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以城市交通网络的构建作为切入点,分析了城市交通网络模型的建立、空间数据的拓扑分析、几何网络的构建和最佳路径。通过具体的实例,利用ArcGIS网络分析工具,探讨了基于距离最短的最佳路径分析、基于时间最少的最佳网络分析和有障碍物的时间最少的最佳路径分析,阐述了GIS技术在城市交通网络最佳路径分析中的重要作用,以期通过GIS的网络分析技术来构建城市智能交通网络体系,为城市的发展提供坚实的基础设施保障。  相似文献   

“十一五”期间,吉林省城市化稳步发展,但在快速城市化的同时,土地利用方面出现了一些问题.从城市化角度出发,研究吉林省城市化发展与土地利用之间的内在联系,认为其存在的农业大省与城市扩展中占用耕地矛盾并存、土地集约利用水平偏低且浪费现象严重、土地利用类型变更混乱、土地利用环境问题严重等问题,提出解决城市化进程中土地可持续利用的对策.  相似文献   

城市化进程中的土地资源优化配置   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
土地资源的优化配置是目前我国城市化进程中面临的重要问题.在分析城市化的内涵和我国城市化进程的基础上,运用定性与定量相结合的方法,明确了城市化进程与土地资源优化配置的密切关系,阐述了城市化进程中土地利用存在的四大问题,提出了五大对策,以确保城市化进程中土地资源的优化配置.  相似文献   

山东省烟台市在加快城市化的进程中,坚持城市环境综合整治、工业污染防治和自然生态保护一齐抓,强化了全市环境保护工作的深入开展,但在进一步的城市化进程中,还应强化高起点的城市定位和城市规划、加强城市环境基础设施建设和城市一体化环境保护工作思路等项工作。  相似文献   

浅谈以公共交通为导向的土地利用模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对城市土地利用和城市交通规划相互关系的分析,探讨解决城市交通问题的合理用地模式,提出了要以公共交通来引导城市土地的利用,并探讨了在我国建立公共交通导向的城市土地利用形态的策略与途径。  相似文献   

村级土地利用规划中的土地利用分区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为在村级土地利用规划中科学划分土地利用区,有效落实规划任务、实现规划目标,在分析村级土地利用规划特点的基础上,明确土地利用分区的任务与原则,探索建立了由产业功能区与土地用途区构成的两级分区类型体系,提出了公众参与为主、GIS技术为辅的分区方法.两级分区类型体系有利于实现土地组织利用、生产经营管理和土地利用管理的一体化.同时,在土地利用分区中贯穿公众参与式方法,有利于构建村内民主管理和业主参与土地利用管理的体制.  相似文献   

选取位于长江三峡水库小江支流回水末端的汉丰湖流域为研究对象,运用Arc GIS空间分析与统计分析方法,分析了汉丰湖流域河岸在不同缓冲区尺度的土地利用格局,并建立了河岸不同尺度缓冲区内土地利用与河流水质的关联。结果表明:(1)林草地在各个缓冲区尺度内均对COD、NH_3-H、TN、TP具有一定的削减作用,对水体质量保护起着积极作用。(2)建设用地、耕地在各个尺度缓冲区内与COD、NH_3-H、TN、TP呈正相关,表明建设用地、耕地比重的增加会对水质保护产生负面影响。(3)建议为降低城市化进程对环境的负面影响,应优化区域土地利用格局,合理规划河岸带,特别是500m范围内的城市缓冲带。  相似文献   

在城市化进程中实现土地城市化与人居环境高度耦合协调,对于促进区域社会经济的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。以陕西省10个地级城市为研究对象,通过构建耦合度与协调度评价模型对2001~2014年陕西省土地城市化与人居环境耦合协调关系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)2001~2014年,陕西省绝大多数城市土地城市化落后于人居环境的发展水平,各城市间的综合发展水平差异相对较大。(2)各城市土地城市化与人居环境之间的耦合程度主要以拮抗阶段为主,且空间差异显著。(3)土地城市化与人居环境之间的协调度多数处于低度协调阶段,出现了以西安为中心,关中平原为轴带,逐渐向南北方向扩散的趋势。(4)扭转协调程度"中心-外围"发展的现状是实现陕西省土地城市化与人居环境协调发展的重要条件。  相似文献   

通过构建知识创新能力与城市化、工业化进程的评价指标体系,对长三角地区2000-2011年25个地级以上城市的知识创新能力指数及城市化与工业化进程系数进行测算,并利用协调度模型综合分析评价了知识创新能力与城市化、工业化进程的协调关系.结果显示:①知识创新能力与城市化整体协调度优于其与工业化的协调度;②知识创新能力与城市化协调度逐步磨合到相对理想状态;③知识创新能力与工业化协调度呈现出先上升后下降又上升的较大波动性.  相似文献   

