹诺酮类、大环内酯类、氯霉素类和其他类抗生素的平均浓度分别为50.5 ng·L~(-1)、43.2 ng·L~(-1)、22.6 ng·L~(-1)、15.9 ng·L~(-1)和1.66 ng·L~(-1).喹诺酮类在沉积物中检出浓度最高,平均浓度为282 ng·g~(-1)且高于地表水.在空间分布上,地表水呈现上游入湖口平均浓度(379 ng·L~(-1))高于下游出湖口平均浓度(50.4 ng·L~(-1));草海近岸区南侧沉积物中抗生素浓度高于湖心区和近岸区北侧.风险评估结果表明,单一抗生素SD、NOR、SAR、CTM、ROX和LIN等物质的RQs大于1呈高风险,SMX、SG、CIP、OFL、ENR和ERY等6种抗生素RQs在0.1≤RQs1之间,呈中度风险;SMZ、SPD、FF和CAP等抗生素的RQs小于0.1;抗生素联合风险显示湖心区、南岸区以及出湖口呈现中度风险,其他近城市排污口呈高风险,抗生素联合风险商值明显高于单一抗生素的风险商值.整体看来,人类活动强度与草海水环境中抗生素的污染程度密切相关.  相似文献   

利用气相色谱(GC-ECD)、ICP-MS和原子荧光法,对海南五市淡水区表层水体和沉积物样品中14种有机氯农药和9种重金属进行检测和评价.结果表明,水样和表层沉积物有机氯农药含量分别为5.02—60.75 ng·L~(-1)和2.30—22.67 ng·g~(-1),其中水样中含量较高的化合物有β-HCH(6.67 ng·L~(-1))、p,p'-DDT(4.01 ng·L~(-1))、o,p'-DDT(3.35 ng·L~(-1))和p,p'-DDE(3.05 ng·L~(-1)),表层沉积物含量较高的化合物为异狄氏剂(3.09 ng·g~(-1))、β-硫丹(2.40 ng·g~(-1))、p,p'-DDD(1.82 ng·g~(-1))、β-HCH(1.63 ng·g~(-1))、α-硫丹(1.59 ng·g~(-1))和p,p'-DDE(1.04 ng·g~(-1)).海南养殖水体中HCHs和DDTs污染程度与其他水域比较属中低水平.重金属检测水样中Cr、Fe、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Hg和Pb含量分别为nd—26.58、346.7—5310、0.28—14.81、nd—9.46、3.02—15.05、132.96—186.6、nd—0.11、0.01—0.11、1.15—21.60μg·L~(-1),底泥中Cr、Fe、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Hg和Pb含量分别为4.04—71.28、6530—37040、1.06—29.34、nd—19.26、nd—111.04、1.04—5.68、nd—0.22、0.01—0.15、3.17—61.38 mg·kg~(-1),养殖鱼塘底泥中重金属潜在生态风险综合指数(RI)为10.37—51.80,平均为25.45,综合污染指数评价该区域除个别样点外重金属污染程度较低,7种重金属的单项潜在生态风险指数生态风险均值排列顺序为:HgCdAsPbCuZnCr.  相似文献   

吕凯  刘晓薇  邓呈逊  郑坤  李兰兰  史江红  郭伟 《环境化学》2019,38(11):2415-2424
针对磺胺类、喹诺酮类、四环素类、大环内酯类共14种典型抗生素,建立了水和沉积物中固相萃取-高分离快速液相色谱-串联质谱(SPE-RRLC-MS/MS)前处理方法和仪器检测方法.14种抗生素在5—100μg·L~(-1)范围内线性良好,相关系数r≥0.990.优化后的前处理方法采用乙腈/0.1 mol·L~(-1) EDTA-Mcllvaine(1∶1,V/V)作为沉积物样品中目标抗生素的提取剂,甲醇/丙酮(85∶15,V/V)作为固相萃取柱的洗脱液.表层水中14种抗生素的加标回收率为56%—117%,相对标准偏差(n=3)为0.10%—12%;沉积物中14种抗生素的加标回收率为57%—127%,相对标准偏差(n=3)为0.10%—25%.表层水和沉积物中抗生素的方法检出限分别为0.18—5.88 ng·L~(-1)和0.25—2.94 ng·g~(-1).该方法用于检测合肥市南淝河表层水和沉积物中的抗生素,5种抗生素被检出,浓度范围分别为32—308 ng·L~(-1)和2.70—329 ng·g~(-1).  相似文献   

