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鼠李糖脂生物表面活性剂对多环芳烃的增溶作用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
考察了鼠李糖脂生物表面活性剂对多环芳烃类化合物(萘,菲和芘)的增溶特性以及温度、盐度、pH值等环境因子对增溶性能的影响,结果表明,鼠李糖脂浓度在临界胶束浓度(CMC)以上时,多环芳烃化合物在水相中的溶解度随表面活性剂浓度的增大而线性增大,摩尔增溶比(MSR)随被增溶物分子量的增大而减小,即萘>菲>芘;胶束/水分配系数(Km)随被增溶物疏水性增大而增大,即芘>菲>萘;IgKm与IgKow之间呈良好线性正相关性,鼠李糖脂对菲的增溶作用随温度升高略有增大,而随所添加NaCl浓度的增大显著增大,鼠李糖脂对菲的增溶作用在pH值为5.5时达到最大,然后随pH值的升高而不断下降,在pH值达7.5后基本保持不变.  相似文献   

阐述了利用物种敏感性分布进行生态风险评价的原理与方法,构建了淡水生物对8种常见多环芳烃(蒽、芘、苯并[a]芘、荧蒽、菲、芴、苊、萘)的物种敏感性分布;在此基础上,计算了这8种多环芳烃对不同类别生物的HC5(Hazardous Concentration for5%of the species)阈值,预测了不同浓度多环芳烃对生物的潜在影响比例PAF(Potentialaffected fraction),比较了不同类别生物对多环芳烃的敏感性,以及多环芳烃对淡水生物的生态风险,并对以红枫湖、黄河、白洋淀为代表的中国典型水体中的多环芳烃进行了联合生态风险评价.结果表明:1)当污染物浓度达到10μg·L-1时,半数多环芳烃的风险超过了5%的阈值;当浓度上升到100μg·L-1时,只有萘和苊没有显著生态风险.2)对于芴和荧蒽,无脊椎动物更为敏感;而对于萘,则脊椎动物更敏感.3)通过HC5值比较和SSD曲线图比较,可得出污染物对所有物种的生态风险大小依次为:蒽>芘>苯并[a]芘>荧蒽>菲>芴>苊>萘;对脊椎动物风险大小为:荧蒽>苊>萘;对无脊椎动物:蒽>芘>荧蒽>菲>芴>苊>萘.4)多环芳烃在红枫湖、黄河、小白洋淀的生态风险均较低,急性联合msPAF(multisubstance PAF)值小于1%.  相似文献   

功能植物内生细菌筛选及对多环芳烃降解效能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
功能植物内生细菌在防治土壤和植物多环芳烃(PAHs)污染方面具有潜力。从PAHs污染区采集了铁苋菜(Acalypha australis)、香附子(Cyperus rotundus)和麦冬(Ophiopogon japonicus)等健康植物样品,采用平板直接分离法获得8株能降解芘的植物内生细菌,主要为Enterobacter、Chitinophaga和Xanthomonas等菌属,其10 d对芘(50mg·L~(-1))的降解率为7. 59%~45. 50%。综合内生细菌在共代谢基质存在条件下的芘降解效能,选择从麦冬中分离出的Enterobacter sp. PRd5细菌为研究对象,探究其在各种环境条件下的芘降解性能。结果显示,Enterobacter sp.PRd5 10 d对芘(50 mg·L~(-1))的降解率为41. 37%~50. 63%,7 d可降解95%以上的萘(500 mg·L~(-1))、芴(100mg·L~(-1))和菲(50 mg·L~(-1))等低分子量多环芳烃,10 d对荧蒽(50 mg·L~(-1))和苯并[a]芘(10 mg·L~(-1))等高分子量多环芳烃的降解率分别为35. 89%和17. 44%。降解芘的优化条件研究结果显示,Enterobacter sp. PRd5在p H值6. 0~8. 0、温度25~35℃、外加盐浓度0~10 g·L~(-1)、装液量10~30 mL·(100 mL)-1、接种量3%~17%、芘初始质量浓度25~50 mg·L~(-1)和外加100 mg·L~(-1)葡萄糖条件下,可获得较高的芘降解效能。  相似文献   

多环芳烃(PAHs)包括萘、蒽、菲、芘等150余种化合物,具有致癌作用多为四到六环的稠环化合物.目前,大多数国家都将多环芳烃列为环境监测的重要内容之一,中国政府列出的"中国环境优先监测黑名单"中包括7种PAHs;美国环保总署1979年确定了16种PAHs作为优先监测污染物,而德国政府强制规定所有在德国出售的电动工具必须经过检验其中不含有过量的PAHs.  相似文献   