土地资源优化配置是城市化进程中面临的主要问题,土地利用结构优化配置是土地利用总体规划的主要内容和基本方法,也是区域经济和社会发展规划的重要依据.在对许昌市土地利用变化分析的基础上,结合当地社会经济发展的需求和有关规划控制指标,借助线性规划模型求解未来许昌市土地利用结构的优化方案,力求提高土地利用的综合效益,实现土地资源永续利用和国民经济持续发展.  相似文献   

Vulnerability assessment to delineate areas that are more susceptible to contamination from anthropogenic sources has become an important element for sensible resource management and landuse planning. This contribution aims at estimating aquifer vulnerability by applying the RISKE model in Banyas Catchment Area (BCA), Tartous Prefecture, west Syria. An additional objective is to demonstrate the combined use of the RISKE model and a geographical information system (GIS) as an effective method for groundwater pollution risk assessment. The RISKE model uses five environmental parameters (Rock of aquifer media, Infiltration, Soil media, Karst, and Epikarst) to characterize the hydro-geological setting and evaluate aquifer vulnerability. The elevated eastern and low western part of the study area was dominated by high vulnerability classes, while the middle part was characterized by moderate vulnerability classes. Based on the vulnerability analysis, it was found that 2% and 39% of BCA is under low and high vulnerability to groundwater contamination, respectively, while more than 52% and 5% of the area of BCA can be designated as an area of moderate and very high vulnerability to groundwater contamination, respectively. The GIS technique has provided an efficient environment for analyses and high capabilities of handling a large amount of spatial data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Investigating natural, potential, and human-induced impacts on hydrologic systems commonly requires complex modeling with overlapping data requirements, plus massive amounts of one- to four-dimensional data at multiple scales and formats. Given the complexity of most hydrologic studies, the requisite software infrastructure must incorporate many components including simulation modeling and spatial analysis with a flexible, intuitive display. Integrating geographic information systems (GIS) and scientific visualization systems (SVS) provides such an infrastructure. This paper describes an integrated system consisting of an orographic precipitation model, a GIS, and an SVS. The results of this study provide a basis for improving the understanding of hydro-climatic processes in mountainous regions. An additional benefit of the integrated system, the value of which is often underestimated, is the improved ability to communicate model results, leading to a broader understanding of the model assumptions, sensitivities, and conclusions at a management level.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Watershed management decision making is a complex process. Cooperation and communication among federal, state, and local stakeholders is required while balancing biophysical and socioeconomic concerns. The public is taking part in environmental decisions, and the need for technology transfer from public agencies to stakeholders is increasing. Information technology has had a profound influence on watershed management over the past decade. Advances in data acquisition through remote sensing, data utilization through geographic information systems (GIS), and data sharing through the Internet have provided watershed managers access to more information for management decisions. In the future, applications incorporating hydrologic simulation models, GIS, and decision support systems will be deployed through the Internet. In addition to challenges in making complex modeling technology available to diverse audiences, new information technology issues, such as interoperability, Internet access, and security, are introduced when GIS, simulation models, and decision support systems are integrated in an Internet environment. This paper presents a review of current use of information technology in watershed management decision making and a discussion of issues created when developing Internet based, integrated watershed management decision support systems. A prototype spatial decision support system (SDSS) for rangeland watershed management was developed using web services, which are components that communicate using text based messages, thus eliminating proprietary protocols. This new framework provides an extensible, accessible, and interoperable approach for SDSS.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In the environmental and agricultural conservation planning process, more efficient and effective tools are needed for planners to assist private landowners with making wiser land use decisions. Current methods are slow, inefficient, and costly. Scientific techniques have not been fully implemented within the planning process, yet such plans are increasingly needed to meet water quality and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements. The objectives of this study are to (a) utilize the web for accessing an integrated science‐based land use decision support system; (b) link decision tools, models, and databases to the user via the web; (c) link distributed models and databases for enhanced planning efficiency; and (d) integrate the above into an easily usable and readily accessible system. The procedures resulting in the initial design involved planning expertise and focus groups' input. The system was developed in partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and several state agencies. A survey of 150 certified conservation planners, the end users, was conducted to identify the data sets and planning tools needed. Data, tools, and models then were selected and integrated into a web accessible system. Specifically, the first generation used a web interactive Geographic Information System (GIS) that overlaid onto digital orthoquads and/or soils polygons field boundaries, transportation, hydrologic features (such as drains, rivers, lakes, etc.), and high pesticide risk runoff or infiltration areas. Conservation planners found they could save time with the system. Clients could access the system quickly to help them prepare for meeting with their planner. Previously acquiring GIS maps in some cases had been a lengthy process that limited use of the information in land use decisions.  相似文献   

