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由于评价因子与环境质量标准之间的模糊关系,导致传统的评价模型结果的不确定性。本文将模糊理论和神经网络模型相结合,利用模糊理论的隶属度反映各因子的质量相对状态,从而更精确地识别模糊性。通过模糊神经网络模型对环境质量标准样本的学习和测试,得出评价等级,并与模糊综合评价方法进行对比,实验结果表明,模糊神经网络模型用于环境质量评价是可行的,且比模糊综合评价方法更为客观、合理。  相似文献   

针对以往空气环境质量的模糊综合评价方法存在的不足提出了采用综合指数和模糊综合评价方法相结合的方法评价空气环境质量的新方法。  相似文献   

杨凯 《四川环境》2010,29(3):127-130
环境质量是一个涉及多因素多层级的模糊概念,用经典数学进行环境质量评价,评判环境质量的等级只能用一个绝对判据来划分,无法处理模糊因素边界不清晰、中间过渡不分明的问题。本文应用模糊数学方法,在单环境因素模糊综合评价的基础上,进行了总体环境质量模糊综合评价的探讨,结合某区域环境实例,对其总体环境质量进行了模糊综合评价,并将评价结果与用经典数学评价结果进行了比较,比较表明,环境质量模糊评价方法较经典数学评价方法更客观更准确。  相似文献   

环境质量模糊综合评价及其应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
环境质量评价是环境科学的重要研究课题之一,作者评述了常用指标法的不足,提出用模糊数学中综合模糊评价法评价环境质量,建立了评价模式和计算程序,并用于科学城的环境质量评价,评价计算给出的多层次数据所提供的信息,与监测结果所体现的环境质量状况符合,所建模糊评价程序是适用的。  相似文献   

区域环境质量评价是一个系统工程,即多因子、多变量的综合评价问题。通过实测只能直观了解和掌握环境中某种因子的污染结果,但对于多因子的共同影响结果却不易直接得到。因此,采用模糊聚类方法,分析其各类环境质量的主要表征,不仅可以节省庞大的计算工作,同时这也是区域环境功能分区的基础工作。  相似文献   

矿区复垦土地的评价方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立了一套适合矿区复垦土地评价的指标体系,提出了先对复垦土地的环境质量进行评价,当环境质量达标时再对其进行综合评价的思路。详细分析了各因子作用分值与作物产量的关系,根据因子的不同情况采取了不同的计算分值的方法,分别计算了当地正常农田的质量总分值以及复垦土地的总分值,并对两者进行了比较。  相似文献   

基于模糊数学的大气环境质量综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏毅 《四川环境》2012,31(3):61-64
鉴于大气环境质量评价中客观存在的不确定性和模糊性,运用模糊数学方法,选用SO2、NO2、PM10作为评价因子,参照大气环境质量标准,通过计算污染因子权重分配系数和隶属度对乌鲁木齐市2004年至2010年大气环境质量给出客观的评价,综合评价结果表明乌鲁木齐市总体大气环境质量为轻度污染(三级),但空气质量在逐年好转,SO2和PM10依然是乌鲁木齐市空气质量的制约因子,且NO2的权重在逐年上升。模糊综合评判考虑环境空气质量评价的模糊性,根据污染物浓度对各级别的贴近度考察污染物的级别,评价结果比较直观,可以细致准确的评价环境质量等级,评价结果基本可以反映环境空气污染的情况。  相似文献   

基于模糊综合评价法与单因子指数评价法的水质评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过2012年5月至10月对凡河榛子岭水库上游河段的水质监测,采用模糊综合评价法对凡河榛子岭水库上游河段水体的水质状况进行了综合评价,同时与单因子指数评价法评价结果进行对比分析。结果表明,2种评价方法的评价结果存在较大差异,采用模糊综合评价法评价得到的水质评价结果相对较好;采用模糊综合评价法评价,仅6月的杨坟沟、岱海寨断面及9月的杨坟沟断面的水质为Ⅴ类,其他月份各监测断面的水质均符合Ⅲ类水质标准要求;而采用单因子指数评价法的评价结果仅9月份的杨坟沟断面的水质达到Ⅱ类水质,其余各月三个断面监测的水质均超出Ⅴ类水质标准。在水质评价中,应根据评价目的合理选择水质评价方法,使水质评价结果更为准确。  相似文献   

丁雪卿 《四川环境》2010,29(2):47-51
以《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)为基础,选取溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、CODC r等20项指标作为评价指标,采用内梅罗污染指数法的改进方法对内江市5处饮用水源地进行综合评价,并将评价结果与单因子评价法进行比较。结果表明,内江市5处饮用水源地水质状况较好;内梅罗污染指数法的评价结论比单因子评价法的评价结论更科学、合理和全面的反映综合水质状况。  相似文献   

自贡市城区大气质量评价及预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹玉涛  叶光 《四川环境》1989,8(3):54-62
本文以自贡市城区为例,用模糊综合评判法评价了城市区大气环境质量。依据国民经济规划及统计资料,预测了自贡市城区到公元2000年时的人口规模和能源总消耗量。进而预测出公元2000年时城区大气污染物排放量及污染物的平均浓度。用模糊综合评判法进行了预评价。预测结果表明,自贡市城区从现在到公元2000年的时段内,大气环境质量呈恶化趋势。  相似文献   