运用双相(水-硅油)系统可进行有机物降解菌的筛选.本实验用此法获得了多环芳烃(PAHs)的降解菌,降解菌对PAHs有较好的降解作用.堆肥法处理PAHs中接入筛选到的降解菌可以大大加强降解效果.堆肥过程中堆温升高很快,对一些PAHs如荧蒽、芘、苯并[a]芘等可以彻底清除,对更多环的PAHs也可降到很低的浓度.图1表3参4  相似文献   

本文研究了新型螯合型表面活性剂N-十二酰基乙二胺三乙酸钠(N-LED3A)对多环芳烃(PAHs)的增溶作用,比较了N-LED3A与常见阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)和十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)增溶菲的性能,并测试了N-LED3A的螯合能力.结果表明,N-LED3A对萘、菲和芘都有增溶作用,胶束增溶作用显著,增溶程度的大小顺序为芘菲萘;N-LED3A、SDBS和SDS对菲的质量增溶比(WSR)分别为2.9×10-3、3.5×10-3和7.7×10-3,表明SDS的增溶能力最强,N-LED3A和SDBS的增溶能力相近;N-LED3A螯合Ca2+离子的能力与其浓度有关,浓度高于CMC时螯合能力较强.  相似文献   

焦化厂污染土壤中多环芳烃降解菌的分离及降解特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别以芴(3环)、荧蒽(4环)和苯并[b]荧蒽(5环)为唯一碳源(1 mg/L),采用平板划线法对某焦化厂污染土壤中的多环芳烃降解菌进行分离.通过自制的呼吸器,研究所得多环芳烃降解菌对14C-菲(5μL/100 mL 40~60 mCi/mmol)的矿化情况;通过序批试验,以煤焦油为碳源(1μL/mL),研究这些菌对19种多环芳烃的降解情况.多次划分后,得到4种菌,经鉴定命名为博特氏菌L1、苍白杆菌L1、微杆菌L1和赤红球菌L1.经过3周的矿化实验,微杆菌L1可以将14C-菲全部矿化成14CO2,赤红球菌L1可将大约60%的14C-菲矿化成14CO2,而博德特氏菌L1和苍白杆菌L1对14C-菲无矿化作用.经过5周的降解实验,博德特氏菌L1对大多数多环芳烃表现了良好的降解作用,苍白杆菌L1和微杆菌L1对部分多环芳烃有降解作用,而赤红球菌L1培养系统中某些多环芳烃的浓度甚至有增大,这可能与其在代谢过程中产生表面活性物质有关.所得4种菌在焦化厂污染土壤的微生物修复中具有较大的应用潜力.图3表1参27  相似文献   

刘芳  梁金松  李季 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1887-1892
选用水-硅油双相体系驯化筛选降解多环芳烃的优势菌株。筛选体系为:50mL无机盐溶液+10mL硅油。从74瓶富集液中,对降解效果明显的富集液进行多环芳烃降解率的液相色谱定量测定。对蒽的降解率最高为45%;对荧蒽的降解率最高为99%,几乎全部降解,对苯并[a]芘的降解率为27%。筛选到一株能够高效降解蒽、菲、芘、荧蒽的菌株,编号LD29,鉴定结果为矢野口鞘氨醇杆菌LD29(Sphingobium yanoikuyae LD29)。富集液Y12对5种多环芳烃的降解效果同样很明显。  相似文献   

本文采集并分析了新疆准东煤矿开采区域6个采样点的降尘、土壤和植物的样品,对样品中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量进行了分析,结果显示,降尘中∑PAHs在1.07—8.34 mg·kg~(-1)间;土壤中(除1#点位)∑PAHs在0.134—1.06 mg·kg~(-1)间;植物中(除1#点位)∑PAHs在0.163—1.54 mg·kg~(-1)间.降尘中高含量PAHs主要为苯并[b]荧蒽、菲和萘;土壤中高含量PAHs主要为菲、荧蒽和蒽;植物中高含量PAHs主要为萘、菲和芴.降尘、土壤及植物中PAHs均显示出富三环的特征;研究区域土壤中PAHs的苯并(a)芘等效毒性当量结果显示,研究区域土壤中PAHs的污染存在一定的潜在风险.  相似文献   