为了揭示海陆衔接区环境中抗生素与抗性细菌分布特征及其内在相关性,以莱州湾及其主要入海河流为研究区域,利用HPLC-MS/MS分析样品中15种磺胺类抗生素(SAs)和6种喹诺酮类抗生素(QNs)的浓度,并通过改良的Method 1604(US EPA)评估海水与沉积物中2种典型水传病原微生物大肠杆菌(E.coli)与金黄色葡萄球菌(S.aureus)的抗生素抗性水平,进而探讨该区域水体中抗性菌株的分布特点以及微生物抗性率与相应抗生素浓度的相关性。结果显示,莱州湾水体与沉积物中普遍存在磺胺与喹诺酮类抗生素残留及抗性污染问题。两大类抗生素在水体中平均残留浓度分别为3.89 ng·L~(-1)(SAs)和234.68ng·L~(-1)(QNs),在沉积物中分别为0.91 ng·g~(-1)(SAs)和49.37 ng·g~(-1)(QNs),且分布特征基本呈现自河流向海洋逐渐递减的趋势,说明河流输入是莱州湾抗生素污染的主要来源。在水体中,具有磺胺类抗性的E.coli和S.aureus平均检出量分别达到2 018和4 683 CFU·L~(-1),抗性率范围分别在0%~37.3%和10.6%~45.8%之间;而2种喹诺酮类抗性病原微生物的平均检出量则相对较低,分别为1 315 CFU·L~(-1)(E.coli)和1 461 CFU·L~(-1)(S.aureus),抗性率分别为0%~50.0%和0%~20.8%;此外,相比于E.coli,S.aureus为沉积物中的主要抗性病原微生物,磺胺与喹诺酮类抗性S.aureus检出率均高于80%,平均检出量分别为24CFU·g~(-1)和18 CFU·g~(-1)。相关性分析表明,莱州湾近岸海域水体中磺胺类抗生素浓度与磺胺类抗性微生物总量之间具有良好的线性关系,然而其与微生物抗性率之间并未表现出相似的规律,说明近岸海洋环境中抗生素的残留量不是影响抗性菌株丰度的唯一因素。  相似文献   

嘉兴市饮用水源为太湖流域来水,经石臼漾湿地系统净化后供居民使用.为了解水源及河网中抗生素分布特征,于2015年4月采集嘉兴市水源来水及城市河网表层水样,用固相萃取-高效液相串联质谱法分析了20种抗生素含量水平.结果表明,抗生素污染水平在330—660 ng·L~(-1),氟喹诺酮类抗生素为主要的抗生素污染物,浓度范围在160—400 ng·L~(-1)之间.氟苯尼考是占比例最大的单体抗生素(24%—54%),浓度范围在121—259 ng·L~(-1).湿地系统可有效的去除磺胺嘧啶、磺胺甲唑、诺氟沙星、环丙沙星及恩诺沙星.  相似文献   

