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初步研制的汞蒸汽被动式检气管是建立在气体分子扩散和化学吸收原理基础上的,新制备的碘化亚铜沉淀和乙醇、甘油、硝酸混合、研碎,伴入经活化的层析硅胶,填充到检气管中,当汞蒸气进入管内时,发生显色反应,检气管显色长度的平方与汞蒸汽浓度及采样时间的乘积成线性关系,检测下限为0.001ug/mL(1h)。该法集采样与分析于一体,结构简单,不需动力,便于携带,操作方便,实验室模拟运用,其灵敏度和标准偏差令人满意。  相似文献   

新型甲醛被动式检气管的研制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新研制的甲醛被动式检气管是建立在气体分子扩散和化学吸收原理基础上的,检气管内的惰性担体上浸渍了对甲醛特效的希夫试剂。当管内进入甲醛气体时,即发生显色反应,检气管的显色长度的平方与甲醛浓度及采样时间的乘积成线性关系。检出下限为0.015mg#L(采样5h),它集采样与分析为一体,结构简单,不需动力,便于携带和操作方便,应用于检测某厂刨花板车间和制胶车间的甲醛气体,与传统的注射器采样比色分析法对比,结  相似文献   

扩散采样法观测大气中SO2,NO2的本底浓度   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈乐恬  佟玉芹 《环境化学》1995,14(5):471-474
被动采样一般分为扩散式和渗透式,从理论上讲,渗透方式优于扩散方式,但是,在浓度的计算公式中,渗透常数的校正受到许多实验条件的限制(如渗透管的种类有限),远不能满足待测气体的需要.而扩散系数可以由实验测定或根据半经验公式估算,进行温度校正后即可用于浓度计算.Ferm根据气体扩散原理设计的采样器,在很大程度上解决了空气扰动问题.本文在以前工作的基础上,对背景区域空气污染物的日平均浓度的观测进行初步研究.  相似文献   

对污染场地修复过程挥发性有机物(VOCs)散逸及浓度分布进行了检测分析,通过光离子气体检测仪(PID)现场快速监测与采样管采样气相色谱质谱分析技术相结合的方式,进行了修复过程中VOCs散逸浓度检测,同时利用吹扫捕集法+色谱/质谱检测分析方法进行了VOCs污染场地内土壤中浓度检测.研究了VOCs在挖掘扰动过程中的散逸行为,并对气体中的VOCs浓度平面分布进行分析.结果表明,污染土壤中典型VOCs的散逸率整体上较高,对于该污染场地土壤特质,污染土壤扰动过程中,1,2-二氯乙烷散逸程度最高,苯散逸程度最低.VOCs浓度并不因距离增加而呈现明显负相关关系,污染物在扩散过程中会出现波峰波谷的现象.  相似文献   

气相色谱-电子捕获检测法在线观测12种卤代温室气体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用自组装的气相色谱仪-电子捕获检测器系统(GC-ECD)测定大气中12种卤代温室气体,空气样品采样的时间分辨率80min,分析精度0.16%—4.87%,准确度-1.64%—3.05%.对2007年4月6日—2007年4月16日在北京上甸子站的观测结果进行分析,获得12种卤代温室气体的本底和非本底浓度,表明该系统适用于大气中卤代温室气体浓度在线观测。  相似文献   

在北京典型城市混合功能区点位选择8月和12月,开展手工采样-离线分析技术与在线单颗粒气溶胶质谱仪(SPAMS)测定环境空气颗粒物及其特征组分的比对研究,重点比较OC/EC、水溶性离子和元素等30余种特征组分的监测结果,考察在线监测设备在获得的颗粒物源解析特征组分上与传统手工方式的可比性.结果表明,SPAMS在不同季节测得的颗粒物数浓度与手工滤膜采样得到的颗粒物质量浓度存在一定的可比性;在线和手工方法监测颗粒物中OC、K~+、NH_4~+、Na~+、NO_3~-、SO_4~(2-)、Pb、Cd、Cr、Zn、Mo等组分在不同季节均存在一定的可比性,8月份可比的组分有13个,12月份可比的组分有22个(r值大于0.5),其原因可能与冬季颗粒物及其特征组分的浓度较高且样本量的离散程度增加有关.SPAMS能够快速得到高时间分辨的细颗粒物质量和组分含量的变化趋势,可以作为常规源解析的重要辅助和补充.  相似文献   