河道治理工程重在改善河道的水质,以恢复河流生态系统。本文以北京市大兴区天堂河河道治理工程为例,介绍了河道治理工程环境影响评价中的水质改善预测分析,首先分析生态需水量和供氧量是否满足河流生态需水要求,后又利用地面水环评助手软件预测了河流水质,预测分析了天堂河水质目标的可达性,旨在为以后的河道治理类工程环境影响评价提供参考。  相似文献   

本文以湖北省"十二五"环境规划的水环境保护指标为主要依据,采用压力—状态—响应(PSR)模型,从污染排放强度、水质改善效果、水资源利用和污染减排效率三个维度出发,建立湖北省"十二五"水环境保护政策评价指标体系,对政策的实施效果进行量化评估。结果表明:湖北省"十二五"期间水环境保护政策实施效果呈逐年上升趋势,从二级指标来看,政策实施在污染排放强度以及水资源利用和污染减排效率两方面均取得较好的成效,但在水质改善方面效果不明显甚至有所下降。建议湖北省在"十三五"期间以至接下来更长的一段时期内,首先要重点加强省内各局部区域的水环境承载能力评估,并依据评估结果对现有的产业布局进行有效的调整;其次应进一步强化环境监测和管理力度,以减少可能的非法排污。本文构建的指标体系对进一步促进省域水环境保护政策实施效果评价的规范化、合理化不无借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The development of environmental performance policy indicators for public services, and in particular for the defence sector, is an emerging issue. Despite a number of recent initiatives there has been little work done in this area, since the other sectors usually focused on are agriculture, transport, industry, tourism and energy. This type of tool can be an important component for environmental performance evaluation at policy level, when integrated in the general performance assessment system of public missions and activities. The main objective of this research was to develop environmental performance policy indicators for the public sector, specifically applied to the defence sector. Previous research included an assessment of the environmental profile, through the evaluation of how environmental management practices have been adopted in this sector and an assessment of environmental aspects and impacts. This paper builds upon that previous research, developing an indicator framework--SEPI--supported by the selection and construction of environmental performance indicators. Another aim is to discuss how the current environmental indicator framework can be integrated into overall performance management. The Portuguese defence sector is presented and the usefulness of this methodology demonstrated. Feasibility and relevancy criteria are applied to evaluate the set of indicators proposed, allowing indicators to be scored and indicators for the policy level to be obtained.  相似文献   

安徽省矿山环境质量评价研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王辉  孙世群  李如忠  熊鸿斌 《四川环境》2007,26(1):51-54,66
建立省区一级的矿山环境评价指标体系具有重要的理论和实践意义。根据科学性和可操作性等原则,综合考虑矿山环境影响因子及其相互之间的定量关系,以安徽省县区为评价单元,探索性建立了矿山环境评价指标体系,构建了矿山环境质量评价模型。实例研究表明,所建评价指标体系和评价模型具有很好的适用性和较好可信度。  相似文献   

环境影响评价报告书编制的主要问题浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境影响评价报告书作为环境管理的依据,由有环评资质的单位编制完成。纵观各持证单位编制的环评报告书,大部分质量不错,但也有部分报告书还存在这样或那样一些问题,将这些问题做一简单归纳,视存在问题普遍程度对其进行了讨论分析。对如何提高环评报告书的编写水平和质量做了分析探讨,与环评从业人员一起共勉。  相似文献   

Periodic assessment of progress toward established policy goals is crucial to understanding whether the applied efforts are effective. In Europe, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) adopted in year 2000 set ambitious environmental objectives to be achieved by the end of 2015 through the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles. While at this stage it is premature to measure the impact of this Directive in terms of environmental outcomes, it is nonetheless important to develop indicators in order to monitor whether water management practices throughout Europe are aligning towards IWRM. This article presents the methodological development of the Water and Wetland Index, a comparative water policy assessment by environmental NGOs that was carried out in 2002–2003, and highlights the interest of repeating it in 2015, when the first WFD planning cycle will be completed.  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedures have been in existence in the People's Republic of China over the last decade. The impetus for China's introduction of EIA was provided by the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted by the Fifth National People's Congress in 1979. The EIA process, which is administrative and not statutorily mandated, has been applied primarily to construction projects. Four stages are typically involved in an EIA investigation: design of the investigation, evaluation of background environmental quality, prediction of environmental impacts, and an assessment and analysis of the environmental impacts. A variety of approaches is used for predicting and analyzing environmental impacts, ranging from ad hoc methods to fairly sophisticated mathematical models. The results of the EIA investigation are compiled in an environmental impact statement, which is used as the basis for decision making by personnel in environmental protection departments. The EIA process does not include provisions for citizen notification or involvement. Views differ concerning the effectiveness of the EIA program in protecting China's natural, social, and cultural environments. Some hold that the EIA program has brought about improvement in environmental protection, while critics contend that the program has had little effect in the prevention of pollution. However, most, if not all, observers seem to feel that the program should be continued and improved. A major avenue for improvement is to place the evaluation of a particular project in a regional context. An earlier version of this paper was distributed at a workshop on Environmental Assessment Development Planning held in conjunction with the VII Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Brisbane, Australia, July 5–8, 1988.  相似文献   

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