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正当人们对某个地方有强烈的地方感时,其对环境的重视程度也就会大大提高。环境教育就能达到事半功倍的效果。许多人对于"地方感"一词或许还很陌生,而此概念在几十年前就已经产生并且应用于多个领域。2016年11月24—25日,第三届全国自然教育论坛在深圳市万科国际会议中心举办,此次论坛的主题为"城市化与自然教育"。来自美国康奈尔大学自然资源系公民生态研究室的Alex Kudryavtsev博士在此活动的分论坛上,向在场嘉  相似文献   

11月16日,笔者在北京市十五中上了一堂生动活泼的绿色教育课外实践课,实践课由活动安排、户外活动及讨论交流三个环节组成,整堂课老师只在活动安排和讨论交流这两个环节做一些引导和鼓励,主要是让学生在陶然亭公园进  相似文献   

戚志坚 《环境教育》2000,(1):21-21,26
当今世界 ,环境已成为全球范围的热点问题。1995年6月以“两个湖泊 ,一个地球”为主题的杭州温哥华青年环境研究活动 ,实现了浙江省中学生环境研究国际交流“零”的突破 ;自1996年起杭州又与日本AMR民间环保组织开始了为期三年的青年环境教育合作。作为两次国际环境教育活动的主体力量 ,全国环境教育先进单位———杭州市中策职业高级中学(原杭三中)先后有1800余名学生参加各类活动 ,使青年学生受益匪浅。国际间合作进行青年环境教育 ,不再局限于单纯对环境问题的关注 ,现已扩展到更高层面的人类精神 ,物质生活的质量、经…  相似文献   

正安徽省合肥市芙蓉小学坐落在合肥市经济开发区芙蓉社区翠微北园,学校自1951年创建以来,始终坚持以"为每一名学生都拥有一个健康快乐的幸福人生奠定基础"为办学理念,以"实施三生教育奠基精彩人生"为办学目标,以三生教育(生命教育、生存教育、生活教育)为办学特色。"环境教育"隶属于学校"三生教育"的办学理念,是学校办学目标中的重要部分。学校自建学以来就特别重视对学生进行环境保护教育,几十年来已经形成了完整的教育体系,取得了丰厚的教育成果。活动中的环境教育近年来,学校始终坚持通过主题活动来渗  相似文献   

日趋严重的环境问题已成为世界性的问题,环境污染与人类生存、社会的发展和进步出现了尖锐的矛盾,已引起世界各国政府的高度关注。要解决环境问题,必须从教育入手,特别是在中小学中加强环境教育。怎样对学生进行环境教育呢?本文从三个方面进行了探讨,一是以讲座形式对学生进行环境教育;二是组织学生进行课外活动或参观;三是请有关专家对学生进行专题报告。学生通过这些活动可了解到化学物质对环境污染所造成的严重后果,了解到环境问题是和每个人息息相关的,保护环境是每个人义不容辞的责任,这将使中学化学教育在加强环境保护教育中起到应有的作用。  相似文献   

中美中小学环境教育活动教学之比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
活动教学既是美国中小学环境教育的一大特色,也是美国实施环境教育的重要途径。中国中小学环境教育经过 20多年的探索和实践也逐渐形成了课堂教学与活动教学相结合、校内教育与校外教育相结合的环境教育方法。但两个国家的环境教育中的活动教学存在着许多不同之处。 活动教学的主要内容   笔者对美国中小学环境教育活动教学案例的主题分析发现:其中 29.1%的是关于动物的; 9.1%是关于植物的; 9.1%是关于自然生态环境的; 12.7%是关于固体废弃物的回 收循环利用; 14.54%是关于水问题的 (水污染问题和节约用水问题 ); 3.6%是有关…  相似文献   

喜爱活动、喜爱游戏是孩子的天性。活动区游戏由于有适度的目标,丰富的材料,宽松的环境,愉快和谐的合作交往,从而赢得幼儿的青睐。我们认为在活动区游戏中渗透一些环境教育,幼儿是能够主动接受的,并能将环境教育的早期培养落到实处。我们认为可以从三个方面着手对幼儿进行教育。 有意识地划分专门的 环境教育区域   引导幼儿认识环境。运用多种方法向幼儿介绍大自然,让幼儿通过各种感官感知大自然中的动物、植物、微生物,了解各种自然现象,知道我们生存的大自然是奇妙的,是千变万化的,从而激发幼儿对大自然的好奇心及探索大自…  相似文献   