作为国家规定的8种恶臭气体之一,硫化氢是污泥中微生物作用于含硫物质的终点产物,在污泥的储存和安全运输过程中控制或抑制其释放至关重要.本研究以丙酸钾作为污泥稳定化添加剂,通过测定污泥pH值的变化及硫化氢的释放情况,分析不同添加量的丙酸钾、pH与硫化氢释放量的关系,从而说明污泥稳定化效果.研究结果表明,丙酸钾对污泥硫化氢释放有抑制作用,随pH升高、储存时间延长抑制效果有所减弱;丙酸钾的添加量越大,硫化氢的释放量越小,污泥稳定的时间越长;氮气环境更有利于丙酸钾对污泥的稳定化作用.  相似文献   

正甲苯-2,4-二异氰酸酯(TDI)是一种挥发性较强的有毒物质,是当前含有TDI的塑胶场地潜在毒性最大,污染时间最长,需重点预防的污染物.本文采用电喷雾质谱法和自制气体采样装置,对某塑胶场地上不同高度空气中游离TDI污染情况进行了采样和检测.对气体中游离TDI的污染进行快速准确的测定,对于全面认识和了解气体中TDI污染,保护活动人员的身体健康具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

明确水环境中农残的污染状况对研究其环境行为和生态风险至关重要。传统主动采样法耗能、耗力且单次采样仅获得瞬时浓度值。被动采样节能、方便且为时间加权平均浓度,利于大规模采样。极性有机物整合采样技术(polar organic chemical integrative sampler,POCIS)是针对极性有机物的被动采样技术,近年来在水环境中农药监测的运用越来越广泛。本文概述了POCIS结构、原理和校正方法,探讨了环境因素(如水流速率、温度、p H、溶解性有机质、盐度和膜污染)、化合物性质及POCIS结构对农药采样速率(Rs)的影响。此外,综述了POCIS在监测水环境中农药的应用,展望了POCIS在该领域中的问题、解决方式及前景。  相似文献   

本工作对大气中挥发性碳氢化合物C_2—C_6进行了测定,用填充Chromosorb-102(60~80目)的U型管在干冰(-75℃)冷冻下吸附采样。流速0.5~1.01/min。样品管直接与六通阀连接,油溶(85℃)热解吸3分钟切换六通阀进样。2.6m×3.0mm(I.D)玻璃柱内填HDG—202A(80~100目)作色谱分离柱,柱温50℃,氧火焰检蔼器,在该条件下分离效果良好。实测大气中碳氢化合物浓度可达PPb级。由于本方法是采用同一样品管进行吸附采样、解吸进样。避免了中间步骤可能带来的测定误差,提高了测定的准确度。  相似文献   

The infauna of 35 individuals of Spheciospongia vesparia (Lamarck, 1814) of different volumes and from different sites and depths have been inventoried and compared. The number of sponge-inhabiting taxa is logarithmically related to sponge volume. Biomass and total number of the animals contained in the sponge are directly proportional to sponge volume. Numerical and taxonomic composition of infaunas from different sampling sites is fairly constant. Biomass and total number of sponge-inhabiting animals is not significantly different for any of the 4 sampling sites. Several taxa, however, are more abundant in sponges from one or more localities. The ratio of total biomass to total number of intrasponge fauna is found to be significantly smaller for sponges collected in deep water than in shallow water. Differences from and similarities with Pearse's results (1932, 1950) on the infauna of the same sponge species at Dry Tortugas and Bimini are discussed. The relation of the number of contained taxa and the volume of a sponge is compared with the relation of island size and number of taxa present according to MacArthur and Wilson's island-theory (MacArthur, 1972). Finally the erratic occurrence of some taxa as opposed to the highly regular occurrence of some other taxa is discussed. It is concluded that the composition of the sponge-infauna in specimens larger than 11 is highly constant and that the sponge-inhabiting fauna constitutes an ecological community.  相似文献   

近年来,内源H2S的生理学作用已经逐渐被认识,被认为是继NO和CO后的第三类气体信号分子,其在生物体内的浓度水平与多种疾病相关.本文综述了近五年来内源H2S生理学作用的研究进展.  相似文献   