张艳军 《四川环境》2010,29(1):47-50,64
从三峡库区水环境安全预警平台背景作用与意义,提出基于SOA的B/S与C/S相结合的技术架构设计及数据库层、组件服务层和集成应用层3层架构体系,探索GIS多源数据标准、GIS与模型库以及基于WebService接口的应用服务的平台集成技术实现;指出研究成果在水环境管理应用中不断完善。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Non-point source pollution cuntinues to be an important environmental and water quality management problem. For the moat part, analysis of non-point source pollution in watersheds has depended on the use of distributed models to identify potential problem areas and to assess the effectiveness of alternative management practices. To effectively use these models for watershed water quality management, users depend on integrated geographic information systems (GIS)-based interfaces for input/output data management. However, existing interfaces are ad-hoc and the utility of GIS is limited to organization of input data and display of output data. A highly interactive water quality modeling interface that utilizes the functional components and analytical capability of GIS is highly desirable. This paper describes the tight coupling of the Agricultural Non-point Source (AGNPS) water quality model and ARC/INFO GIS software to provide an interactive hybrid modeling environment for evaluation of non-point source pollution in a watershed. The modeling environment is designed to generate AGNPS input parameters from user-specified GIS coverages, create AGNPS input data files, control AGNPS model simulations, and extract and organize AGNPS model output data for display. An example application involving the estimation of pesticide loading in a southern Iowa agricultural watershed demonstrates the capability of the modeling environment. Compared with traditional methods of watershed water quality modeling using the AGNPS model or other ad-hoc interfaces between a distributed model and GIS, the interactive modeling environment system is efficient and significantly reduces the task of watershed analysis using tightly coupled GIS databases and distributed models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are being used increasingly as a method of preparing, analyzing, and displaying data for watershed analysis and modeling. Although GIS technology is a powerful tool for integrating and analyzing watershed characteristics, the initial preparation of the necessary database is often a time consuming and costly endeavor. This demonstration project assesses the viability of creating a cost-effective spatial database for urban stormwater modeling from existing digital and hard-copy data sources. The GIS was used to provide input parameters to the Source Loading and Management Model (SLANM), an empirical urban stormwater quality model. Land use characteristics, drainage boundaries, and soils information were geocoded and referenced to a base data layer consisting of transportation features. GIS overlay and data manipulation capabilities were utilized to preprocess the input data for the model. Model output was analyzed through postprocessing by GIS, and results were compared to a similar recent modeling study of the same watershed. The project, undertaken for a small urban watershed located in Plymouth, Minnesota, successfully demonstrates that the use of GIS in stormwater management can allow even small communities to reap the benefits of stormwater quality modeling.  相似文献   

为了实现对茂县水资源的高效利用,将水资源开发利用评价的知识与地理信息系统结合在一起,设计出一个基于GIS的水资源开发利用评价系统,从而对茂县的水资源合理利用和加大开发提供一个有力支持,以满足对茂县经济社会发展的要求。本文对该系统的需求分析、系统结构、数据、系统各功能、系统实现进行了说明。  相似文献   

基于数字城市的理念,将信息技术和社会经济环境(SEE)问题结合起来,将GIS与网络技术相结合,基于GIS空间分析功能中的空间查询和量算功能,提出了城市SEE信息查询系统的框架,实现了城市生态环境及可持续发展基础信息的整理。  相似文献   

Economic costs, water quantity/quality benefits, and cost effectiveness of agricultural best management practices (BMPs) at a watershed scale are increasingly examined using integrated economic‐hydrologic models. However, these models are typically complex and not user‐friendly for examining the effects of various BMP scenarios. In this study, an open source geographic information system (GIS)‐based decision support system (DSS), named the watershed evaluation of BMPs (WEBs), was developed for creating BMP scenarios and simulating economic costs and water quantity/quality benefits at farm field, subbasin, and watershed scales. This DSS or WEBs interface integrated a farm economic model, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), and an optimization model within Whitebox Geospatial Analysis Tools (GAT), an open source GIS software. The DSS was applied to the 14.3‐km2 Gully Creek watershed, a coastal watershed in southern Ontario, Canada that drains directly into Lake Huron. BMPs that were evaluated included conservation tillage, nutrient management, cover crop, and water and sediment control basins. In addition to assessing economic costs, water quantity/quality benefits, and cost effectiveness of BMPs, the DSS can be also used to examine prioritized BMP types/locations and corresponding economic and water quantity/quality tradeoffs in the study watershed based on environmental targets or budget constraints. Further developments of the DSS including interface transfer to other watersheds are also discussed. Editor's note : This paper is part of the featured series on SWAT Applications for Emerging Hydrologic and Water Quality Challenges. See the February 2017 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   

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