学校环境教育从上世纪70年代开始兴起,至今已有30余年的历史,是 一个不断深入和逐步发展的历程。如今环境教育已经转型为可持续发展教 育,并且有三个不同层次的教育取向,即:人与自然关系的情感教育取向; 注重开发人力资源的智能教育取向;把环境教育纳入学校管理体系的行为 教育取向。本文试图从这三个层面来整体认识学校环境教育的功能、理念 和方法。  相似文献   

一、组织管理工作1.学校成立创建活动组织机构,制定活动计划并组织实施;2.支持教师参加环境教育培训,对积极从事环境教育的教师予以精神和物质奖励;3.建立环境教育档案,注意环境保护教育音像。图片、图书、文字资料的收集和管理,能为环境教育活动提供必要的宣传素材。二、课堂环境教育1.充分利用现行教材中环境知识内容对学生进行教育,加强学科渗透;2.组织必要的选修、讲座、主题班会等形式进行环境教育;3.结合教学实验课、演示课进行环境保护的知识OS。三、课外环境教育1.有组织的参加社会的环境保护活动,进行环保宣传和…  相似文献   

2007年8月18日~22日,中日韩环境教育交流活动在韩国庆尚南道密阳市举行,来自三国的环境教育专家、学者、教师和学生共约150人参加了本届交流活动。本届活动由三个部分组成:第七届中日韩环境教育教师研讨会,生命与和平湿地夏令营,以及韩国环境教育网络组织的国际研讨会。  相似文献   

城市的全部经济活动可分为基本活动部分和非基本活动部分.城市的基本活动部分是城市对外服务部分,也是城市发展的主要内部驱动力.以安庆市为例,以2001-2007年城市经济活动基本部分的扩展为切入点,用城市经济活动基本部门从业人数的扩展描述城市外向功能量的发展,再用城市流强度量化城市对外服务功能.结果表明,安庆市近几年对外服务能力呈明显增长态势,城市经济活动基本部分的扩展决定了城市对外服务能力的增长,并且城市第二产业的对外服务能力较强.  相似文献   

Farmers are important agents in rural landscape management as they modify landscape elements to suit their needs. The purpose of this study is to investigate if patterns of landscape activities undertaken by farmers are related to certain farm characteristics and if landscape activities vary from one location to another. With this purpose, we investigated the differences between the level of farmers' involvement in landscape activities in two study areas in central Jutland, Denmark. Particular attention was given to the analysis of the type and extent of landscape activities and their relationship with farm characteristics. In both study areas, landscape activities leading to a more extensive type of land use predominate. However, a multivariate analysis implemented on the set of landscape activity data reveals significant differences between the two study areas. Hedgerow planting and removal is more common in S?nder Omme, while pond digging and cultivation of permanent grass lands are characteristic activities in Gadbjerg-Givskud. Moreover, the proportion of farmers involved and the area affected by different landscape activities is larger in S?nder Omme than in Gadbjerg-Givskud. The farms of the two areas are different in terms of production type, size and socio-economic characteristics. These characteristics represent significant relationships with landscape activities. However, they are not sufficient to explain the differences between landscape activities undertaken in the two areas. The differences are caused by unique cultural and biophysical environment, which influence and modify the relationship between farm characteristics and landscape activities in a distinct manner for each study area.  相似文献   

生态保护红线是国家和区域生态安全的底线,以阿坝州汶川县划定的生态保护红线区为研究区域,利用GIS软件对研究区域内人类活动遥感影像进行遥感解译,并对研究区生态保护红线内的人类活动进行本底实地调查,结合遥感解译和实地调查结果,对红线内人类活动强度进行了评价。结果表明:红线内人类活动面积共计142.04hm2,人类活动斑块数量共计281个;红线内的人类活动影响指数为0.019,人类活动影响强度弱;红线内人类活动影响类型主要为旅游活动和耕地、道路及居民点等。  相似文献   

A process is described for making comparative valuations of a wide range of environmental management activities when the combined social, economic, managerial, and political benefits of some (but not all) of these activities cannot be adequately described in economic terms and when budgetary constraints do not permit funding of all activities under consideration. The process accounts for subjective judgment and contains a formal rigorous decision strategy that takes the place of intuition when quantitative and qualitative values of environmental activities need to be evaluated.  相似文献   

节庆营销是影响旅游活动年内变化的重要因素。优化节庆活动,拉长旅游活动“旺季”,是推动旅游业平稳发展的重要问题。以内蒙古阿拉善盟5个4A级景区为例,采用带虚拟变量的回归模型分析了节庆营销对景区客流量年内变化的边际弹性。结果发现:5个景区4年节庆活动边际弹性≥3.0,气候舒适度边际弹性≥1.0。为缓解旅游活动的年内集中性,需要把节庆活动调整至4—9月,平滑客流量的年内分布。  相似文献   