The availability of high-quality water plays a pivotal role for the protection of the ecosystem and the quality of human life. An important step in assessing ground and surface water quality is sampling. The time-integrated accumulation of environmental contaminants by passive sampling is an attractive alternative to conventional snap-shot sampling. Thein situ accumulation during passive sampling allows the detection of even lowconcentrated contaminants and reduces cost and time for continuous monitoring. Passive sampling provides information on the whole sampling period and avoids the transport and storage of large sample volumes. Matrix effects are reduced due to the selective enrichment. Various passive samplers have been developed for sampling in aqueous media. Early developments used water filled dialysis tubes for the sampling of trace elements. Later on, solvent filled devices and triolein-filled semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were deployed. More recent developments use a solid rather than a liquid sorbent as the receiving phase. Examples of this are the solid phase microextraction (SPME) and the membrane enclosed sorptive coating (MESCO). In addition to comprising miniature devices, SPMEs as well as MESCO are thermodesorbable and, as such, no longer require solvent extraction. Conventionally the sampled contaminants are removed from the passive sampling devices by solvent extraction or thermodesorption in order to be analyzed chemically. For an in-depth analysis of sampled analytes, however, it would be advantageous to modify passive sampling such that sampled contaminants can also be analyzed biologically. Thus, it is our goal to construct a passive sampling device that serves both as a sampling device as well as an exposure chamber for toxicity testing. The principle underlying this technology is the bioavailability of sorbed contaminants, thereby eliminating the need for solvent extraction.  相似文献   

木屑生物膜处理H2S气体研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用木屑为载体固定微生物处理含H2S废气.微生物经活性污泥驯化得到.结果表明:木屑为载体固定微生物小需要长时间的挂膜时间.生物滤池启动后的48h内进气浓度迅速提高到641mg/m^3,H2S的去除率达到了100%.实验测定了不同容积负荷下H2S的处理率,当容积负荷为360g(H2S)/(m^3d)时,H2S气体的去除率可以稳定在97.4%以上.最后采用Michaelis-Menten关系式对H2S的去除速率进行了宏观动力学分析,计算得出半饱和因子Ks为242.75mg/m^3,最大表观去除率Vm为833.33g(H2S)/(m^3d).图5表2参8  相似文献   

Activated carbon modified by impregnation with iron (III) chloride solution (Fe‐ACs) were studied to try to raise their adsorption capacity for hydrogen sulfide, a malodorous substance.

The surface area and pore volume of activated carbon were decreased by impregnation, but the amount of hydrogen sulfide adsorbed onto Fe‐AC was larger than that onto raw activated carbon (R‐AC). In particular, a large increase of the amount adsorbed onto Fe‐AC was noted at low equilibrium pressure. It was assumed that the increase of amount of hydrogen sulfide adsorbed onto Fe‐AC was due to the chemical interaction between iron (III) chloride on the pores in addition to the physical adsorption onto pores of activated carbon. Fe‐AC shows a high selectivity for hydrogen sulfide.  相似文献   

半透膜采样装置(SPMD)作为一种重要的被动采样器,被用于监测有机污染物的环境水平.SPMD的采样材料是置于低密度聚乙烯"口袋"中的三油酸甘油酯.根据有机污染物在被动采样材料与环境介质之间的平衡分配系数(包括被动采样材料/空气分配系数K(sA).和被动采样材料/水分配系数K(sw))值,可估算SPMD的采样速率,也可计...  相似文献   

The initial use of composite sampling involved the analysis of many negative samples with relatively high laboratory cost (Dorfman sampling). We propose a method of double compositing and compare its efficiency with Dorfman sampling. The variability of composite measurement samples has environmental interest (hot spots). The precision of these estimates depends on the kurtosis of the distribution; leptokurtic distributions (2 > 0) have increased precision as the number of field samples is increased. The opposite effect is obtained for platykurtic distributions. In the lognormal case, coverage probabilities are reasonable for < 0.5. The Poisson distribution can be associated with temporal compositing, of particular interest where radioactive measurements are taken. Sample size considerations indicate that the total sampling effort is directly proportional to the length of time sampled. If there is background radiation then increasing levels of this radiation require larger sample sizes to detect the same difference in radiation.  相似文献   