本文建立了一种检测污水及污泥中4种磺胺类抗生素及其相应的乙酰化代谢物的分析方法,包括磺胺嘧啶(SD)、磺胺甲基嘧啶(SM1)、磺胺二甲基嘧啶(SM2)、磺胺甲恶唑(SMZ)以及它们相对应的乙酰化代谢物.本文采用了固相萃取(SPE)的方法作为前处理,并优化了固相萃取条件.计算了样品中复杂的基质效应,并使用内标法来抵消基质效应.该方法在污水中检测限(LOD)和定量限(LOQ)分别为0.12—2.06 ng·L~(-1)和0.43—5.12 ng·L~(-1),在污泥中分别为0.28—2.31 ng·g~(-1)和0.88—6.77 ng·g~(-1),在污水和污泥中的回收率为分别为70.8%—130.6%,88.0%—129.2%.本方法成功应用于检测污水处理厂中的污水及污泥中的目标化合物.  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区典型废水中抗生素的初步分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱方法,对城市生活污水、养猪场和甲鱼养殖场废水进行抗生素污染检测.污水处理厂污水中检出磺胺二甲嘧啶、磺胺甲氧嘧啶和磺胺甲恶唑3种磺胺类抗生素,浓度都低于5 μg·l-1.养猪场废水中检出磺胺甲恶唑、磺胺对甲氧嘧啶、磺胺嘧啶、磺胺二甲嘧啶和磺胺氯哒嗪5种磺胺类抗生素(<5μg·l-1),四环素类的四环素、土霉素和强力霉素(30.05-100.75μg·l-1).甲鱼养殖场废水检出氯霉素、甲砜霉素和氟甲砜霉素3种氯霉素抗生素,浓度低于检测下限0.1μg·l-1.结果表明,在3种典型废水中,养猪场废水检出抗生素的种类最多,浓度也最高;磺胺类在3种废水中检出频率最高,尤其是磺胺甲恶唑、磺胺二甲嘧啶和磺胺甲氧嘧啶.说明城市生活污水、畜禽养殖场废水和水产养殖废水都是水环境潜在的抗生素污染源.  相似文献   

本研究基于GC-MS分析了巢湖湖区及入湖河流共40个采样点的表层水及表层沉积物样品中有机氯杀虫剂(OCPs)的含量.研究结果表明,在一年内不同季节中,巢湖湖区及入湖河流表层水体∑OCPs浓度均较低,春季6.09—11.53 ng·L~(-1),夏季6.32—11.10 ng·L~(-1),秋季6.76—16.23 ng·L~(-1),冬季5.97—16.29 ng·L~(-1);相应季节OCPs平均浓度分别为8.33±1.19 ng·L~(-1),8.43±1.21 ng·L~(-1),9.25±1.96 ng·L~(-1)和8.33±2.14 ng·L~(-1).表层水体中OCPs主要为工业生产六六六(HCHs)以及杀虫剂林丹.湖区及入湖河流表层沉积物中OCPs浓度(ng·g~(-1)级别)远高于表层水体(ng·L~(-1)级别)的浓度,∑OCPs浓度范围为2.55—19.03 ng·g~(-1),平均浓度为5.80±4.07 ng·g~(-1),且巢湖西部地区OCPs污染大于东部区域,其中较高浓度的狄氏剂和硫丹成分说明巢湖区域受到这两类物质的污染.异构体分析表明,表层沉积物中OCPs的来源也与周边农田土壤和地表径流所带来的污染以及不同程度工业品HCHs粉剂和林丹的陆源性输入有关;在绝大多数采样点的表层沉积物中滴滴涕类农药(DDTs)的检出为历史的残留污染.生态风险评价表明,巢湖湖区及入湖河流表层水体中OCPs对该区域的生态风险几乎没有影响且表层沉积物中OCPs亦处于较低的风险状态.  相似文献   

太湖作为重要的工农业用水水源以及周边居民饮用水源,其水质安全受到高度关注。在太湖西部入湖口采集7个沉积物样品,研究了合成麝香、多环芳烃(PAHs)、有机磷酸酯阻燃剂/增塑剂(OPs)和有机氯农药(OCPs)含量水平和分布规律。研究结果表明,沉积物中多种污染物分布广泛,含量水平差异较大。其中,Σ15PAHs含量371 ng·g~(-1)~2.53$103ng·g~(-1),主要来源于生物质燃烧和化石燃料高温裂解;沉积物中检出4种多环麝香,主要组分为佳乐麝香(HHCB)(0.0792 ng·g~(-1)~1.17 ng·g~(-1))和吐纳麝香(AHTN)(0.123 ng·g~(-1)~1.29 ng·g~(-1)),它们指示了太湖水体已遭受一定程度生活污水输入影响;沉积物中Σ6OPs含量范围为1.63 ng·g~(-1)~21.9 ng·g~(-1),主要污染组分为磷酸三(2-氯丙基)酯(TCPP)和磷酸三(2-氯乙基)酯(TCEP),并呈现明显的点源排放特征;沉积物中六六六系列(HCHs)(0.310 ng·g~(-1)~1.11 ng·g~(-1))和滴滴涕系列(DDTs)(0.551 ng·g~(-1)~6.40 ng·g~(-1))主要来源于历史残留。位于太滆流域的几个入湖口沉积物中多种污染物含量多高于浙江省辖区3个入湖口沉积物。  相似文献   