A European model for waste and material flows   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The use of materials and the generation of waste are linked to economic activities and in many projections these are assumed to be a constant ratio of the economic activities. This may be the case considering detailed economic activities and unchanged technology. However, the assumption of constant coefficients is questionable when linking material use and waste generation to aggregated economic activities. Therefore, in this paper, econometrics is used to test the assumption of constant waste coefficients empirically. The analyses show that an assumption of constant waste coefficients is not supported, generally, and a model allowing for trendwise changing coefficients is developed and used for projections of waste and material flows in 25 European countries.  相似文献   

城镇居民在休闲特征上呈现出总体一致、细部有异的特点,城镇居民年龄对休闲行为的影响甚微。总体上表现为:每周外出有偿休闲次数少、花费低、休闲场所和目的指向集中、休闲活动参与程度低的特点。各年龄段居民在每周有偿休闲2次、"消磨时间"这一休闲目的对自己的休闲活动"不满意"层面和部分休闲场所、休闲活动参与度层面差异显著。  相似文献   

Little is known about the potential of enzyme activities, which are sensitive to soil properties and management, for the characterization of dust properties. Enzyme activities may be among the dust properties key to identifying the soil source of dust. We generated dust (27 and 7 microm) under controlled laboratory conditions from agricultural soils (0-5 cm) with history of continuous cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) or cotton rotated with peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], rye (Secale cereale L.), or wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under different water management (irrigated or dryland) and tillage (conservation or conventional) systems. The 27- and 7-microm dust samples showed activities of beta-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, and arylsulfatase, which are related to cellulose degradation and phosphorus and sulfur mineralization in soil, respectively. Dust samples generated from a loam and sandy clay loam showed higher enzyme activities compared with dust samples from a fine sandy loam. Enzyme activities of dust samples were significantly correlated to the activities of the soil source with r > 0.74 (P < 0.01). The arylsulfatase proteins contents of the soils (0.04-0.65 mg protein kg(-1) soil) were lower than values reported for soils from other regions, but still dust contained arylsulfatase protein. The three enzyme activities studied, as a group, separated the dust samples due to the crop rotation or tillage practice history of the soil source. The results indicated that the enzyme activities of dust will aid in providing better characterization of dust properties and expanding our understanding of soil and air quality impacts related to wind erosion.  相似文献   

Economic amenity values of wildlife: Six case studies in Pennsylvania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The travel clost method (TCM) and contingent valuation method (CVM) were used to evaluate the economic value of six different ecotourism activities involving observation of wildlife in Pennsylvania. The six activities were: catch-and-release trout fishing; catch-and-release trout fishing with fly-fishing equipment; viewing waterfowl; watching elk; observing migration flights of raptors; and seeing live wildlife in an environmental education setting. TCM results provided significant statistical relationships between level of use and travel costs for the two types of trout fishing activities. CVM provided estimates of consumer surplus for the other four sites. The consumers' surplus value (1988 dollars) of all six activities to participants amounted to a total of more than $1.28 million annually—twice the total out-of-pocket expenditures of approximately $640,000 spent to visit the sites. The economic amenity values of the six activities compare favorably with similarly derived values in other studies for hunting, fishing, hiking, and backpacking in dispersed recreation environments and wilderness areas in western states.  相似文献   

/ Source reduction is recognized as the preferred form of waste management, but its definition is ambiguous. This study proposes four underlying dimensions of the source reduction concept. Source reduction is foremost a preventive activity that reduces the number or extent of environmental impacts. Second, source reduction can prevent both resource consumption and pollution generation impacts. Third, source reduction may be viewed as both a producer and consumer activity. Lastly, it may include frugal and more efficient activities. In surveys exploring these fourdimensions, Polish and American university students evaluated whether 20 activities were examples of source reduction. The American students gave higher ratings to preventive activities over adaptive activities. The Polish students most prominently rated efficient over frugal activities. Factor analysis indicated that both samples identified a group of consumer-based resource conservation activities, with the American students recognizing a cluster of recycling activities. In a separate ranking of environmental protection priorities, the Polish students endorsed pollution prevention, whereas the American students favored both efficient and frugal resource conservation. These findings suggest that the conceptualization of source reduction varies according to contextual factors and that prevention is still an obscure environmental management theme. KEY WORDS: Source reduction; Pollution prevention; Resource conservation; Frugality; Poland  相似文献   

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