Weekly passive sampling of ambient ammonia has been performed at ground or rooftop levels at 12 locations in Hong Kong representing different land use categories. The highest weekly average roadside level of ammonia in Hong Kong was 7.1 μg m−3 at a street canyon site. Ambient ammonia concentrations for a rooftop urban-residential site with nearby light traffic were <1 μg m−3, being less than at an adjacent road and indoor car-park. Rooftop levels of ammonia showed a significant correlation with nitrogen monoxide concentrations. Honeycomb denuder samplings were also carried out at the rooftop site and the results were consistent with passive sampling. It is concluded that the 0.54 M vehicles in Hong Kong make a considerable contribution to ambient ammonia concentrations, which are otherwise low.  相似文献   

在这项研究中,我们探索了利用疏水性有机化学品(HOCs)开发的策略对甲基汞(MeHg)进行平衡被动采样的概念。被动取样应允许基于平衡分配到取样器中的基础上预测沉积物孔隙水(MeHgCL)中MeHg的化学不稳定部分的浓度,而无需模拟通过取样器材料的扩散速率。我们的目标是确定具有模拟甲基汞在动物和沉积物中分配的潜力的取样器材料,并在适合于原位取样器的时间框架内提供可逆吸附。测试的候选材料包括一系列嵌有合适的甲基汞吸收剂的聚合物。最有潜力的是琼脂糖包埋的活性炭(AC)、琼脂糖包埋的巯基自组装膜(SMS)和半胱氨酸功能化聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET),对MeHgOH和MeHg与溶解有机物(Suwannee河腐殖酸)的络合作用,测井采样器的水分配系数(Kpw)为2.8~5。沉积物中采样器的平衡时间约为1~2周。琼脂糖包埋AC对MeHg积累机制的研究表明,样品受MeHg与AC颗粒相互作用的动力学影响,而不受凝胶扩散的限制。AC显示Hg和MeHg的相对快速解吸,表明该吸附剂能够进行可逆的平衡测量。在沉积物:水的微观结构中,用等温线校准的被动取样器测得的孔隙水浓度与直接测得的浓度在2倍(未经修正的沉积物)或4倍(经修正的AC沉积物)内一致。这项工作为甲基汞的被动采样提供了一种潜在的新途径。  相似文献   

The Micronesian sponge Oceanapia sp. has an unusual growth form that consists of an irregular turnip-shaped base, which is buried in the substrate. One to several fistules, which protrude through the sand, are attached to the base of the sponge. On top of each fistule is a small fragile capitum. We examined whether this conspicuous red-colored sponge was chemically defended and if intraspecimen variation existed in the distribution of secondary metabolites between different parts of the sponge. Furthermore we assessed the deterrent properties of the secondary metabolites to generalist and more specialized fish predators. We also wanted to see if the optimal defense theory holds in the case of a marine invertebrate. According to the theory, organisms evolve and allocate defenses in a way that maximizes individual fitness, assuming that defenses are costly to the fitness of the organisms. We were able to evaluate this hypothesis, since the different sponge parts in Oceanapia sp. were at different risk to damage by predators and had a different value in terms of fitness loss to the sponge (the capitum probably plays a role in asexual propagation). Concentrations of crude organic extract increased from the base to the capitum of the sponge. The major secondary metabolites kuanoniamine C and D also showed a sharp increase from the basal root to the capitum. There was no difference in structural material or ash content between the base and the fistule of the sponge, but fiber and protein content were significantly higher in the fistule. The methanol fraction was highly deterrent in field feeding assays towards generalist reef fish at base concentration. It also deterred feeding by the spongivorous angelfish Pomacanthus imperator in laboratory feeding experiments at the same concentration. The field feeding assays with pure compounds showed that kuanoniamine C and D deterred feeding by natural assemblages of reef fishes at fistule concentrations, confirming their role as defensive agents. The intraspecimen variation of secondary metabolites in Oceanapia sp. supports the optimal defense theory by showing the highest concentrations in those parts of the sponge that are most visible to predators and are likely to be most important for inclusive fitness. Received: 5 May 1999 / Accepted: 16 September 1999  相似文献   

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