Concentrations of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and other perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were measured in water and sediment from coastal Bohai Bay and surrounding rivers flowing into the bay. Of the 15 PFCs measured, PFOS and PFOA were detected with the greatest frequency. Concentrations in water ranged from<0.2 to 31 ng·L?1 and<1.0 to 82 ng·L?1 for PFOS and PFOA, respectively. Concentrations of PFOS and PFOA in sediments ranged from<0.1 to 2.0 ng·g?1 dw and<0.1 to 0.5 ng·g?1 dw, respectively. Concentrations of PFCs in Bohai Bay were less than those observed in other areas in Asia, but greater concentrations of ∑PFCs were observed in the Dalin River with concentrations increasing from upstream to downstream, and the greatest concentrations in sediment were observed in tidal flats. The ratio of ∑PFCs in sediment and water indicated that sediment could serve as a significant sink for PFUnA.  相似文献   

In this study, the current situation of five types of toxic organics and endocrine disrupters in the sediments of rivers around Beijing, i.e., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalic acid esters (PAEs), organic chlorinated pesticides (OCPs), estrogens (Es), and bisphenol A (BPA), which included 56 contaminants, was analyzed and compared with that registered by the historical literatures. The ecological risks were also assessed. The total concentration of PAHs, PAEs, OCPs, Es, and BPA ranged from 232.5 ng·g–1 to 5429.7 ng·g–1, 2047.2 ng·g–1 to 18051.5 ng·g–1, 4.5 ng·g–1 to 11.7 ng·g–1, 18.1 ng·g–1 to 105.2 ng·g–1, and 36.3 ng·g–1 to 69.6 ng·g–1, respectively. Among these five types of organic compounds, the concentration levels of PAHs and OCPs have decreased significantly in the last ten years, while those of PAEs and Es had an upward trend compared with the previous studies. BPA still remained at a moderately high level, as it was ten years ago. The risks of the PAEs in all of the sample sites, and fluoranthene, benzo[a]anthrene, and benzo[a]pyrene in the Wenyu River sediment, were relatively high. These results supplemented the database of toxic organics’ concentration levels in the sediments of Beijing rivers.

Three important groups of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organic chlorinated pesticides (OCPs) and phthalate esters (PAEs), were produced by various human activities and entered the water body. In this study, the pollution profiles of three species including 16 PAHs, 20 OCPs and 15 PAEs in water along the Beijiang River, China were investigated. The concentrations of Σ16PAHs in the dissolved and particulate phases were obtained as 69–1.5 × 102 ng L?1 and 2.3 × 103–8.6 × 104 ng g?1, respectively. The levels of Σ20OCPs were 23–66 ng L?1 (dissolved phase) and 19–1.7 × 103 ng g?1 (particulate phase). Nevertheless, higher levels of PAEs were found both in the dissolved and particulate phases due to abuse use of plastic products. Furthermore, non-cancer and cancer risks caused by these SVOCs through the ingestion absorption and dermal absorption were also assessed. There was no non-cancer risk existed through two kinds of exposure of them at current levels, whereas certain cancer risk existed through dermal absorption of PAHs in the particulate phase in some sampling sites. The results will show scientific insights into the evaluation of the status of combined pollution in river basins, and the determination of strategies for incident control and pollutant remediation.  相似文献   