多环芳烃降解菌ZL5分离鉴定及其降解质粒   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
通过选择性富集培养,从辽河油田石油污染土壤中分离到一株多环芳烃(PAHs)降解菌ZL5.它能以菲和芘为唯一碳源生长,但是不能利用萘.16S rDNA核苷酸序列分析结果表明,ZL5属于变形细菌α亚类中的鞘氨醇单胞菌属.该菌株含有一个大小约为60kb的质粒.丝裂霉素C消除实验表明,随着质粒的丢失,菌株利用菲和芘的能力也丧失.用电转化和氯化铷转化法分别将菌株ZL5的质粒导人大肠杆菌JM109和DH5α中,随着质粒的获得,这些转化子获得了降解菲和芘的能力.本研究结果表明,鞘氨醇单胞菌ZL5降解PAHs的功能和质粒有关。  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Chitosan is a biopolymer obtained from chitin, one of the most abundant and renewable materials on Earth. Chitin is a primary component of cell walls in fungi, the...  相似文献   


The development and recycling of biomass production can partly solve issues of energy, climate change, population growth, food and feed shortages, and environmental pollution. For instance, the use of seaweeds as feedstocks can reduce our reliance on fossil fuel resources, ensure the synthesis of cost-effective and eco-friendly products and biofuels, and develop sustainable biorefinery processes. Nonetheless, seaweeds use in several biorefineries is still in the infancy stage compared to terrestrial plants-based lignocellulosic biomass. Therefore, here we review seaweed biorefineries with focus on seaweed production, economical benefits, and seaweed use as feedstock for anaerobic digestion, biochar, bioplastics, crop health, food, livestock feed, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Globally, seaweeds could sequester between 61 and 268 megatonnes of carbon per year, with an average of 173 megatonnes. Nearly 90% of carbon is sequestered by exporting biomass to deep water, while the remaining 10% is buried in coastal sediments. 500 gigatonnes of seaweeds could replace nearly 40% of the current soy protein production. Seaweeds contain valuable bioactive molecules that could be applied as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal, anticancer, contraceptive, anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulants, and in other cosmetics and skincare products.


Hair samples were collected randomly from 110 subjects (55 male and 55 female) ranging in age from (<15–60) years. Each subject was asked to complete a personal questionnaire describing his/her sex, age, general health, smoking, use of hair dyes, occupational area, and living habits. Concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Ca in human hair samples were evaluated using atomic absorption spectrometry. Results indicated that concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn in the hair of smokers were higher than those in the hair of non-smokers, whereas, Fe and Ca concentrations in hair of smokers were lower than those in hair of non-smokers. Moreover, the concentrations of these elements are higher in dyed hair compared with undyed hair.  相似文献   

For the transition metals chromium, nickel, iron, copper, cobalt, platinum, and molybdenum, mechanisms of stable bonding in biochemistry (emphasis on carcinogenic mechanisms), chemistry, industrial chemistry, as well as epidemiological, occupational, orthopedic (implant devices) effects related to carcinogenesis, were reviewed. Hypothetically, the propensity to stable bonding (inertness), which ensures the metals’ performance capacity for consumers and industrial application, relates to their carcinogenicity. For chromium, a relationship between industrial/chemical and biological reactivity was noted for the tendency of Cr(III) ions to cause hydrolysis previous to stable bonding, as occurs during anodic passivation, leather tanning, and as indicated in biochemical studies pertaining to a mechanism of DNA condensation, which was suggested as a carcinogenic mechanism. The involvement of metal hydrolysis in both anodic passivation and biochemistry was noted also for nickel, iron, and platinum; the DNA interaction of platinum (cis-platin) is known to depend on hydrolysis. For nickel, issues of potential (V) were found important in both passivation and carcinogenicity. Comparably, the passivity behavior of cobalt and copper was found atypical, and their carcinogenicity yet unclear. Molybdenum, contained in passivated metallic implants, may relate to implant-associated carcinogenesis. Occupational carcinogenic effects were indicated for chromium, nickel, iron, and cobalt as caused by both reactive and passivated metal species. Exposure to acids and chronic respiratory irritation/infection/inflammation in workers were important cofactors in metal carcinogenesis. For wood and leather workers exposed to dust, the assumed presence in dust of metal particles abraded from alloys (sawing or cutting blades) may be a carcinogenic exposure hazard.  相似文献   

Specimens of oceanic decapods, mysids and euphausiids, collected from the North East Atlantic Ocean during July 1985, were analysed for V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As and Cd. Measurement of the metals was carried out using two techniques: inductively-coupled plasma-source mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and atomic absorption (AAS). With the exception of the iron data, good agreement was observed between the data from the two techniques. Baseline-metal data are presented for the species measured, along with any effects of animal size on metal concentration. The data presented for oceanic animals from different trophic levels are important in studies of metal fluxes and for the assessment of markers within the food web in the oceans.  相似文献   

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