Soil is an important source to other environmental media and organisms for organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) bioaccumulation. Twenty-four representative surface soil samples were collected from the lower reaches of the Jiulong River, China, in 2009. The concentrations of hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs) ranged from 0.38 to 39.52 ng·g?1, with a mean value of 9.51 ng·g?1. The concentrations of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) and their metabolites were within the ranges of 0.94–700.99 ng·g?1, with a mean value of 71.17 ng·g?1. The concentrations of HCHs and DDTs in the soil were lower than the first grade level (50 ng·g?1) of the Chinese Environmental Quality Standard (GB15618-1995). Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Pearson’s bivariate Correlations Analysis (PCA) were used to analyse the distribution and contamination levels of OCPs in this region. The results showed that DDTs were the major contaminants and there were no significant correlations between various OCPs concentrations and the total organic carbon (TOC) contents. A significant positive correlation was observed between HCHs and DDTs (p<0.01), which indicates that HCHs and DDTs may have similar sources and fate in the study area.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to examine the heavy metal status of the lower basin of Kainji dam (used for hydroelectricity generation), which includes Lakes Kainji/Jebba, Nigeria, and the potential for human exposure to heavy metals from eating fish caught in the lakes. Water, sediments and fish were sampled from the lakes and evaluated for As, Cu, Co, Cr, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Ti, V and Zn using the EDXRF technique. Fe and Mn were found to be present at high mean concentrations in the water (13 and 9 μg L-1), sediment (7092 and 376 μg g-1) and fish (11.4 and 4.6 μg g-1) samples. Sb (3.2 μg L-1), Ti (4.1 μg L-1), Cr (2.2 μg L-1), Co (1.2 μg L-1), Cu (1.3 μg L-1) and Pb (1.2 μg L-1) in the water samples and Sb (29 μg g-1), Ti (27 μg g-1), V (27 μg g-1), Cr (27 μg g-1), Co (40 μg g-1), Ni (33 μg g-1), Cu (25 μg g-1), Zn (59 μg g-1) and Pb (19 μg g-1) in the sediment samples were found to be of medium mean concentrations. The other metals were present at trace levels (<1 μg), including As and Hg in the fish and sediment samples. There was an appreciable increase in␣metal concentrations in going from the water to the sediment samples. The probable source of the pollutants is anthropogenic, arising from agricultural activities, corrosion/abrasion of the ferrous steel material and additives in the lubricants and insulation used for auxiliary services on the turbine floor of the dam constructed on the lakes. However, natural geological sourcing from the underlying lake rock cannot be totally ignored, particularly the high levels of Fe and Mn in the sediment samples. The potential risk for human exposure to these metals emanates from the fish caught in the lakes and subsequently consumed, as there are already significant levels of these metals in the two fish species analysed, Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Chrysicthys (Chrysicthys auratus).  相似文献   

Xijiang River is an important drinking water source in Guangxi Province, China. Along the Xijiang River and surrounding tributary, the pollution profile of three important groups of semi-volatile organic compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and phthalate esters (PAEs), was analyzed. Relatively low levels of PAHs (64–3.7 × 102 ng L?1) and OCPs (16–70 ng L?1), but high levels of PAEs (7.9 × 102–6.8 × 103 ng L?1) occurred in the water. Comparatively, low levels of OCPs (39–1.8 × 102 ng g?1) and PAEs (21–81 ng g?1), but high levels of PAHs (41–1.1 × 103 ng g?1) were found in sediment. Principal component analyses for source identification indicated petroleum-derived residues or coal and biomass combustion, and vehicular emission was the main sources for PAHs. The OCPs sources of each category were almost independent, whereas the new input of HCHs and p,p′-DDTs probably existed in some areas. PAEs were mainly originated from personal care products of urban sewage, plastic and other industrial sources. Ecological risk through the risk quotient analysis indicated a small or significant potential adverse effect on fish, daphnia and green algae. Nevertheless, the integrated risk of all pollutants should be taken into account in future study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) contamination levels in roe and red deer from north-western Poland and to assess environmental pollution in this area. A quantitative analysis was conducted using a capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method. The mean concentrations of ΣPCBs (sum of PCBs: 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180) in liver samples were 30.24±12.35 ng·g?1 of lipid weight (l.w.) in roe deer and 60.13±14.23 ng·g?1 l.w. in red deer, compared with 24.21±10.02 and 45.22±9.77 ng·g?1 in the lungs of roe and red deer, respectively. PCBs 138, 153 and 180 were the dominant congeners in the liver samples of the analysed animals, whereas PCB 138 and 153 in the lungs. TEQs levels calculated for only dioxin-like PCBs were low: 0.32 and 0.29 pg WHO-PCB-TEQ·g?1 fat in liver of red deer and roe deer, respectively. The mean PCB concentrations obtained in our study for organs of roe deer and red deer were several times lower than those reported elsewhere. These findings show that the investigated roe and red deer originated from an area with low levels of PCB contamination.  相似文献   

武汉地区水环境中全氟化合物污染水平及其分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
武汉作为中国氟化工行业的主要生产基地之一,其水环境中全氟及多氟类化合物(PFASs)污染情况对评估该地区水环境生态安全至关重要。采集了武汉城区10个污水处理厂进、出口污水和19个地表水样品,利用HPLC-ESI-MS/MS技术分析研究该区域水环境中PFASs污染水平及其分布特征。结果发现,武汉地区的污水和地表水样品中,PFASs污染均以短链同系物全氟丁酸(PFBA)和全氟丁基磺酸(PFBS)为主。污水处理厂进、出口污水中PFASs总浓度分别为11.8~12 700 ng·L~(-1)和19.1~9 970 ng·L~(-1)。在城区15个湖水样品中,PFASs总浓度为21.0~10 900 ng·L~(-1);在流经城区的4个江水样品中,PFASs总浓度为4.11~4.77 ng·L~(-1),比湖水样品中PFASs浓度水平低1~2个数量级。与污水中PFASs空间分布趋势一致,各湖泊水样中PFASs总体水平呈现汉口汉阳武昌的趋势,表明城市工业布局与人口密度程度直接影响城市PFASs污染空间分布。值得注意的是,与以往水环境中PFASs污染以全氟辛酸(PFOA)和全氟辛基磺酸(PFOS)为主不同,武汉地区水环境中PFASs污染以短链同系物为主,表明短链替代效应已经渐渐在中国化工领域出现,中国全氟行业在响应国际组织规范和建议的基础上做出了实质性进展。然而,对于短链PFASs的污染特征、迁移运输以及生态风险等科学问题,还需要更进一步的研究。  相似文献   

抗生素作为生长促进剂和疾病预防控制药物在水产养殖领域得到广泛应用,目前在许多环境水体中检测到不同类型的抗生素。环境中抗生素的残留问题也是目前环境研究的热点问题之一。本研究选择南方某市8个水源地和5个典型水产养殖区作为研究对象,采用固相萃取、高效液相色谱串联三重四级杆质谱联用仪方法,调查了32种常用抗生素在水体中的含量水平和空间分布特征,揭示了抗生素的来源,并对其生态风险进行了评价。水源地共检出12种抗生素,浓度范围为0.12~44.6 ng·L~(-1),以磺胺甲噁唑含量最高;水产养殖区检出14种抗生素,浓度范围为0.95~716 ng·L~(-1),以氯四环素检出浓度最高。整体上水产养殖区抗生素的浓度高于水源地。抗生素浓度与环境因子的冗余分析表明,水产养殖和生活污水排放是水体中抗生素的主要来源。对检出的13种抗生素进行生态风险评价,单一抗生素而言,环丙沙星、氧氟沙星、磺胺嘧啶、氯四环素和脱水红霉素的风险商值大于0.01而小于0.1,表现为低风险。总抗生素风险商值加和在大部分水源地大于0.01而小于0.1,表现为低风险;总抗生素风险商值加和在2个水产养殖区大于0.1,表现为中等风险,水产养殖区抗生素的长期生态风险应该引起关注。  相似文献   

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